"This is the biggest load of bull..." Clinton on the emails.

she had never received any emails that are classified

If she never received any classified emails or sent any classified emails on her private server,
how did she send and received classified info?

That has always been one of my question that no one seems to know the answer to.
Answered. OVer and over.



Never saw it, sorry, I guess I don't spend all my life here like you whackadoodle.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Do you get paid for every use of the word "whackdoodle" like the con-idiot who has 40,000+ posts that use the phrase "far left drone?"

Yes, I do but only if the person really is a whackadoodle, so for calling you a whackadoodle, I am paid handsomely. Thanks, whackadoodle, but it knows now partisanship, it applies to the whackadoodles from the extreme left and extreme right. Thanks for the money, whackadoodle.
Some more good chewables:

CUMMINGS: I wanted to clear up some things. I want to make sure I understand exactly what you testified to on the issue of whether Secretary Clinton sent or received e-mails that were marked as classified.

On Tuesday you stated, and I quote, "only a very small number of the e-mails containing classified information bore markings, and I emphasis bore markings, indicating the presence of classified information."

Republicans have pounced on this statement as evidence that Secretary Clinton lied. But today we learned some significant new facts and I hope the press listens to this. First you clarify that you were talking about only three e-mails out of 30 thousand. Your office is reviewed. Is that right?

COMEY: Three, yes.

CUMMINGS: Three out of 30 thousand, is that right?

COMEY: Yes at least 30 thousand.

CUMMINGS: At least 30 thousand. Second, you confirmed that these three e-mails were not properly marked as classified at the time based on Federal guidelines and manuals.They did not have a classification header; they did not list the original classifier, the agency, officer of origin, reason for classification, or date for declassification. Instead these e-mails included only a single quote see parenthesis, end parenthesis and then end of quotation mark for confidential on one paragraph lower down in the text, is that right?

COMEY: Correct.

CUMMINGS: Third, you testified that based on these facts it would have been a quote "reasonable inference for Secretary Clinton to" quote "immediately" end of quote conclude that these e-mails were not in fact classified. So that was also critical new information. But there's one more critical fact that these e-mails were not in fact, and that is this Director, and to the press these e-mails were not in fact classified.

The State Department explained to us yesterday -- they reported that these e-mails are not classified and that including the little C on these e-mails was a result of a human error. The bottom line is that those little Cs should not have been on those documents because they were not in fact classified.

When Representative Watson Coleman asked you a few minutes ago about this you testified that you had not been informed. And I understand that, I'm not beating up on you I promise you. But can you tell us why Director Comey -- because I want -- because republicans are pouncing saying the Secretary lied and I want to make sure we're clear on this. Can you tell us why Director Comey did you consult, and we're just curious, did you consult about these three e-mails out of the more than 30 thousand or did this just not come up? What happened there?

COMEY: Yes I'm not remembering for sure while I'm here. I'm highly confident we consulted with them and got their view on it. I don't know about what happened yesterday. Maybe their view has changed or they found things out that we didn't know. But I'm highly confident we consulted with them about it.

CUMMINGS: So this is solely different than what we understood yesterday. Today we learned that these e-mails were not in fact classified, they should not have been included in those -- they should not have included those straight (ph) markings. They were not properly marked as classified and the Director of the FBI believes it was reasonable for Secretary Clinton to assume that these documents were not classified.

CUMMINGS: Today 10s of thousands of Secretary Clinton's e-mails are probably available on the State Department's website. And our staff have been reviewing the e-mails that were retroactively determined to include classified information. Based on this review, it appears that these e-mails included more than one thousand individuals who sent or received the information that is not redacted as classified. Let me make that clear. About one thousand people sent or received the same information that was contained in Secretary Clinton's e-mails and retroactively classified. Were you aware of that?

COMEY: No, the number doesn't surprised me though.

CUMMINGS: Why not?

COMEY: Because this was -- they were doing the business of the State Department on this e-mail system, so I don't know how many thousands of people work in the State Department. But it doesn't surprise there'd be lots of people on these chains.

CUMMINGS: And would you agree that something needs to be done with regard to this classification stuff because classified things are classified then they're not classified, then they are retroactively classified. I mean does that go into your consideration when looking at a case like this?

COMEY: Yes I don't pay much attention to the up classified stuff because we're focused on intent. So if someone classifies it later, it's impossible that you formed intent around that because it wasn't classified at the time. I know that's a process -- I wasn't familiar with it before this investigation, but I don't spend a lot of time focused on it in the course of a criminal investigation.

CUMMINGS: I understand. We also reviewed who these people are and they include a host of very experienced career diplomats with many years of experience. So let me ask you this. When you received this referral from the Inspector General about Secretary Clinton's e-mails, did you also receive any referrals for any of the other one thousand people who sent and received those e-mails? Did you?


