'This is not just a game changer; it's a game over,' nuclear expert says of North Korea test


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Bush, Obama and every cowardly patsy who wanted to sound the alarm but couldn't or wouldn't. China outplayed the world again while everyone was focusing on a fake Russian interference, as I've said for some time, N Korea is their satellite, poking the world while the incompetents chased their careers. The UN were so eager to chastise Israel every chance they had, but where were they when it came to taking on N Korea and China? This failure is a global group effort, starting with the rise of China.

It's not hyperbole to suggest that one or two nuclear attacks could take a large bite out of civilization as we know it as the responses would decimate most of the planet. People all angling for their own benefit while America and Western values are tossed into the garbage bin.

'This is not just a game changer; it's a game over,' nuclear expert says of North Korea test
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think thats correct , i was just listening to the great John Bolton . He sounded like he thinks that military action will be needed to achieve President Trumps and Americas policies . He was asked about the numbers of casualties in Seoul and Bolten asked which would be better , S. Korean or American casualties . Situation could get pretty interesting eh SCanadian .
During Hitler's last days, his staff tried to kill him recognizing that he was nuts. Will we see an assassination from within on Kim Jung? There has to be some way pissed off officers that lost relatives due to Kim Jung executions. I'm beginning to think that is the only hope of a peaceful solution.

I thought the same. A nice, special briefcase on top of the table instead of below it would do North Korea some good.

If the sanctions squeeze paychecks for many, including the military; anything is possible. The problem with this, is the sob Communist Chinese don't want to deal with the exodus into their country, and they have been supporting the ambitions of North Korea for a reason.
Americans are idiots. Your govt sold NK nuclear reactors a mere two years before Bush placed them on an "axis of evil" list. Utterly bipartisan - initiated under Clinton and followed through on under Bush. Sold from a company Rumsfeld had once sat on the board of directors of. And Bush ponied up US taxpayer funding to assist NK in completing the deal. YOU helped pay for them.

North Korea has repeatedly offered to freeze their nuclear program if the US would cease military maneuvers off the coast of the Korean Peninsula. The US refused under both the Obama and Trump administrations. The US wants another war to add to our 7 endless wars of occupation.
During Hitler's last days, his staff tried to kill him recognizing that he was nuts. Will we see an assassination from within on Kim Jung? There has to be some way pissed off officers that lost relatives due to Kim Jung executions. I'm beginning to think that is the only hope of a peaceful solution.
Or Trump.
Americans are idiots. Your govt sold NK nuclear reactors a mere two years before Bush placed them on an "axis of evil" list. Utterly bipartisan - initiated under Clinton and followed through on under Bush. Sold from a company Rumsfeld had once sat on the board of directors of. And Bush ponied up US taxpayer funding to assist NK in completing the deal. YOU helped pay for them.

North Korea has repeatedly offered to freeze their nuclear program if the US would cease military maneuvers off the coast of the Korean Peninsula. The US refused under both the Obama and Trump administrations. The US wants another war to add to our 7 endless wars of occupation.
Not quite true, I think, at least according to what I've read. North Korea agreed to freeze its nuclear program and took all the "incentives" and goodies we offered for that, then they turned away from the agreement at the last hour. They (not Kim--his father) did this more than once. That is why Obama would not deal with them anymore. However, I personally think it's stupid not to recognize them as a nuclear power. Even Wikipedia lists them. This is like refusing to recognize China all those years.
I guess I'd suck as a diplomat.
Americans are idiots. Your govt sold NK nuclear reactors a mere two years before Bush placed them on an "axis of evil" list. Utterly bipartisan - initiated under Clinton and followed through on under Bush. Sold from a company Rumsfeld had once sat on the board of directors of. And Bush ponied up US taxpayer funding to assist NK in completing the deal. YOU helped pay for them.

North Korea has repeatedly offered to freeze their nuclear program if the US would cease military maneuvers off the coast of the Korean Peninsula. The US refused under both the Obama and Trump administrations. The US wants another war to add to our 7 endless wars of occupation.
Not quite true, I think, at least according to what I've read. North Korea agreed to freeze its nuclear program and took all the "incentives" and goodies we offered for that, then they turned away from the agreement at the last hour. They (not Kim--his father) did this more than once. That is why Obama would not deal with them anymore. However, I personally think it's stupid not to recognize them as a nuclear power. Even Wikipedia lists them. This is like refusing to recognize China all those years.
I guess I'd suck as a diplomat.
I would respectfully suggest digging deeper. And that was only one point, we did sell them reactors.
Americans are idiots. Your govt sold NK nuclear reactors a mere two years before Bush placed them on an "axis of evil" list. Utterly bipartisan - initiated under Clinton and followed through on under Bush. Sold from a company Rumsfeld had once sat on the board of directors of. And Bush ponied up US taxpayer funding to assist NK in completing the deal. YOU helped pay for them.

