They're Coming to America.


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2020
Illegal immigration has been a concern for the U.S. for decades.

Migrants, in desperate need of work to feed their families, keep coming to America to be hired for the jobs Americans offer to them.

Obviously, Congress must to fulfill its responsibility to institute a coherent immigration policy to satisfy the requirements of the nation, funding Social Security just one of multiple economic and societal needs.


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America’s birth rate has largely been below replacement level since the 1970s, and in steep decline for the past 15 years.
Once, the country was brimming with an up-and-coming workforce. In 1960, there were six working adults for every person over 65. In 2030, we’ll hit 2.8 working adults for every person over 65.
The number of working adults is slated to keep shrinking in proportion to older Americans.
[W]e’re actually facing an immigrant deficit. Trump-era policies excluded 1.5 million to 2 million people who would normally have immigrated to the US between 2017 and 2021...
Trump’s clampdown on refugees costs the economy more than $9 billion a year.

But good luck trying to convince Americans we need more immigrants. Nearly 70 percent feel that present immigration levels are sufficient or should be decreased...
“[L]etting immigrants into America is a long-term revenue generator. Immigrants are people. Immigrants are consumers. Immigrants are inventors. Immigrants are founders of businesses, and they are overrepresented as founders of businesses relative to natives.”
"Immigration can temporarily depress wages for those at the lowest end of the wage spectrum. “But in general,” he says, “it creates jobs for Americans.”
Strict limits on immigration, though, stifle immigrants’ economic contributions to the US.

Illegal immigration has been a concern for the U.S. for decades.

Migrants, in desperate need of work to feed their families, keep coming to America to be hired for the jobs Americans offer to them.

Obviously, Congress must to fulfill its responsibility to institute a coherent immigration policy to satisfy the requirements of the nation, funding Social Security just one of multiple economic and societal needs.

America’s birth rate has largely been below replacement level since the 1970s, and in steep decline for the past 15 years.
Once, the country was brimming with an up-and-coming workforce. In 1960, there were six working adults for every person over 65. In 2030, we’ll hit 2.8 working adults for every person over 65.
The number of working adults is slated to keep shrinking in proportion to older Americans.
[W]e’re actually facing an immigrant deficit. Trump-era policies excluded 1.5 million to 2 million people who would normally have immigrated to the US between 2017 and 2021...
Trump’s clampdown on refugees costs the economy more than $9 billion a year.

But good luck trying to convince Americans we need more immigrants. Nearly 70 percent feel that present immigration levels are sufficient or should be decreased...
“[L]etting immigrants into America is a long-term revenue generator. Immigrants are people. Immigrants are consumers. Immigrants are inventors. Immigrants are founders of businesses, and they are overrepresented as founders of businesses relative to natives.”
"Immigration can temporarily depress wages for those at the lowest end of the wage spectrum. “But in general,” he says, “it creates jobs for Americans.”
Strict limits on immigration, though, stifle immigrants’ economic contributions to the US.

I now support nuclear missiles in Cuba.
Illegal immigration has been a concern for the U.S. for decades.
For conservatives that ‘concern’ is the product of nativist racism, bigotry, and hate, of white grievance politics and racist replacement theory.

That an immigrant is undocumented doesn’t mean he’s ‘illegal.’

What conservatives wrongly attack as ‘illegal’ is in fact consistent with immigration law: migrants, refugees, and asylum seekers lawfully pursuing applications for refugee status.
Illegal immigration has been a concern for the U.S. for decades.

Migrants, in desperate need of work to feed their families, keep coming to America to be hired for the jobs Americans offer to them.

Obviously, Congress must to fulfill its responsibility to institute a coherent immigration policy to satisfy the requirements of the nation, funding Social Security just one of multiple economic and societal needs.

