Thank you Michael Reagan

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Diamond Member
Mar 24, 2020
ways to keep red states red.

We've written previously about red state governors and mayors who blithely welcome companies from blue states without realizing they are giving the left tax subsidized beach heads.

The CEO of the company may realize California made it impossible to do business and threatened the company with ruin, but the employees just cash their checks and remain serene in the knowledge women still have the right to choose.

Their change of geography does not imply a corresponding change in politics.

This explains why Austin, Texas is now San Francisco without the ocean view.

Tucker Carlson recognized this phenomenon. He interviewed then Miami mayor (and now delusional presidential candidate) Francis Suarez, regarding his effort to lure companies to his city.

Suarez was talking about all his recruiting calls to Tesla, Twitter, and Palantir.

Suarez was all rainbows and balloons, but Carlson was trying to warn him that he may be clasping a viper to his bosom.

Those companies are coming from leftist hotbeds and company employees, for the most part, are on the left side of things themselves.

Suarez poo-pooed Tucker’s warning.

Mostly, we imagine, because like most politicians he wasn’t in to long term programs to change the politics of blue state invaders.

He just wants to cut the opening and welcoming ribbons and move on.

This is foolish now and disastrous in the long run.

Let’s examine conservative Peter Thiel and his Palantir. Thiel was a prominent Trump supporter. Surely that’s a safe company to invite to move to Florida.

A comforting thought. But a disastrously wrong thought.

For the company there was no trickle-down ideological effect.

It’s a hotbed of Colorado left adherents.

A sample of the first 200 Palantir political donors from the Center for Responsive Politics shows only 4.5% of the employees donated to Republicans.

Democrats received 95.5% of the employees and their votes.

Moving to Florida or Texas or Arkansas won’t change that unless those states take action.

In the past we urged conservative outreach toward employees.

Part of the tax and relocation benefits offered to these companies need to include a quid pro quo for the new state or city.

We were thinking an orientation for company employees that tells the low-tax, low-regulation and more freedom story of the company’s new home. And not on a one-time, lick and a promise basis.

Such outreach must be ongoing.

As regular as Critical Race Theory (CRT) training absent the hate whitey content.

Those ideas are still useful for lue statbe U–Haul folks . But now we have a better idea: Prevent leftists from moving to red states in the first place.

Governors and legislatures must get busy and make their state’s culture so red that blue voters and their poisonous ideology will stay put.

Bring the company without the baggage.

The Washington Times had a story that makes our point. Conservatives are moving to red states because of the culture and left-wingers are going to blue states for the same reason.

It’s time for red states to go on a cultural full court press. Pass anti-abortion laws that ban abortion after the heartbeat is detected.

Permit concealed carry of handguns and recognize permits issued by reciprocal states.

Criminalize gender mutilation surgery, ban puberty blockers, suspend the licenses of doctors, nurses, hospitals and social workers that enable this monstrous attack on children.

Ban hemales from women’s sports and women’s bathrooms.

End government support for PRIDE events and arrest participants who expose themselves to children.

Do the same at drag queen events held for children and suspend the liquor licenses of bars and restaurants that host the events.

Make it easy for parents to protest and remove obscene and grooming books from school and public libraries.

Hold librarians personally accountable for putting these books in the stacks.

End sex education for all grades below high school. Make high school sex education single–sex and give parents the right to opt out.

Make bringing up sexual orientation in elementary school a firing offense.

Ban all Rainbow Reich paraphernalia from the classroom.

Require E-Verify for every company with more than 10 employees.

Require hospitals, schools and social service agencies to ask about citizenship status.

Once the legislation is in place make sure the state communicates its red culture far and wide. Every blue left adherent that doesn’t move to your state is one less vote for destructive policies and one more victory in the culture war.

And those in the left camp who leave the state are an added bonus.

We’re going to put it plainly.

Any GOP candidate, at any level, who tells you elected officials should not fight the culture war is working for the left.

He or she is not your ally.

He or she is not your friend.

He or she does not deserve your vote.
ways to keep red states red.

We've written previously about red state governors and mayors who blithely welcome companies from blue states without realizing they are giving the left tax subsidized beach heads.

The CEO of the company may realize California made it impossible to do business and threatened the company with ruin, but the employees just cash their checks and remain serene in the knowledge women still have the right to choose.

Their change of geography does not imply a corresponding change in politics.

This explains why Austin, Texas is now San Francisco without the ocean view.

