Time to solve the muslim problem


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
This is not a difficult problem to solve:

The US announces a new ZERO TOLERANCE policy. Any act of aggression against any US entity (military, business, embassy, etc.) results in complete & total obliteration. It is far time we break out the nuclear arsenal and remind the world why you don't fuck with the U.S. Japan went from being a nation of maniacs (kamikazes sound familiar?) aligned with the Adolf Hitler & Benito Mussolini to a very productive member of the global community just by dropping a couple of nukes on their head.

The fact is, the more the idiot liberal Dumbocrat has attempted to play nice-nice with these useless animals, the more they have emboldened them.
This is not a difficult problem to solve:

The US announces a new ZERO TOLERANCE policy. Any act of aggression against any US entity (military, business, embassy, etc.) results in complete & total obliteration. It is far time we break out the nuclear arsenal and remind the world why you don't fuck with the U.S. Japan went from being a nation of maniacs (kamikazes sound familiar?) aligned with the Adolf Hitler & Benito Mussolini to a very productive member of the global community just by dropping a couple of nukes on their head.

The fact is, the more the idiot liberal Dumbocrat has attempted to play nice-nice with these useless animals, the more they have emboldened them.

"Just before the Republican nominating convention in 1904, a rich American-born man named Perdicaris was abducted in Tangier by a bandit named Rasuli, who demanded a ransom. Roosevelt sent U.S. warships to Tangier with an ultimatum: "Perdicaris alive or Rasuli dead." The businessman was freed after the election."
The Most Consequential Elections in History: Theodore Roosevelt and the Election of 1904 - US News and World Report

Today, with an ineffectual windbag in the White House.....things are very different.
This is not a difficult problem to solve:

The US announces a new ZERO TOLERANCE policy. Any act of aggression against any US entity (military, business, embassy, etc.) results in complete & total obliteration. It is far time we break out the nuclear arsenal and remind the world why you don't fuck with the U.S. Japan went from being a nation of maniacs (kamikazes sound familiar?) aligned with the Adolf Hitler & Benito Mussolini to a very productive member of the global community just by dropping a couple of nukes on their head.

The fact is, the more the idiot liberal Dumbocrat has attempted to play nice-nice with these useless animals, the more they have emboldened them.

I've spotted a Loony!
This is not a difficult problem to solve:

The US announces a new ZERO TOLERANCE policy. Any act of aggression against any US entity (military, business, embassy, etc.) results in complete & total obliteration. It is far time we break out the nuclear arsenal and remind the world why you don't fuck with the U.S. Japan went from being a nation of maniacs (kamikazes sound familiar?) aligned with the Adolf Hitler & Benito Mussolini to a very productive member of the global community just by dropping a couple of nukes on their head.

The fact is, the more the idiot liberal Dumbocrat has attempted to play nice-nice with these useless animals, the more they have emboldened them.

Hey look everybody, let's start world war III because of a single death(not the only death that happened, but it's the one that is focused on)!

Jesus will Save us!

Rottweiler, it's a good thing you're not in power, because you're a MOTHER FUCKING LUNATIC!

You're talking about Hitler... and yet you're suggesting indiscriminate genocide by nuking, which will surpass anything Hitler ever accomplished in the name of evil.

You would be worse than Hitler.
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American Christian Taliban lunatics are dangerous to world peace. I wish they would soon get raptured.

Rottweiler is probably going to end up murdering an innocent Muslim family here in the States... if he's capable of that kind of horrific vision of retaliation.

I mean, what else left is there to do to somebody who doesn't have any actual US military power against the "useless muslims" he's talking about? He'll start small.
Cut off ALL Foreign Aid to the Middle East and Muslim countries. Then bomb their military bases that we paid for and destroy their weapons and equipment. Then sit back and watch them by satellite kill each other. They'll send each other back to the 10th century in no time.

