“The Continuing Deterioration Of K-12 Government Schooling”

Nobody has ever said why public schools are so bad.

You must be a government school grad because you clearly lack the element of comprehension.

Try again...

“The Continuing Deterioration Of K-12 Government Schooling”

Government school....owned and operated by Liberalism, Inc.

While it is difficult to pinpoint when the deterioration began, there is no doubt that earlier generations learned far more than what government school produces today.

And, coincidentally, the decay can be plotted along the same lines as Liberal control. One significant date is in 1980 when Democrat incompetent….is that redundant?...Jimmy Carter instituted the unconstitutional creation of a federal education department.

“…all the evidence shows that government schools do a terrible job.”

1."…cast a cold look at the performance of schools… Consider the trends: Since 2005, SAT reading scores have dropped by 14 points. A writing component was added to the SAT in 2006, and scores have dropped every year since then except for two years when they were flat. Math scores for 2015 were the lowest in 20 years. …On the ACT’s measure of “college readiness” in math, English, reading, and science, slightly more than one-third of test takers met the benchmarks in three subjects, while another one-third did not meet any(!) of the benchmarks. …According to the National Assessment of Educational Progress exams (the “Nation’s Report Card,” administered by the Education Department’s National Center for Educational Statistics), only one-quarter of 12th-graders are proficient in civics, one-fifth in geography, just over one-third (37 percent) in reading, one-fifth (22 percent) in science, and one-eighth (12 percent) in US history. Only one-quarter of them reach proficiency in math. …At the same time, we have another discrepancy, outcomes versus public school funding. …Adjusted for inflation, the national average for per-pupil spending rose steadily…the cost-benefit numbers continue to look bleak."
The job of the education secretary isn’t to defend public schools. It’s to help kids learn.

2. “A Nation at Risk…revealed, in the words of Ronald Reagan, an education system plagued by “low standards, lack of purpose, ineffective use of resources, and a failure to challenge students to push performance to the boundaries of individual ability.” …Since then the nation has devoted a great deal of attention to getting education right. To little avail. …The results of the 2017 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)…, released this month, are dismal. Fewer than half of students are rated “proficient” in each of these subjects.” Test Score Statistics Are Stagnant, 35 Years after ‘A Nation at Risk’ | National Review

3. “The fundamental problem is that teacher unions are in bed with politicians.

This doesn’t just mean that government schools are needlessly expensive (and they are). It also means that the government monopoly primarily exists as a tool to serve bureaucracy rather than students.” The Continuing Deterioration Of K-12 Government Schooling

America will never be saved from the abyss if schools are not severed from the political bureaucracy, and citizens are provided with more options for schooling their children without indoctrination.

I'm Public school grad, and nothing wrong with it. We taxpayers provide education for all the kids. So what's your alternative, that we pay for monkey indoctrination centers run by the likes of devoss??? If you want fundie indoctrination centers, pay for them yourselves. And remember, when these kids grow up, we don't have to help them learn to get along in the real world. Your likes and their parents are entirely responsible.
There are no Government schools...………..

Sometimes the brain damage reveals it self without any comment being necessary.

Which school is a government school

Are you trying to annunciate public schools

Again which ones are government owned

I remember the day Obooba spoke at my sons school, I took my kids aside that night and showed them photos of partial birth abortions so that they could know for sure what Obiiba was made of. One son cried and the other just lost all expression.

Thanks Obobla I taught my sons what you are

Obama spoke about abortion at your sons' school? When and where did this occur?

I spoke to my kids about abortion on the same day Oboobas speech was broadcast in public schools.

Obama's Back-to-School Controversy


Still undefeated
Given that K-12 schooling itself is a low level of education, at this point I find that most arguments about it are a distraction, and that parents should be more invested in their children instead.
Taxes have an effect....but since the 70s wages have flat out stink...bad...pathetic. Carter didn't help and Reagan didn't help one iota either. since then they haven't caught up. A small tax break here and there is a band aid only. Until wages go up dramatically homeschooling is limited to those who are making the big big dollars. It's too bad because american workers work alot harder and produce more for the least pay of any nation in the world. It's not even close.
Taxes have an effect....but since the 70s wages have flat out stink...bad...pathetic. Carter didn't help and Reagan didn't help one iota either. since then they haven't caught up. A small tax break here and there is a band aid only. Until wages go up dramatically homeschooling is limited to those who are making the big big dollars. It's too bad because american workers work alot harder and produce more for the least pay of any nation in the world. It's not even close.
Thomas Edison never attended school, his mother taught him to read. Point being no president is responsible for your wages, you are and schools are not needed for the intelligent. Bill Gates is a drop out
If we want to attract the best teachers then pay is going to have to rise as those People can make triple that is the private market.
Nobody has ever said why public schools are so bad.

