Those peaceful Palestinians are at it again

Israel did not force the arabs who call themselves "palestinians" into Gaza-----THE EGYPTIANS DID The issue of "THIS WAS ONCE AN ARAB VILLAGE" sob story is idiotic There are whole huge tracts of land in India that were once ENTIRELY HINDU-----but utterly destroyed from the dogs who escaped the stinking yurts up north and took them over so you agree that the descendants of the MOGHUL PIGS SHOULD BE FORCED BACK TO THEIR STINKING YURTS IN THE HILLS

There are whole villages in lands now controlled by the dogs of arabia in North Africa that were once jewish cities and villages------so you agree that the filthy pigs who lick the ass of the rapist of mecca should be forced out of BAGHDAD AND ALEXANDRIA?

Hebron was a jewish city for thousands of years------I agree with you that since it is a jewish HOLY city-----for a lot longer than Medina was a muslim "holy city" -----non jews should be barred just as non muslims are barred from Medina------I am actually beginning to see your point
if you have media you can play The innocent people role while even you are making a massacre

That certainly reminded me of the stories vets who were in the Korean War told me. When the Turks would get drunk and dance around a fire which was lit in an oil drum, the Chinese and North Koreans would fire down at them. The Turks would get so mad that they would run up the hill with their trusty knives (leaving their M1's behind) and then would come back with the ears, noses, and sexual organs which they then tried to sell to the American GIs.
Remind me again, who is firing the rockets? Libs are genocidal maniacs.
mr least you are polite .........not like others here.....i'll grant you the same courtesy!!! obviously know nothing of the true history of gaza or you couldn't possibly write what you did

90% of gazans and their families used to live in the areas they are firing their pathetic f'ing psycho murdering rockets into

there were absolutely NO jews south of ashdod on the south coast, not ever in all history.

There was just ONE small jewish colony north east of gaza in 1948. Inland. That's all

Look at the map for yourself; it's crystal clear and easy to find on the net..

not unless you believe the jewish bible's 9/11 type legend...(book of judges chapter 16) . Samson and Delilah.

That's when Samson did a suicide killing of 3,000 philistines by pulling down the twin towers..pillars...of their temple on top of him and them with god's help, of course....that happened in gaza but i don't call that history; only story..

but a bit spooky aint it how similar to 9/11???

so the area was given to the arabs not the jews by the UN in 1948 under the partition plan and israel's legal sovereignty is doubtful in that area'

israel itself doesn't recognise the 1948 or 1967 or any borders or international law on its borders or refugees, does it?? So why should the gazans??

ashkelon in 1948 was an arab city called Majaf; siderot a village called najaf

they were all expelled by force for 2 years after the war of 1948 ended, then viciously oppressed by egypt then israel for 45 years and long before they started to respond with violence

those that tried to return were shot on sight as "infiltrators"

all arab villages mosques and towns in the whole area were systematically destroyed and replaced, often by recent russian immigrants, half of whom are not even jewish

the gazans wont recognise israel's right to keep their land. they have this wierd idea that what was stolen from them by force should be returned to them. I think it's called property rights. ever heard of that. ???

israel in the form of that great humanitarian General Ariel Sharon himself financed Hamas for years between 1967 and the first intifada to divide the gazans between secular PLO and religious Hamas..

total israelis killed by ALL gazan rockets 14
gazans killed in cast lead alone 1300

total gazans killed by israel all together many ,many thousands...tens of thousands

you say, " you're f'ing psycho if you think there's any time in history where one group can be expected to attack and the other is some how not allowed to fight the force with force".

that means you are 10,000 gazan deaths more f'ing psycho than the f'ing psycho hamas killers (whom I do NOT support; I am jewish myself),

not to mention the theft of theiir homes and occupation which is violence is it not???

by your logic the gazans are allowed to meet far far greater and longer lasting and older israeli force with force

I actually disagree with you.............all arab force in retaliation has only made their lives even worse and will continue to do so.

you know not what you say sir................not so great gatsby after all
What are you babbling now, Israelis gave Gaza back and instead of a thank you they got rockets being shot inside Israel. And besides, the "land" was never owned or controlled by Arabs, it was British territory / Palestine Mandate, and before that it was Turkish Ottoman lands for 600 years. And who are Gazans? Egyptians who started calling themselves Palestinians as of 1967.