North Korea has repeatedly offered to freeze their nuclear program if the US would cease military maneuvers off the coast of the Korean Peninsula. The US refused under both the Obama and Trump administrations. The US wants another war to add to our 7 endless wars of occupation.
Oh really, that's all it takes to stop Kim Jung Un? Stop military maneuvers off the Korean Peninsula. You can't possibly be that naive to believe that. Well maybe you are.
And as a taxpayer I wasn't aware that I had the power to direct how my tax dollars were spent. Please advise how I in the future keep my tax dollars from supporting maniacal dictators like fatboy Kim.
Americans are idiots. Your govt sold NK nuclear reactors a mere two years before Bush placed them on an "axis of evil" list. Utterly bipartisan - initiated under Clinton and followed through on under Bush. Sold from a company Rumsfeld had once sat on the board of directors of. And Bush ponied up US taxpayer funding to assist NK in completing the deal. YOU helped pay for them.

North Korea has repeatedly offered to freeze their nuclear program if the US would cease military maneuvers off the coast of the Korean Peninsula. The US refused under both the Obama and Trump administrations. The US wants another war to add to our 7 endless wars of occupation.
Oh really, that's all it takes to stop Kim Jung Un? Stop military maneuvers off the Korean Peninsula. You can't possibly be that naive to believe that. Well maybe you are.
And as a taxpayer I wasn't aware that I had the power to direct how my tax dollars were spent. Please advise how I in the future keep my tax dollars from supporting maniacal dictators like fatboy Kim.
Your political system is an empire and it will end the way all empires do. This is why america goes to war these days:

North Korea could be sitting on trillions in untapped mineral resources

North Korea Sitting on $6 Trillion in Mineral Resources

Largest known rare earth deposit discovered in North Korea | MINING.com
Americans are idiots. Your govt sold NK nuclear reactors a mere two years before Bush placed them on an "axis of evil" list. Utterly bipartisan - initiated under Clinton and followed through on under Bush. Sold from a company Rumsfeld had once sat on the board of directors of. And Bush ponied up US taxpayer funding to assist NK in completing the deal. YOU helped pay for them.

North Korea has repeatedly offered to freeze their nuclear program if the US would cease military maneuvers off the coast of the Korean Peninsula. The US refused under both the Obama and Trump administrations. The US wants another war to add to our 7 endless wars of occupation.
Oh really, that's all it takes to stop Kim Jung Un? Stop military maneuvers off the Korean Peninsula. You can't possibly be that naive to believe that. Well maybe you are.
And as a taxpayer I wasn't aware that I had the power to direct how my tax dollars were spent. Please advise how I in the future keep my tax dollars from supporting maniacal dictators like fatboy Kim.
Your political system is an empire and it will end the way all empires do. This is why america goes to war these days:

North Korea could be sitting on trillions in untapped mineral resources

North Korea Sitting on $6 Trillion in Mineral Resources

Largest known rare earth deposit discovered in North Korea | MINING.com
If America wanted to take over countries with vast natural resources, we wouldn't pick North Korea. We would just conquer Africa with no risk of retaliation.
Americans are idiots. Your govt sold NK nuclear reactors a mere two years before Bush placed them on an "axis of evil" list. Utterly bipartisan - initiated under Clinton and followed through on under Bush. Sold from a company Rumsfeld had once sat on the board of directors of. And Bush ponied up US taxpayer funding to assist NK in completing the deal. YOU helped pay for them.

North Korea has repeatedly offered to freeze their nuclear program if the US would cease military maneuvers off the coast of the Korean Peninsula. The US refused under both the Obama and Trump administrations. The US wants another war to add to our 7 endless wars of occupation.
Oh really, that's all it takes to stop Kim Jung Un? Stop military maneuvers off the Korean Peninsula. You can't possibly be that naive to believe that. Well maybe you are.
And as a taxpayer I wasn't aware that I had the power to direct how my tax dollars were spent. Please advise how I in the future keep my tax dollars from supporting maniacal dictators like fatboy Kim.
Your political system is an empire and it will end the way all empires do. This is why america goes to war these days:

North Korea could be sitting on trillions in untapped mineral resources

North Korea Sitting on $6 Trillion in Mineral Resources

Largest known rare earth deposit discovered in North Korea | MINING.com
If America wanted to take over countries with vast natural resources, we wouldn't pick North Korea. We would just conquer Africa with no risk of retaliation.

