This might cause Dems to secure the border


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Maybe they are looking for a better life here, but they aren't finding better healthcare. Of course, the real reason so many sneak through the border is to take advantage of jobs and welfare. Once they've built their nest eggs and put their children through school, at our expense, they often move back home and enjoy a comfortable retirement. In the meantime, they send billions back to Mexico each year, helping Mexico's economy while hurting ours. Now they seek healthcare back home since Obamacare sucks. Too many doctors aren't accepting Obamacare and there are already long waits for appointments if they do find a doctor. In the last decade, 60 hospitals in California have closed their doors for good, mainly due to illegal aliens who don't pay their bills. Obamacare is only making a bad situation worse. Citizens might try to seek healthcare across the border, though that will be frowned upon. It's okay for illegals to come here to take advantage of us, but the Mexican government won't stand for that if it goes the other way around, despite the fact that Americans would pay their own way and not expect handouts. I wonder if the liberals will finally decide to secure the border. They weren't concerned about illegal aliens, criminals and terrorists walking in through our porous borders, but people seeking good healthcare instead of Obamacare might just piss them off.

Californians with Obamacare are driving to Mexico for cheaper, better healthcare
Politics: Californians with Obamacare are driving to Mexico for cheaper, better healthcare | Best of Cain
Maybe they are looking for a better life here, but they aren't finding better healthcare. Of course, the real reason so many sneak through the border is to take advantage of jobs and welfare. Once they've built their nest eggs and put their children through school, at our expense, they often move back home and enjoy a comfortable retirement. In the meantime, they send billions back to Mexico each year, helping Mexico's economy while hurting ours. Now they seek healthcare back home since Obamacare sucks. Too many doctors aren't accepting Obamacare and there are already long waits for appointments if they do find a doctor. In the last decade, 60 hospitals in California have closed their doors for good, mainly due to illegal aliens who don't pay their bills. Obamacare is only making a bad situation worse. Citizens might try to seek healthcare across the border, though that will be frowned upon. It's okay for illegals to come here to take advantage of us, but the Mexican government won't stand for that if it goes the other way around, despite the fact that Americans would pay their own way and not expect handouts. I wonder if the liberals will finally decide to secure the border. They weren't concerned about illegal aliens, criminals and terrorists walking in through our porous borders, but people seeking good healthcare instead of Obamacare might just piss them off.

Californians with Obamacare are driving to Mexico for cheaper, better healthcare
Politics: Californians with Obamacare are driving to Mexico for cheaper, better healthcare | Best of Cain
And this scam will continue indefinitely until a new world government is created: In the early 90's, in North east Philadelphia where I lived with my father at the time, shortly after the collapse of Soviet Union, HERDS of certain class of Russian speaking people began settling in among us - SOME OF THESE PEOPLE... (we know) were COMMUNISTS, communists that had my parents IMPRISONED for speaking out against communism back in Soviet Union, AND HERE, THEY were already receiving all kinds of government welfare, government hand outs and benefits! and they owned their homes within a couple of months in America, while people like my father was struggling, working over time to pay rent. I am not complaining. I am not blaming Russians, I LOVE Russian people in general,... I just state the facts and I ask you to think.....
Maybe they are looking for a better life here, but they aren't finding better healthcare. Of course, the real reason so many sneak through the border is to take advantage of jobs and welfare. Once they've built their nest eggs and put their children through school, at our expense, they often move back home and enjoy a comfortable retirement. In the meantime, they send billions back to Mexico each year, helping Mexico's economy while hurting ours. Now they seek healthcare back home since Obamacare sucks. Too many doctors aren't accepting Obamacare and there are already long waits for appointments if they do find a doctor. In the last decade, 60 hospitals in California have closed their doors for good, mainly due to illegal aliens who don't pay their bills. Obamacare is only making a bad situation worse. Citizens might try to seek healthcare across the border, though that will be frowned upon. It's okay for illegals to come here to take advantage of us, but the Mexican government won't stand for that if it goes the other way around, despite the fact that Americans would pay their own way and not expect handouts. I wonder if the liberals will finally decide to secure the border. They weren't concerned about illegal aliens, criminals and terrorists walking in through our porous borders, but people seeking good healthcare instead of Obamacare might just piss them off.

