Thinking of Thanksgiving


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
Contrary to Dante's wishes, we will be having a big ole turkey. Yummm!

Luckily for me, I don't have to cook it. I am making my au gratin potatoes. Trade secret on them. ;)

However, using this mix:


Making a wonderful pumpkin cheesecake. Super easy, one change to recipe though; whip the cream cheese and sugar together, before adding the eggs and mix.

The other night went to Trader Joe's 10th anniversary and had the most wonderful dessert bite. Just a bit of this:


on top of this:


OMG! So good!
Thinking of Thanksgiving?

frankly annie, I am trying NOT to think of thanksgiving ;) ...I have to make 3 trays of lasagna this weekend. Oy and get other stuff ready.
Thinking of Thanksgiving?

frankly annie, I am trying NOT to think of thanksgiving ;) ...I have to make 3 trays of lasagna this weekend. Oy and get other stuff ready.

I usually have Christmas, don't see how I'm going to be able to afford it this year, so my brother will have it, I'm sure. Heck knowing him and his wife, we'll probably go shopping and I'll still cook. ;)

I love Thanksgiving, but it's a lot of work. Christmas is better, lots of appetizers, simple meal. :lol:
Thinking of Thanksgiving?

frankly annie, I am trying NOT to think of thanksgiving ;) ...I have to make 3 trays of lasagna this weekend. Oy and get other stuff ready.

I usually have Christmas, don't see how I'm going to be able to afford it this year, so my brother will have it, I'm sure. Heck knowing him and his wife, we'll probably go shopping and I'll still cook. ;)

I love Thanksgiving, but it's a lot of work. Christmas is better, lots of appetizers, simple meal. :lol:

I know just how you feel. I love doing all of this too. I do three full blown dinners in one week. One the saturday before the day of...and one the following saturday. :eek: yes i am crazy!

Thinking of Thanksgiving?

frankly annie, I am trying NOT to think of thanksgiving ;) ...I have to make 3 trays of lasagna this weekend. Oy and get other stuff ready.

I usually have Christmas, don't see how I'm going to be able to afford it this year, so my brother will have it, I'm sure. Heck knowing him and his wife, we'll probably go shopping and I'll still cook. ;)

I love Thanksgiving, but it's a lot of work. Christmas is better, lots of appetizers, simple meal. :lol:

I know just how you feel. I love doing all of this too. I do three full blown dinners in one week. One the saturday before the day of...and one the following saturday. :eek: yes i am crazy!

I love having friends and family over, especially at the holidays. I've always focused on making 'from scratch' items for one or two courses. At Christmas it's always the hors d'oeuvres and desserts. I'll just cook the roast or ham with minimal prep., buy frozen veggies doctor them up a bit, and yes, will still make the au grautins, (but assemble them the day before), along with some mashed potatoes. I grab rolls at the bakery.

Most of the hors d'oeuvres that are complex can be made ahead, then heated the day of. The rest are easy, I mean how hard is it to cook some shrimp? ;)

For small gatherings I like to make either something comforting or little bites we can pick up as we're talking.

Last night one I had a friend over, her husband is in Brazil for business. I made Swedish Meatballs over noodles. Salad and wine. Perfect.

Now what was funny, seems my son had the same idea for entertaining a girl he's dating. He was like, "Mom, when are you going to be done? Michelle is on her way over and I told her I'd make Chicken Cacciatore!" I told him I'd made enough for 6 people, he was, "No. Swedish Meatballs aren't romantic!" ;) I taught my kids well.
thanksgiving is the big meal here....

make it all from scratch...except for the turkey....

but come on its easy....cranberry sauce...easy....mashed beans...easy....sweet tater casserole..easy...pumpkin pie...easy...i am thinking maybe a coconut cake...but then again..if i am working we may go out to eat...hate to do it...lot depends on mom...will she co operate or ruin thanksgiving...we shall see...
Neither my wife or I are big turkey fans so it's the smallest shank or butt ham I can find, stuff it with cabbage and onions, wrap it up in cheese cloth and boil it for 25 min per pound. When it's done cut away the cheese cloth, grab the bone and pull it out. The meat just falls apart.
Whole family and then some at my sister's house (she has the biggest house and formal dining room). Kids in the kitchen, thanks.

