Time to indict Holder as accessory to Brian Terry's Murder


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Dec 14, 2011 marked the one year anniversary of Border Guard Brian Terry's murder. The time has come to get to the bottom of Obama's "fast and furious", the lies and redacted documents keep piling up, and we are no closer to the truth.

Liberal Bible Wikipedia defines an accessory as "An accessory is a person who assists in the commission of a crime, but who does not actually participate in the commission of the crime as a joint principal." Under this standard Eric Holder is an accessory to Brian Terry's murder and should be indicted. His lies, perversion, evasions and outright criminal coverup all evidence a consciousness of guilt.

It's time to indict Eric Holder as an accessory to Brian Terry's murder
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You know this goes back to the Bush administration right? That's why you haven't heard anything about Issa's investigation. Holder is calling the Republicans bluff. And I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for some Republican with any guts to push this.

This scandal is big, really big. I'm not exaggerating when I say it could take out at least half of Congress and the President. Our gov't is corrupt Frank, on both sides.

Only Ron Paul talks about Constitutional gov't which is the Silver Bullet for all this corruption. Just watch, Democrats AND Republicans will work hard to bring down Ron Paul. You see what they're doing in Iowa and Virginia?

It's only just started.
You know this goes back to the Bush administration right? That's why you haven't heard anything about Issa's investigation. Holder is calling the Republicans bluff. And I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for some Republican with any guts to push this.

This scandal is big, really big. I'm not exaggerating when I say it could take out at least half of Congress and the President. Our gov't is corrupt Frank, on both sides.

Only Ron Paul talks about Constitutional gov't which is the Silver Bullet for all this corruption. Just watch, Democrats AND Republicans will work hard to bring down Ron Paul. You see what they're doing in Iowa and Virginia?

It's only just started.

Do you do facts? The Bush program transferred less then 500 weapons and was a JOINT effort between the US and Mexico. It was CANCELED because the Mexican Government could not track the weapons.

Fast and Furious made absolutely NO effort in the US or in Mexico to track the weapons. The Mexican Government was not even informed. The same people in the Bureau ran the operations so they KNEW they could not track the weapons. THEY KNEW with out Mexican help they had nothing but a gun running operation. They transferred at or more then 2000 weapons. The specific weapons used in the MURDER were from FAST AND FURIOUS.

Even if the program were legit by moving to cover it up, to lie to Congress and the American people, to refuse to turn over documents to Congress, these are all CRIMINAL activities. Congress has direct oversight of the Justice Department, the FBI and the ATF. The committee chairman at the least as well as any other critical committee member of that specific committee are cleared for full disclosure. Redacted documents are only required for public dissemination. Holder has refused to disclose, he has refused to release documents, he has sent redacted documents to the committee. He has been caught telling a lie at least once. The Justice Department ADMITS they knew about the original program, which means they KNEW it did not work. Yet SOMEONE at Justice authorized a bastardized version of the same program.

Further the ATF gave to the FBI documentation from a program they knew they were running that claimed the illegal sale of weapons was a dire threat on the border. This information was used to try and push for more restrictive laws. Hell the program actually had agents selling directly to criminals.
I don't care how deep the scandal goes- we need to indict.

You need evidence first, not partisan contrivance and speculation.

Your desire to ‘indict’ is motivated by politics, not the law; it’s a pathetic and transparent attempt to influence an election to your advantage that you know you’ll otherwise lose.
I don't care how deep the scandal goes- we need to indict.

You need evidence first, not partisan contrivance and speculation.

Your desire to ‘indict’ is motivated by politics, not the law; it’s a pathetic and transparent attempt to influence an election to your advantage that you know you’ll otherwise lose.

Evidence? You mean like the fact every senior person involved in the program that has no way to claim they knew nothing of it has been transferred and either promoted or given a better paying job? After we were told heads would roll? You mean like e-mails that clearly indicate that when Holder told Congress he knew nothing he in fact had been briefed? You mean like that?
Dec 14, 2011 marked the one year anniversary of Border Guard Brian Terry's murder. The time has come to get to the bottom of Obama's "fast and furious", the lies and redacted documents keep piling up, and we are no closer to the truth.

