This guy destroys the "Intellectual Elite"

Just guessing, but it looks like the poster of this post is a 2nd Amendment adherent. That would mean that the attached You Tube is a 52 minute apology and support of the 2nd Amendment? I don't think so. America has a gun problem. Period. It is caused by proliferation of handguns on American streets. It is accompanied by too many unresolved societal problems that are rendering the US less and less of a free nation. Nothing that any academic can say is going to change that, no matter how well written. America's most intelligent and respected writer could speak for 52 minutes in favour of slavery and that still would not make slavery acceptable. Some things cannot be rationalized.
America has a gun problem. Period. It is caused by proliferation of handguns on American streets. It is accompanied by too many unresolved societal problems that are rendering the US less and less of a free nation. Nothing that any academic can say is going to change that, no matter how well written. America's most intelligent and respected writer could speak for 52 minutes in favour of slavery and that still would not make slavery acceptable. Some things cannot be rationalized.

No, America does not have a gun problem. It has a problem of societal decay. Go back 50 years and more households had guns and more children handled guns than today and yet we didn't have all of these issues.

Just guessing, but it looks like the poster of this post is a 2nd Amendment adherent. That would mean that the attached You Tube is a 52 minute apology and support of the 2nd Amendment? I don't think so. America has a gun problem. Period. It is caused by proliferation of handguns on American streets. It is accompanied by too many unresolved societal problems that are rendering the US less and less of a free nation. Nothing that any academic can say is going to change that, no matter how well written. America's most intelligent and respected writer could speak for 52 minutes in favour of slavery and that still would not make slavery acceptable. Some things cannot be rationalized.

This very video is directed at you.
America has a gun problem. Period. It is caused by proliferation of handguns on American streets. It is accompanied by too many unresolved societal problems that are rendering the US less and less of a free nation. Nothing that any academic can say is going to change that, no matter how well written. America's most intelligent and respected writer could speak for 52 minutes in favour of slavery and that still would not make slavery acceptable. Some things cannot be rationalized.

No, America does not have a gun problem. It has a problem of societal decay. Go back 50 years and more households had guns and more children handled guns than today and yet we didn't have all of these issues.

We will have to disagree. 50 years ago I was already a shooter and still shoot, and yes America has a gun problem today. It is part of the social problems you acknowledge. All iMO of course. :)

BTW, what is "societal decay" in your opinion? All western European democracies (the NATO countries) are much older than the US and they have not decayed so badly their streets are free fire zones? Canada has been a functioning nation as long as America and it is safer, freer and equals America in many of the indices of quality of life. America as a nation has more gross wealth than any other country but Americans are not that much proportionately richer than others. About the only three things America is consistently ahead of all the other western democracies in are anger, hate and violence.
Tom Sowell is great! He hits the nail on the head just about every time he makes a statement about a particular issue.
America has a gun problem. Period. It is caused by proliferation of handguns on American streets. It is accompanied by too many unresolved societal problems that are rendering the US less and less of a free nation. Nothing that any academic can say is going to change that, no matter how well written. America's most intelligent and respected writer could speak for 52 minutes in favour of slavery and that still would not make slavery acceptable. Some things cannot be rationalized.

No, America does not have a gun problem. It has a problem of societal decay. Go back 50 years and more households had guns and more children handled guns than today and yet we didn't have all of these issues.

We will have to disagree. 50 years ago I was already a shooter and still shoot, and yes America has a gun problem today. It is part of the social problems you acknowledge. All iMO of course. :)

BTW, what is "societal decay" in your opinion? All western European democracies (the NATO countries) are much older than the US and they have not decayed so badly their streets are free fire zones? Canada has been a functioning nation as long as America and it is safer, freer and equals America in many of the indices of quality of life. America as a nation has more gross wealth than any other country but Americans are not that much proportionately richer than others. About the only three things America is consistently ahead of all the other western democracies in are anger, hate and violence.

I bet we lead the world in affirmative action laws and welfare recipients.