You must be a government school grad because you clearly lack the element of comprehension.

Try again...

“The Continuing Deterioration Of K-12 Government Schooling”

Government school....owned and operated by Liberalism, Inc.

While it is difficult to pinpoint when the deterioration began, there is no doubt that earlier generations learned far more than what government school produces today.

And, coincidentally, the decay can be plotted along the same lines as Liberal control. One significant date is in 1980 when Democrat incompetent….is that redundant?...Jimmy Carter instituted the unconstitutional creation of a federal education department.

“…all the evidence shows that government schools do a terrible job.”

1."…cast a cold look at the performance of schools… Consider the trends: Since 2005, SAT reading scores have dropped by 14 points. A writing component was added to the SAT in 2006, and scores have dropped every year since then except for two years when they were flat. Math scores for 2015 were the lowest in 20 years. …On the ACT’s measure of “college readiness” in math, English, reading, and science, slightly more than one-third of test takers met the benchmarks in three subjects, while another one-third did not meet any(!) of the benchmarks. …According to the National Assessment of Educational Progress exams (the “Nation’s Report Card,” administered by the Education Department’s National Center for Educational Statistics), only one-quarter of 12th-graders are proficient in civics, one-fifth in geography, just over one-third (37 percent) in reading, one-fifth (22 percent) in science, and one-eighth (12 percent) in US history. Only one-quarter of them reach proficiency in math. …At the same time, we have another discrepancy, outcomes versus public school funding. …Adjusted for inflation, the national average for per-pupil spending rose steadily…the cost-benefit numbers continue to look bleak."
The job of the education secretary isn’t to defend public schools. It’s to help kids learn.

2. “A Nation at Risk…revealed, in the words of Ronald Reagan, an education system plagued by “low standards, lack of purpose, ineffective use of resources, and a failure to challenge students to push performance to the boundaries of individual ability.” …Since then the nation has devoted a great deal of attention to getting education right. To little avail. …The results of the 2017 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)…, released this month, are dismal. Fewer than half of students are rated “proficient” in each of these subjects.” Test Score Statistics Are Stagnant, 35 Years after ‘A Nation at Risk’ | National Review

3. “The fundamental problem is that teacher unions are in bed with politicians.

This doesn’t just mean that government schools are needlessly expensive (and they are). It also means that the government monopoly primarily exists as a tool to serve bureaucracy rather than students.” The Continuing Deterioration Of K-12 Government Schooling

America will never be saved from the abyss if schools are not severed from the political bureaucracy, and citizens are provided with more options for schooling their children without indoctrination.

I'm Public school grad, and nothing wrong with it. We taxpayers provide education for all the kids. So what's your alternative, that we pay for monkey indoctrination centers run by the likes of devoss??? If you want fundie indoctrination centers, pay for them yourselves. And remember, when these kids grow up, we don't have to help them learn to get along in the real world. Your likes and their parents are entirely responsible.

"I'm Public school grad, ,,,:
Anyone familiar with your attempts at posting will have surmised that already.

"We taxpayers provide education for all the kids. So what's your alternative,..."
School choice and compensation for the taxes used for the failed government schools.

"If you want fundie indoctrination centers, pay for them yourselves"
I assume that that is your attempt at insulting religious schools....which do a better job than government schools....

Being the dunce that you are, it is beyond your ken that government schools are religious institutions.
Of course you've never read Witness, but this should be instructive:
“It [Communism] is not new. It is, in fact, man's second oldest faith. Its promise was whispered in the first days of the Creation under the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil: "Ye shall be as gods." It is the great alternative faith of mankind. Like all great faiths, its force derives from a simple vision. Other ages have had great visions. They have always been different versions of the same vision: the vision of God and man's relationship to God. The Communist vision is the vision of Man without God.
It is the vision of man's mind displacing God as the creative intelligence of the world.”
Whittaker Chambers, Witness

Communism is the religion of government school.

For edification:

WebTeach.Com on Twitter

I'm curious.....were you born a dunce, or did government schooling do that to you?
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The gap between wages and productivity is growing. People are working harder than ever for wages that are stagnant. Americans work until they are exhausted.
Taxes have an effect....but since the 70s wages have flat out stink...bad...pathetic. Carter didn't help and Reagan didn't help one iota either. since then they haven't caught up. A small tax break here and there is a band aid only. Until wages go up dramatically homeschooling is limited to those who are making the big big dollars. It's too bad because american workers work alot harder and produce more for the least pay of any nation in the world. It's not even close.