Liberal Bible Wikipedia defines an accessory as "An accessory is a person who assists in the commission of a crime, but who does not actually participate in the commission of the crime as a joint principal." Under this standard Eric Holder is an accessory to Brian Terry's murder and should be indicted. His lies, perversion, evasions and outright criminal coverup all evidence a consciousness of guilt.

It's time to indict Eric Holder as an accessory to Brian Terry's murder

Holder is not cooperating, there have been lies told and they altered documents to keep the full truth from coming out. I think several need to go down for this. I doubt we'll ever have an accurate count of the number of times these guns have been used, but thousands have been murdered by drug cartels in Mexico. It's a good thing some agents are talking. Agents came forth recently and revealed that this whole lamebrained Fast and Furious scheme was a prelude to calls for gun control. The blame was supposed to go to the gun sellers in our country and they were going to call for more restrictions on sales. Only some ignorant control freaks could come up with something like this.

Brian Terry's family should sue the DOJ.
I don't care how deep the scandal goes- we need to indict.

You need evidence first, not partisan contrivance and speculation.

Your desire to ‘indict’ is motivated by politics, not the law; it’s a pathetic and transparent attempt to influence an election to your advantage that you know you’ll otherwise lose.

Evidence? You mean like the fact every senior person involved in the program that has no way to claim they knew nothing of it has been transferred and either promoted or given a better paying job? After we were told heads would roll? You mean like e-mails that clearly indicate that when Holder told Congress he knew nothing he in fact had been briefed? You mean like that?

Holder discussed Fast and Furious in a speech long before this scheme was exposed. Prick. They sue states because they don't approve of breaking immigration laws, yet they do something like this and act as if they are above the law.
Dec 14, 2011 marked the one year anniversary of Border Guard Brian Terry's murder. The time has come to get to the bottom of Obama's "fast and furious", the lies and redacted documents keep piling up, and we are no closer to the truth.

Liberal Bible Wikipedia defines an accessory as "An accessory is a person who assists in the commission of a crime, but who does not actually participate in the commission of the crime as a joint principal." Under this standard Eric Holder is an accessory to Brian Terry's murder and should be indicted. His lies, perversion, evasions and outright criminal coverup all evidence a consciousness of guilt.

It's time to indict Eric Holder as an accessory to Brian Terry's murder

I don't support Holder at all on any of this.

But let me just take a page out of the conservative playbook just for amusement factor and suggest that nothing should be done because it's in the past. Everybody who does bad things in the past gets to walk because it's the past, not the present! We don't have time to dwell on the past!
Republicans sent thousands of Americans to their deaths in Iraq.

They scream "Let him die".

Then they are "outraged" over a death Obama and his administration had nothing to do with?

I don't care how deep the scandal goes- we need to indict.
You need evidence first, not partisan contrivance and speculation.

Your desire to ‘indict’ is motivated by politics, not the law; it’s a pathetic and transparent attempt to influence an election to your advantage that you know you’ll otherwise lose.

Let me get this straight, when Zander said he doesn't care if this goes back to Bush and directly implicates him he was being a partisan hack because he is only worried about making Democrats look bad.

Somebody is being a hack, but it isn't Zander.
Dec 14, 2011 marked the one year anniversary of Border Guard Brian Terry's murder. The time has come to get to the bottom of Obama's "fast and furious", the lies and redacted documents keep piling up, and we are no closer to the truth.

Liberal Bible Wikipedia defines an accessory as "An accessory is a person who assists in the commission of a crime, but who does not actually participate in the commission of the crime as a joint principal." Under this standard Eric Holder is an accessory to Brian Terry's murder and should be indicted. His lies, perversion, evasions and outright criminal coverup all evidence a consciousness of guilt.

It's time to indict Eric Holder as an accessory to Brian Terry's murder

I don't support Holder at all on any of this.

But let me just take a page out of the conservative playbook just for amusement factor and suggest that nothing should be done because it's in the past. Everybody who does bad things in the past gets to walk because it's the past, not the present! We don't have time to dwell on the past!

Yeah right in the past. A year ago, stupid. Holder is STILL the AG.
Thanks for playing.
Dec 14, 2011 marked the one year anniversary of Border Guard Brian Terry's murder. The time has come to get to the bottom of Obama's "fast and furious", the lies and redacted documents keep piling up, and we are no closer to the truth.

