Three years ago today


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
by Bouhammer @ Bouhammer's Afghan & Military Blog | Three years ago today | Bouhammer's Afghan & Military Blog

It is so hard to believe that it has been three years since a US Army Officer put his religious fanaticism above his country, the peace his religion preaches and the lives of innocent lives and gun down 13 people at a soldier processing center in Ft. Hood TX.

I will never forget this as I just been on a business trip to Ft. Hood just a few days earlier and had driven by this processing center a few times. I had a good friend working on the base and he was the first to tell me about the shooting via txt message, before the news media had ever picked it up.

Three years and we are still waiting for this traitor to be tried in what is normally a very expedient justice system call the Uniformed Code of Military Justice. For the last several months Hasan has made a mockery of the rights we give the accused by refusing to comply with military dress and appearance standards by not shaving off his beard. A beard he says he should be allowed to have because of his religion, even though he never had one during his military service.

Either way, the families and the killed and wounded need to be able to move past this terrible day a little but and watch this piece of crap get his trial done and over-with. I hope they give him the death penalty, and I really hope that Mitt Romney wins the election and makes Hasan’s execution one of his first priorities.

Full story @ link
I PCS'd to Fort Hood a few weeks after the Luby's Cafe incident. Both the on and off base communities were highly shaken and I remember walking past the ruin of Luby's and what a somber sight it was. I was stationed at Hood for just a few years, many years ago, but when I learned of the Hassan massacre it really hit home. I for one am apalled by the maze of inane legal procedings the victims' families have had to traverse to in order to get into a position where some amount of closure is forthcoming.
Here is the quandry -

The CG who is responsible for the trial, followed the UCMJ with an Article 32 investigation. The charges filed are a result of that investigation. The way the law reads, there was not "an act of war" so there cannot be a claim of terrorism.

The only way to change it would be to declare a mistrial and start all over again. And, the Congress would have to make Declaration of War against Islam, which it will never do.

So, all we can hope is that Congress will somehow pass a law to grant the victims a status as victims of terror and then have the president sign it. Do we think our current president would ever do so?

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