This Pride Sign Is at the Entrance of a WA School

What you said.
I didn’t go to a high school to see their highly praised security?
There’s another aspect to all this “it’s OK if you’re gay” stuff to young children: it can make them think they are gay when they are not, when as children, they don’t need to think about it at all.

Case in point: it is quite common for young girls to have a “crush” on another girl. I myself, as a 10-year-old, had a crush on another girl - very tomboyish girl - and wanted to sit next to her in class. I just thought she was so cool!

That phase ended, and then it was boys, boys, boys all the time. My dates were all with boys, and then men. All sexual relationships were with men. And at the risk of TMI, all fantasies are with men.

I later asked my mother if she was worried when I had that crush in elementary school, and she told me it is common at that age, and MEANS NOTHING. The point is, if I were in a liberal la-la land back in the 60s, I might have thought I was gay, when I wasn’t, and it would have just created confusion.

Let’s just let kids be kids, and focus on teaching them arithmetic, reading, and writing. The scores nationwide are abysmal.

But you're talking about extreme leftists who simply define the difference between simple and simple-minded.
Once someone has served their time they should no longer be punished by the government.

A valid position, but one that I cannot agree with at this time.

I support the idea of an easy avenue to getting off the list of violent ex-cons, but there should be some sign that the person has reformed, instead of just not being caught yet.
A valid position, but one that I cannot agree with at this time.

I support the idea of an easy avenue to getting off the list of violent ex-cons, but there should be some sign that the person has reformed, instead of just not being caught yet.
Yep. Prisoners are released based upon government dates, not the status of their being reformed or not.
Good Leftard. Back to arming murderers and rapists.

If it makes it you happy to call me that I really do not mind.

But only one of us thinks that the Govt should be allowed to punish people even after they have paid their debt to society.

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