Just guessing, but it looks like the poster of this post is a 2nd Amendment adherent. That would mean that the attached You Tube is a 52 minute apology and support of the 2nd Amendment? I don't think so. America has a gun problem. Period. It is caused by proliferation of handguns on American streets. It is accompanied by too many unresolved societal problems that are rendering the US less and less of a free nation. Nothing that any academic can say is going to change that, no matter how well written. America's most intelligent and respected writer could speak for 52 minutes in favour of slavery and that still would not make slavery acceptable. Some things cannot be rationalized.

This very video is directed at you.

If so it was wasted. I don't have 50+ minutes to spare on an interview of an author pumping his merchandise. Nor do I have that much time to spare for a partisan monologue on a subject that so many of us have already spent so much time thinking and writing about. The post is introduced as a criticism of intellectual elitism attacking the second amendment argument. There is really only so much sensible that can be said about the basic 2nd Amendment argument, and the rest quickly gets into polemics (name calling and flaming). I don't have 50 minutes to spend listening to name calling. At its root the 2nd Amendment argument is simple. Either you agree or disagree. I have been a shooter for 50+ years and I disagree with where the current 2nd Amendment adherents have gone. IMO it is all about corporate greed and gun sales now. Freedom and decency are the last thing the NRA and the industry are interested in. In my opinion.
No, America does not have a gun problem. It has a problem of societal decay. Go back 50 years and more households had guns and more children handled guns than today and yet we didn't have all of these issues.

We will have to disagree. 50 years ago I was already a shooter and still shoot, and yes America has a gun problem today. It is part of the social problems you acknowledge. All iMO of course. :)

BTW, what is "societal decay" in your opinion? All western European democracies (the NATO countries) are much older than the US and they have not decayed so badly their streets are free fire zones? Canada has been a functioning nation as long as America and it is safer, freer and equals America in many of the indices of quality of life. America as a nation has more gross wealth than any other country but Americans are not that much proportionately richer than others. About the only three things America is consistently ahead of all the other western democracies in are anger, hate and violence.

I bet we lead the world in affirmative action laws and welfare recipients.

Is that good or bad?
We will have to disagree. 50 years ago I was already a shooter and still shoot, and yes America has a gun problem today. It is part of the social problems you acknowledge. All iMO of course. :)

BTW, what is "societal decay" in your opinion? All western European democracies (the NATO countries) are much older than the US and they have not decayed so badly their streets are free fire zones? Canada has been a functioning nation as long as America and it is safer, freer and equals America in many of the indices of quality of life. America as a nation has more gross wealth than any other country but Americans are not that much proportionately richer than others. About the only three things America is consistently ahead of all the other western democracies in are anger, hate and violence.

I bet we lead the world in affirmative action laws and welfare recipients.

Is that good or bad?

It's a lesson. See if you can learn from it.
Just guessing, but it looks like the poster of this post is a 2nd Amendment adherent. That would mean that the attached You Tube is a 52 minute apology and support of the 2nd Amendment? I don't think so. America has a gun problem. Period. It is caused by proliferation of handguns on American streets. It is accompanied by too many unresolved societal problems that are rendering the US less and less of a free nation. Nothing that any academic can say is going to change that, no matter how well written. America's most intelligent and respected writer could speak for 52 minutes in favour of slavery and that still would not make slavery acceptable. Some things cannot be rationalized.

This very video is directed at you.

If so it was wasted. I don't have 50+ minutes to spare on an interview of an author pumping his merchandise. Nor do I have that much time to spare for a partisan monologue on a subject that so many of us have already spent so much time thinking and writing about. The post is introduced as a criticism of intellectual elitism attacking the second amendment argument. There is really only so much sensible that can be said about the basic 2nd Amendment argument, and the rest quickly gets into polemics (name calling and flaming). I don't have 50 minutes to spend listening to name calling. At its root the 2nd Amendment argument is simple. Either you agree or disagree. I have been a shooter for 50+ years and I disagree with where the current 2nd Amendment adherents have gone. IMO it is all about corporate greed and gun sales now. Freedom and decency are the last thing the NRA and the industry are interested in. In my opinion.

