Polish Greatness

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Gold Member
Apr 13, 2017
Putnam Lake, NY raised, Pawling, NY resident.
Considering the mockery, and slander / libel against Poles I think it's necessary.

Has any ethnic population been more scapegoated, and slandered?

There's so many negative stereotypes upon Poles, like dumb Polak, thieves, criminals, drunks, prostitutes, weak at war, using horses in WW2, starting WW2 in Bromberg Massacre, being the land of the Holocaust, being Nazi collaborators.

Most of these are downright slander / libel, or and many others are extreme exaggerations.

.1.) Are Poles dumb?
Poland in the Renaissance was the European leader in science, even the Scientific Revolution came from Poland thanks to Copernicus, and Albert Brudzewski.

Polish Americans scored a massive 109 IQ.
While Poland's IQ is considered to be 99, this is by no means low.
The PISA scores of Poland are high, the literacy rates of Poland are high, and Poland wins many intellectual competitions like the IBM Battle of the Brains Contest, the University Rover Challenge, the Google Online Marketing Challenge, Google Code Jam, among others.

So, no I wouldn't say Poles are particularly dumb.,

2.) Thieves, or criminals?

Poland was the first European country to successfully hold off slavery.

Poland had no involved in Colonialism, nor the Atlantic Slave Trade of thievery, or Criminality.

As for common criminals?

Poland's murder rate is now lower than the EU average.

There's an extreme exaggeration of Polish as being a particularly criminal population in UK media, and British circles.

But, Poles are estimated to have 6,700 or so criminals yearly, as opposed to 1.19 million criminals yearly in the UK.

This would support that 0.5% of criminals in the UK were Polish, while over 1.0% of the UK was Polish.

So, actually Poles are underrepresented in crime in the UK.

3.) Drunks?

This map shows that Poles were less likely to be diagnosed with alcoholism than most of Northern Europe.


4.) Prostitutes?

Poles have one of the latest ages for losing virginity in Europe.

While, there might be some Polish prostitutes.

Most Polish girls are if anything more prude than most of Europe.

5.) Weak at war?

I don't think anyone has won more battles when outnumbered than Poles.

Quite a few Polish battles come to mind, the Battle of Hodow, Battle of Klushino, Battle of Kircholm, Battle of Lubieszow, Battle of Trembowla, battle of fuengirola etc.

6.( While it's true that Poles had Horse units in WW2.

So did everyone else except Great Britain.

Actually the Nazis, and Soviets each had many times more Horses than Poland.

So, why do many anti-Polish Nazis, and anti-Polish Soviets ignore these facts?

7.) Bromberg Massacre starting before WW2 is not historically accepted.

But, many Nazis, or German sympathizers try, none the less.

I think the fact that Nazi Germany had claimed a Bromberg Massacre was going on since March of 1939, but invaded Czechoslovakia in March of 1939 instead of Poland says all that needs to be said.

8.) While it's true that Poland is where many Concentration Camps are located.

The Nazi Germans had annexed this land.

Furthermore Nazi Germany first put Poles into Auschwitz, rather than Jews.

Up to 100's of thousands of Poles passed through the Concentration Camps, and 100's of thousands of more Poles were killed in Nazi massacres, including Wola Massacre, the Ponary Massace, Operation Tannenberg etc.

9.) Poland was the first nation to fight the Nazis.

After the Nazis had invaded, Poland had the biggest anti-Nazi resistance in occupied Europe.

Poles had the highest number of Righteous Among the Nations risk their lives to save Holocaust victim Jews, some serious names come to mind like Eugene Lazowski, Henryk Slawik, or Irena Sendler.
(This is in spite of the fact that Poland was the only nation in occupied Europe that a death penalty was created for aiding Holocaust Jews.

Zegota was an entire Polish organization which had dedicate their time, lives, and resources to aiding Holocaust victim Jews.

With that said, Poles like all populations of Europe had some Nazi collaborators.

But, there's no recorded Polish Nazi SS units in Europe.

Furthermore even the Jews had some Nazi collaborators.
Actually the Jewish historian Emanuel Ringelblum who lived his last days in the Nazi controlled Warsaw Ghetto, had admitted that Jewish Nazi collaborators of the Jewish Ghetto Police, were more brutal than Polish Nazi collaborators of the Polish Blue Police.
Considering the mockery, and slander / libel against Poles I think it's necessary.

