This 65-year-old clerk was fired for refusing to sell cigarettes to a food stamp cust

I understand her frustration, but she should've bitten her lip and let it pass because jobs are few and far between these days. Especially for those over sixty. One thing I am having trouble understanding, unless the article's mislead me, is why you're allowed to make gambling payments on the non-essential groceries card. Cigarettes and alcohol are one thing... but gambling?
Store Clerk Fired For Refusing to Sell Cigarettes to Food Stamp Customer |
It’s important to note that there are two types of EBT cards: one is for essential grocery items and the other can be used for pretty much anything. The customer had the latter.
Sorry our tax dollars should not be going for cigs
Knowing that you lie, or post things that aren't true, I'm going to take this with a HUGE grain of salt.
I checked into it. The Boston Herald reported similarly. And, the NH DHS site indicates there are two EBT cards in that state - one for food items and one for "cash benefits".

As far as the clerk being fired, she was. And, that is completely up to the owner of the store.
Another lovebear lie.. How can you tell lovebear is lying? :D
Then not only is The Blaze lying, so is the Boston Herald.

Glad you found a source that is at least somewhat reliable though the Herald is filled with big pictures and blaring headlines also. I note only that this is not big news, within the last two months a convenience store clerk thwarted an armed robbery in Dearborn, but this is what is posted.*

*The newspaper I subscribed to is very conservative but does not indulge in the monster headlines and huge picture trend FOX started and MSNBC followed.

The article is from a crappy source, and it also clearly states the woman QUIT her job and was not fired which means we will save plenty of money because she cannot claim unemployment for quitting.

I do agree with her. Food stamps cannot be used to pay for smokes, and most people are not eligible for further assistance. I think you actually have to have dependents in most states to be given further welfare than just food. I do agree that alcohol, tobacco, and other non-living essentials should not be sold to anyone on public assistance, but that is something to take up with the state governments as they decide what assistance is given, who gets it, and how much they get. The fed does not actually provide much aside from a block grant the state is allowed to decide how it is used. So don't get all huffy with Obama or any congresspeople over that, you have your state government to blame, and this may not apply to all states.

Oh, and get a better source that does not lie and distort facts.

She is free to have an opinion, expressing one's personal opinions on the job are grounds to fire with CAUSE, good thing the bitter wretch parted ways with the company. No doubt this isn't the first time she lashed out at customers; it isn't the Clerk's place to question the source of payment, only know the legality thereof. "This looks like counterfeit, I'm not accepting this!" "I won't take quarters, I have too many already!".

I agree, it is not the place to make the argument. I was also reminded that this cash EBT might be what is considered unemployment since that is now being distributed under debit cards. I am not sure if that runs on the EBT system, but as an employed person you do contribute to that and things like your retirement. The clerk most certainly should have taken her opinion to the state elections and representatives, but it is certainly not your place to be deciding sales for the company you work for. It is the same way i feel when you have pharmacists who refuse to sell birth control, or store clerks who refuse to sell things like condoms. If you cannot perform your job then go away. I am glad this woman chose to quit because she will not get unemployment for resigning. If the store had actually fired her she would probably be eligible for unemployment.

There are places for this argument, but it is certainly not to make your own rules and enforce them while working for and representing a company.
Knowing that you lie, or post things that aren't true, I'm going to take this with a HUGE grain of salt.
I checked into it. The Boston Herald reported similarly. And, the NH DHS site indicates there are two EBT cards in that state - one for food items and one for "cash benefits".

As far as the clerk being fired, she was. And, that is completely up to the owner of the store.

Howie Carr isn't rational.

Non Eligible Food Stamp Household Food items
- Beer, wine, liquor
- Food that will be eaten in the store
- Cigarettes or tobacco
- Hot foods

New Hampshire Food Stamps Food List - What You Can Buy With Food Stamps In New Hampshire
Knowing that you lie, or post things that aren't true, I'm going to take this with a HUGE grain of salt.
I checked into it. The Boston Herald reported similarly. And, the NH DHS site indicates there are two EBT cards in that state - one for food items and one for "cash benefits".

As far as the clerk being fired, she was. And, that is completely up to the owner of the store.

Howie Carr isn't rational.

Non Eligible Food Stamp Household Food items
- Beer, wine, liquor
- Food that will be eaten in the store
- Cigarettes or tobacco
- Hot foods

New Hampshire Food Stamps Food List - What You Can Buy With Food Stamps In New Hampshire
I linked to it earlier. There IS another EBT card for cash in NH. It's from their state DHS.

I doubt they are lying.

The article is from a crappy source, and it also clearly states the woman QUIT her job and was not fired which means we will save plenty of money because she cannot claim unemployment for quitting.

I do agree with her. Food stamps cannot be used to pay for smokes, and most people are not eligible for further assistance. I think you actually have to have dependents in most states to be given further welfare than just food. I do agree that alcohol, tobacco, and other non-living essentials should not be sold to anyone on public assistance, but that is something to take up with the state governments as they decide what assistance is given, who gets it, and how much they get. The fed does not actually provide much aside from a block grant the state is allowed to decide how it is used. So don't get all huffy with Obama or any congresspeople over that, you have your state government to blame, and this may not apply to all states.

