Thanksgiving dinner


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
Ok what are you going to cook, how many are you serving, what is your special recipe(s)...just general kitchen blather about Thanksgiving.

We will have:

Turkey w/ dressing
cranberry sauce
mashed potatoes
gravy...I will use pan juices, not giblets I think. I'll freeze the giblets and use them down the road.
Candied sweet potatoes
Green bean casserole
relish dish
clam dip & chips
homemade rolls w/ butter
pumpkin pie w/ homemade whipped cream
some other pie (apple? Mincemeat?)
strawberry jello
crab salad

I think that's about it.

I was toying with doing something different with the stuffing this year, but I don't think I will. My stuffing:

a couple of boxes of seasoned stuffing mix (I really don't care which ones, usually whatever is cheapest...I have used cornbread mix in there too)

Saute 1 onion, a few stalks of celery in butter, throw that in there
Usually salt & pepper pretty heavily

Stuff that fowl, put the rest in a casserole.
Last year I had T-dinner with a friend's family, and they had oyster stuffing, which I actually like but pretty much nobody else does, lol. It's their deceased mom's recipe though so they always have it in her honor.

We'll probably have a few devilled eggs on hand for the kids, too.
Slow roasted duck with a cherry sauce over mashed potatoes and green peas. And wine, lots of wine.
Oh yum. I love duck.

When I live alone in my dotage, if that ever happens, I think I will prepare duck or goose every Thanksgiving.

At this point, I can't afford it and there isn't enough meat on them to serve my whole crew.
As it is I have at least 3 kids (and one is grown) who demand a turkey drumstick.

I haven't yet found a three-legged turkey.
My daughter is now 10 years old and loves to help in the kitchen...and is a big help these days!

She peels potatoes like nobody's business, which is a huge time and back ache saver for me. I hate peeling potatoes. I've always hated it. When I was a girl, I was the potato peeler and I hated it then. Thankfully, my daughter seems to love it, go figure.

And now the boy is getting interested in cooking too, so I may have a kitchen full of helpers.

I do use time/mess savers at Thanksgiving, though. I will use store bought pastry, for example...then make the fillings. Though I have even served store-bought you-bake pies..the kids don't care and they're just so easy and cheap! I can get two pumpkin pies for $5.98 at grocery outlet...if I make a bucket of homemade whipped cream the kids could care less what's under there.

I love Thanksgiving but when I'm eating at my house, I do everything I can to reduce mess and stress. When I take food to someone ELSE'S dinner, I will go all out on one or two dishes.

I will make my own rolls, I can whip up rolls in no time.

I usually have a go at homemade noodles for our turkey noodle soup the week following. Sometime around Friday I will take the turkey out, take off what remains of the meat, then freeze the carcass. Once all the mess is cleaned up from Thanksgiving (Monday or so..our leftovers don't hang around long) I'll pull it out, dump it in a pot with some chicken broth (or with the frozen giblets) and cook all day...then fish the bones out and make noodles.

Yes it's labor intensive. But it is worth it.
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Oh sheesh, I almost forgot...PEAS...we'll have PEAS too.

We always have at least one bright green veggie...broccoli florettes or peas. It's like a vegetable palette cleanser. Or something.

This year, peas.
God help me....we will have a total of 25 people here Thursday.
Four of my wife's relatives from Mexico are coming eeeeverybody is coming to see them.
I don't speak much Spanish...
cheese plate
spinach salad

prime rib
bok choi
sweet taters w/ pecans, brown sugar, marshmellows and pineapple (fresh)

yeast rolls

pear tart
God help me....we will have a total of 25 people here Thursday.
Four of my wife's relatives from Mexico are coming eeeeverybody is coming to see them.
I don't speak much Spanish...

You're not expected to speak, Thanksgiving drudge! Get into the kitchen!

I'm glad my kitchen essentially is open to the rest of the house, so I'm not completely isolated for huge stretches of time. My life is dealing with dogs (aka vacuuming), cooking, and washing dishes.
have you see the pie/cake things..dessertcuken?

pies baked in cake


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