CNN.com - Transcripts
THANK YOU for posting! This clears up a whole heck of a lot!
RE: Paperview starting another thread
Rocky said:
You started another thread on this, why?

Even if you were right that she never sent or recieved emails that were marked classified that wouldnt make a bit of difference.

Why did you feel it necessary to start another thread on the same subject to which you already had responded?

Were you not getting the left wing responses you wanted? Wanted to put your own spin on the BS.

Comey amended nothing that is a fabrication created by the liberal left. I wondered how long it would be before the left turned on law enforcement. Took longer than I thought.

Dear Freewill and also Rocko who asked similar:

I think it's part of the "denial and grief" process. We already know what the "outcome is" -- but accepting it is another thing.

People go through shock, even though they KNOW what's going on, like a death that we know is real, but just can't fully process "all at once."

So we go through different stages of FEELING it HIT. We ask "the same questions" over and over, not for redundancy, but out of sincere desire for closure.

This has many layers, to fully reconcile and accept something on ALL the levels that it applies to and affects.

As a Democrat I KNOW WE HAVE UNDENIABLE issues with Denial and lack of accountability transparency and correction to the ABUSES going on. I KNOW people AREN'T dealing with this AT ALL. it's HORRIBLE.

I feel like the little girl staring at a stark naked Emperor. And not enough people are ready to fully PROCESS the REALIZATION.

So it hits in WAVES.

And even though you KNOW it's going on, it suddenly hits you like WTFFFF??? All over again.

This isn't healthy, but it's happening.

Please forgive the anger, the outrage that is projected "left and right" because the people the problems belong to aren't accepting responsibility. We'd ALL have to agree to "come out of the closet" with all our BS, and not everyone is to that point yet.

Because more BS keeps piling on, this force everyone else to either forgive, tolerate, process or project the blame "any way they can manage." It's still coming, and there's no place to put it, no way to deal with it, so people make up whatever "narrative" they can to follow along.

So we end up with a lot of people in diverse stages of anger, denial, bargaining, and raging at each other. Picking apart ONE target they can grasp onto, whether it's the BLM that they feel safe projecting onto, or it's Clinton or Trump, or whatever target they can cling to like a life raft down a raging river.

We are going through a critical phase as a Nation, and will have to learn to COPE with this OPENLY and TRANSPARENTLY instead of "pretending that it doesn't stink" when it comes to the pile of BS on our side of the fence. There's manure on all sides, and nobody wants to clean up first.

Trump is yelling about it, but what is he offering to clean it up? He'd have to work with all the other Conservatives, Constitutionalists Christians and Republicans who are all over the map "flipping out" as well.

All in shock. In rage.

We can't work out rational solutions when people are still in the emotional stages of anger or denial.

Just not there yet. So people are stewing and processing this, in all kinds of ways, until we learn to manage it.

I thought we could get there faster, but this is tougher on all sides. No one is handling this well, I don't think.

I think this would take grief and marriage counselors, experienced mediators at every level of govt, to handle all the BS that has piled up. Like manure clogging up the system, it has to be broken down first.
Last edited:
What do the other "300 career diplomats" have to do with anything?

none of them were responsible for Hillary's security measures.

there's bull here alright, it's spilling right out of a Clinton's mouth, as usual...
she had never received any emails that are classified

If she never received any classified emails or sent any classified emails on her private server,
how did she send and received classified info?

I agree and if she never did any of that why was the FBI investigating her??

The FBI doesn't usually waste its time looking into something for no reason.
she had never received any emails that are classified

If she never received any classified emails or sent any classified emails on her private server,
how did she send and received classified info?

I agree and if she never did any of that why was the FBI investigating her??

The FBI doesn't usually waste its time looking into something for no reason.
They have to 'go through the motions'
in order to come out with an **OFFICIAL** report of "finding nothing wrong."
What do the other "300 career diplomats" have to do with anything?

none of them were responsible for Hillary's security measures.

there's bull here alright, it's spilling right out of a Clinton's mouth, as usual...

Fueri I think you could have stopped at
"none of them were responsible"

Point made

True, but then I couldn't have spat on them for good measure....
She clarified early on and well over a year ago that she had never sent or received emails that were MARKED Classified, this was Hillary's statements early on....

And, this turns out to be TRUE.

This, ''Marked'' has meaning, within the Espionage Laws themselves...
she had never received any emails that are classified

If she never received any classified emails or sent any classified emails on her private server,
how did she send and received classified info?

I agree and if she never did any of that why was the FBI investigating her??

The FBI doesn't usually waste its time looking into something for no reason.
They have to 'go through the motions'
in order to come out with an **OFFICIAL** report of "finding nothing wrong."

Well they sure had no problem telling everyone how stupid, careless and incompetent Hitlery was.