Oh, and get a better source that does not lie and distort facts.
Nope, she was fired, according to the Boston Herald.

And, NH happens to have two EBT cards - food stamps on one and simple cash on the other.

Cash assistance does not necessarily mean poverty. Your unemployment benefits now come on a state issued debit card, though I do not know if that is linked to an EBT debit card, but it may show up as such. People on unemployment are not really claiming poverty as unemployment only goes to people who have been employed and paid taxes into the system for the limited times they are out of work. The woman clearly had no idea as to why that person was being given cash assistance, and it certainly was way out of her job description top be deciding who does or does not get that assistance. if she wants that job she needs to get employed by the state. Even the article admits he was not using EBT food assistance which is the main form of welfare people get, and that can only be used to purchase edible foods, and they even limit you there as certain foods and drink are not able to be purchased with EBT. One of the main limitations i know is expensive energy drinks are not able to be purchased by the EBT food system, and tobacco products cannot be charged to the card.

before you get your panties in a bunch you should really know the states have done a lot to limit and lower abuses that exist to the welfare system, and modern POS and inventory systems that do not allow clerks any choice to ring up non-food products under EBT are in place where EBT is accepted. The places that use EBT now have full electropnic inventory control systems and track employees and inventory very closely to limit shrinkage, and to limit employee abuses of the system for their friends. Clerks do not enter prices anymore, and if they do enter something it is an electronic ciode that corresponds to the item being purchased. When they need to have price corrections or go beyond that system it almost always requires a manager override and that means oversite to make sure employees are not doing anything odd. Bwefore you go flipping out like stupid woman in the article you should really educate yourself on the modern checkout systems, and fraud systems in place today that limit the old abuses to the system.

Modern welfare abuse often involves things like hiding income to become eligible for benefits, or things like claiming dependents when you have other friends or family members caring for your crotch droppings. If you were able to somehow scam smokes for food assistance you could smoke a pack a day and have nothing else left if you bought generic cigarettes, and you could only do that in certain states with the lowest taxes.

Oh, could you also link the boston herald article as the Blaze is a known bullshit site.
The article is from a crappy source, and it also clearly states the woman QUIT her job and was not fired which means we will save plenty of money because she cannot claim unemployment for quitting.

I do agree with her. Food stamps cannot be used to pay for smokes, and most people are not eligible for further assistance. I think you actually have to have dependents in most states to be given further welfare than just food. I do agree that alcohol, tobacco, and other non-living essentials should not be sold to anyone on public assistance, but that is something to take up with the state governments as they decide what assistance is given, who gets it, and how much they get. The fed does not actually provide much aside from a block grant the state is allowed to decide how it is used. So don't get all huffy with Obama or any congresspeople over that, you have your state government to blame, and this may not apply to all states.

Oh, and get a better source that does not lie and distort facts.
Nope, she was fired, according to the Boston Herald.

And, NH happens to have two EBT cards - food stamps on one and simple cash on the other.

Cash assistance does not necessarily mean poverty. Your unemployment benefits now come on a state issued debit card, though I do not know if that is linked to an EBT debit card, but it may show up as such. People on unemployment are not really claiming poverty as unemployment only goes to people who have been employed and paid taxes into the system for the limited times they are out of work. The woman clearly had no idea as to why that person was being given cash assistance, and it certainly was way out of her job description top be deciding who does or does not get that assistance. if she wants that job she needs to get employed by the state. Even the article admits he was not using EBT food assistance which is the main form of welfare people get, and that can only be used to purchase edible foods, and they even limit you there as certain foods and drink are not able to be purchased with EBT. One of the main limitations i know is expensive energy drinks are not able to be purchased by the EBT food system, and tobacco products cannot be charged to the card.

before you get your panties in a bunch you should really know the states have done a lot to limit and lower abuses that exist to the welfare system, and modern POS and inventory systems that do not allow clerks any choice to ring up non-food products under EBT are in place where EBT is accepted. The places that use EBT now have full electropnic inventory control systems and track employees and inventory very closely to limit shrinkage, and to limit employee abuses of the system for their friends. Clerks do not enter prices anymore, and if they do enter something it is an electronic ciode that corresponds to the item being purchased. When they need to have price corrections or go beyond that system it almost always requires a manager override and that means oversite to make sure employees are not doing anything odd. Bwefore you go flipping out like stupid woman in the article you should really educate yourself on the modern checkout systems, and fraud systems in place today that limit the old abuses to the system.

Modern welfare abuse often involves things like hiding income to become eligible for benefits, or things like claiming dependents when you have other friends or family members caring for your crotch droppings. If you were able to somehow scam smokes for food assistance you could smoke a pack a day and have nothing else left if you bought generic cigarettes, and you could only do that in certain states with the lowest taxes.

Oh, could you also link the boston herald article as the Blaze is a known bullshit site.
I linked to the Boston Herald in an earlier post. I'd post it again but I closed the tab.