Has any ethnic population been more scapegoated, and slandered?

There's so many negative stereotypes upon Poles, like dumb Polak, thieves, criminals, drunks, prostitutes, weak at war, using horses in WW2, starting WW2 in Bromberg Massacre, being the land of the Holocaust, being Nazi collaborators.

Most of these are downright slander / libel, or and many others are extreme exaggerations.

.1.) Are Poles dumb?
Poland in the Renaissance was the European leader in science, even the Scientific Revolution came from Poland thanks to Copernicus, and Albert Brudzewski.

Polish Americans scored a massive 109 IQ.
While Poland's IQ is considered to be 99, this is by no means low.
The PISA scores of Poland are high, the literacy rates of Poland are high, and Poland wins many intellectual competitions like the IBM Battle of the Brains Contest, the University Rover Challenge, the Google Online Marketing Challenge, Google Code Jam, among others.

So, no I wouldn't say Poles are particularly dumb.,

2.) Thieves, or criminals?

Poland was the first European country to successfully hold off slavery.

Poland had no involved in Colonialism, nor the Atlantic Slave Trade of thievery, or Criminality.

As for common criminals?

Poland's murder rate is now lower than the EU average.

There's an extreme exaggeration of Polish as being a particularly criminal population in UK media, and British circles.

But, Poles are estimated to have 6,700 or so criminals yearly, as opposed to 1.19 million criminals yearly in the UK.

This would support that 0.5% of criminals in the UK were Polish, while over 1.0% of the UK was Polish.

So, actually Poles are underrepresented in crime in the UK.

3.) Drunks?

This map shows that Poles were less likely to be diagnosed with alcoholism than most of Northern Europe.


4.) Prostitutes?

Poles have one of the latest ages for losing virginity in Europe.

While, there might be some Polish prostitutes.

Most Polish girls are if anything more prude than most of Europe.

5.) Weak at war?

I don't think anyone has won more battles when outnumbered than Poles.

Quite a few Polish battles come to mind, the Battle of Hodow, Battle of Klushino, Battle of Kircholm, Battle of Lubieszow, Battle of Trembowla, battle of fuengirola etc.

6.( While it's true that Poles had Horse units in WW2.

So did everyone else except Great Britain.

Actually the Nazis, and Soviets each had many times more Horses than Poland.

So, why do many anti-Polish Nazis, and anti-Polish Soviets ignore these facts?

7.) Bromberg Massacre starting before WW2 is not historically accepted.

But, many Nazis, or German sympathizers try, none the less.

I think the fact that Nazi Germany had claimed a Bromberg Massacre was going on since March of 1939, but invaded Czechoslovakia in March of 1939 instead of Poland says all that needs to be said.

8.) While it's true that Poland is where many Concentration Camps are located.

The Nazi Germans had annexed this land.

Furthermore Nazi Germany first put Poles into Auschwitz, rather than Jews.

Up to 100's of thousands of Poles passed through the Concentration Camps, and 100's of thousands of more Poles were killed in Nazi massacres, including Wola Massacre, the Ponary Massace, Operation Tannenberg etc.

9.) Poland was the first nation to fight the Nazis.

After the Nazis had invaded, Poland had the biggest anti-Nazi resistance in occupied Europe.

Poles had the highest number of Righteous Among the Nations risk their lives to save Holocaust victim Jews, some serious names come to mind like Eugene Lazowski, Henryk Slawik, or Irena Sendler.
(This is in spite of the fact that Poland was the only nation in occupied Europe that a death penalty was created for aiding Holocaust Jews.

Zegota was an entire Polish organization which had dedicate their time, lives, and resources to aiding Holocaust victim Jews.

With that said, Poles like all populations of Europe had some Nazi collaborators.

But, there's no recorded Polish Nazi SS units in Europe.

Furthermore even the Jews had some Nazi collaborators.
Actually the Jewish historian Emanuel Ringelblum who lived his last days in the Nazi controlled Warsaw Ghetto, had admitted that Jewish Nazi collaborators of the Jewish Ghetto Police, were more brutal than Polish Nazi collaborators of the Polish Blue Police.

