Third World News: Chicago Has 53% Literacy Rate, 2 Schools Names After Obamas


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Third World news: Chicago has 53% literacy rate, 2 schools names after Obamas
Among its other accomplishments, Chicago has a literacy rate of 53%. Yes you read that correctly. Every other person you meet in Chicago is illiterate.
79% of Chicago 8th graders are not grade level proficient in reading which means the same cycle will be perpetuated.

Only 19 percent of Chicago public school 8th graders rated proficient in reading while another 2 percent rated advanced—for a total of 21 percent who rated proficient or better.

But who needs literacy when you’ve got a bunch of schools named after the beloved leader?

Chicago has 53 Literacy Rate 2 Schools Named After Obamas FrontPage Magazine
we're heading the way of North Korea. where all the buildings are named for the dictators in our country...Obama was a lowly state Senator for eight years and he already has TWO SCHOOLS named after him..that's SICK
don't you know you can't talk about "black people".

only whitey, Christians, Conservatives, Republicans

that's all you can speak about without being call a frikken name like RACIST, homophobe, blah blah blah
Third World news: Chicago has 53% literacy rate, 2 schools names after Obamas
Among its other accomplishments, Chicago has a literacy rate of 53%. Yes you read that correctly. Every other person you meet in Chicago is illiterate.
79% of Chicago 8th graders are not grade level proficient in reading which means the same cycle will be perpetuated.

Only 19 percent of Chicago public school 8th graders rated proficient in reading while another 2 percent rated advanced—for a total of 21 percent who rated proficient or better.

But who needs literacy when you’ve got a bunch of schools named after the beloved leader?

Chicago has 53 Literacy Rate 2 Schools Named After Obamas FrontPage Magazine

This is poetry in motion.
blacks suck

theoldschool said:
Oh bravo :clap2:
Matthew has clearly just delivered his magnum opus :clap2:

We swoon for you Matthew!

political junky said:
Qu'elle Surprise - Matthew is a racist.

An even bigger surprise?

You've finally figured out how to use Google Translate.

You may as well be a good sport now, and surprise us again by telling us that you grew up in Chicago. :badgrin:
Public school teacher's unions suck. When the teachers can barely read, why should students be expected to do any better than their teacher?

I agree.

But I hope you aren't an English teacher in the Chicago public school system.

(Psssssst: Learn where to put apostrophes in singular and plural nouns.)

Just sayin'. :thup:
OK. I'll learn that if you'll learn to quit being such a niggling asshole.
Public school teacher's unions suck. When the teachers can barely read, why should students be expected to do any better than their teacher?

shartless in seattle said:
I agree.

But I hope you aren't an English teacher in the Chicago public school system.

(Psssssst: Learn where to put apostrophes in singular and plural nouns.)

Just sayin'. :thup:

tom sweetnam said:
OK. I'll learn that if you'll learn to quit being such a niggling asshole.

You're still green, holmes.

Maybe not pine green, but green nonetheless.

If you can't take a little hazing every now and then—especially from those of us here who are your friends—then you're prolly not cut out for this place. Or anywhere else on the Internet, for that matter.

Just a head's up is all, guy. :thup:
Public school teacher's unions suck. When the teachers can barely read, why should students be expected to do any better than their teacher?

shartless in seattle said:
I agree.

But I hope you aren't an English teacher in the Chicago public school system.

(Psssssst: Learn where to put apostrophes in singular and plural nouns.)

Just sayin'. :thup:

tom sweetnam said:
OK. I'll learn that if you'll learn to quit being such a niggling asshole.

You're still green, holmes.

Maybe not pine green, but green nonetheless.

If you can't take a little hazing every now and then—especially from those of us here who are your friends—then you're prolly not cut out for this place. Or anywhere else on the Internet, for that matter.

Just a head's up is all, guy. :thup:

You prolly ought to take your invitations for people to leave and stick them up your ass.

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