Time to face the facts


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
Seems that everybody here is an expert on blacks. Now is the time to face the facts.

The hard cold facts.

The Racial Wealth Gap: Why Policy Matters

As the United States rapidly becomes both a more diverse and unequal nation, policymakers face the urgent challenge of confronting growing wealth gaps by race and ethnicity. To create a more equitable and secure future, we must shift away from public policies that fuel and exacerbate racial disparities in wealth. But which policies can truly begin to reduce our country’s expanding racial divergences?

Until now there has been no systematic analysis of the types of public policies that offer the most potential for reducing the racial wealth gap. This paper pioneers a new tool, the Racial Wealth AuditTM, and uses it to evaluate the impact of housing, education, and labor markets on the wealth gap between white, Black, and Latino households and assesses how far policies that equalize outcomes in these areas could go toward reducing the gap. Drawing on data from the nationally representative Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) collected in 2011, the analysis tests how current racial disparities in wealth would be projected to change if key contributing factors to the racial wealth gap were equalized.

The Racial Wealth Gap: Why Policy Matters | Demos

We will start by discussing this study. This study says the economic gap between races which is at the root of the problem in the black community and Hispanic community is due to public policy decisions.
Seems that everybody here is an expert on blacks. Now is the time to face the facts.

The hard cold facts.

The Racial Wealth Gap: Why Policy Matters

As the United States rapidly becomes both a more diverse and unequal nation, policymakers face the urgent challenge of confronting growing wealth gaps by race and ethnicity. To create a more equitable and secure future, we must shift away from public policies that fuel and exacerbate racial disparities in wealth. But which policies can truly begin to reduce our country’s expanding racial divergences?

Until now there has been no systematic analysis of the types of public policies that offer the most potential for reducing the racial wealth gap. This paper pioneers a new tool, the Racial Wealth AuditTM, and uses it to evaluate the impact of housing, education, and labor markets on the wealth gap between white, Black, and Latino households and assesses how far policies that equalize outcomes in these areas could go toward reducing the gap. Drawing on data from the nationally representative Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) collected in 2011, the analysis tests how current racial disparities in wealth would be projected to change if key contributing factors to the racial wealth gap were equalized.

The Racial Wealth Gap: Why Policy Matters | Demos

We will start by discussing this study. This study says the economic gap between races which is at the root of the problem in the black community and Hispanic community is due to public policy decisions.

Well there is only one thing to do, hand over more power to those in government to redistribute the wealth as they see fit.

Sure, they are wealthy to but only good people are selected for such positions and can be trusted 100%.......unless they are an orange color, but I think that is only common sense.
Seems that everybody here is an expert on blacks. Now is the time to face the facts.

The hard cold facts.

The Racial Wealth Gap: Why Policy Matters

As the United States rapidly becomes both a more diverse and unequal nation, policymakers face the urgent challenge of confronting growing wealth gaps by race and ethnicity. To create a more equitable and secure future, we must shift away from public policies that fuel and exacerbate racial disparities in wealth. But which policies can truly begin to reduce our country’s expanding racial divergences?

Until now there has been no systematic analysis of the types of public policies that offer the most potential for reducing the racial wealth gap. This paper pioneers a new tool, the Racial Wealth AuditTM, and uses it to evaluate the impact of housing, education, and labor markets on the wealth gap between white, Black, and Latino households and assesses how far policies that equalize outcomes in these areas could go toward reducing the gap. Drawing on data from the nationally representative Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) collected in 2011, the analysis tests how current racial disparities in wealth would be projected to change if key contributing factors to the racial wealth gap were equalized.

The Racial Wealth Gap: Why Policy Matters | Demos

We will start by discussing this study. This study says the economic gap between races which is at the root of the problem in the black community and Hispanic community is due to public policy decisions.

Well there is only one thing to do, hand over more power to those in government to redistribute the wealth as they see fit.

Sure, they are wealthy to but only good people are selected for such positions and can be trusted 100%.......unless they are an orange color, but I think that is only common sense.

This is going to be a serious discussion directly dealing with the facts.
He lost me right at the part that said "racial wealth gap were equalized"

Sounds too much like re-distribution of wealth to me, which everyone knows is BS.
How about blacks fix it themselves by rejecting thug culture.

Stop glorifying drugs and violence, pick up a book and read.
Have your grown men stop dressing and acting like 12 year olds.
Stop committing the vast majority of crimes.