They wouldn't criminally prosecute her but they had no problem telling one and all what they thought of her and her actions.
What do the other "300 career diplomats" have to do with anything?

none of them were responsible for Hillary's security measures.

there's bull here alright, it's spilling right out of a Clinton's mouth, as usual...

there are a lot of gyrations necessary to get to the shoulder shrug approach on this issue. This latest assertion from Bill that someone else should've, could've, would've said, done, or suggested something if there was indeed a problem, does nothing to detract from the fact that it was her responsibility and hers alone.

Had she used the State Dept servers, she could've pointed to someone else at State as the wonk in charge of that, but she opted to use her own personal server instead. At that point the results of that decision are on her. Not someone else in the IT department, not these "300 other diplomats", not Huma or the rest of her minions. Nobody but her.
The depths Liberals will go to is nothing short of amazing! The bitch lied, everyone in the free world knows it, yet you sit here today and continue to try and build an excuse for her?

Have some sense of honesty, credibility, morality and ethics on the subject...

Answer this one:

The other part of this which Bill reminds us, is allllll the other career diplomats she exchanged emails would have been just as careless.

"Forget about Hillary, forget about her. Is that conceivable?"

When you become SoS you're responsible for the actions of your staff, period...

When you foster a culture that ignores accountability, this is accepted practice...

She ignored the ARB's request she review security issues prior to Benghazi and points to the security experts, yet she wants to be the next POTUS, who is she going to blame then?

Life doesn't work that way unless you're not held to the same level of accountability that the rest of us are...

Let's quit pretending, she can do no wrong in the eyes of the MSM and the Liberals who support her...

Or they, like Hillary didn't think those chains contained later to be classified by another agency were actually classified.

A lot of these are career positions. Meaning many have been there for decades. They would know - and we're talking hundreds of people - if they thought it was classified they are putting their careers on the line.

No it isn't conceivable.

No, what's not conceivable is her own facts versus the real world the rest of us live in...

She is no better than you or I, we are held to a much higher standard than you hold her too...

If she had come out and said she was wrong, "I made mistakes and I'll take accountability", these issues would be behind all of us...

Instead everyone continues to make excuses for her...
Er, she said it. Numerous times. Maybe you missed it in all your hate Hillary sludge-eyes.

No she said "I feel responsible", in layman's terms "I'll only say this, don't expect me to take accountability though"...
She clarified early on and well over a year ago that she had never sent or received emails that were MARKED Classified, this was Hillary's statements early on....

And, this turns out to be TRUE.

This, ''Marked'' has meaning, within the Espionage Laws themselves...

She clarified early on and well over a year ago that she had never sent or received emails that were MARKED Classified, this was Hillary's statements early on....

Not all classified information is marked classified. You knew that, right?
I posted this a few pages back.

Curiously (well, not really) no one responded.

Let's look at someone who mishandled classified and marked TS/SCI information....

How did this all work out?

"While serving as attorney general, Alberto Gonzales mishandled top secret documents, risking the release of classified information about two of the Bush administration's most sensitive counterterrorism efforts - a surveillance program and detainee interrogations.

Mishandling classified materials violates Justice Department regulations and removing them from special secure facilities without proper authorization is a crime. But a report issued Tuesday by the Justice Department's inspector general says the agency decided not to press charges against Gonzales, who resigned under fire last year.

Lawyers for Gonzales acknowledge he did not store or protect the top secret documents - a set of handwritten notes about the surveillance program and 17 other papers - as he should have.
At issue is how, and where, Gonzales stored the documents, which are classified as sensitive compartmentalized information, or SCI.

SCI materials are among the highest and most sensitive levels of classified top secret documents and usually relate to national security cases."

DOJ: Gonzales Mishandled Top-Secret Docs
September 2, 2008, 4:12 AM

DOJ: Gonzales Mishandled Top-Secret Docs - CBS News
The damning OIG report is here:
Report - Office of the Inspector General - US Department of Justice

Give it a lil looksee. If you're pressed for time, do a Ctrl^F for TS/SCI markings.

Have fun!

"A small snip: "Gonzales told the OIG that he knew it was “very, very limited access.” However, he stated he could not say whether the program was TS or TS/SCI, although he said he knew it was of the highest level of secrecy.
Gonzales said he “assumed” documents related to the program bore classification markings that would have indicated the precise
classification of the program, but that he did not create such documents, so he
could not be certain...."

"The OIG reviewed these additional documents. The two envelopes
contained a total of 17 separate documents. The envelope containing
documents related to the NSA surveillance program bore the handwritten
markings, “TOP SECRET – EYES ONLY – ARG” followed by an abbreviation for
the SCI codeword for the program. The envelope containing the documents
relating to a detainee interrogation program bore classification markings
related to that program. Each document inside the envelopes had a cover
sheet and header-footer markings indicating the document was TS/SCI. "

He took TOP SECRET classified documents home, in an unlocked briefcase, stored them in his home, unprotected. Then later kept them in a safe hall outside his office where uncleared persons had access to him.