This is not a difficult problem to solve:

The US announces a new ZERO TOLERANCE policy. Any act of aggression against any US entity (military, business, embassy, etc.) results in complete & total obliteration. It is far time we break out the nuclear arsenal and remind the world why you don't fuck with the U.S. Japan went from being a nation of maniacs (kamikazes sound familiar?) aligned with the Adolf Hitler & Benito Mussolini to a very productive member of the global community just by dropping a couple of nukes on their head.

The fact is, the more the idiot liberal Dumbocrat has attempted to play nice-nice with these useless animals, the more they have emboldened them.

You're right.............Japan did surrender after the bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

However..............at that time, the USA was the only country with a working nuclear weapon, Germany's program was still in it's infancy when they surrendered.

Now? Well, there are many nations that have nuclear weapons, and we're not the only one. Pakistan has 'em, and don't you think that if we nuke one of their places into glass that they're going to retaliate?

Under your suggestion, eventually everyone would be blowing nukes, and the planet (as well as the human race) would be no more.
This makes me miss my rottweiler, Calibos (named after a character from Clash of the Titans). He was very protective and just as quick to action. Unfortunately, he was just as stupid.

Yeah, these guys hated us to begin with, now they hate us more because we occupy and blow the shit out of their sacred land, they hate us even more because we kill hundreds of thousands of innocents, I think we need to blow some MORE shit up! Woo hoo!

U-S-A! U-S-A! Hyuk hyuk! Let's get drunk 'n drive around in my pickup and shoot up some shit 'n stuff!


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Rottweiller would be better served if he knew that there were weapons in the U.S. arsenal which are much more effective for pinpoint targeting, and, since they're conventional (non nuke), theres less chance of destroying the planet.

Tomahawk missiles would be more effective.
While I happen to agree that Obama's Policy in the Middle east has only served to project weakness and encourage our enemies, I have to say the rest of what you said is sheer Lunacy.

No explanation as to why it is "sheer lunacy"?

We have a zero tolerance policy in schools and nobody dies in schools.

What is wrong with having a zero tolerance policy on people killing Americans? Seems very rational and logical to me.
Rottweiller would be better served if he knew that there were weapons in the U.S. arsenal which are much more effective for pinpoint targeting, and, since they're conventional (non nuke), theres less chance of destroying the planet.

Tomahawk missiles would be more effective.

Except that tomahawk's will take out muslims in a 30 yard radius. So unless you won't to drop 400,000,000,000,000 tomahawk's, it would make a whole hell of a lot more sense to drop a few nukes.
While I happen to agree that Obama's Policy in the Middle east has only served to project weakness and encourage our enemies, I have to say the rest of what you said is sheer Lunacy.

No explanation as to why it is "sheer lunacy"?

We have a zero tolerance policy in schools and nobody dies in schools.

What is wrong with having a zero tolerance policy on people killing Americans? Seems very rational and logical to me.

Really? Columbine never happened? Virginia Tech? All the other school shootings that have gone on as of late?

Are you that fucking stupid?
Rottweiller would be better served if he knew that there were weapons in the U.S. arsenal which are much more effective for pinpoint targeting, and, since they're conventional (non nuke), theres less chance of destroying the planet.

Tomahawk missiles would be more effective.

Except that tomahawk's will take out muslims in a 30 yard radius. So unless you won't to drop 400,000,000,000,000 tomahawk's, it would make a whole hell of a lot more sense to drop a few nukes.

Yeah..............kill a lot of innocents and piss off the whole world.

Brilliant strategy.
While I happen to agree that Obama's Policy in the Middle east has only served to project weakness and encourage our enemies, I have to say the rest of what you said is sheer Lunacy.

No explanation as to why it is "sheer lunacy"?

We have a zero tolerance policy in schools and nobody dies in schools.

What is wrong with having a zero tolerance policy on people killing Americans? Seems very rational and logical to me.

Yes... because we fucking nuke children who break school policy.

So how long is it until you murder an innocent Muslim family? After all, you gotta start somewhere to kill all those Muslims you mother fucking crusader.
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