Um, the Second Amendment is barely mentioned (if at all) in this video.

Just guessing, but it looks like the poster of this post is a 2nd Amendment adherent. That would mean that the attached You Tube is a 52 minute apology and support of the 2nd Amendment? I don't think so. America has a gun problem. Period. It is caused by proliferation of handguns on American streets. It is accompanied by too many unresolved societal problems that are rendering the US less and less of a free nation. Nothing that any academic can say is going to change that, no matter how well written. America's most intelligent and respected writer could speak for 52 minutes in favour of slavery and that still would not make slavery acceptable. Some things cannot be rationalized.

America does not have a gun problem.

America has stupid sheeple problem.

It is much worse than guns.
No, America does not have a gun problem. It has a problem of societal decay. Go back 50 years and more households had guns and more children handled guns than today and yet we didn't have all of these issues.

We will have to disagree. 50 years ago I was already a shooter and still shoot, and yes America has a gun problem today. It is part of the social problems you acknowledge. All iMO of course. :)

BTW, what is "societal decay" in your opinion? All western European democracies (the NATO countries) are much older than the US and they have not decayed so badly their streets are free fire zones? Canada has been a functioning nation as long as America and it is safer, freer and equals America in many of the indices of quality of life. America as a nation has more gross wealth than any other country but Americans are not that much proportionately richer than others. About the only three things America is consistently ahead of all the other western democracies in are anger, hate and violence.

I bet we lead the world in affirmative action laws and welfare recipients.

Some Thomas Sowell wisdom:

"There is usually only a limited amount of damage that can be done by dull or stupid people. For creating a truly monumental disaster, you need people with high IQs." [Anointed ]

"It is hard to imagine a more stupid or more dangerous way of making decisions than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong."

"One of the consequences of such notions as ‘entitlements’ is that people who have contributed nothing to society feel that society owes them something, apparently just for being nice enough to grace us with their presence."

"We seem to be moving steadily in the direction of a society where no one is responsible for what he himself did, but we are all responsible for what somebody else did, either in the present or in the past."
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Just guessing, but it looks like the poster of this post is a 2nd Amendment adherent. That would mean that the attached You Tube is a 52 minute apology and support of the 2nd Amendment? I don't think so. America has a gun problem. Period. It is caused by proliferation of handguns on American streets. It is accompanied by too many unresolved societal problems that are rendering the US less and less of a free nation. Nothing that any academic can say is going to change that, no matter how well written. America's most intelligent and respected writer could speak for 52 minutes in favour of slavery and that still would not make slavery acceptable. Some things cannot be rationalized.

As always, if guns made us safer; we'd have the safest society on earth because we have, by far, the most guns in the hands of our citizens. Instead, we are one of the most dangerous societies when compared to other first-world civilizations.

No supporters of the 2nd amendment can explain why guns make us more likely to be shot...none even try.

Just guessing, but it looks like the poster of this post is a 2nd Amendment adherent. That would mean that the attached You Tube is a 52 minute apology and support of the 2nd Amendment? I don't think so. America has a gun problem. Period. It is caused by proliferation of handguns on American streets. It is accompanied by too many unresolved societal problems that are rendering the US less and less of a free nation. Nothing that any academic can say is going to change that, no matter how well written. America's most intelligent and respected writer could speak for 52 minutes in favour of slavery and that still would not make slavery acceptable. Some things cannot be rationalized.

As always, if guns made us safer; we'd have the safest society on earth because we have, by far, the most guns in the hands of our citizens. Instead, we are one of the most dangerous societies when compared to other first-world civilizations.

No supporters of the 2nd amendment can explain why guns make us more likely to be shot...none even try.

Save Louisiana, where the general citizenry is armed, crime is extremely low. 89% drop in crime in Georgia when they armed everyone.