And what happened to him? Diddlysquat.

Lawyers for Gonzales acknowledge he did not store or protect the top secret documents - a set of handwritten notes about the surveillance program and 17 other papers - as he should have.

Didn't protect them as he should have? Yeah, that describes Hillary's actions too.

Then later kept them in a safe hall outside his office where uncleared persons had access to him.

Like Hillary's lawyers, who decided which emails to delete, were uncleared persons.
Having her lawyers pull together with key word searches her govt emails, just shows what Comey has indicated, she did not believe she had any Top Secret information on her server and showed no intent on doing something that was wrong in any way..

She obviously took GREAT Caution IN NOT receiving or sending top secret documents and material....when NONE were marked top secret classified out of the 40,000 plus government emails and only 7 email chains out of the 40000 plus emails the FBI captured, had what was later classified as top secret information. That's less than 1% of all of the govt emails of Hillary's over 4 years, and NONE were marked classified... that's not extremely careless as Comey said, that's being cautious and careful, considering all of the Classified information and documents and materials that she had to handle and her aides had to handle during that time period!!!!

These WERE NOT top secret documents taken from the top secret government system, as what Gonzalez had done....she and her aides did not remove any top secret documents and transmit them on an unclassified system.

What was deemed top secret was done so later, what the emails among her aides contained was her aides discussing stuff, that another Intelligence Agency believed was top secret information, these aides then forwarded their discussions among themselves, to Hillary.... and email chains contained top secret info according to our Intelligence dept, that Syd Blumenthal had sent to her as an FYI... Information syd blumenthal was able to get from his own public sources....so the State Dept and Hillary did not believe this information was top secret classified, BECAUSE an outsider, Blumenthal was able to gather the information... so they presumed other non government civilians could as well....therefore, NOT T/S Classified emails.

BUT the Intelligence Community fought with Kerry's State Dept over its classification and the Intelligence Community ended up winning and this information was made top secret classified.

This is all far less nefarious than what it is made out to be...Comey knows it, or he would have charged her...he just tried to have his cake and eat it too, by helping the Republicans through his unprecedented public scathing while ending with, she did not do anything at the criminal level to charge her with.
I posted this a few pages back.

Curiously (well, not really) no one responded.

Let's look at someone who mishandled classified and marked TS/SCI information....

How did this all work out?

"While serving as attorney general, Alberto Gonzales mishandled top secret documents, risking the release of classified information about two of the Bush administration's most sensitive counterterrorism efforts - a surveillance program and detainee interrogations.

Mishandling classified materials violates Justice Department regulations and removing them from special secure facilities without proper authorization is a crime. But a report issued Tuesday by the Justice Department's inspector general says the agency decided not to press charges against Gonzales, who resigned under fire last year.

Lawyers for Gonzales acknowledge he did not store or protect the top secret documents - a set of handwritten notes about the surveillance program and 17 other papers - as he should have.
At issue is how, and where, Gonzales stored the documents, which are classified as sensitive compartmentalized information, or SCI.

SCI materials are among the highest and most sensitive levels of classified top secret documents and usually relate to national security cases."

DOJ: Gonzales Mishandled Top-Secret Docs
September 2, 2008, 4:12 AM

DOJ: Gonzales Mishandled Top-Secret Docs - CBS News
The damning OIG report is here:
Report - Office of the Inspector General - US Department of Justice

Give it a lil looksee. If you're pressed for time, do a Ctrl^F for TS/SCI markings.

Have fun!

"A small snip: "Gonzales told the OIG that he knew it was “very, very limited access.” However, he stated he could not say whether the program was TS or TS/SCI, although he said he knew it was of the highest level of secrecy.
Gonzales said he “assumed” documents related to the program bore classification markings that would have indicated the precise
classification of the program, but that he did not create such documents, so he
could not be certain...."

"The OIG reviewed these additional documents. The two envelopes
contained a total of 17 separate documents. The envelope containing
documents related to the NSA surveillance program bore the handwritten
markings, “TOP SECRET – EYES ONLY – ARG” followed by an abbreviation for
the SCI codeword for the program. The envelope containing the documents
relating to a detainee interrogation program bore classification markings
related to that program. Each document inside the envelopes had a cover
sheet and header-footer markings indicating the document was TS/SCI. "

He took TOP SECRET classified documents home, in an unlocked briefcase, stored them in his home, unprotected. Then later kept them in a safe hall outside his office where uncleared persons had access to him.

And what happened to him? Diddlysquat.

Lawyers for Gonzales acknowledge he did not store or protect the top secret documents - a set of handwritten notes about the surveillance program and 17 other papers - as he should have.

Didn't protect them as he should have? Yeah, that describes Hillary's actions too.

Then later kept them in a safe hall outside his office where uncleared persons had access to him.

