Time, once again, to make some liberal heads explode.

And a large majority of Americans support expanded background checks:

“85% of Americans – including large majorities of Democrats (88%) and Republicans (79%) – favor expanded background checks[.]”

If that is true, then where is the effort to amend the Constitution in order to allow it.

By any honest reading of the Constitution, as it now stands, it is totally illegal for government to take any action at all that in any way interferes with the people's right to keep and bear arms, and doubly so, given the Tenth Amendment, for the federal government to do so.

If there is really anything close to 85% support for any gun control scam, then it should be a simple matter to amend the Constitution, superseding the Second Amendment, and giving authority to the federal government to enact such policies. Any honest person who understands the Constitution will have to agree that this is the only lawful and legitimate way that this can ever be done.

So, where is the effort to enact such an amendment? I say that no such effort is underway, because nobody who is in any position to initiate that effort believes that there is anything close to enough popular support for it to give it any chance of success. Which means that the claim that 85% of the population supports any gun control at all is a flat-out lie, and those who keep repeating it know damn well that it's a lie.
Kinda like that "95 percent of scientists believe in man made global warming" BS. Liberals will tell any lie to get what they want. What they want is to control us all, from cradle to grave. Ain't gonna happen.
Check this out. One of the safest cities in America, with a population of over 200,000 is Gilbert, AZ. Why will this make liberal heads explode? Well, you see, in Arizona, you can buy a gun online, or from a friend, without a background check. Also, you do not need a permit to carry a concealed firearm. All those guns floating around. The streets should be running with blood. But they aren't. Would any of you libtards care to explain this?

The only thing that would make anybody's head explode about anything in that post is how excruciatingly dumb you must be and how fucking proud of that monumental stupidity you seem to be. I'd imagine many have saved this emptiest of empty posts for later chuckles and as a cautionary tale of how badly wrong these things can go when someone tries to stretch an iota of factoid abuse into a "story" with some invisible logic and bold faced usurpation of reality. Immature and instantly dismissible fella, back to the drooling board. Shame on you.

I would like to draw everyone's attention to the fact that searcher failed to actually address anything I said in the OP. Liberals claim that the availability of guns is responsible for crime. Well, Arizona has the most relaxed gun laws in the country, yet it's not some wild west town, where everyone is shooting up saloons, and whatnot. So, here we are. A city in Arizona, with lots and lots of guns, and it's one of the safest places to live. Kinda blows your argument out of the water doesn't it? Sucks to be you.
The logical fallacy known as false cause. You have no way of proving the crime rate is low because of gun policy..

The actual story, however...just like the rest of the country...more Americans actually owning and carrying guns.....does not increase the crime rate...it doesn't increase the gun murder rate......it doesn't increase the violent crime rate....

The basic tenet of the anti gun belief system is that more normal people owning guns creates more gun crime and more violent crime......and this story once again shows that this is not true, not factual and not the reality of guns in America....

The entire anti gun movement is built on a lie.....
The logical fallacy known as false cause. You have no way of proving the crime rate is low because of gun policy..
correct, I think a more accurate statistic to be considered is that Gilbert is less than 4% black.
That is a greater indication of a crime free city or town.
It is simple common sense that the more guns = the more ability to kill people. Guns are the most deadly killing devices by far. You have blood on your hands.

No asswipe....normal gun owners are not using their guns to kill people...not even in self defense......and the actual fact of the matter.......as more Americans have bought, owned and actually carry guns...the gun murder rate has gone down...not up......

That is a fact.....

We can debate if carrying guns caused the gun murder rate to go down.....but what you anti-gun nuts can't refute.... is that gun ownership did not increase the gun murder rate, the gun crime rate or the violent crime rate......

You are wrong.....
The left claims that less gun control leads to higher crime rates. If that were true, Gilbert, AZ would not be one of the safest cities in which to live. Therefore, the liberals are wrong, which makes the OP right. Case closed.