There, black wage gap problem fixed, without a dime of tax money spent.
The focus is too much on income and not enough on jobs and the nature of the changing job market. It's the 21st century. There are no easy ways to make a career on a HS diploma without some kind of trade or further training. This is not a Black only issue. It's a SYSTEMIC issue that is being ignored.

21st Century jobs are going to innovators, inventors, entrepreneurs, people with multiple skills. Getting blacks on board that train is PART of the "income gap" solution.. You can compose and publish music, lit, even product designs with less than $1000 investment. BUT -- you have to understand business, and be MOVED to create things for other people.
Seems that everybody here is an expert on blacks. Now is the time to face the facts.

The hard cold facts.

The Racial Wealth Gap: Why Policy Matters

As the United States rapidly becomes both a more diverse and unequal nation, policymakers face the urgent challenge of confronting growing wealth gaps by race and ethnicity. To create a more equitable and secure future, we must shift away from public policies that fuel and exacerbate racial disparities in wealth. But which policies can truly begin to reduce our country’s expanding racial divergences?

Until now there has been no systematic analysis of the types of public policies that offer the most potential for reducing the racial wealth gap. This paper pioneers a new tool, the Racial Wealth AuditTM, and uses it to evaluate the impact of housing, education, and labor markets on the wealth gap between white, Black, and Latino households and assesses how far policies that equalize outcomes in these areas could go toward reducing the gap. Drawing on data from the nationally representative Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) collected in 2011, the analysis tests how current racial disparities in wealth would be projected to change if key contributing factors to the racial wealth gap were equalized.

The Racial Wealth Gap: Why Policy Matters | Demos

We will start by discussing this study. This study says the economic gap between races which is at the root of the problem in the black community and Hispanic community is due to public policy decisions.

Well there is only one thing to do, hand over more power to those in government to redistribute the wealth as they see fit.

Sure, they are wealthy to but only good people are selected for such positions and can be trusted 100%.......unless they are an orange color, but I think that is only common sense.

This is going to be a serious discussion directly dealing with the facts.

I admire your optimism.
It's time to put down what we have chosen to believe and look at the facts. Blacks are on board of all those trains. Entrepreneurial programs and job training have been there for at lest 50 years. Blacks are inventors and innovators today. Let's end the lectures to blacks and look at the facts. Lets not have people talking about wealth distribution for blacks when there is a very strong history of consistent wealth redistribution to whites.

So for this to work, you have to drop these central belief that whites seem to have about blacks,

Blacks are behind and are not trying to help themselves. Blacks do not have the skills necessary to start a business,. Blacks are waiting instead of innovating.

Last, this is an issue of race.

This study was put out by DEMOS in July of 2016.That's one year ago. Therefore the modern work force and all modern problems relative to todays job market have been considered.
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What you have here is not a "wealth gap", you have an "intelligence gap". And you can't fix it by redistribution.
He lost me right at the part that said "racial wealth gap were equalized"

Sounds too much like re-distribution of wealth to me, which everyone knows is BS.

Re-Distribution of wealth you say. Really?
Seems that everybody here is an expert on blacks. Now is the time to face the facts.

The hard cold facts.

The Racial Wealth Gap: Why Policy Matters

As the United States rapidly becomes both a more diverse and unequal nation, policymakers face the urgent challenge of confronting growing wealth gaps by race and ethnicity. To create a more equitable and secure future, we must shift away from public policies that fuel and exacerbate racial disparities in wealth. But which policies can truly begin to reduce our country’s expanding racial divergences?

Until now there has been no systematic analysis of the types of public policies that offer the most potential for reducing the racial wealth gap. This paper pioneers a new tool, the Racial Wealth AuditTM, and uses it to evaluate the impact of housing, education, and labor markets on the wealth gap between white, Black, and Latino households and assesses how far policies that equalize outcomes in these areas could go toward reducing the gap. Drawing on data from the nationally representative Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) collected in 2011, the analysis tests how current racial disparities in wealth would be projected to change if key contributing factors to the racial wealth gap were equalized.

The Racial Wealth Gap: Why Policy Matters | Demos

We will start by discussing this study. This study says the economic gap between races which is at the root of the problem in the black community and Hispanic community is due to public policy decisions.

Start with the Jews. And then the Asians. Then the Euromericans.
Maybe if poor Blacks starting holding their masters (the Democratic Party) responsible for results (jobs, education, business opportunities, living conditions) instead of promises to keep them on wasted lifetimes stuck in subsistence living.



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