Time To Vote


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Today, December 18th is an anniversary of sorts.....one of those 'great moments in science'.....sort of.

Piltdown man
See Article History
Alternative Titles: Dawson’s dawn man, Eoanthropus dawsoni
Piltdown man, (Eoanthropus dawsoni), also called Dawson’s dawn man, proposed species of extinct hominin (member of the human lineage) whose fossil remains, discovered in England in 1910–12, were later proved to be fraudulent. Piltdown man, whose fossils were sufficiently convincing to generate a scholarly controversy lasting more than 40 years, was one of the most successful hoaxes in the history of science.
Piltdown man | anthropological hoax

Now....cast your vote as to which is the 'greater' hoax.....the Piltdown Man, or Global Warming.

What about Geocentrism? ... there's still people today who believe in the Hubble Constant ... this hoax has been ongoing for a couple thousand years ...

What about modern medicine? ... that's a particularly expensive hoax ... one we're all forced to pay into no small amount ...

Maybe you should correct yourself ... it's "Climate Change" that's the hoax ... the globe is either warming or cooling, it just happens by chance to be warming right now ... slightly ...

I'm voting for the hoax that beer makes us fat ... lack of exercise makes us fat ... beer is good for us ... they lie who say different ... dammit ...

Piltdown man was used to firm up the belief that homo sapiens is a very recent addition to the evolutionary tree for those who believe homo sapiens has only been around for around 100,000 years thereby substantiating Darwin.

I feel the new "scientific consensus" attitude that has developed in the "scientific community" is a greater threat to science than Piltdown Man or global warming, on thier own.


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What about Geocentrism? ... there's still people today who believe in the Hubble Constant ... this hoax has been ongoing for a couple thousand years ...

What about modern medicine? ... that's a particularly expensive hoax ... one we're all forced to pay into no small amount ...

Maybe you should correct yourself ... it's "Climate Change" that's the hoax ... the globe is either warming or cooling, it just happens by chance to be warming right now ... slightly ...

I'm voting for the hoax that beer makes us fat ... lack of exercise makes us fat ... beer is good for us ... they lie who say different ... dammit ...

I don't know who produces the most hoaxes.....'scientists' or the Democrat Party.

Let's vote on that, too.

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