Hmm...we'll probably have two turkeys, stuffed. Sis makes green bean casserole with the fried onions, I'll make sweet potato casserole (baked sweet potatoes, peel and roughly mash, mix with cream, butter, brown sugar, put in a casserole, top with marshmallows, yum) we'll have shrimp or crab salad, jello salad, mashed potatoes, giblet gravy, rolls, apple and pumpkin pies. We usually have clam dip and I don't know what else for appetizers, whatever people bring....egg nog and cider, and sparkling cider for dinner. fruit salad....I don't know what else. I love T-day....
Me too! Already thinking of it. All of our kids are coming except my niece and her husband in NY and my son and his girlfriend are off to NJ to have with her folks. I can't wait!

The only thing I dread this year is the grab bag, no money. Boo hoo! But I figure I still have some Amazon bucks, so I can give some away!
I have four dozen butterhorn rolls rising and will start baking them in 30 minutes!
Of course! I always make homemade dinner rolls for Thanksgiving and Christmas. My Mom also did when I was a kid, and I took over when she "retired" from cooking. Now she just makes pumpkin and pecan pies, and cranberry sauce. She'd starve if my Dad didn't cook now.
Of course! I always make homemade dinner rolls for Thanksgiving and Christmas. My Mom also did when I was a kid, and I took over when she "retired" from cooking. Now she just makes pumpkin and pecan pies, and cranberry sauce. She'd starve if my Dad didn't cook now.

Cool! Yes the cooking torch does get passed doesn't it?

OK... are ya gonna post the recipe? :eusa_angel:
Dinner Rolls

(I make a double batch, and use a KitchenAid Mixmaster to kneed the dough)

4 1/4 to 4 3/4 cups flour (I use 60% unbleached bread and 40% whole wheat)
1 package active dry yeast
1 cup milk
1/3 cup sugar
1/3 cup butter (recommend using sweet)
3/5 teaspoon salt
2 beaten eggs

1. In a large mixing bowl stir together 2 cups of the flour and the yeast. In a medium sauce pan (or a quart mixing cup for the microwave), heat and stir milk, sugar, butter, and salt till just warm (120 - 130 degrees) and butter melts. Add milk mixture to dry mixture along with eggs. Mix together until well blended.

2. Add the rest of the flour in small batches until a sticky dough is formed. Keep the dough as soft as possible but still firm enough to handle. Shape dough into a ball and place in a greased bowl. Cover; let rise in a warm place until more than double in size (1-2 hours depending upon temperature).

3. Punch down dough. Turn onto lightly floured surface. Divide dough in half. Cover and let rest for 10 minutes.

4. Shape dough into desired rolls (Butterhorns, Rosett3es, Parker House, or Clover Leaf) and place on baking sheets or in muffin cups. Cover and let rise in a warm place until double in size (30 - 45 minutes).

5. Bake in a 375 degree over for 12 to 15 minutes or until golden. Immediate remove rolls from pans and cool on sire racks. Brush with melted butter (optional).

(The yield I get for a double recipe is 48 butterhorns - these are like cubby little croissants in shape.)
we'll be having about 40 people over on turkey day. I'm doing the main cooking but others are pitching in.

2 turkeys, 1 smoked ham. mashed potatoes, homemade rolls, sweet potato casserole, the usual assortment of sides. A variety of appetizers, including crab dip, pinwheels, shrimp cocktail, etc etc. The usual desserts of pumpkin pie (aka babyshit pie so gross) cheesecake, pecan pie, lemon meringue pie and maybe an apple pie.

All from scratch.
Mission Accomplished.

Final batch of dinner rolls now cooling. Will bag them up and freeze them until T-Day after they are cool.

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