Everything Israel does is politics. It's all planned. They wanted to separate Gaza and the West Bank so Palestinians would separate those two terms. Rather than say Palestine. Also they get to create enemies. They will flush in free weapons, Aid, anything by claiming hezbollah and Hamas are their enemies. They need them to always have a presence.
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Palestine was partitioned in 1948-----the idea was something like the partitioning of India----to keep people in conflict apart and not killing each other-------Israel did not decide to IMPRISON arab muslims from palestine in Gaza----EGYPT DID Egypt did not want them as citizens -----and therefore locked them up as ETERNAL REFUGEES The purpose was an ISLAMICIST IMPERIALIST PLAN to DESTROY ISRAEL and CREATE A MIDDLE EASTERN CALIPHATE SHIT HOLE ----the "refugees" were to be uses as PAWNS and MILITANTS in that fight The statement that "israel planned to put "palestinians" in gaza to separate them from "palestinians' on the west bank is absurd In 1948 there were no muslim arab "palestinians" Muslim arab "palestinian" was invented in the 1960s
if you have media you can play The innocent people role while even you are making a massacre

That certainly reminded me of the stories vets who were in the Korean War told me. When the Turks would get drunk and dance around a fire which was lit in an oil drum, the Chinese and North Koreans would fire down at them. The Turks would get so mad that they would run up the hill with their trusty knives (leaving their M1's behind) and then would come back with the ears, noses, and sexual organs which they then tried to sell to the American GIs.

Mr. F. Amazing, why did your countrymen commit these atrocities?
if you have media you can play The innocent people role while even you are making a massacre

That certainly reminded me of the stories vets who were in the Korean War told me. When the Turks would get drunk and dance around a fire which was lit in an oil drum, the Chinese and North Koreans would fire down at them. The Turks would get so mad that they would run up the hill with their trusty knives (leaving their M1's behind) and then would come back with the ears, noses, and sexual organs which they then tried to sell to the American GIs.

Mr. F. Amazing, why did your countrymen commit these atrocities?

Why would American soldiers want to buy these body parts from the savage Turks? :confused:
That certainly reminded me of the stories vets who were in the Korean War told me. When the Turks would get drunk and dance around a fire which was lit in an oil drum, the Chinese and North Koreans would fire down at them. The Turks would get so mad that they would run up the hill with their trusty knives (leaving their M1's behind) and then would come back with the ears, noses, and sexual organs which they then tried to sell to the American GIs.

Mr. F. Amazing, why did your countrymen commit these atrocities?

Why would American soldiers want to buy these body parts from the savage Turks? :confused:
Most of them didn't, but it was a way for the Turks to try to get a little extra money if someone was sick enough to want one of those as a souvenir. Remember where the word "assassin" came from so you can readily picture what those Turks did to the enemy.
if you have media you can play The innocent people role while even you are making a massacre

That certainly reminded me of the stories vets who were in the Korean War told me. When the Turks would get drunk and dance around a fire which was lit in an oil drum, the Chinese and North Koreans would fire down at them. The Turks would get so mad that they would run up the hill with their trusty knives (leaving their M1's behind) and then would come back with the ears, noses, and sexual organs which they then tried to sell to the American GIs.

yes i know this story .. Brat Pitt The Inglorious Bastards .. yes Turks are great soldiers but dont exaggerate so much .. at this time you can solve everything without war .. no need war..

bad histories are like dumps , just dogs tamper that dumps..

look the future ... dont create stories from history , leave the history to historians and scientists..
if you have media you can play The innocent people role while even you are making a massacre

That certainly reminded me of the stories vets who were in the Korean War told me. When the Turks would get drunk and dance around a fire which was lit in an oil drum, the Chinese and North Koreans would fire down at them. The Turks would get so mad that they would run up the hill with their trusty knives (leaving their M1's behind) and then would come back with the ears, noses, and sexual organs which they then tried to sell to the American GIs.

yes i know this story .. Brat Pitt The Inglorious Bastards .. yes Turks are great soldiers but dont exaggerate so much .. at this time you can solve everything without war .. no need war..

bad histories are like dumps , just dogs tamper that dumps..

look the future ... dont create stories from history , leave the history to historians and scientists..
Listen, if you are hankering for one of these souvenirs that perhaps one of your relatives cut off from some North Korean or Chinese soldier, check with EBay. Maybe someone is selling his deceased relative's old stuff and will be happy to let you have it real cheap.
That certainly reminded me of the stories vets who were in the Korean War told me. When the Turks would get drunk and dance around a fire which was lit in an oil drum, the Chinese and North Koreans would fire down at them. The Turks would get so mad that they would run up the hill with their trusty knives (leaving their M1's behind) and then would come back with the ears, noses, and sexual organs which they then tried to sell to the American GIs.

yes i know this story .. Brat Pitt The Inglorious Bastards .. yes Turks are great soldiers but dont exaggerate so much .. at this time you can solve everything without war .. no need war..

bad histories are like dumps , just dogs tamper that dumps..

look the future ... dont create stories from history , leave the history to historians and scientists..
Listen, if you are hankering for one of these souvenirs that perhaps one of your relatives cut off from some North Korean or Chinese soldier, check with EBay. Maybe someone is selling his deceased relative's old stuff and will be happy to let you have it real cheap.