Polacks are decent people. Sorry, I'm just not as offended by this thread as the "other" one.

Y'all ain't superior to shit. That being said, Polacks are alright by me.
As boring as the first time.
No one dislikes Polish people for being Polish.
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  • #5
Considering the mockery, and slander / libel against Poles I think it's necessary.

Has any ethnic population been more scapegoated, and slandered?

There's so many negative stereotypes upon Poles, like dumb Polak, thieves, criminals, drunks, prostitutes, weak at war, using horses in WW2, starting WW2 in Bromberg Massacre, being the land of the Holocaust, being Nazi collaborators.

Most of these are downright slander / libel, or and many others are extreme exaggerations.

.1.) Are Poles dumb?
Poland in the Renaissance was the European leader in science, even the Scientific Revolution came from Poland thanks to Copernicus, and Albert Brudzewski.

Polish Americans scored a massive 109 IQ.
While Poland's IQ is considered to be 99, this is by no means low.
The PISA scores of Poland are high, the literacy rates of Poland are high, and Poland wins many intellectual competitions like the IBM Battle of the Brains Contest, the University Rover Challenge, the Google Online Marketing Challenge, Google Code Jam, among others.

So, no I wouldn't say Poles are particularly dumb.,

2.) Thieves, or criminals?

Poland was the first European country to successfully hold off slavery.

Poland had no involved in Colonialism, nor the Atlantic Slave Trade of thievery, or Criminality.

As for common criminals?

Poland's murder rate is now lower than the EU average.

There's an extreme exaggeration of Polish as being a particularly criminal population in UK media, and British circles.

But, Poles are estimated to have 6,700 or so criminals yearly, as opposed to 1.19 million criminals yearly in the UK.

This would support that 0.5% of criminals in the UK were Polish, while over 1.0% of the UK was Polish.

So, actually Poles are underrepresented in crime in the UK.

3.) Drunks?

This map shows that Poles were less likely to be diagnosed with alcoholism than most of Northern Europe.


4.) Prostitutes?

Poles have one of the latest ages for losing virginity in Europe.

While, there might be some Polish prostitutes.

Most Polish girls are if anything more prude than most of Europe.

5.) Weak at war?

I don't think anyone has won more battles when outnumbered than Poles.

Quite a few Polish battles come to mind, the Battle of Hodow, Battle of Klushino, Battle of Kircholm, Battle of Lubieszow, Battle of Trembowla, battle of fuengirola etc.

6.( While it's true that Poles had Horse units in WW2.

So did everyone else except Great Britain.

Actually the Nazis, and Soviets each had many times more Horses than Poland.

So, why do many anti-Polish Nazis, and anti-Polish Soviets ignore these facts?

7.) Bromberg Massacre starting before WW2 is not historically accepted.

But, many Nazis, or German sympathizers try, none the less.

I think the fact that Nazi Germany had claimed a Bromberg Massacre was going on since March of 1939, but invaded Czechoslovakia in March of 1939 instead of Poland says all that needs to be said.

8.) While it's true that Poland is where many Concentration Camps are located.

The Nazi Germans had annexed this land.

Furthermore Nazi Germany first put Poles into Auschwitz, rather than Jews.

Up to 100's of thousands of Poles passed through the Concentration Camps, and 100's of thousands of more Poles were killed in Nazi massacres, including Wola Massacre, the Ponary Massace, Operation Tannenberg etc.

9.) Poland was the first nation to fight the Nazis.

After the Nazis had invaded, Poland had the biggest anti-Nazi resistance in occupied Europe.

Poles had the highest number of Righteous Among the Nations risk their lives to save Holocaust victim Jews, some serious names come to mind like Eugene Lazowski, Henryk Slawik, or Irena Sendler.
(This is in spite of the fact that Poland was the only nation in occupied Europe that a death penalty was created for aiding Holocaust Jews.

Zegota was an entire Polish organization which had dedicate their time, lives, and resources to aiding Holocaust victim Jews.

With that said, Poles like all populations of Europe had some Nazi collaborators.

But, there's no recorded Polish Nazi SS units in Europe.

