This American tradition Christianity ‘stuff’ must drive the Left crazy.

There is a strand of American christianity that seems to be fuelled by hate and fear. We dont have that over here and are better for it.
Jesus is my running mate !!

We used to laugh at that because it was so obviously bullshit for the low information.
Your politics would be better if religion was removed.
There is a strand of American christianity that seems to be fuelled by hate and fear. We dont have that over here and are better for it.
Jesus is my running mate !!

We used to laugh at that because it was so obviously bullshit for the low information.
Your politics would be better if religion was removed.

Don't worry, the left is trying to kill religion as fast as it can. Except for the extra saintly leftist Christians. They love god, but they vote for people who are hostile towards it.
Jesus hates prosperity, like Bernie Sanders. Oops, how many houses is ole Bernie up too.

I'm kidding about Jesus hating prosperity, but ole Bernie really is a sack of poo for stealing from the public for all of his houses and cars.
There is a strand of American christianity that seems to be fuelled by hate and fear. We dont have that over here and are better for it.
Jesus is my running mate !!

We used to laugh at that because it was so obviously bullshit for the low information.
Your politics would be better if religion was removed.

Don't worry, the left is trying to kill religion as fast as it can. Except for the extra saintly leftist Christians. They love god, but they vote for people who are hostile towards it.
You are a partisan hack. I cant take you seriously.


Has anyone voted for the Donald for “family values”? Funny how the left have to completely make up an argument no one has made in order to “win” at something.
I knew what I was getting when I voted for Donald J Trump. He even admitted that he grabbed women's private parts when they volunteered to have them felt, but the other choice who followed the Rules for Radicals to the best of her ability, was much more worse of a choice...Shame you dipshit liberals cant understand that....
Won't you tell us what Christ taught. What was the mission of his ministry?

I've given a fair number of examples. What's your point?

Did he opine about abortion and I missed it?

Has anyone voted for the Donald for “family values”? Funny how the left have to completely make up an argument no one has made in order to “win” at something.
I knew what I was getting when I voted for Donald J Trump. He even admitted that he grabbed women's private parts when they volunteered to have them felt, but the other choice who followed the Rules for Radicals to the best of her ability, was much more worse of a choice...Shame you dipshit liberals cant understand that....
How do you know they "volunteered to have their pussies grabbed"?

Have you heard THEM say so?
The hypocrisy of these right wing "Christians" is all over this thread.

NONE of them give two shits about the actual teachings of the guy their religion is named after
Bears repeating

Has anyone voted for the Donald for “family values”? Funny how the left have to completely make up an argument no one has made in order to “win” at something.
I knew what I was getting when I voted for Donald J Trump. He even admitted that he grabbed women's private parts when they volunteered to have them felt, but the other choice who followed the Rules for Radicals to the best of her ability, was much more worse of a choice...Shame you dipshit liberals cant understand that....
How do you know they "volunteered to have their pussies grabbed"?

Have you heard THEM say so?
If they didnt want to have their private parts grabbed, wouldn't there be a police report? Of course like the Clinton's was good to have a wife who covered up your transgressions by calling those Bill raped trailer trash. Mighty Christian of Hillary there...
If they didnt want to have their private parts grabbed, wouldn't there be a police report?

Of curse a large number of rapes go unreported...and sexual assaults...even more.

So you assume if it happened they "wanted it"?

I see...
There is a strand of American christianity that seems to be fuelled by hate and fear. We dont have that over here and are better for it.
Jesus is my running mate !!

We used to laugh at that because it was so obviously bullshit for the low information.
Your politics would be better if religion was removed.

Don't worry, the left is trying to kill religion as fast as it can. Except for the extra saintly leftist Christians. They love god, but they vote for people who are hostile towards it.
You are a partisan hack. I cant take you seriously.

So are you supposed to be neutral? I am partisan, but I am not the one laughing at religion.
Lol, the people who are being g driven crazy are those know the right because we on the left refuse to be the snowflakes you imagine us to be.

Nobody is concerned about whatever it is that you are talking about. There is no war on christianity or Christmas. Christians are not persecuted or discriminated against. Calm down.

You're forgetting the binary thinking world they live in.

If you're not with them 100%, then the only other choice is that you're against them 100%.

There is no middle ground.
So, if you are a little EVIL and do some harm like beating a women till she is hospitalized, that isnt as bad as doing a lot of EVIL and killing someone? That 50 shades of grey really fucked this nation over during Obama's terms. Back in the day, we knew what Good and Evil , right from wrong was.
^Stupid post of the day.
None of this is part of their plan for the future of America. This ‘stuff’ simply impedes their progress to degrade this nation and trash American values and traditions.
Sorry Lefties.
Christmas can stay. It’s not about Christianity anyways. It’s about gifts and family and pretty lights. No manoras though.
None of this is part of their plan for the future of America. This ‘stuff’ simply impedes their progress to degrade this nation and trash American values and traditions.
Sorry Lefties.

There is a vast difference between American politics and the various forms of of Christianity in existence worldwide. American politics has absolutely nothing to do with values held among Christians in the U.S. and worldwide.

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