Like Hillary's lawyers, who decided which emails to delete, were uncleared persons.
Having her lawyers pull together with key word searches her govt emails, just shows what Comey has indicated, she did not believe she had any Top Secret information on her server and showed no intent on doing something that was wrong in any way..

She obviously took GREAT Caution IN NOT receiving or sending top secret documents and material....when NONE were marked top secret classified out of the 40,000 plus government emails and only 7 email chains out of the 40000 plus emails the FBI captured, had what was later classified as top secret information. That's less than 1% of all of the govt emails of Hillary's over 4 years, and NONE were marked classified... that's not extremely careless as Comey said, that's being cautious and careful, considering all of the Classified information and documents and materials that she had to handle and her aides had to handle during that time period!!!!

These WERE NOT top secret documents taken from the top secret government system, as what Gonzalez had done....she and her aides did not remove any top secret documents and transmit them on an unclassified system.

What was deemed top secret was done so later, what the emails among her aides contained was her aides discussing stuff, that another Intelligence Agency believed was top secret information, these aides then forwarded their discussions among themselves, to Hillary.... and email chains contained top secret info according to our Intelligence dept, that Syd Blumenthal had sent to her as an FYI... Information syd blumenthal was able to get from his own public sources....so the State Dept and Hillary did not believe this information was top secret classified, BECAUSE an outsider, Blumenthal was able to gather the information... so they presumed other non government civilians could as well....therefore, NOT T/S Classified emails.

BUT the Intelligence Community fought with Kerry's State Dept over its classification and the Intelligence Community ended up winning and this information was made top secret classified.

This is all far less nefarious than what it is made out to be...Comey knows it, or he would have charged her...he just tried to have his cake and eat it too, by helping the Republicans through his unprecedented public scathing while ending with, she did not do anything at the criminal level to charge her with.

She obviously took GREAT Caution IN NOT receiving or sending top secret documents and material....

Baloney. Lower level employees who used personal email got fired for doing a lot less than she did.

This is all far less nefarious than what it is made out to be...

Especially if you ignore the related Clinton Foundation corruption that occurred.
I posted this a few pages back.

Curiously (well, not really) no one responded.

Let's look at someone who mishandled classified and marked TS/SCI information....

How did this all work out?

"While serving as attorney general, Alberto Gonzales mishandled top secret documents, risking the release of classified information about two of the Bush administration's most sensitive counterterrorism efforts - a surveillance program and detainee interrogations.

Mishandling classified materials violates Justice Department regulations and removing them from special secure facilities without proper authorization is a crime. But a report issued Tuesday by the Justice Department's inspector general says the agency decided not to press charges against Gonzales, who resigned under fire last year.

Lawyers for Gonzales acknowledge he did not store or protect the top secret documents - a set of handwritten notes about the surveillance program and 17 other papers - as he should have.
At issue is how, and where, Gonzales stored the documents, which are classified as sensitive compartmentalized information, or SCI.

SCI materials are among the highest and most sensitive levels of classified top secret documents and usually relate to national security cases."

DOJ: Gonzales Mishandled Top-Secret Docs
September 2, 2008, 4:12 AM

DOJ: Gonzales Mishandled Top-Secret Docs - CBS News
The damning OIG report is here:
Report - Office of the Inspector General - US Department of Justice

Give it a lil looksee. If you're pressed for time, do a Ctrl^F for TS/SCI markings.

Have fun!

"A small snip: "Gonzales told the OIG that he knew it was “very, very limited access.” However, he stated he could not say whether the program was TS or TS/SCI, although he said he knew it was of the highest level of secrecy.
Gonzales said he “assumed” documents related to the program bore classification markings that would have indicated the precise
classification of the program, but that he did not create such documents, so he
could not be certain...."

"The OIG reviewed these additional documents. The two envelopes
contained a total of 17 separate documents. The envelope containing
documents related to the NSA surveillance program bore the handwritten
markings, “TOP SECRET – EYES ONLY – ARG” followed by an abbreviation for
the SCI codeword for the program. The envelope containing the documents
relating to a detainee interrogation program bore classification markings
related to that program. Each document inside the envelopes had a cover
sheet and header-footer markings indicating the document was TS/SCI. "

He took TOP SECRET classified documents home, in an unlocked briefcase, stored them in his home, unprotected. Then later kept them in a safe hall outside his office where uncleared persons had access to him.

And what happened to him? Diddlysquat.

Lawyers for Gonzales acknowledge he did not store or protect the top secret documents - a set of handwritten notes about the surveillance program and 17 other papers - as he should have.

Didn't protect them as he should have? Yeah, that describes Hillary's actions too.

Then later kept them in a safe hall outside his office where uncleared persons had access to him.

Like Hillary's lawyers, who decided which emails to delete, were uncleared persons.
Having her lawyers pull together with key word searches her govt emails, just shows what Comey has indicated, she did not believe she had any Top Secret information on her server and showed no intent on doing something that was wrong in any way..