Furthermore even the Jews had some Nazi collaborators.
Actually the Jewish historian Emanuel Ringelblum who lived his last days in the Nazi controlled Warsaw Ghetto, had admitted that Jewish Nazi collaborators of the Jewish Ghetto Police, were more brutal than Polish Nazi collaborators of the Polish Blue Police.

Polacks are decent people. Sorry, I'm just not as offended by this thread as the "other" one.

Y'all ain't superior to shit. That being said, Polacks are alright by me.

I just thought that I'd use my interwebz, and fingertipz to say that I too can post such a thread.
  • Thread starter
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  • #7
As boring as the first time.
No one dislikes Polish people for being Polish.

How is it repetitious if this thread hasn't been posted before?
Are you on crack or is someone new using your account?
You've posted this thread about 6 times in the last few months and we're all bored shitless.

I might have posted bits, and pieces of this kind of information on "Other threads" but never have I posted this exact thread.
Considering the mockery, and slander / libel against Poles I think it's necessary.

Has any ethnic population been more scapegoated, and slandered?

There's so many negative stereotypes upon Poles, like dumb Polak, thieves, criminals, drunks, prostitutes, weak at war, using horses in WW2, starting WW2 in Bromberg Massacre, being the land of the Holocaust, being Nazi collaborators.

Most of these are downright slander / libel, or and many others are extreme exaggerations.

.1.) Are Poles dumb?
Poland in the Renaissance was the European leader in science, even the Scientific Revolution came from Poland thanks to Copernicus, and Albert Brudzewski.

Polish Americans scored a massive 109 IQ.
While Poland's IQ is considered to be 99, this is by no means low.
The PISA scores of Poland are high, the literacy rates of Poland are high, and Poland wins many intellectual competitions like the IBM Battle of the Brains Contest, the University Rover Challenge, the Google Online Marketing Challenge, Google Code Jam, among others.

So, no I wouldn't say Poles are particularly dumb.,

2.) Thieves, or criminals?

Poland was the first European country to successfully hold off slavery.

Poland had no involved in Colonialism, nor the Atlantic Slave Trade of thievery, or Criminality.

As for common criminals?

Poland's murder rate is now lower than the EU average.

There's an extreme exaggeration of Polish as being a particularly criminal population in UK media, and British circles.

But, Poles are estimated to have 6,700 or so criminals yearly, as opposed to 1.19 million criminals yearly in the UK.

This would support that 0.5% of criminals in the UK were Polish, while over 1.0% of the UK was Polish.

So, actually Poles are underrepresented in crime in the UK.

3.) Drunks?

This map shows that Poles were less likely to be diagnosed with alcoholism than most of Northern Europe.


4.) Prostitutes?

Poles have one of the latest ages for losing virginity in Europe.

While, there might be some Polish prostitutes.

Most Polish girls are if anything more prude than most of Europe.

5.) Weak at war?

I don't think anyone has won more battles when outnumbered than Poles.

Quite a few Polish battles come to mind, the Battle of Hodow, Battle of Klushino, Battle of Kircholm, Battle of Lubieszow, Battle of Trembowla, battle of fuengirola etc.

6.( While it's true that Poles had Horse units in WW2.

So did everyone else except Great Britain.

Actually the Nazis, and Soviets each had many times more Horses than Poland.

So, why do many anti-Polish Nazis, and anti-Polish Soviets ignore these facts?

7.) Bromberg Massacre starting before WW2 is not historically accepted.

But, many Nazis, or German sympathizers try, none the less.

I think the fact that Nazi Germany had claimed a Bromberg Massacre was going on since March of 1939, but invaded Czechoslovakia in March of 1939 instead of Poland says all that needs to be said.

8.) While it's true that Poland is where many Concentration Camps are located.

The Nazi Germans had annexed this land.

Furthermore Nazi Germany first put Poles into Auschwitz, rather than Jews.

Up to 100's of thousands of Poles passed through the Concentration Camps, and 100's of thousands of more Poles were killed in Nazi massacres, including Wola Massacre, the Ponary Massace, Operation Tannenberg etc.

9.) Poland was the first nation to fight the Nazis.

After the Nazis had invaded, Poland had the biggest anti-Nazi resistance in occupied Europe.