Californians with Obamacare are driving to Mexico for cheaper, better healthcare
Politics: Californians with Obamacare are driving to Mexico for cheaper, better healthcare | Best of Cain
Doubtful...the Dems, and quite frankly the Republican establishment are looking to "Immigration Reform" to woo new voters...I saw that a day or so ago...Now I do have to ask is I wonder If immigration will now ask why Americans are going over the border when they do...and if they say "I have a doctor appointment..." they will be arrested on the spot...for subversion of ObamaCare?:eusa_whistle:
Allie, allie in free!...
Arrests of Illegals Crossing U.S.-Mexico Border Down 75% Since 2000
June 9, 2014 -- The number of unauthorized migrants apprehended by U.S. Border Patrol along the U.S. Southwest border has decreased by 74.7% since 2000, according to a Congressional Research Service (CRS) report.
According to the U.S. Border Patrol, there were 1,643,679 illegal alien apprehensions, defined as the arrest of a removable alien, along the Southwest border in fiscal year 2000. The southwest border includes Big Bend, Del Rio, El Centro, El Paso, Laredo, Rio Grande Valley, San Diego, Tucson, and Yuma. Since 2000, the number of apprehensions along this border decreased by 74.7%, totaling 420,789 apprehensions in fiscal year 2013. In the May 2, 2014 CRS report, Apprehensions of Unauthorized Migrants along the Southwest Border: Fact Sheet, it states, “Southwest border apprehensions began to decline mid-decade, dropping by 8% between FY2005 and FY2006. They fell more rapidly between FY2006 and FY2011, by an average of 14% each year. Since FY2011, apprehensions increased by 26%.”

When looking at apprehension data for only Mexican nationals from the Southwest border, the decrease of arrests is even larger. “Overall apprehensions of Mexican nationals declined by 84% from FY2000 to FY2013,” according to the CRS. This is “largely because Mexican nationals comprise a large proportion of the total apprehensions for the time period examined.” “The largest decrease in Mexican national apprehensions between FY2000 and FY2013 occurred at the Yuma sector, which declined by 95% during this time period. Other sectors that experienced a decline in apprehensions during the time period examined included El Centro (94%), El Paso (92%), and Del Rio (91%),” according to the CRS.


Incidentally, Yuma and El Centro are the two cities in the United States with the highest unemployment rates. As of April 2014, which is the latest data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the unemployment rate in Yuma, AZ is 23.8% and in El Centro, Calif. the unemployment rate is 21.6%. Both of these unemployment rates are more than three times higher than the national unemployment rate in April 2013 of 6.3%. The reason for the falling number of apprehensions is likely due to lower illegal inflows, said the CRS. “Falling apprehensions likely reflect lower illegal inflows since 2006, though the degree to which reduced inflows are a result of effective enforcement by the USBP versus other factors, like the recent U.S. economic downturn, remains subject to debate,” according to the report.

In March of 2013, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) evaluated the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) progress and challenges in securing the U.S. borders. “Since fiscal year 2011, DHS has used the number of apprehensions on the southwest border between ports of entry as an interim performance goal and measure for border security as reported in its annual performance report. Prior to this, DHS used operational control as its goal and outcome measure for border security and to assess resource needs to accomplish this goal. Operational control – also referred to as effective control – was defined as the number of border miles where Border Patrol had the capability to detect, respond to, and interdict cross-border illegal activity,” says GAO. “DHS last reported its progress and status in achieving operational control of the borders in fiscal year 2010,” said the GAO. “At that time, DHS reported achieving operational control for 1,107 (13 percent) of 8,607 miles across U.S. northern, southwest, and coastal borders. Along the southwest border, DHS reported achieving operational control for 873 (44 percent) of the about 2,000 border miles.”

Arrests of Illegals Crossing U.S.-Mexico Border Down 75% Since 2000 | CNS News
Securing the border with some kind of gigantic, useless, un-American Berlin Wall is a Pub myth for the dupes, while Pubs refuse a good work/SS ID card that would solve the problem. In truth, they love the cheap labor. At least 40% of illegals just overstay their visas. A good ID card would also end them sneaking onto welfare, paying taxes, etc.

Congrats, you're a brainwashed functional moron. lol

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