And, as he was trying to buy the ciggies with his cash EBT card, he is perfectly entitled to do so in NH. So, if the store owner wants to fire the clerk for that, that is the owner's call.
I happen to agree that people who don't have money to eat shouldn't be buying cigs, or far worse, in my opinion, tatoos.

But, this is still the United States and although the Rs want to take many personal rights away from us, they haven't succeeded to the extent they want to.

Just like despising the garbage spewed by trash like Westboro, lushbo, KKK, fux and other SCUM, I will defend their right to spew garbage.

If you love freedom, you will want ALL people to have the SAME freedoms. Even when you disagree with them.

If the cig buyer was found to be eligible for funds, its his business how he spends that money.

OTOH, if you don't think he should have that freedom, then get into the wagon with the R. They would love to take ALL freedoms away from ALL people - except those they happen to agree with.

And that is the Problem with Welfare. So many people get it, then use the Money they do have on Wasteful shit, and the Welfare to Buy food and Pay rent Ect.

Up here IN Michigan they recently announced that some EBT care users will now be able to use their Cards at KFC, I mean Fucking KFC perhaps the most expensive fast food joint there is. You still can not walk into a Grocery Store and buy and Prepared food with it, But you can buy over Priced Prepared Food at KFC with it now.

This is why I always say, It's really easy to be a Liberal and just say yeah we should help people when ever we can. It's much harder to be a realist and recognize that many of the People we help, are abusing that help, and many of our Programs are simply set up fucking Stupid. Like being able to use EBT to buy Fast food.

I don't know about you but I can get a couple days worth of Food for my Family at a Grocery store for the Cost of 1 Trip to KFC, should Welfare really be used that way? and that is just one small example of the Waste, abuse, and stupidity rampant in nearly every government Welfare/Aid Program of any kind. When ever people can take advantage and Abuse it there will.

I mean how many of you can say you have never met, or known of, someone living on welfare, who was say abusing Drugs, or a single woman with a man paying her bills that she conveniently does not tell the state about? I mean there are so many Ways to Abuse the system, That is why I am so slow to support any new Programs, we can't even stop the ones we have from being abused and Raped by theft.

For Gods sake it is actually wrote into the MC law that all Claims be paid Promptly, and any Review of claims be after the Fact. So MC can not even hold back paying a claim if they know, or are pretty sure it's fraudulent, they have to pay with in 30 days and then go after the person after the Fact.

Government frankly is often just so fucking STUPID!!
I checked into it. The Boston Herald reported similarly. And, the NH DHS site indicates there are two EBT cards in that state - one for food items and one for "cash benefits".

As far as the clerk being fired, she was. And, that is completely up to the owner of the store.

Howie Carr isn't rational.

Non Eligible Food Stamp Household Food items
- Beer, wine, liquor
- Food that will be eaten in the store
- Cigarettes or tobacco
- Hot foods

New Hampshire Food Stamps Food List - What You Can Buy With Food Stamps In New Hampshire
I linked to it earlier. There IS another EBT card for cash in NH. It's from their state DHS.

I doubt they are lying.

Ok, I am unclear. From following links I found:

State Supplemental cash assistance supports elderly adults, individuals that are physically disabled, mentally disabled or legally blind. Eligibility and benefit amounts for the State Supplement Programs depend on the individual and spouse's income, resources and on living arrangement. Services are provided for eligible individuals through the following programs

I can't get very outraged.
Store Clerk Fired For Refusing to Sell Cigarettes to Food Stamp Customer

Both you and The Blaze are liars. From the article:

“I said I would bow out gracefully and give my notice because I didn’t want to be a part of it. I’m 65 years old, you know?” she said.

That’s right. Whiton quit her job rather than sell cigarettes to someone living off an EBT card.
Store Clerk Fired For Refusing to Sell Cigarettes to Food Stamp Customer

Both you and The Blaze are liars. From the article:

“I said I would bow out gracefully and give my notice because I didn’t want to be a part of it. I’m 65 years old, you know?” she said.

That’s right. Whiton quit her job rather than sell cigarettes to someone living off an EBT card.

Maybe she can now get cash assistance. :lmao:
Store Clerk Fired For Refusing to Sell Cigarettes to Food Stamp Customer

Both you and The Blaze are liars. From the article:

“I said I would bow out gracefully and give my notice because I didn’t want to be a part of it. I’m 65 years old, you know?” she said.

That’s right. Whiton quit her job rather than sell cigarettes to someone living off an EBT card.

PART OF IT? Sounds more like senile dementia than just a bitter crud. I still do not want MY tax dollars going to this creature for unemployment.
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Nope, she was fired, according to the Boston Herald.

Nope, she quit, according to her own words.

“I said I would bow out gracefully and give my notice because I didn’t want to be a part of it. I’m 65 years old, you know?” she said.
If the cig buyer was found to be eligible for funds, its his business how he spends that money.

OTOH, if you don't think he should have that freedom, then get into the wagon with the R. They would love to take ALL freedoms away from ALL people - except those they happen to agree with.

It isn't about 'freedom', tard. Free to the freeloaders, perhaps.

It is about others being forced to work and pay taxes to feed you.

Food Stamps should be limited to perhaps 20-30 grocery items and distributed from the back of a gubmint truck.

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