Liberal Bible Wikipedia defines an accessory as "An accessory is a person who assists in the commission of a crime, but who does not actually participate in the commission of the crime as a joint principal." Under this standard Eric Holder is an accessory to Brian Terry's murder and should be indicted. His lies, perversion, evasions and outright criminal coverup all evidence a consciousness of guilt.

It's time to indict Eric Holder as an accessory to Brian Terry's murder


I thought you guys were 100% that this whole F&F thing was in the bag back in August..........
Dec 14, 2011 marked the one year anniversary of Border Guard Brian Terry's murder. The time has come to get to the bottom of Obama's "fast and furious", the lies and redacted documents keep piling up, and we are no closer to the truth.

Liberal Bible Wikipedia defines an accessory as "An accessory is a person who assists in the commission of a crime, but who does not actually participate in the commission of the crime as a joint principal." Under this standard Eric Holder is an accessory to Brian Terry's murder and should be indicted. His lies, perversion, evasions and outright criminal coverup all evidence a consciousness of guilt.

It's time to indict Eric Holder as an accessory to Brian Terry's murder

I don't support Holder at all on any of this.

But let me just take a page out of the conservative playbook just for amusement factor and suggest that nothing should be done because it's in the past. Everybody who does bad things in the past gets to walk because it's the past, not the present! We don't have time to dwell on the past!

We have a dead US Border Guard here
Dec 14, 2011 marked the one year anniversary of Border Guard Brian Terry's murder. The time has come to get to the bottom of Obama's "fast and furious", the lies and redacted documents keep piling up, and we are no closer to the truth.

Liberal Bible Wikipedia defines an accessory as "An accessory is a person who assists in the commission of a crime, but who does not actually participate in the commission of the crime as a joint principal." Under this standard Eric Holder is an accessory to Brian Terry's murder and should be indicted. His lies, perversion, evasions and outright criminal coverup all evidence a consciousness of guilt.

It's time to indict Eric Holder as an accessory to Brian Terry's murder

I don't support Holder at all on any of this.

But let me just take a page out of the conservative playbook just for amusement factor and suggest that nothing should be done because it's in the past. Everybody who does bad things in the past gets to walk because it's the past, not the present! We don't have time to dwell on the past!

We have a dead US Border Guard here

It would be endearing if you really gave a fuck and weren't just interested in scoring cheap political points.
Republicans sent thousands of Americans to their deaths in Iraq.

They scream "Let him die".

Then they are "outraged" over a death Obama and his administration had nothing to do with?


Take your meds
I don't support Holder at all on any of this.

But let me just take a page out of the conservative playbook just for amusement factor and suggest that nothing should be done because it's in the past. Everybody who does bad things in the past gets to walk because it's the past, not the present! We don't have time to dwell on the past!

We have a dead US Border Guard here

It would be endearing if you really gave a fuck and weren't just interested in scoring cheap political points.

Been talking about this for a year now so you go fuck yourself and fluff obama and not necessarily in that order
Do you do facts? The Bush program transferred less then 500 weapons and was a JOINT effort between the US and Mexico. It was CANCELED because the Mexican Government could not track the weapons.
Do you do facts? ATF wanted to expand the program during the Bush administration. You're not in the Military anymore, stop being a mindless drone! Wake the fuck up!:
November 16th 2007 (That would be during the Bush Administration IDIOT!)

Oath of Enlistment:
"I, XXXXXXXXXX, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United Stateshttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constitution_of_the_United_States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officershttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Officer_(armed_forces) appointed over me, according to regulations and the UCMJ. So help me God."
You swore this oath, you were all proud when you did it. HOW ABOUT FUCKING FOLLOWING THROUGH WITH IT?
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I don't care how deep the scandal goes- we need to indict.

You need evidence first, not partisan contrivance and speculation.

Your desire to ‘indict’ is motivated by politics, not the law; it’s a pathetic and transparent attempt to influence an election to your advantage that you know you’ll otherwise lose.
Nice try asswipe. I want the people that made these decisions to be indicted and I don't care what party they are from.

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