Now in the Libtard states, where only the criminals have the guns, yes, violence is pretty bad.

How many school shootings happened at Gun Free Zones?

I asked the bank teller today about the "No Guns" signs (picture of gun with a slash through it), if he thought a determined bank robber (or organized group of robbers) would obey the sign and disarm themselves before walking in.

He gave me such a puzzled look. It seems like for the first time in 40 years (he was 40-45 years old for sure), he actually THOUGHT FOR HIMSELF.

Then he laughed, "Yeah, I guess that's pretty stupid."

Then I asked him what good my shotgun in the back of my trunk was, if someone came in to rob the bank.

He said --- "No use at all."

Just guessing, but it looks like the poster of this post is a 2nd Amendment adherent. That would mean that the attached You Tube is a 52 minute apology and support of the 2nd Amendment? I don't think so. America has a gun problem. Period. It is caused by proliferation of handguns on American streets. It is accompanied by too many unresolved societal problems that are rendering the US less and less of a free nation. Nothing that any academic can say is going to change that, no matter how well written. America's most intelligent and respected writer could speak for 52 minutes in favour of slavery and that still would not make slavery acceptable. Some things cannot be rationalized.

As always, if guns made us safer; we'd have the safest society on earth because we have, by far, the most guns in the hands of our citizens. Instead, we are one of the most dangerous societies when compared to other first-world civilizations.

No supporters of the 2nd amendment can explain why guns make us more likely to be shot...none even try.

Comparing the United States to other countries without taking any demographics into consideration is garbage.

Just guessing, but it looks like the poster of this post is a 2nd Amendment adherent. That would mean that the attached You Tube is a 52 minute apology and support of the 2nd Amendment? I don't think so. America has a gun problem. Period. It is caused by proliferation of handguns on American streets. It is accompanied by too many unresolved societal problems that are rendering the US less and less of a free nation. Nothing that any academic can say is going to change that, no matter how well written. America's most intelligent and respected writer could speak for 52 minutes in favour of slavery and that still would not make slavery acceptable. Some things cannot be rationalized.

As always, if guns made us safer; we'd have the safest society on earth because we have, by far, the most guns in the hands of our citizens. Instead, we are one of the most dangerous societies when compared to other first-world civilizations.

No supporters of the 2nd amendment can explain why guns make us more likely to be shot...none even try.

because it is not true :rolleyes:
I bet we lead the world in affirmative action laws and welfare recipients.

Is that good or bad?

It's a lesson. See if you can learn from it.

One thing it teaches is that when a nation cannot meet the needs of its people through its unlegislated culture the law can be used to fill necessary gaps. To the uneducated such laws often invite criticism. Study reveals that without laws to intervene an economy will regulate itself into feudalism or its equivalent, where people who are not born wealthy literally can never become anything but what they were born as. America's right wing is trying to go there now - the middle class has shrunk by 40% since Reagan.
Is that good or bad?

It's a lesson. See if you can learn from it.

One thing it teaches is that when a nation cannot meet the needs of its people through its unlegislated culture the law can be used to fill necessary gaps. To the uneducated such laws often invite criticism. Study reveals that without laws to intervene an economy will regulate itself into feudalism or its equivalent, where people who are not born wealthy literally can never become anything but what they were born as. America's right wing is trying to go there now - the middle class has shrunk by 40% since Reagan.

Sophistry at it's finest. Unlegislated culture ? I love that one. You do understand that liberals are One Percenters don't you ?
Is that good or bad?

It's a lesson. See if you can learn from it.

One thing it teaches is that when a nation cannot meet the needs of its people through its unlegislated culture the law can be used to fill necessary gaps. To the uneducated such laws often invite criticism. Study reveals that without laws to intervene an economy will regulate itself into feudalism or its equivalent, where people who are not born wealthy literally can never become anything but what they were born as. America's right wing is trying to go there now - the middle class has shrunk by 40% since Reagan.

I suppose you'll be one of the fierce advocates of "re-education" camps.

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