It isn't just this town..it is the entire country...the FBI and the CDC stats show this to be true...as more Americans own and carry guns...our gun crime rate went down......our violent crime rate went down.......

That is a fact....
The logical fallacy known as false cause. You have no way of proving the crime rate is low because of gun policy..

The actual story, however...just like the rest of the country...more Americans actually owning and carrying guns.....does not increase the crime rate...it doesn't increase the gun murder rate......it doesn't increase the violent crime rate....

The basic tenet of the anti gun belief system is that more normal people owning guns creates more gun crime and more violent crime......and this story once again shows that this is not true, not factual and not the reality of guns in America....

The entire anti gun movement is built on a lie.....
Also, just take a good look at the cities with the toughest gun laws. Crime rates through the roof. These same cities have also been run by democrats for the last four or five decades. We don't have a gun problem in this country. We have a democrat problem. Get rid of democrats, and the crime rate will take care of itself.
Check this out. One of the safest cities in America, with a population of over 200,000 is Gilbert, AZ. Why will this make liberal heads explode? Well, you see, in Arizona, you can buy a gun online, or from a friend, without a background check. Also, you do not need a permit to carry a concealed firearm. All those guns floating around. The streets should be running with blood. But they aren't. Would any of you libtards care to explain this?
This fails as a straw man fallacy.

Liberals buy guns online and FTF without background checks, they own guns, carry guns, and enjoy the shooting sports.

Liberals have no issue with citizens purchasing guns in accordance with state and Federal laws.

And a large majority of Americans support expanded background checks:

“85% of Americans – including large majorities of Democrats (88%) and Republicans (79%) – favor expanded background checks[.]”

Continued Bipartisan Support for Expanded Background Checks on Gun Sales

Consequently, no heads are ‘exploding.’

Asswipe...you know that most people...that 85% don't understand the anti-gun bait and switch on universal background checks..........if they did, they wouldn't' support it.....
Check this out. One of the safest cities in America, with a population of over 200,000 is Gilbert, AZ. Why will this make liberal heads explode? Well, you see, in Arizona, you can buy a gun online, or from a friend, without a background check. Also, you do not need a permit to carry a concealed firearm. All those guns floating around. The streets should be running with blood. But they aren't. Would any of you libtards care to explain this?
This fails as a straw man fallacy.

Liberals buy guns online and FTF without background checks, they own guns, carry guns, and enjoy the shooting sports.

Liberals have no issue with citizens purchasing guns in accordance with state and Federal laws.

And a large majority of Americans support expanded background checks:

“85% of Americans – including large majorities of Democrats (88%) and Republicans (79%) – favor expanded background checks[.]”

Continued Bipartisan Support for Expanded Background Checks on Gun Sales

Consequently, no heads are ‘exploding.’

As swipe...you know that most people...that 85% don't understand the anti-gun bait and switch on universal background checks..........if they did, they wouldn't' support it.....
Man. Do you hear all those heads exploding? LOL! I love it! The libs are going crazy, trying to find a way to make the facts say something other than what they say. Guns are not the problem. They never were. A gun requires someone to pick it up and use it, in order to kill someone. This is a fact. A gun didn't didn't shoot up that night club in Orlando. A rag head did it. That's also a fact. It is also a fact that the crime rates are going down, even though gun stores are doing record business. Sucks to be a liberal, doesn't it?
The logical fallacy known as false cause. You have no way of proving the crime rate is low because of gun policy..

And consequently, you have no way of proving that it's not.

In any event, it certainly disproves the wrong-wing position that easy access to guns results in an increase in violent crime. Not that this claim wasn't already obviously false in the first place, but this is another nail in its coffin.

Not really.

Like I have said, easy access to guns can exacerbate problem situations. As the US has no intention of dealing with problem situations, this causes problems.