Tucker Carlson recognized this phenomenon. He interviewed then Miami mayor (and now delusional presidential candidate) Francis Suarez, regarding his effort to lure companies to his city.

Suarez was talking about all his recruiting calls to Tesla, Twitter, and Palantir.

Suarez was all rainbows and balloons, but Carlson was trying to warn him that he may be clasping a viper to his bosom.

Those companies are coming from leftist hotbeds and company employees, for the most part, are on the left side of things themselves.

Suarez poo-pooed Tucker’s warning.

Mostly, we imagine, because like most politicians he wasn’t in to long term programs to change the politics of blue state invaders.

He just wants to cut the opening and welcoming ribbons and move on.

This is foolish now and disastrous in the long run.

Let’s examine conservative Peter Thiel and his Palantir. Thiel was a prominent Trump supporter. Surely that’s a safe company to invite to move to Florida.

A comforting thought. But a disastrously wrong thought.

For the company there was no trickle-down ideological effect.

It’s a hotbed of Colorado left adherents.

A sample of the first 200 Palantir political donors from the Center for Responsive Politics shows only 4.5% of the employees donated to Republicans.

Democrats received 95.5% of the employees and their votes.

Moving to Florida or Texas or Arkansas won’t change that unless those states take action.

In the past we urged conservative outreach toward employees.

Part of the tax and relocation benefits offered to these companies need to include a quid pro quo for the new state or city.

We were thinking an orientation for company employees that tells the low-tax, low-regulation and more freedom story of the company’s new home. And not on a one-time, lick and a promise basis.

Such outreach must be ongoing.

As regular as Critical Race Theory (CRT) training absent the hate whitey content.

Those ideas are still useful for lue statbe U–Haul folks . But now we have a better idea: Prevent leftists from moving to red states in the first place.

Governors and legislatures must get busy and make their state’s culture so red that blue voters and their poisonous ideology will stay put.

Bring the company without the baggage.

The Washington Times had a story that makes our point. Conservatives are moving to red states because of the culture and left-wingers are going to blue states for the same reason.

It’s time for red states to go on a cultural full court press. Pass anti-abortion laws that ban abortion after the heartbeat is detected.

Permit concealed carry of handguns and recognize permits issued by reciprocal states.

Criminalize gender mutilation surgery, ban puberty blockers, suspend the licenses of doctors, nurses, hospitals and social workers that enable this monstrous attack on children.

Ban hemales from women’s sports and women’s bathrooms.

End government support for PRIDE events and arrest participants who expose themselves to children.

Do the same at drag queen events held for children and suspend the liquor licenses of bars and restaurants that host the events.

Make it easy for parents to protest and remove obscene and grooming books from school and public libraries.

Hold librarians personally accountable for putting these books in the stacks.

End sex education for all grades below high school. Make high school sex education single–sex and give parents the right to opt out.

Make bringing up sexual orientation in elementary school a firing offense.

Ban all Rainbow Reich paraphernalia from the classroom.

Require E-Verify for every company with more than 10 employees.

Require hospitals, schools and social service agencies to ask about citizenship status.

Once the legislation is in place make sure the state communicates its red culture far and wide. Every blue left adherent that doesn’t move to your state is one less vote for destructive policies and one more victory in the culture war.

And those in the left camp who leave the state are an added bonus.

We’re going to put it plainly.

Any GOP candidate, at any level, who tells you elected officials should not fight the culture war is working for the left.

He or she is not your ally.

He or she is not your friend.

He or she does not deserve your vote.
Here is a link to Michael Reagan and Michael Shannon's excellent essay:

And thank you for an interesting and thought provoking thread.

I have long promoted the reality that deep state leftist culture has prominently infiltrated government, media, entertainment, education, scientific institutions, and yes, as the authors point out, a whole lot of big business.

Their prescription would produce strong, vital, stable communities with people of shared morals and values, less poverty, more prosperity, less crime, more choice, options, opportunity for all. . .

except. . .

for the one thing the authors did not consider in their essay. The left has been extremely patient over the decades doing that infiltration of major American institutions and big business until they had pretty much control of it all, especially the message. I'm not sure those employees would stay put but would accept the 'red policy' long enough to acquire sufficient numbers to vote out conservatives leaders and replace them with their own.

We are currently seeing that happen in a lot of formerly solidly red states.
Please don’t post the entire article, a moderate portion only. Also, you need to provide a couple of sentences of original content and a link to the article. Closed.
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