Calculate what you pay in federal, state, sales tax, fees, etc......and then tell me why one parent can on longer stay home an raise a child.

Did you say Reagan?

  1. The benefits from Reaganomics:
    1. The economy grew at a 3.4% average rate…compared with 2.9% for the previous eight years, and 2.7% for the next eight.(Table B-4)
    2. Inflation rate dropped from 12.5% to 4.4%. (Table B-63)
    3. Unemployment fell to 5.5% from 7.1% (Table B-35)
    4. Prime interest rate fell by one-third.(Table B-73)
    5. The S & P 500 jumped 124% (Table B-95) http://www.gpoaccess.gov/eop/tables10.html
    6. Charitable contributions rose 57% faster than inflation. Dinesh D’Souza, “Ronald Reagan: How an Ordinary May Became an Extraordinary Leader,” p. 116

b. and c. Kiva Lending Team: Team REAL Americans | Kiva

2. While the ranks of the wealthy quickly multiplied, middle-class investors also entered the stock market in rapidly growing numbers. The creation by Congress in 1978 of the 401(k) tax-deferred retirement plan provided new incentives for workers to invest their savings in the stock market (often through mutual funds) rather than relying on company-funded pensions for retirement. The 401(k) led to a kind of democratization of Wall Street, as the percentage of American households owning some stake in the stock market—either directly or through mutual funds—shot quickly from 15.9% in 1983 to 29.6% in 1989.23 Thus the great bull market of the 1980s created more wealth, for more American families, than any previous boom in history.

Investment Company Institute, "Equity Ownership in America, 2005," http://www.ici.org/pdf/rpt_05_equity_owners.pdf,

The Reagan Era Learning Guide: Citations
As a Christian my problem is that I am the only one qualified to teach my religion to my kids. I would have never let some southern Evangelical Christian espouse their twisted rendition of Christianity. So pushing religion on every student while it sounds good might have it's issues.
The gap between wages and productivity is growing. People are working harder than ever for wages that are stagnant. Americans work until they are exhausted.

You've never lived better.

And, comparing Obama and Trump...

"Wages and salaries jump by 3.1%, highest level in a decade

As a Christian my problem is that I am the only one qualified to teach my religion to my kids. I would have never let some southern Evangelical Christian espouse their twisted rendition of Christianity. So pushing religion on every student while it sounds good might have it's issues.

as an atheist I would teach COMPARATIVE RELIGIONS in class and leave the religious beliefs to the parents.

Additionally....I would NEVER bring up my religion UNLESS as an example of how people of all faiths and non-faiths can be good and patriotic.
As a Christian my problem is that I am the only one qualified to teach my religion to my kids. I would have never let some southern Evangelical Christian espouse their twisted rendition of Christianity. So pushing religion on every student while it sounds good might have it's issues.

"As a Christian my problem is that I am the only one qualified to teach my religion to my kids."
That your job.....what's the problem.

"So pushing religion on every student while it sounds good might have it's issues."
That has never been a situation.....it is propaganda.
The answer is school choice, vouchers, tax credits....pick your own venue for education.

BTW.....in NYC, each year we home schoolers must submit a curriculum and an educational plan, and take the same testing given all kids.
"The regulations state that homeschoolers must send in test scores as their year-end assessments every other year in grades 4 - 8 and every year in grades 9-12. My kids tested in grades 5, 7, and 9-12. So your 3rd and 4th grader can each wait until they are in the 5th grade, unless you want to test them sooner."
Testing - Homeschool NYC

www.homeschoolnyc.com › resources › faq-testing
I'm not a fan of Obama. I'm no fan of trump. I cannot morally vote for either party of proven undeniable corruption. Wages are up slightly yes, but that still doesn't equate to one parent staying home. American emoyers have never seen such a large pool of qualified work until you drop workers. That helps slow wage growth.
I'm not a fan of Obama. I'm no fan of trump. I cannot morally vote for either party of proven undeniable corruption. Wages are up slightly yes, but that still doesn't equate to one parent staying home. American emoyers have never seen such a large pool of qualified work until you drop workers. That helps slow wage growth.

You have a job?

Want a better one?

Plenty available thanks to Trump.

1.4 million more jobs than unemployed people, but gap is ...

https://www.cnbc.com › 2019/08/06 › there-are-still-1point4-million-more-j...

