This former NFL player hit the nail on the 2


Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2008
He is not the only NFL player that has said this either.He mentioned in the article there that there are many NFL players he has spoke to that have said the same thing which is so very true.There have been other threads made from the past of MANY other former NFL players that have called them cheaters that have tainted the sport as well.

I think about all the players that did steroids and other questionable supplements. Then there's Lester Hayes and stick'um.

Players and coaches are always trying to get an edge any way they can. It should be punished when exposed, but Brady and Belichick would have won whether they deflated balls or not.
coming on here to get another major ass beating and checkmated again as always i see WRONGwinger:auiqs.jpg:

oh and when you going to grow up and rather want to commit suicide over admitting you are wrong like a little tiny thing like when you said the Rams would never come back to LA and cried about it for over a year when proven you were wrong about that WRONGwinger?:auiqs.jpg:

no surprise it is almost ALWAYS the leftists that hate America like the first two posters that came on here and farted in my thread who ignore this reality i posted in my link that Belicheat and shady brady have disgraced the sport of football with their cheating and have earned the names BeliCHEAT and shady brady.
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Brady Derangement Syndrome.
coming on here to get another major ass beating and checkmated again as always i see WRONGwinger:auiqs.jpg:

oh and when you going to grow up and rather want to commit suicide over admitting you are wrong like a little tiny thing like when you said the Rams would never come back to LA and cried about it for over a year when proven you were wrong about that WRONGwinger?:auiqs.jpg:

no surprise it is almost ALWAYS the leftists that hate America like the first two posters that came on here and farted in my thread who ignore this reality i posted in my link that Belicheat and shady brady have disgraced the sport of football with their cheating and have earned the names BeliCHEAT and shady brady.

I can’t believe you still believe the Rams would move to LA

You fell for the NFL false flag that the Rams were playing in LA.
If you watch their home games you can see they are just green screen effects to look like LA

Those footballs were secretly deflated by the anti-Brady Mafia
the cheatriot apologists that have come on here and shit in my thread can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are over this post here from part one i made below.:auiqs.jpg:

The cheatriot apologists here thst keep defending the cheatriots ignore thst many Former NFL players have said the same thing,guess we should all ignore all of them though and listen to the likes of WRONGwinger,coachpotatoe,papagoria,unkotore,sunniman,polishprice,johngal,multivitamin,jarlaxle and the like.ignore all these former NFL players,we should believe all these posters have credibility and all these nfl players do not.:abgg2q.jpg::rofl: Comedy gold at its finest. :auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

it cannot be stated enough,the cheatriot apologists like WRONGwinger who acts like a five year old so butthurt about being wrong on the Rams never coming back to LA as he insisted for over a year and then cried about being wrong for over a year when he was proven wrong on that,,,STILL wont own up to being wrong just like a 5 year old cant.the cheatriot apologists are the same,just like him,can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are after myself WITH THE HELP OF SEVERAL OTHERS from part one,,gave them a major ass beating they will suffer from for YEARS to come.. :iyfyus.jpg: :rofl:
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the cheatriot apologists like wrongwinger,pooper,jarlazle,sunniman and unkotore can also only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are after having to deal with REALITY that what i said over ten years ago has been proven to be true and has come to frutation that Bill Belicheat is NOT a good coach at all,that it was tom brady all those years making him look like a genuis the MSM media calls him to be.:abgg2q.jpg:,I always said that once he lost Brady,he would be exposed as the loser he is same as mike shannahan was once elway retired making him look like a genius the years the broncos won the superbowl,LOL

.they can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are having to cry like a bady having to deal with that reality,they have been on the suicide hotline watch ever sense then.:auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::iyfyus.jpg:
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Brady had a minor infraction of the rules and served a penalty.

Case closed
Sorry you feel that way Chris. That being said:
Brady & Belichick are, and will be, 1st ballot HOFers.
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i see after my last post two cheatriot apologists came on to sling shit in defeat and fart in my thread like the monkey trolls they are after i owned them and took him to school same as I and others did in part one,wonder how many more will follow suite.:auiqs.jpg:
i see after my last post two cheatriot apologists came on to sling shit in defeat and fart in my thread like the monkey trolls they are after i owned them and took him to school same as and others did in part one,wonder how many more will follow suite.:auiqs.jpg:

Oswald acted alone!
i see after my last post two cheatriot apologists came on to sling shit in defeat and fart in my thread like the monkey trolls they are after i owned them and took him to school same as I and others did in part one,wonder how many more will follow suite.:auiqs.jpg:
I apologized for nothing.
I stated a fact: Brady & Belichick WILL be 1st ballot HOFers.
You may suck on that.
coming on here to get another major ass beating and checkmated again as always i see WRONGwinger:auiqs.jpg:

oh and when you going to grow up and rather want to commit suicide over admitting you are wrong like a little tiny thing like when you said the Rams would never come back to LA and cried about it for over a year when proven you were wrong about that WRONGwinger?:auiqs.jpg:

no surprise it is almost ALWAYS the leftists that hate America like the first two posters that came on here and farted in my thread who ignore this reality i posted in my link that Belicheat and shady brady have disgraced the sport of football with their cheating and have earned the names BeliCHEAT and shady brady.
The right wingers are embarrassed you are on their side.
He is not the only NFL player that has said this either.He mentioned in the article there that there are many NFL players he has spoke to that have said the same thing which is so very true.There have been other threads made from the past of MANY other former NFL players that have called them cheaters that have tainted the sport as well.

Wow! If it’s true beyond a reasonable doubt Brady and Belichick cheated, they should be forbidden from entering the HOF.
Wow! If it’s true beyond a reasonable doubt Brady and Belichick cheated, they should be forbidden from entering the HOF.

It still hasn't been proven if Belichick or Brady had any involvement with altering the deflated footballs. At their respective press conferences on Thursday, both denied knowledge of how the balls would lose air pressure and didn't even realize that the balls were illegal

I say I hope a few people who get to vote vote NO on Brady the first time he's up for being nominated. He should still get in because he's the GOAT but a few people should make it so he doesn't get in unanimously.

Here is why Brady should be in the Hall of Fame. Because they allowed him to continue playing after it happened. If it was such a horrible offense then they should have kicked him out of football for life. But instead he won a Superbowl that year if I'm not mistaken and probably 3 more since. Hell, he even went to another team and won. Did Brady cheat in Tampa?

Who is this Doleman guy? Does he have brain damage?

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