America’s birth rate has largely been below replacement level since the 1970s, and in steep decline for the past 15 years.
Once, the country was brimming with an up-and-coming workforce. In 1960, there were six working adults for every person over 65. In 2030, we’ll hit 2.8 working adults for every person over 65.
The number of working adults is slated to keep shrinking in proportion to older Americans.
[W]e’re actually facing an immigrant deficit. Trump-era policies excluded 1.5 million to 2 million people who would normally have immigrated to the US between 2017 and 2021...
Trump’s clampdown on refugees costs the economy more than $9 billion a year.

But good luck trying to convince Americans we need more immigrants. Nearly 70 percent feel that present immigration levels are sufficient or should be decreased...
“[L]etting immigrants into America is a long-term revenue generator. Immigrants are people. Immigrants are consumers. Immigrants are inventors. Immigrants are founders of businesses, and they are overrepresented as founders of businesses relative to natives.”
"Immigration can temporarily depress wages for those at the lowest end of the wage spectrum. “But in general,” he says, “it creates jobs for Americans.”
Strict limits on immigration, though, stifle immigrants’ economic contributions to the US.

all that haas to be done is to incerease Legal immigration. AND WHY? do immigrants need to come solely from Latin America? if your concerned about funding Social Security, keep in mind that these immigrants are sending Billions of dollars back to their countries and OUT of the United States.
All the governments and the cartels are happy to receive this revenue.
For conservatives that ‘concern’ is the product of nativist racism, bigotry, and hate, of white grievance politics and racist replacement theory.

That an immigrant is undocumented doesn’t mean he’s ‘illegal.’

What conservatives wrongly attack as ‘illegal’ is in fact consistent with immigration law: migrants, refugees, and asylum seekers lawfully pursuing applications for refugee status.

How the fuck do you know?
We let illegal's in with no F'in follow-up, so for all intent and legal purpose, they're still FUCKING ILLEGALS!!!
For conservatives that ‘concern’ is the product of nativist racism, bigotry, and hate, of white grievance politics and racist replacement theory.

That an immigrant is undocumented doesn’t mean he’s ‘illegal.’

What conservatives wrongly attack as ‘illegal’ is in fact consistent with immigration law: migrants, refugees, and asylum seekers lawfully pursuing applications for refugee status.

They need to apply for refugee status before they come here. Otherwise they are putting money in the pockets of drug cartels. I reject your racism Bullshit... over 100K Americans died last year from fentanyl overdoses alone...
Our border agents cant do their jobs because they are too busy processing people who are allowed to walk over the border. The number is TO HIGH.. there are too many.. does that make any sense to you?
The damn wall if it was completed would have helped. Not telling all of latin America and everyone else in the world to just come on over would have helped too.
Illegal immigration has been a concern for the U.S. for decades.

Migrants, in desperate need of work to feed their families, keep coming to America to be hired for the jobs Americans offer to them.

Obviously, Congress must to fulfill its responsibility to institute a coherent immigration policy to satisfy the requirements of the nation, funding Social Security just one of multiple economic and societal needs.

America’s birth rate has largely been below replacement level since the 1970s, and in steep decline for the past 15 years.
Once, the country was brimming with an up-and-coming workforce. In 1960, there were six working adults for every person over 65. In 2030, we’ll hit 2.8 working adults for every person over 65.
The number of working adults is slated to keep shrinking in proportion to older Americans.
[W]e’re actually facing an immigrant deficit. Trump-era policies excluded 1.5 million to 2 million people who would normally have immigrated to the US between 2017 and 2021...
Trump’s clampdown on refugees costs the economy more than $9 billion a year.

But good luck trying to convince Americans we need more immigrants. Nearly 70 percent feel that present immigration levels are sufficient or should be decreased...
“[L]etting immigrants into America is a long-term revenue generator. Immigrants are people. Immigrants are consumers. Immigrants are inventors. Immigrants are founders of businesses, and they are overrepresented as founders of businesses relative to natives.”
"Immigration can temporarily depress wages for those at the lowest end of the wage spectrum. “But in general,” he says, “it creates jobs for Americans.”
Strict limits on immigration, though, stifle immigrants’ economic contributions to the US.