Poles had the highest number of Righteous Among the Nations risk their lives to save Holocaust victim Jews, some serious names come to mind like Eugene Lazowski, Henryk Slawik, or Irena Sendler.
(This is in spite of the fact that Poland was the only nation in occupied Europe that a death penalty was created for aiding Holocaust Jews.

Zegota was an entire Polish organization which had dedicate their time, lives, and resources to aiding Holocaust victim Jews.

With that said, Poles like all populations of Europe had some Nazi collaborators.

But, there's no recorded Polish Nazi SS units in Europe.

Furthermore even the Jews had some Nazi collaborators.
Actually the Jewish historian Emanuel Ringelblum who lived his last days in the Nazi controlled Warsaw Ghetto, had admitted that Jewish Nazi collaborators of the Jewish Ghetto Police, were more brutal than Polish Nazi collaborators of the Polish Blue Police.

Polacks are decent people. Sorry, I'm just not as offended by this thread as the "other" one.

Y'all ain't superior to shit. That being said, Polacks are alright by me.

I just thought that I'd use my interwebz, and fingertipz to say that I too can post such a thread.

That's fine. :) Maybe I post a "White Greatness" thread. ;)

Oooh, I may not be as white as some other people, though.

Even though my family's been in America since before it was America.

My skin is olive-ish and I have blonde-ish hair.
  • Thread starter
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  • #9
Considering the mockery, and slander / libel against Poles I think it's necessary.

Has any ethnic population been more scapegoated, and slandered?

There's so many negative stereotypes upon Poles, like dumb Polak, thieves, criminals, drunks, prostitutes, weak at war, using horses in WW2, starting WW2 in Bromberg Massacre, being the land of the Holocaust, being Nazi collaborators.

Most of these are downright slander / libel, or and many others are extreme exaggerations.

.1.) Are Poles dumb?
Poland in the Renaissance was the European leader in science, even the Scientific Revolution came from Poland thanks to Copernicus, and Albert Brudzewski.

Polish Americans scored a massive 109 IQ.
While Poland's IQ is considered to be 99, this is by no means low.
The PISA scores of Poland are high, the literacy rates of Poland are high, and Poland wins many intellectual competitions like the IBM Battle of the Brains Contest, the University Rover Challenge, the Google Online Marketing Challenge, Google Code Jam, among others.

So, no I wouldn't say Poles are particularly dumb.,

2.) Thieves, or criminals?

Poland was the first European country to successfully hold off slavery.

Poland had no involved in Colonialism, nor the Atlantic Slave Trade of thievery, or Criminality.

As for common criminals?

Poland's murder rate is now lower than the EU average.

There's an extreme exaggeration of Polish as being a particularly criminal population in UK media, and British circles.

But, Poles are estimated to have 6,700 or so criminals yearly, as opposed to 1.19 million criminals yearly in the UK.

This would support that 0.5% of criminals in the UK were Polish, while over 1.0% of the UK was Polish.

So, actually Poles are underrepresented in crime in the UK.

3.) Drunks?

This map shows that Poles were less likely to be diagnosed with alcoholism than most of Northern Europe.


4.) Prostitutes?

Poles have one of the latest ages for losing virginity in Europe.

While, there might be some Polish prostitutes.

Most Polish girls are if anything more prude than most of Europe.

5.) Weak at war?

I don't think anyone has won more battles when outnumbered than Poles.

Quite a few Polish battles come to mind, the Battle of Hodow, Battle of Klushino, Battle of Kircholm, Battle of Lubieszow, Battle of Trembowla, battle of fuengirola etc.

6.( While it's true that Poles had Horse units in WW2.

So did everyone else except Great Britain.

Actually the Nazis, and Soviets each had many times more Horses than Poland.

So, why do many anti-Polish Nazis, and anti-Polish Soviets ignore these facts?

7.) Bromberg Massacre starting before WW2 is not historically accepted.

But, many Nazis, or German sympathizers try, none the less.

I think the fact that Nazi Germany had claimed a Bromberg Massacre was going on since March of 1939, but invaded Czechoslovakia in March of 1939 instead of Poland says all that needs to be said.

8.) While it's true that Poland is where many Concentration Camps are located.

The Nazi Germans had annexed this land.