She obviously took GREAT Caution IN NOT receiving or sending top secret documents and material....when NONE were marked top secret classified out of the 40,000 plus government emails and only 7 email chains out of the 40000 plus emails the FBI captured, had what was later classified as top secret information. That's less than 1% of all of the govt emails of Hillary's over 4 years, and NONE were marked classified... that's not extremely careless as Comey said, that's being cautious and careful, considering all of the Classified information and documents and materials that she had to handle and her aides had to handle during that time period!!!!

These WERE NOT top secret documents taken from the top secret government system, as what Gonzalez had done....she and her aides did not remove any top secret documents and transmit them on an unclassified system.

What was deemed top secret was done so later, what the emails among her aides contained was her aides discussing stuff, that another Intelligence Agency believed was top secret information, these aides then forwarded their discussions among themselves, to Hillary.... and email chains contained top secret info according to our Intelligence dept, that Syd Blumenthal had sent to her as an FYI... Information syd blumenthal was able to get from his own public sources....so the State Dept and Hillary did not believe this information was top secret classified, BECAUSE an outsider, Blumenthal was able to gather the information... so they presumed other non government civilians could as well....therefore, NOT T/S Classified emails.

BUT the Intelligence Community fought with Kerry's State Dept over its classification and the Intelligence Community ended up winning and this information was made top secret classified.

This is all far less nefarious than what it is made out to be...Comey knows it, or he would have charged her...he just tried to have his cake and eat it too, by helping the Republicans through his unprecedented public scathing while ending with, she did not do anything at the criminal level to charge her with.

She obviously took GREAT Caution IN NOT receiving or sending top secret documents and material....

Baloney. Lower level employees who used personal email got fired for doing a lot less than she did.

This is all far less nefarious than what it is made out to be...

Especially if you ignore the related Clinton Foundation corruption that occurred.
"Lower level employees" have the same level of top secret information/access as Hillary and her Aides and work with it Daily?

I think not!

As far as the Clinton foundation, you are buying in to propaganda... there was no quid pro quo... access to talking to people is common place... What did Hillary change, in order to pay back a gift given to her?

First, no gift was given to her or to Bill, money went specifically to the various Charity programs at the Foundation, and NO MONEY from the foundation has EVER gone to the Clintons...

And Hillary made no policy changes or anything of the sort for these donors.

NO QUID PRO QUO, the law was not broken...
I posted this a few pages back.

Curiously (well, not really) no one responded.

Let's look at someone who mishandled classified and marked TS/SCI information....

How did this all work out?

"While serving as attorney general, Alberto Gonzales mishandled top secret documents, risking the release of classified information about two of the Bush administration's most sensitive counterterrorism efforts - a surveillance program and detainee interrogations.

Mishandling classified materials violates Justice Department regulations and removing them from special secure facilities without proper authorization is a crime. But a report issued Tuesday by the Justice Department's inspector general says the agency decided not to press charges against Gonzales, who resigned under fire last year.

Lawyers for Gonzales acknowledge he did not store or protect the top secret documents - a set of handwritten notes about the surveillance program and 17 other papers - as he should have.
At issue is how, and where, Gonzales stored the documents, which are classified as sensitive compartmentalized information, or SCI.

SCI materials are among the highest and most sensitive levels of classified top secret documents and usually relate to national security cases."

DOJ: Gonzales Mishandled Top-Secret Docs
September 2, 2008, 4:12 AM

DOJ: Gonzales Mishandled Top-Secret Docs - CBS News
The damning OIG report is here:
Report - Office of the Inspector General - US Department of Justice

Give it a lil looksee. If you're pressed for time, do a Ctrl^F for TS/SCI markings.

Have fun!

"A small snip: "Gonzales told the OIG that he knew it was “very, very limited access.” However, he stated he could not say whether the program was TS or TS/SCI, although he said he knew it was of the highest level of secrecy.
Gonzales said he “assumed” documents related to the program bore classification markings that would have indicated the precise
classification of the program, but that he did not create such documents, so he
could not be certain...."

"The OIG reviewed these additional documents. The two envelopes
contained a total of 17 separate documents. The envelope containing
documents related to the NSA surveillance program bore the handwritten
markings, “TOP SECRET – EYES ONLY – ARG” followed by an abbreviation for
the SCI codeword for the program. The envelope containing the documents
relating to a detainee interrogation program bore classification markings
related to that program. Each document inside the envelopes had a cover
sheet and header-footer markings indicating the document was TS/SCI. "

He took TOP SECRET classified documents home, in an unlocked briefcase, stored them in his home, unprotected. Then later kept them in a safe hall outside his office where uncleared persons had access to him.

And what happened to him? Diddlysquat.

Lawyers for Gonzales acknowledge he did not store or protect the top secret documents - a set of handwritten notes about the surveillance program and 17 other papers - as he should have.