This reminds me of the Bible story of when the great warrior David brought King Saul 200 Philistine foreskins (from their penises), as a dowry for his daughter's hand in marriage.
yes i know this story .. Brat Pitt The Inglorious Bastards .. yes Turks are great soldiers but dont exaggerate so much .. at this time you can solve everything without war .. no need war..

bad histories are like dumps , just dogs tamper that dumps..

look the future ... dont create stories from history , leave the history to historians and scientists..
Listen, if you are hankering for one of these souvenirs that perhaps one of your relatives cut off from some North Korean or Chinese soldier, check with EBay. Maybe someone is selling his deceased relative's old stuff and will be happy to let you have it real cheap.

This reminds me of the Bible story of when the great warrior David brought King Saul 200 Philistine foreskins (from their penises), as a dowry for his daughter's hand in marriage.
But circumcising someone for his foreskin (and remember these were ancient days when men were very violent as we can see from the many wars which occurred between different groups) is very different from killing someone in the 20th century and chopping off their nose, ear, or sexual organs and then trying to sell them as souvenirs to pick up a few extra bucks..
yes i know this story .. Brat Pitt The Inglorious Bastards .. yes Turks are great soldiers but dont exaggerate so much .. at this time you can solve everything without war .. no need war..

bad histories are like dumps , just dogs tamper that dumps..

look the future ... dont create stories from history , leave the history to historians and scientists..
Listen, if you are hankering for one of these souvenirs that perhaps one of your relatives cut off from some North Korean or Chinese soldier, check with EBay. Maybe someone is selling his deceased relative's old stuff and will be happy to let you have it real cheap.

This reminds me of the Bible story of when the great warrior David brought King Saul 200 Philistine foreskins (from their penises), as a dowry for his daughter's hand in marriage.
you mean he tried to convert them to judaism?

or were they dead ones?
Listen, if you are hankering for one of these souvenirs that perhaps one of your relatives cut off from some North Korean or Chinese soldier, check with EBay. Maybe someone is selling his deceased relative's old stuff and will be happy to let you have it real cheap.

This reminds me of the Bible story of when the great warrior David brought King Saul 200 Philistine foreskins (from their penises), as a dowry for his daughter's hand in marriage.
you mean he tried to convert them to judaism?

or were they dead ones?

He took them off dead Philistines that he killed in battle.
yes i know this story .. Brat Pitt The Inglorious Bastards .. yes Turks are great soldiers but dont exaggerate so much .. at this time you can solve everything without war .. no need war..

bad histories are like dumps , just dogs tamper that dumps..

look the future ... dont create stories from history , leave the history to historians and scientists..
Listen, if you are hankering for one of these souvenirs that perhaps one of your relatives cut off from some North Korean or Chinese soldier, check with EBay. Maybe someone is selling his deceased relative's old stuff and will be happy to let you have it real cheap.

This reminds me of the Bible story of when the great warrior David brought King Saul 200 Philistine foreskins (from their penises), as a dowry for his daughter's hand in marriage.
Listen, if you are hankering for one of these souvenirs that perhaps one of your relatives cut off from some North Korean or Chinese soldier, check with EBay. Maybe someone is selling his deceased relative's old stuff and will be happy to let you have it real cheap.

This reminds me of the Bible story of when the great warrior David brought King Saul 200 Philistine foreskins (from their penises), as a dowry for his daughter's hand in marriage.

stories like that are for dickheads

what has g-d got against penises ???
Listen, if you are hankering for one of these souvenirs that perhaps one of your relatives cut off from some North Korean or Chinese soldier, check with EBay. Maybe someone is selling his deceased relative's old stuff and will be happy to let you have it real cheap.

This reminds me of the Bible story of when the great warrior David brought King Saul 200 Philistine foreskins (from their penises), as a dowry for his daughter's hand in marriage.
you mean he tried to convert them to judaism?

or were they dead ones?
Forced conversions is a your Islamic thing. I Judaism, one is supposed to reject converts at least a few times.
This reminds me of the Bible story of when the great warrior David brought King Saul 200 Philistine foreskins (from their penises), as a dowry for his daughter's hand in marriage.
you mean he tried to convert them to judaism?

or were they dead ones?
Forced conversions is a your Islamic thing. I Judaism, one is supposed to reject converts at least a few times.
well they should have rejected you too

you are one of the worst jews around here

ignorant, savage and insult to the rest of us decent jews

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