Furthermore Nazi Germany first put Poles into Auschwitz, rather than Jews.

Up to 100's of thousands of Poles passed through the Concentration Camps, and 100's of thousands of more Poles were killed in Nazi massacres, including Wola Massacre, the Ponary Massace, Operation Tannenberg etc.

9.) Poland was the first nation to fight the Nazis.

After the Nazis had invaded, Poland had the biggest anti-Nazi resistance in occupied Europe.

Poles had the highest number of Righteous Among the Nations risk their lives to save Holocaust victim Jews, some serious names come to mind like Eugene Lazowski, Henryk Slawik, or Irena Sendler.
(This is in spite of the fact that Poland was the only nation in occupied Europe that a death penalty was created for aiding Holocaust Jews.

Zegota was an entire Polish organization which had dedicate their time, lives, and resources to aiding Holocaust victim Jews.

With that said, Poles like all populations of Europe had some Nazi collaborators.

But, there's no recorded Polish Nazi SS units in Europe.

Furthermore even the Jews had some Nazi collaborators.
Actually the Jewish historian Emanuel Ringelblum who lived his last days in the Nazi controlled Warsaw Ghetto, had admitted that Jewish Nazi collaborators of the Jewish Ghetto Police, were more brutal than Polish Nazi collaborators of the Polish Blue Police.

Polacks are decent people. Sorry, I'm just not as offended by this thread as the "other" one.

Y'all ain't superior to shit. That being said, Polacks are alright by me.

I just thought that I'd use my interwebz, and fingertipz to say that I too can post such a thread.

That's fine. :) Maybe I post a "White Greatness" thread. ;)

Oooh, I may not be as white as some other people, though.

Even though my family's been in America since before it was America.

My skin is olive-ish and I have blonde-ish hair.

If fair is fair, Whites should also have such rights to post the same way.

Although I can't help but to notice quite a few forums allow anti-White comments, but not anti-Black comments.
As boring as the first time.
No one dislikes Polish people for being Polish.

How is it repetitious if this thread hasn't been posted before?
Are you on crack or is someone new using your account?
You've posted this thread about 6 times in the last few months and we're all bored shitless.

I might have posted bits, and pieces of this kind of information on "Other threads" but never have I posted this exact thread.
Oh good
Same information with a "new" Thread title.
Have fun!
As an American born Pollack who is very non PC I take offense at no slur. It's called having a thick skin and considering the source. Too bad other groups don't learn this.

I just carry a burden of a name that uses every consonant in the alphabet.
Why am I not outraged at Polish dudes thread?

Oh yeah, he didn't manage to insult everybody else along the way in the OP.

Not insulting people works wonders.
As an American born Pollack who is very non PC I take offense at no slur. It's called having a thick skin and considering the source. Too bad other groups don't learn this.

I just carry a burden of a name that uses every consonant in the alphabet.

Holy crap my Pollack friend, you and this guy might have something in common!
As an American born Pollack who is very non PC I take offense at no slur. It's called having a thick skin and considering the source. Too bad other groups don't learn this.

I just carry a burden of a name that uses every consonant in the alphabet.

Polak is hardly a slur, it's actually the male form of Pole in the Polish language.

I have posted else where with the name Polak Potrafi, meaning the Pole man can do it.
As an American born Pollack who is very non PC I take offense at no slur. It's called having a thick skin and considering the source. Too bad other groups don't learn this.

I just carry a burden of a name that uses every consonant in the alphabet.

Polak is hardly a slur, it's actually the male form of Pole in the Polish language.

I have posted else where with the name Polak Potrafi, meaning the Pole man can do it.

Uh duh!

There are some English people that use a lot of consonants too.

You are a Polish American, let the American side out, baby!
As an American born Pollack who is very non PC I take offense at no slur. It's called having a thick skin and considering the source. Too bad other groups don't learn this.

I just carry a burden of a name that uses every consonant in the alphabet.

Polak is hardly a slur, it's actually the male form of Pole in the Polish language.

I have posted else where with the name Polak Potrafi, meaning the Pole man can do it.
Didn't know that. Family is at least 5 generations in America. Most settled in northern MN. Same climate as Poland. Really know nothing of old country or customs.
Pretty much a red neck American.
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