Didn't protect them as he should have? Yeah, that describes Hillary's actions too.

Then later kept them in a safe hall outside his office where uncleared persons had access to him.

Like Hillary's lawyers, who decided which emails to delete, were uncleared persons.
Having her lawyers pull together with key word searches her govt emails, just shows what Comey has indicated, she did not believe she had any Top Secret information on her server and showed no intent on doing something that was wrong in any way..

She obviously took GREAT Caution IN NOT receiving or sending top secret documents and material....when NONE were marked top secret classified out of the 40,000 plus government emails and only 7 email chains out of the 40000 plus emails the FBI captured, had what was later classified as top secret information. That's less than 1% of all of the govt emails of Hillary's over 4 years, and NONE were marked classified... that's not extremely careless as Comey said, that's being cautious and careful, considering all of the Classified information and documents and materials that she had to handle and her aides had to handle during that time period!!!!

These WERE NOT top secret documents taken from the top secret government system, as what Gonzalez had done....she and her aides did not remove any top secret documents and transmit them on an unclassified system.

What was deemed top secret was done so later, what the emails among her aides contained was her aides discussing stuff, that another Intelligence Agency believed was top secret information, these aides then forwarded their discussions among themselves, to Hillary.... and email chains contained top secret info according to our Intelligence dept, that Syd Blumenthal had sent to her as an FYI... Information syd blumenthal was able to get from his own public sources....so the State Dept and Hillary did not believe this information was top secret classified, BECAUSE an outsider, Blumenthal was able to gather the information... so they presumed other non government civilians could as well....therefore, NOT T/S Classified emails.

BUT the Intelligence Community fought with Kerry's State Dept over its classification and the Intelligence Community ended up winning and this information was made top secret classified.

This is all far less nefarious than what it is made out to be...Comey knows it, or he would have charged her...he just tried to have his cake and eat it too, by helping the Republicans through his unprecedented public scathing while ending with, she did not do anything at the criminal level to charge her with.

She obviously took GREAT Caution IN NOT receiving or sending top secret documents and material....

Baloney. Lower level employees who used personal email got fired for doing a lot less than she did.

This is all far less nefarious than what it is made out to be...

Especially if you ignore the related Clinton Foundation corruption that occurred.
"Lower level employees" have the same level of top secret information/access as Hillary and her Aides and work with it Daily?

I think not!

As far as the Clinton foundation, you are buying in to propaganda... there was no quid pro quo... access to talking to people is common place... What did Hillary change, in order to pay back a gift given to her?

First, no gift was given to her or to Bill, money went specifically to the various Charity programs at the Foundation, and NO MONEY from the foundation has EVER gone to the Clintons...

And Hillary made no policy changes or anything of the sort for these donors.

NO QUID PRO QUO, the law was not broken...

"Lower level employees" have the same level of top secret information/access as Hillary and her Aides and work with it Daily?

No, that's why her violations of regulations is a lot more serious.

What did Hillary change, in order to pay back a gift given to her?

How much did the uranium guys donate?
You all have been sold another Pipe Dream...first Benghazi, then the emails, now the Clinton foundation, that will also come up with zero.

You are being played like a violin.

Remember what Republican leader of the House Congressman said about the investigations and their PURPOSE!

Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), the likely successor to House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio), told Fox News’s Sean Hannity explicitly on Tuesday night that the Clinton investigation was part of a “strategy to fight and win.”

He explained: “Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable, right? But we put together a Benghazi special committee, a select committee. What are her numbers today? Her numbers are dropping.

Kevin McCarthy’s truthful gaffe on Benghazi
I posted this a few pages back.

Curiously (well, not really) no one responded.

Let's look at someone who mishandled classified and marked TS/SCI information....

How did this all work out?

"While serving as attorney general, Alberto Gonzales mishandled top secret documents, risking the release of classified information about two of the Bush administration's most sensitive counterterrorism efforts - a surveillance program and detainee interrogations.

Mishandling classified materials violates Justice Department regulations and removing them from special secure facilities without proper authorization is a crime. But a report issued Tuesday by the Justice Department's inspector general says the agency decided not to press charges against Gonzales, who resigned under fire last year.

Lawyers for Gonzales acknowledge he did not store or protect the top secret documents - a set of handwritten notes about the surveillance program and 17 other papers - as he should have.
At issue is how, and where, Gonzales stored the documents, which are classified as sensitive compartmentalized information, or SCI.

SCI materials are among the highest and most sensitive levels of classified top secret documents and usually relate to national security cases."

DOJ: Gonzales Mishandled Top-Secret Docs
September 2, 2008, 4:12 AM

DOJ: Gonzales Mishandled Top-Secret Docs - CBS News
The damning OIG report is here:
Report - Office of the Inspector General - US Department of Justice

Give it a lil looksee. If you're pressed for time, do a Ctrl^F for TS/SCI markings.