You don't want to vote for either party?
Who cares?
So if a parent chooses to send their kid to a private religious school they should be able to limit the schools religious exposure in that student. As I said nobody else has the ability to teach my own kids about Christianity. Especially the southern Evangelical version.
So if a parent chooses to send their kid to a private religious school they should be able to limit the schools religious exposure in that student. As I said nobody else has the ability to teach my own kids about Christianity. Especially the southern Evangelical version.

"So if a parent chooses to send their kid to a private religious school they should be able to limit the schools religious exposure in that student."

What the heck are you talking about?????

If the school is Christian, Jewish, Muslim.....that's what you get.

They take tests to see if actual learning is going on.

You don't like it....send 'em somewhere else.

No one cares.
Taxes have an effect....but since the 70s wages have flat out stink...bad...pathetic. Carter didn't help and Reagan didn't help one iota either. since then they haven't caught up. A small tax break here and there is a band aid only. Until wages go up dramatically homeschooling is limited to those who are making the big big dollars. It's too bad because american workers work alot harder and produce more for the least pay of any nation in the world. It's not even close.
Thomas Edison never attended school, his mother taught him to read. Point being no president is responsible for your wages, you are and schools are not needed for the intelligent. Bill Gates is a drop out

You have no idea how I hate agreeing with you.....
If we want to attract the best teachers then pay is going to have to rise as those People can make triple that is the private market.


There are dozens of ways to improve schools and cut costs.

1. "Last month, ... officials in the Brevard County Schools had broken Florida state law—on purpose. Their offense? Placing more kids in classrooms than Florida’s Class Size Reduction statute allows..... What if they had assigned the “extra” students to their most effective teachers, leaving fewer pupils in classrooms presided over by weaker instructors? What would be the impact of such a practice on student achievement?

2. The idea is straightforward: Give the better teachers more kids and the weaker teachers fewer—then see what happens. It’s a common-sense option with many supporters. We know, for instance, that parents say they would opt for larger classes taught by excellent teachers, rather than smaller classes with instructors of unknown ability.

a. In a study last year for the Fordham Institute, the FDR Group found that a whopping 73 percent of parents would choose a class with twenty-seven students—provided it is “taught by one of the district’s best performing teachers”—over a class of twenty-two students “taught by a randomly chosen teacher.”

3. Further, given the choice between fewer students and more compensation, the teachers themselves choose the latter. In a well-done study of their own, Dan Goldhaber and colleagues found that 83 percent of educators in Washington State would prefer an additional $5,000 in compensation versus having two fewer students in their classes.

4. Given districts’ aversion to assigning students [equally to all teachers], ....we approached economist Michael Hansen, a senior researcher at the American Institutes for Research. Dr. Hansen, an expert in labor economics and the economics of education, has ample experience mining North Carolina data and conducting simulations of this genre.

a. He uses three years of data (2007–10) to generate past value-added measures. For the fourth year, he estimates how teachers actually performed, and then he simulates what the impact would have been if students instead had been allocated to teachers based on their prior performance, with an eye towards maximizing student gains. The allocation process results in larger classes for the most effective teachers and smaller for the least effective.

5. The key finding: Minor changes in assignment lead to improvements in student learning. The results were relatively modest for the fifth grade; there, even when as many as twelve additional pupils were assigned to effective teachers, it yielded gains equivalent to extending the school year by just two days.

6.. At the eighth-grade level, however, the results were much more robust. Hansen found that assigning up to twelve more students than average to effective eighth-grade teachers can produce gains equivalent to adding two-and-a-half extra weeks of school.

7. Yet adding fewer students pays dividends, too. In fact, 75 percent of the potential gain from allowing up to twelve students to be assigned to the best teachers’ classes is already realized when allowing just six students to move. Specifically, adding up to six more than the school’s average produces math and science gains akin to extending the school year by nearly two weeks. This impact is the equivalent of removing the lowest-performing 5 percent of teachers from the classroom.

8. And that is without actually removing them. As Hansen explains, “Class-size shifting enables the lowest-performing teachers to become more effective than they may be otherwise.”.... we should shrink some teachers’ classes down to zero students—and take the money saved thereby to bump up the compensation of effective teachers.

9.Last, Hansen examines whether this reallocation policy helps our neediest students gain more access to effective teachers. In a word, no. Gaps in access for economically disadvantaged students persist, primarily because the pool of available teachers in high-poverty schools remains unchanged under this strategy. Hence, this policy alone won’t remedy achievement gaps.

10. In the end, one simple change—giving effective teachers a handful more students—could mean a big boost to student achievement." Right-Sizing the Classroom - Education Next

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