They're Coming to America.

“Back then” means the immigrants 1) came in legally and 2) did not demand Americans provide them with free housing and food.

"Back then" means that Americans hadn't been poisoned to believe that immigration was bad for the country. Immigration wasn't a political football for a racist right wing fascist party that was afraid of racial minorities.

The world is watching Americans murder non-white citizens with impunity. The world has watched you attack and fuck up Central America and South America for generations fighting "communism". YOU caused the problems in the Middle East taking Saddam Hussein out of Iraq, and creating 6 million refugees from Syria, and then you refused to take in a single refugee.

The USA is no longer the "home of the brave and the land of the free". Not even close. Home of those who live in fear of "replaced". Your country isn't being undermined and destroyed by non-white immigration. It's being destroyed by the "whites only" anti-democratic Republican Party and by people like you who are prepared to toss out everything your country stood for, to make sure white people have all of the power.

If the federal government would do its job and control the borders, all this would not be much of an issue.

If the federal government would do its job, ALL of the refugee claimants would be let in, and there would be a fair and reasonable immigration policy in place so that immigrants have a sane and orderly process to deal with.
Your personal "general consensus" of nostagia-driven Minniver Cheevy fantasists offers no rational solutions. That sort is a constant throughout the nation's history.

Many Americans who viewed their Halcyon days as the 1950s viewed your '70s as an era of dire decline and dissolution.

Well since I'm fantasizing. ;)

If the federal government would do its job, ALL of the refugee claimants would be let in,.....
You go petition the CANADIAN government for all that. No one in THIS country gives a shit what you think.
1) They don’t look desperate to keep their children alive. Many look overweight, and they arrive with smart phones in their hands and expensive Nikes on their feet. They are desperate to have Americans provide them all sorts of freebies, and they feel ENTITLED to it.

2) Your idea of a new immigration policy is to reward all this scofflaws and entitled foreigners with citizenship. My idea is to enforce the laws we ALREADY have.

3) They aren’t going to help Social Security. I see 100 of them every morning in a parking lot, waiting to be picked up for a day’s labor. They aren’t paying into the system. And even if they were, they are so unskilled that any minor contribution would be far outweighed to what they cost us.
You don't seem to want to acknowledge the desperate conditions that drive people to flee their homes, their homelands, and face grueling journeys of hundreds of miles in the hope of giving their children a decent life.

If you cannot sympathize, that's unfortunate. In any event, the needed comprehensive immigration reform must promote legal immigration for the sake of the nation.

If the past dictates the future, between 80% and 90% of today's U.S. workforce is going to be reliant, in some capacity, on Social Security income when they retire. This 80% to 90% range reflects the percentage of retirees leaning on Social Security as a "major" or "minor" source of income across 20 years of annual Gallup surveys.
Unfortunately, this program responsible for doling out millions of benefit checks each month isn't on the soundest financial footing. A very big reason for that is America's worsening immigration problem.
If there is a silver lining for the program responsible for pulling more than 22 million people (including over 16 million seniors) out of poverty each year, it's that this projected funding shortfall doesn't equate to bankruptcy or insolvency for Social Security. If you've qualified for a retirement benefit or other protections, such as survivor or disability benefits, you'll receive a monthly check when eligible...
America's worsening immigration problem that could be the biggest concern...
Aside from needing a sustainable influx of legal immigrants into the U.S., it's equally important to address the misinformation that undocumented workers are a hindrance to the traditional Social Security program. When I say "traditional Social Security program," I'm talking about paying retirement, survivor, and disabled-worker benefits.
The culprit for the myth likely has to do with conflating traditional Social Security and Supplemental Security Income (SSI). SSI does, on occasion, provide income to persons seeking asylum.
Although the Social Security Administration oversees both programs, traditional Social Security and SSI are funded differently. Whereas SSI is funded by the general funds of the U.S. Treasury, traditional Social Security generates most of its revenue from the payroll tax on earned income, with the taxation of benefits and interest earned on its asset reserves playing a lesser role. The point is that these are two separate programs.
Undocumented workers are unable to receive a Social Security number, which means they cannot collect retirement benefits and won't qualify for the program's other protections -- like long-term disability and survivor insurance protection.
[A] study from New American Economy showed that undocumented workers contributed $13 billion in payroll tax revenue in 2016. These undocumented workers either used a friend's or family member's Social Security number to obtain work, or their employer failed to properly vet the worker. Either way, more than 1% of Social Security's annual revenue derives from undocumented workers, yet not one cent of benefits from traditional Social Security will be returned to these workers.

The USA is no longer the "home of the brave and the land of the free". ....
Yes it is. Ask any naturalized US citizen. What is Canada the home of? Frostbite, impotent whiners, and ridiculous sports? Anyone with the slightest talent in your country leaves as soon as they can to come to MY country.
I'm still here but choose not to respond to anymore of your dumb questions. Now have a nice day.
You're just here to make random noises and say nothing? Good thing you came to a discussion forum for that.
This refugee situation will not work out for the far left. Most of these people are going to vote for anti-abortion candidates. Majority of these people are conservative Christians with good family values that means a lot of the left would dislike the refugees once they got to know them….These are Mexican and South American people who are proud of their countries history and proud of the Spanish conquistadors for example.

You know most Africans are proud of African conquerors Europeans are proud of European conquerors. Imperialism can actually be a good thing. More than anything I want to reach out to Dragonlady and schmidlap

Hey folks I assume you might be a little bit older retired or some kind of professional. Please understand that so many young Americans black and white have nothing in this country. They are turning to marijuana that the government is legalizing to keep them distracted from how bad our country is right now.