We're everywhee pard, look it up. Now for more on North Korea:

"For the record, it was the North Koreans, and not the Americans or their South Korean allies, who started the war in June 1950, when they crossed the 38th Parallel and invaded the south. Nevertheless, “What hardly any Americans know or remember,” University of Chicago historian Bruce Cumings writes in his book “The Korean War: A History,” “is that we carpet-bombed the north for three years with next to no concern for civilian casualties.”

How many Americans, for example, are aware of the fact that U.S. planes dropped on the Korean peninsula more bombs — 635,000 tons — and napalm — 32,557 tons — than during the entire Pacific campaign against the Japanese during World War II?

How many Americans know that “over a period of three years or so,” to quote Air Force Gen. Curtis LeMay, head of the Strategic Air Command during the Korean War, “we killed off … 20 percent of the population”?

Twenty. Percent. For a point of comparison, the Nazis exterminated 20 percent of Poland’s pre-World War II population. According to LeMay, “We went over there and fought the war and eventually burned down every town in North Korea.”

Every. Town. More than 3 million civilians are believed to have been killed in the fighting, the vast majority of them in the north.
Why Do North Koreans Hate Us? One Reason — They Remember the Korean War.
i wonder the additional percent of 'norks' that may shortly be killed off Fenton .
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i wonder the additional percent that may shortly be killed off Fenton .
Fire away, what's another endless war at this point..
--------------------------------------- maybe , endless war OVER THERE is generally considered to be ok and there may be no option. I think that the 'norks' need to be dealt with Fenton . And then the 'iranians' , maybe 'china' .
This is China's Frankenstein monster.If they had stayed out of the war to begin with, and stayed out of north Korea and let the chips fall. But here we are. Brilliant.
Americans are idiots. Your govt sold NK nuclear reactors a mere two years before Bush placed them on an "axis of evil" list. Utterly bipartisan - initiated under Clinton and followed through on under Bush. Sold from a company Rumsfeld had once sat on the board of directors of. And Bush ponied up US taxpayer funding to assist NK in completing the deal. YOU helped pay for them.

North Korea has repeatedly offered to freeze their nuclear program if the US would cease military maneuvers off the coast of the Korean Peninsula. The US refused under both the Obama and Trump administrations. The US wants another war to add to our 7 endless wars of occupation.
Not quite true, I think, at least according to what I've read. North Korea agreed to freeze its nuclear program and took all the "incentives" and goodies we offered for that, then they turned away from the agreement at the last hour. They (not Kim--his father) did this more than once. That is why Obama would not deal with them anymore. However, I personally think it's stupid not to recognize them as a nuclear power. Even Wikipedia lists them. This is like refusing to recognize China all those years.
I guess I'd suck as a diplomat.
I would respectfully suggest digging deeper. And that was only one point, we did sell them reactors.
You are correct! Under the gross misguidance of President Bill Clinton we helped NK build nuclear reactors. 25 years later we are reaping the fruits of the nuclear program that good old Bill Clinton invigorated. Isn't it amazing that another Liberal President, I think his name was Obama, made a similar misguided nuclear agreement with Iran.

A case could be made that Liberal Presidents have done more to fuck up the world than anyone or anything. Here is a clip from a relevant article:

In 1994, President Bill Clinton agreed to a deal with North Korea aimed at curbing their desire to develop a nuclear weapon, an agreement which the networks at the time hailed as a sign that “the Cold War is really over.”

Under the 1994 framework, which North Korea eventually violated, the U.S. helped the rogue regime build a new nuclear reactor that would not be capable of producing weapons-grade plutonium in exchange for international access to its nuclear facilities, although the United States caved and the inspections would not start for several years.
Bush, Obama and every cowardly patsy who wanted to sound the alarm but couldn't or wouldn't. China outplayed the world again while everyone was focusing on a fake Russian interference, as I've said for some time, N Korea is their satellite, poking the world while the incompetents chased their careers. The UN were so eager to chastise Israel every chance they had, but where were they when it came to taking on N Korea and China? This failure is a global group effort, starting with the rise of China.

It's not hyperbole to suggest that one or two nuclear attacks could take a large bite out of civilization as we know it as the responses would decimate most of the planet. People all angling for their own benefit while America and Western values are tossed into the garbage bin.

'This is not just a game changer; it's a game over,' nuclear expert says of North Korea test
Let the free market decide.

Should we start sanctioning china?
BEIJING (Reuters) - Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin agreed Sunday to “appropriately deal with” the latest nuclear test by North Korea, state news agency Xinhua said.

“The two leaders agreed to stick to the goal of denuclearisation on the Korean Peninsula and keep close communication and coordination to deal with the new situation,” Xinhua said in a brief dispatch. Xi, Putin agree to 'appropriately deal' with N.Korea nuclear test: Xinhua
Riding to the rescue Would net China a pr bonanza and perhaps absorption of North Korea ...in the name of world peace of course.

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