Have fun!

"A small snip: "Gonzales told the OIG that he knew it was “very, very limited access.” However, he stated he could not say whether the program was TS or TS/SCI, although he said he knew it was of the highest level of secrecy.
Gonzales said he “assumed” documents related to the program bore classification markings that would have indicated the precise
classification of the program, but that he did not create such documents, so he
could not be certain...."

"The OIG reviewed these additional documents. The two envelopes
contained a total of 17 separate documents. The envelope containing
documents related to the NSA surveillance program bore the handwritten
markings, “TOP SECRET – EYES ONLY – ARG” followed by an abbreviation for
the SCI codeword for the program. The envelope containing the documents
relating to a detainee interrogation program bore classification markings
related to that program. Each document inside the envelopes had a cover
sheet and header-footer markings indicating the document was TS/SCI. "

He took TOP SECRET classified documents home, in an unlocked briefcase, stored them in his home, unprotected. Then later kept them in a safe hall outside his office where uncleared persons had access to him.

And what happened to him? Diddlysquat.

Lawyers for Gonzales acknowledge he did not store or protect the top secret documents - a set of handwritten notes about the surveillance program and 17 other papers - as he should have.

Didn't protect them as he should have? Yeah, that describes Hillary's actions too.

Then later kept them in a safe hall outside his office where uncleared persons had access to him.

Like Hillary's lawyers, who decided which emails to delete, were uncleared persons.
Having her lawyers pull together with key word searches her govt emails, just shows what Comey has indicated, she did not believe she had any Top Secret information on her server and showed no intent on doing something that was wrong in any way..

She obviously took GREAT Caution IN NOT receiving or sending top secret documents and material....when NONE were marked top secret classified out of the 40,000 plus government emails and only 7 email chains out of the 40000 plus emails the FBI captured, had what was later classified as top secret information. That's less than 1% of all of the govt emails of Hillary's over 4 years, and NONE were marked classified... that's not extremely careless as Comey said, that's being cautious and careful, considering all of the Classified information and documents and materials that she had to handle and her aides had to handle during that time period!!!!

These WERE NOT top secret documents taken from the top secret government system, as what Gonzalez had done....she and her aides did not remove any top secret documents and transmit them on an unclassified system.

What was deemed top secret was done so later, what the emails among her aides contained was her aides discussing stuff, that another Intelligence Agency believed was top secret information, these aides then forwarded their discussions among themselves, to Hillary.... and email chains contained top secret info according to our Intelligence dept, that Syd Blumenthal had sent to her as an FYI... Information syd blumenthal was able to get from his own public sources....so the State Dept and Hillary did not believe this information was top secret classified, BECAUSE an outsider, Blumenthal was able to gather the information... so they presumed other non government civilians could as well....therefore, NOT T/S Classified emails.

BUT the Intelligence Community fought with Kerry's State Dept over its classification and the Intelligence Community ended up winning and this information was made top secret classified.

This is all far less nefarious than what it is made out to be...Comey knows it, or he would have charged her...he just tried to have his cake and eat it too, by helping the Republicans through his unprecedented public scathing while ending with, she did not do anything at the criminal level to charge her with.

She obviously took GREAT Caution IN NOT receiving or sending top secret documents and material....

Baloney. Lower level employees who used personal email got fired for doing a lot less than she did.

This is all far less nefarious than what it is made out to be...

Especially if you ignore the related Clinton Foundation corruption that occurred.
"Lower level employees" have the same level of top secret information/access as Hillary and her Aides and work with it Daily?

I think not!

As far as the Clinton foundation, you are buying in to propaganda... there was no quid pro quo... access to talking to people is common place... What did Hillary change, in order to pay back a gift given to her?

First, no gift was given to her or to Bill, money went specifically to the various Charity programs at the Foundation, and NO MONEY from the foundation has EVER gone to the Clintons...

And Hillary made no policy changes or anything of the sort for these donors.

NO QUID PRO QUO, the law was not broken...

"Lower level employees" have the same level of top secret information/access as Hillary and her Aides and work with it Daily?

No, that's why her violations of regulations is a lot more serious.

What did Hillary change, in order to pay back a gift given to her?

How much did the uranium guys donate?
Silly one, you sure do love those propaganda sites don't you?

She DID NOT make the decision on the Uranium Sale, 9 Different Department Heads and the Head of some Nuclear proliferation division made the decision, all separately and then together. Hillary did not in any way try to influence these 9 heads, did not encourage the sale in any way with her counterpart division heads....

there was no quid pro quo.

Besides the fact that the Clintons receive ZERO from any money donated to the Clinton Foundation Charity.... NONE....GOT THAT YET? Nothing monetary benefits them in any manner....

If they wanted more money, they could have just kept the $20 million of their OWN MONEY EARNED that they donated to the foundation and been rich for two or three lifetimes...

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