Tired of the Corruption? Then get off your lazy asses and Do THIS !

Have you been to Scandinavia?
That Finland 800 mile border with Russia is a potential nuclear war issue. Only morons would have made them a NATO nation. Then it rounds up to the Arctic northern borders of Sweden and Norway along with Finland where Russia is growling.
Have you been to Scandinavia?
What is Democratic Socialism? - Democratic Socialists of America (DSA)

"Capitalism is a system designed by the owning class to exploit the rest of us for their own profit. We must replace it with democratic socialism, a system where ordinary people have a real voice in our workplaces, neighborhoods, and society.

We believe there are many avenues that feed into the democratic road to socialism. Our vision pushes further than historic social democracy and leaves behind authoritarian visions of socialism in the dustbin of history.

We want a democracy that creates space for us all to flourish not just survive and answers the fundamental questions of our lives with the input of all. We want to collectively own the key economic drivers that dominate our lives, such as energy production and transportation. We want the multiracial working class united in solidarity instead of divided by fear. We want to win “radical” reforms like single-payer Medicare for All, defunding the police/refunding communities, the Green New Deal, and more as a transition to a freer, more just life.

We want a democracy powered by everyday people. The capitalist class tells us we are powerless, but together we can take back control."

About Us - Democratic Socialists of America (DSA)

"We are socialists because we reject an international economic order sustained by private profit, alienated labor, race and gender discrimination, environmental destruction, and brutality and violence in defense of the status quo."

Get Rail Back on Track: Public Ownership Now! - Democratic Socialists of America (DSA)

"The Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) proudly fights for the abolition of capitalism and the creation of a democratically run economy that provides for people’s needs, not profit. As long as the profit motive remains in place, companies will neuter any regulations through regulatory capture. Private ownership needs no stake in a de facto public good that carries 30% of domestic cargo in ton-miles. Therefore, DSA is proud to join Railroad Workers United (RWU) and United Electrical, Radio & Machine Workers of America (UE) in their demand for Congress to pass legislation placing railroads under public ownership immediately. "

DSA Constitution & Bylaws - Democratic Socialists of America (DSA)

"We are socialists because we share a vision of a humane social order based on popular control of resources and production, economic planning, equitable distribution, feminism, racial equality and non-oppressive relationships."

The main way Socialists and Communists are taking over is by getting ELECTED (IMAGINE THAT) to government offices where they then get full control.
City of Margate Florida is a perfect example.

This is a unique Florida city DEEP in the South, that has NewYork and NewJersey dominated City Commission and mayor.
These NY and NJ transplants have found southerners to be perfect subjects because they are lazy and scare easily into remaining quiet and apathetic.
They then slowly eliminate anyone who is not on their side from City positions, leaving a gestapo in full command.
Even the Police department is under their thumb enforcing crazy oppressive city codes and intimidating the citizens into quiet compliance.

Unsurprisingly, the salaries and pay for all these gang members is FAR above state average.
That's right, the Margate Criminal Mob pays themselves fantastic and inflated salaries at taxpayer expense while neglecting the citizens needs
and mocking them openly.

If you go down there and complain you'll soon understand the brick wall of protection they've set up for themselves.
every government employee is behind expensive 2 inch thick bullet proof glass.
You can only reach government officials via lobby phones.
Their badged henchmen are at all city council meetings to intimidate and remove you if you get out of hand (speak up at all).
They rip off contractors who are not in their pocket by forcing them to take exceptionally low bids and then make them do extras they don't even pay them for. Guess where that money ends up?

I live over 100 miles away but the city government there is becoming notorious.
This is happening everywhere.


ICLEI funds these candidates, not just in the US, worldwide.

About all you can do is vet your local politicians the best you can, and I know it's a snoozefest, but people

need to exercise due diligence in voting for local politicians.

If they espouse any kind of "sustainability" or "climate change" garbage, vote for the other guy.

I'd stay from any Democrats at this point in time. They are wholly in the tank to take down America.

It's possible some local pols mean well and are still Democrats, but that will be the exception to the rule.
Are you aware that democratic socialism is a form of communism?

You mean like the VA hospitals, US postal service and public schools????

ICLEI funds these candidates, not just in the US, worldwide.

About all you can do is vet your local politicians the best you can, and I know it's a snoozefest, but people

need to exercise due diligence in voting for local politicians.

If they espouse any kind of "sustainability" or "climate change" garbage, vote for the other guy.

I'd stay from any Democrats at this point in time. They are wholly in the tank to take down America.

It's possible some local pols mean well and are still Democrats, but that will be the exception to the rule.