You don't have a sandwich with just bread, you need something else to go with it. But a ham sandwich still has ham in it.
Check this out. One of the safest cities in America, with a population of over 200,000 is Gilbert, AZ. Why will this make liberal heads explode? Well, you see, in Arizona, you can buy a gun online, or from a friend, without a background check. Also, you do not need a permit to carry a concealed firearm. All those guns floating around. The streets should be running with blood. But they aren't. Would any of you libtards care to explain this?
This fails as a straw man fallacy.

Liberals buy guns online and FTF without background checks, they own guns, carry guns, and enjoy the shooting sports.

Liberals have no issue with citizens purchasing guns in accordance with state and Federal laws.

And a large majority of Americans support expanded background checks:

“85% of Americans – including large majorities of Democrats (88%) and Republicans (79%) – favor expanded background checks[.]”

Continued Bipartisan Support for Expanded Background Checks on Gun Sales

Consequently, no heads are ‘exploding.’

As swipe...you know that most people...that 85% don't understand the anti-gun bait and switch on universal background checks..........if they did, they wouldn't' support it.....
Man. Do you hear all those heads exploding? LOL! I love it! The libs are going crazy, trying to find a way to make the facts say something other than what they say. Guns are not the problem. They never were. A gun requires someone to pick it up and use it, in order to kill someone. This is a fact. A gun didn't didn't shoot up that night club in Orlando. A rag head did it. That's also a fact. It is also a fact that the crime rates are going down, even though gun stores are doing record business. Sucks to be a liberal, doesn't it?

Did you read what anyone wrote? Or are you just intent on saying heads are exploding all the time regardless of what people say?

It's like a little kid supporting his favorite football team.
The left claims that less gun control leads to higher crime rates. If that were true, Gilbert, AZ would not be one of the safest cities in which to live. Therefore, the liberals are wrong, which makes the OP right. Case closed.
I'm left and i never make that claim. Prove everyone that is left is saying something that is equally impossible to prove. Case still open.

The entire argument for gun control rests on the claim that easy access to guns results in higher rates of violent crime. A claim that is obviously false on its face, but that doesn't stop wrong-wing scumbags from making it, and from promoting tyrannical policies that would only make sense if one assumes that claim to be true. Or, more plausibly, if one assumes that the motive behind gun control policies is not, as claimed, concern for public safety, but something more sinister.

No it's not.

The problem is here is that there are different places.

If you have a place with nobody who is going to go shoot someone, then there isn't going to be a problem. But if you have a place where there are lots of people who would go and do this, then easy access to guns then exacerbates a situation.

It's kind of like a mathematical formula.

so we have number of people who would use guns to kill people * number of guns.


So you can see that 100 people with guns who would use them is going to cause more problems than 100,000 people who wouldn't use guns.
You have a higher figure with the latter.

You're trying to push this argument in a certain way in order to be able to say something isn't a problem, when it clearly is.

The important word is EXACERBATE.
Check this out. One of the safest cities in America, with a population of over 200,000 is Gilbert, AZ. Why will this make liberal heads explode? Well, you see, in Arizona, you can buy a gun online, or from a friend, without a background check. Also, you do not need a permit to carry a concealed firearm. All those guns floating around. The streets should be running with blood. But they aren't. Would any of you libtards care to explain this?

The only thing that would make anybody's head explode about anything in that post is how excruciatingly dumb you must be and how fucking proud of that monumental stupidity you seem to be. I'd imagine many have saved this emptiest of empty posts for later chuckles and as a cautionary tale of how badly wrong these things can go when someone tries to stretch an iota of factoid abuse into a "story" with some invisible logic and bold faced usurpation of reality. Immature and instantly dismissible fella, back to the drooling board. Shame on you.

I would like to draw everyone's attention to the fact that searcher failed to actually address anything I said in the OP. Liberals claim that the availability of guns is responsible for crime. Well, Arizona has the most relaxed gun laws in the country, yet it's not some wild west town, where everyone is shooting up saloons, and whatnot. So, here we are. A city in Arizona, with lots and lots of guns, and it's one of the safest places to live. Kinda blows your argument out of the water doesn't it? Sucks to be you.