There’s a lot of poor people and they can’t afford a home because of how bad are economy is. when you couple race division on top of a bad economy it creates chaos. Folks our country is not like it was back in your days. And so many young Americans are being robbed of the great country we used to have where you could get a middle-class job right out of high school. In some ways we are so ugly today …but don’t worry we’ll get back or glory. Because America always prevails in the end over its enemies internally and externally.

dragon lady and maybe schmidlap believes that in America Black people are targeted. Dragon lady provided her viewpoint I don’t know what the other gentleman has to say. But there are certainly other Democrats on this form who also believe that America is a racist evil imperialist country. Well What about the millions of white and black young Americans who have no money, no hope and the government isn’t putting forward policies and jobs to help them. How about that my friends. We’re in this thing together. We are united as Democrats and we must do the right thing.
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Illegal aliens can't vote. Even legal immigrants can't vote if they are not citizens (other than in some local elections in certain states, which is stupid). People are not rushing across the border and straight into the voting booth.
LOSER ^^^^^^ keeps mentioning "real Americans" when he/she/it couldn't be further from just that. Cowardly weakling LOSER understands and appreciates NOTHING about my great nation. He/she/it is unworthy to be here, and unwelcome to stay. "Real Americans" aren't ignorant, sniveling cowards like him/her/it.
”How dare brokeloser stand so firmly against the idea of throwing tens of millions of filthy, desperate, illiterate thirdworlders in the laps of American taxpayers, how dare he look out for his fellow countrymen and the state of the nation instead of looking out for bottom feeding foreigners, doesn’t he know that a REAL American hates our right to sovereignty?”
No translation needed. LOSER ^^^^^^ keeps mentioning "real Americans" when he/she/it couldn't be further from just that. Cowardly weakling LOSER understands and appreciates NOTHING about my great nation. He/she/it is unworthy to be here, and unwelcome to stay. "Real Americans" aren't ignorant, sniveling cowards like him/her/it.
You don't seem to want to acknowledge the desperate conditions that drive people to flee their homes, their homelands, and face grueling journeys of hundreds of miles in the hope of giving their children a decent life.

If you cannot sympathize, that's unfortunate. In any event, the needed comprehensive immigration reform must promote legal immigration for the sake of the nation.

If the past dictates the future, between 80% and 90% of today's U.S. workforce is going to be reliant, in some capacity, on Social Security income when they retire. This 80% to 90% range reflects the percentage of retirees leaning on Social Security as a "major" or "minor" source of income across 20 years of annual Gallup surveys.
Unfortunately, this program responsible for doling out millions of benefit checks each month isn't on the soundest financial footing. A very big reason for that is America's worsening immigration problem.
If there is a silver lining for the program responsible for pulling more than 22 million people (including over 16 million seniors) out of poverty each year, it's that this projected funding shortfall doesn't equate to bankruptcy or insolvency for Social Security. If you've qualified for a retirement benefit or other protections, such as survivor or disability benefits, you'll receive a monthly check when eligible...
America's worsening immigration problem that could be the biggest concern...
Aside from needing a sustainable influx of legal immigrants into the U.S., it's equally important to address the misinformation that undocumented workers are a hindrance to the traditional Social Security program. When I say "traditional Social Security program," I'm talking about paying retirement, survivor, and disabled-worker benefits.
The culprit for the myth likely has to do with conflating traditional Social Security and Supplemental Security Income (SSI). SSI does, on occasion, provide income to persons seeking asylum.
Although the Social Security Administration oversees both programs, traditional Social Security and SSI are funded differently. Whereas SSI is funded by the general funds of the U.S. Treasury, traditional Social Security generates most of its revenue from the payroll tax on earned income, with the taxation of benefits and interest earned on its asset reserves playing a lesser role. The point is that these are two separate programs.
Undocumented workers are unable to receive a Social Security number, which means they cannot collect retirement benefits and won't qualify for the program's other protections -- like long-term disability and survivor insurance protection.
[A] study from New American Economy showed that undocumented workers contributed $13 billion in payroll tax revenue in 2016. These undocumented workers either used a friend's or family member's Social Security number to obtain work, or their employer failed to properly vet the worker. Either way, more than 1% of Social Security's annual revenue derives from undocumented workers, yet not one cent of benefits from traditional Social Security will be returned to these workers.
You don’t seem to want to acknowledge that these uneducated, unskilled single men boycotting in front of the fancy Watson Hotel in which they were housed at $500 a night cost to the taxpayer are disturbing the neighborhood with their entitled “gimme, gimme, gimme!” shrieking with their refusal to move to the shelter set up for them at the Cruiseport, also at taxpayer expense.

Just who the F do they think they are? They think that’s the way to win over Americans - by demanding we continue to pay for their upscale hotel stays? And have you seen the conditions of the rooms? They’ve trashed the place, and the taxpayer will now have to compensate the hotel to repair the place to where decent people would want to stay.

Those men need to be rounded up and put on a bus back to wherever they came from.
You don’t seem to want to acknowledge that these uneducated, unskilled single men boycotting in front of the fancy Watson Hotel in which they were housed at $500 a night cost to the taxpayer are disturbing the neighborhood with their entitled “gimme, gimme, gimme!” shrieking with their refusal to move to the shelter set up for the, at the Cruiseport, also at taxpayer expense.

Just who the F do they think they are? They think that’s the way to win over Americans - by demanding we continue to pay for their upscale hotel stays? And have you seen the conditions of the rooms? They’ve trashed the place, and the taxpayer will have to compensate the hotel to repair the place to where decent people would want to stay.

Those men need to be rounded up and put on a bus back to wherever they came from.
Keep jumping through those hoops. The democrats love a useful fool like you almost as much as you love indulging in your worst impulses. Do you have your DNC card?

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