Trump claims he's going to turn "his" GOP into the Worker's Party.
Trump claims he's going to turn "his" GOP into the Worker's Party.
I think he means that he wants to reestablish a strong blue-collar middle class. In this he has the right idea. Overeducated, underemployed, heavily indebted college grads won't do the job.
You mean like the VA hospitals, US postal service and public schools????
No. Communism is when the government owns the means of production. Marxism is a form of communism predicated upon bad economics, bad sociology, and bad history. Marx thought communism would be achieved by a violent revolution of the workers. Marxists often claim to be anarchists, but communism always needs institutions (e.g. soviets) that are effectively governments. Democratic socialism is an outgrowth of Marxism, but Democratic Socialists gave up on Marx's silly ideas about economics, sociology, and history. Instead of communism by revolution they believe in communism by evolution. See, for example, Eduard Bernstein's book Evolutionary Socialism. Their modus operandi is to infiltrate institutions (e.g. schools, governments, businesses, and the military) and slowly drive society towards communism.

The main way Socialists and Communists are taking over is by getting ELECTED (IMAGINE THAT) to government offices where they then get full control.
City of Margate Florida is a perfect example.

This is a unique Florida city DEEP in the South, that has NewYork and NewJersey dominated City Commission and mayor.
These NY and NJ transplants have found southerners to be perfect subjects because they are lazy and scare easily into remaining quiet and apathetic.
They then slowly eliminate anyone who is not on their side from City positions, leaving a gestapo in full command.
Even the Police department is under their thumb enforcing crazy oppressive city codes and intimidating the citizens into quiet compliance.

Unsurprisingly, the salaries and pay for all these gang members is FAR above state average.
That's right, the Margate Criminal Mob pays themselves fantastic and inflated salaries at taxpayer expense while neglecting the citizens needs
and mocking them openly.

If you go down there and complain you'll soon understand the brick wall of protection they've set up for themselves.
every government employee is behind expensive 2 inch thick bullet proof glass.
You can only reach government officials via lobby phones.
Their badged henchmen are at all city council meetings to intimidate and remove you if you get out of hand (speak up at all).
They rip off contractors who are not in their pocket by forcing them to take exceptionally low bids and then make them do extras they don't even pay them for. Guess where that money ends up?

I live over 100 miles away but the city government there is becoming notorious.
This is happening everywhere.


Great way to win in the South is by calling southerners lazy like you just did.

The main way Socialists and Communists are taking over is by getting ELECTED (IMAGINE THAT) to government offices where they then get full control.
City of Margate Florida is a perfect example.

This is a unique Florida city DEEP in the South, that has NewYork and NewJersey dominated City Commission and mayor.
These NY and NJ transplants have found southerners to be perfect subjects because they are lazy and scare easily into remaining quiet and apathetic.
They then slowly eliminate anyone who is not on their side from City positions, leaving a gestapo in full command.
Even the Police department is under their thumb enforcing crazy oppressive city codes and intimidating the citizens into quiet compliance.

Unsurprisingly, the salaries and pay for all these gang members is FAR above state average.
That's right, the Margate Criminal Mob pays themselves fantastic and inflated salaries at taxpayer expense while neglecting the citizens needs
and mocking them openly.

If you go down there and complain you'll soon understand the brick wall of protection they've set up for themselves.
every government employee is behind expensive 2 inch thick bullet proof glass.
You can only reach government officials via lobby phones.
Their badged henchmen are at all city council meetings to intimidate and remove you if you get out of hand (speak up at all).
They rip off contractors who are not in their pocket by forcing them to take exceptionally low bids and then make them do extras they don't even pay them for. Guess where that money ends up?

I live over 100 miles away but the city government there is becoming notorious.
This is happening everywhere.


Poor Florida, the corrupt Dems invaded and brought their corruption with them. These mooching scum are really good at fleecing the taxpayers. Guess who owns most of the beach homes along the NJ shore...yeah public employees.
That's right, the Margate Criminal Mob pays themselves fantastic and inflated salaries at taxpayer expense
LOL that's only the beginning. Wait until they gift themselves 2-3 taxpayer funded pensions. That's a popular tactic up north. Work 20 years and bank a sweetheart pension. Work another 20 and bank a 2nd one.

Yes they also RIG the pensions. Did you know a popular corruption in NY/NJ is to funnel all the overtime to those about to retire. Because the pension is based on how much you earn in your final year. This gaming of the system inflates the pension way beyond what it should be. A radio station was discussing this when a lady called in to defend the cheating. She said her husband was entitled to it because he was underpaid on the job.
Keep aware that the one thing the corrupt politicians have on their side is a corrupt media. Try to stay informed and get beyond the propaganda that passes for news these days.
Keep aware that the one thing the corrupt politicians have on their side is a corrupt media. Try to stay informed and get beyond the propaganda that passes for news these days.
Sadly the corruption has spread to all levels of government employees, state, county, city. In places like NY and NJ multiple layers of overlapping fleecing of taxpayers. The culture of greed is, get yours screw everyone else.

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