I've been posting on these boards for about 1.5 years. I haven't posted much on gun control and have never flamed over any posts on gun issues like I did yours. Frustration maybe incited my disdainful flip-off of your post. Awhile back I had a lengthier back and forth with 2aguy over a post he did on Canada's gun policy. His line, "Canada...has seen a spike in gun crime and gun murder" Turned out that it wasn't Canada really, he was generalizing Toronto, our largest city and rather dishonestly I thought hyping the whole story. And trying to smear Obama with his fictional interpretation of the business. I'll give a few more details after I speak to your post.
I think you played fast and loose with "facts" worse than 2aguy even though attempting the same flim-flam, trying to subtly set up the small "safe" city of Gilbert as Arizona itself where "you can buy a gun online, or from a friend, without a background check. Also, you do not need a permit to carry a concealed firearm." And you try to sarcastically demean liberals by claiming they think it's streets should be "running with blood". Of course your "facts" weren't quite "true" were they? Gilbert city itself had rather strict gun control laws even after they loosened them up recently.
From an azcentral.com news story - On Gilbert's gun control laws - "Update: Gun owners with a state permit are still prohibited from carrying firearms in "secure areas" of public buildings, including employee-only areas, police and fire department facilities, and the Gilbert Municipal Court and Prosecutor's Office.
Gun owners with a state permit can now carry a concealed firearm inside all Gilbert public buildings, reversing a previous policy that made such deadly weapons illegal."

One more little glitch in your bait and switch, "those without a concealed-carry weapon permit can be asked by a police officer to place their firearms in a gun locker", So really your version of Gilbert where "you do not need a permit to carry a concealed firearm" And with "All those guns floating around" didn't, and still doesn't exist. Some might say you're a liar.
I won't even bother to get into other details that make your imaginary Potemkin Village a statistical outlier even without your added fictions. So your little story is "blown out of the water", eh? How much does it suck to be you?

2aguy kind of whistled past the real pertinent threads in his story on Toronto. Greater Toronto has a population of over 6,000,000. The year he was referencing they had 27 gun homicides, Philadelphia (pop around 6,000,000) had 233. Incidentally, Arizona with a population close to Toronto's had 233 gun murders in 2010, almost 10 times more than Toronto. Toronto is listed as the safest city in North America. 2aguy - "Yeah..Canada gun crime going up, funny Obama didn't mention this,they have more gun control than us."

Oh well, you guys do what you think you have to to win your gun arguments, I'm just a Canadian who can't imagine why someone needs an assault weapon with a high capacity magazine so badly so quickly and so paranoid you'd rather have someone on the terror watch list own one just to keep gun control one more degree of separation away.
Check this out. One of the safest cities in America, with a population of over 200,000 is Gilbert, AZ. Why will this make liberal heads explode? Well, you see, in Arizona, you can buy a gun online, or from a friend, without a background check. Also, you do not need a permit to carry a concealed firearm. All those guns floating around. The streets should be running with blood. But they aren't. Would any of you libtards care to explain this?
Never heard of it. Guess my head won't explode.

Since it's in Arizona, must have a lot of Mexicans.
Gun control is just another obstacle to obtaining a gun to to shoot someone.

Gun control is a way for those who are supposed to be our public servans to try to establish themselves as our masters.

So the 90% of Americans who want the background check loopholes closed are trying to be masters over whom?

...the criminals who might use a loophole?
Check this out. One of the safest cities in America, with a population of over 200,000 is Gilbert, AZ. Why will this make liberal heads explode? Well, you see, in Arizona, you can buy a gun online, or from a friend, without a background check. Also, you do not need a permit to carry a concealed firearm. All those guns floating around. The streets should be running with blood. But they aren't. Would any of you libtards care to explain this?

The safest city on that list was Irvine, California.
And NYC with its very restrictive gun laws is the safest big city in the country.

So what's your point?

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