We have a huge chunk of this country that is actually open it’s in the sort of meddling part of America kind of to the east of Utah. A huge space in this country where practically no one lives. So there’s many ideas that we can use here. My thing is when it comes to how many illegal immigrants or refugees we should taken well this could be a concern for both the left and the right here is why.

The right will say “hey they might bring with them criminals or they are going to take our jobs.

The left will in response say “hey that’s racist”


The left is wrong to accuse the right of racism on this issue. Anytime huge numbers of people coming to a country it is only right to worry hey how old they work what kind of jobs will take it. But the thing is if we do this right we can show the whole world what America is all about. We could show the whole world how were the best country ever how were the ones taking in huge numbers of refugees. That kind of gives us power to say to the other country hey before you throw a stone in glass House why don’t you take a look at our character.

But one thing that is really interesting that perhaps both the left and right might not see or at least some of them might not see is that a huge majority of these illegal immigrants and refugees are Catholic brothers. These are beautiful Christian people who stand against abortion. And they stand for Christian values and I only wonder what was the father think about that because these people would vote Republican. And I stand with my Catholic brothers all over the world.

The left is wrong to accuse the right of racism on this issue. But one thing that is really interesting that perhaps both the left and right might not see or at least some of them might not see is that a huge majority of these illegal immigrants and refugees are Catholic brothers. These are beautiful Christian people who stand against abortion. And they stand for Christian values and I wonder what was the left would think about that …because the refugees would vote Republican. And I stand with my Catholic brothers all over the world.

I pray that the Mexican drug cartels can change their ways or Are defeated by good strong Mexican men who are fighting them
For conservatives that ‘concern’ is the product of nativist racism, bigotry, and hate, of white grievance politics and racist replacement theory.

That an immigrant is undocumented doesn’t mean he’s ‘illegal.’

What conservatives wrongly attack as ‘illegal’ is in fact consistent with immigration law: migrants, refugees, and asylum seekers lawfully pursuing applications for refugee status.
What horse shit.

What is "Undocumented":? I means someone who has not come throug the proper channels, aka Illegal.

Where are all these refugees coming from? I know of no war going on in Central America, so what are they seeking asylum from?
They need to apply for refugee status before they come here. Otherwise they are putting money in the pockets of drug cartels. I reject your racism Bullshit... over 100K Americans died last year from fentanyl overdoses alone...
Our border agents cant do their jobs because they are too busy processing people who are allowed to walk over the border. The number is TO HIGH.. there are too many.. does that make any sense to you?
The damn wall if it was completed would have helped. Not telling all of latin America and everyone else in the world to just come on over would have helped too.

Remain in Mexico until you get a hearing date is totally legal if seeking asylum!!

And then there are the gotaway's that ICE should be deporting when caught.

This installed Administration is butt-fucking America's sovereignty!!
Remain in Mexico until you get a hearing date is totally legal if seeking asylum!!

And then there are the gotaway's that ICE should be deporting when caught.

This installed Administration is butt-fucking America's sovereignty!!
And why not go to a port of entry? Why do they need coyotes? just run to a border guard and ask for asylum...
Remain in Mexico until you get a hearing date is totally legal if seeking asylum!!

And then there are the gotaway's that ICE should be deporting when caught.

This installed Administration is butt-fucking America's sovereignty!!

Agreed. The most aggregious thing to me is the sheer numbers. There is no physical way to process that many people , know who they are, and then make a decision one way or the other... meanwhile by next month another 150 K will have shown up.... so they are just allowed in.. hoping that they might show up at some hearing. Something that no one will ever follow up on, because there arent enough people to follow anything up.

it all make Legal immigration, seem so sensible. Let people understand the border is closed until they have the proper paperwork.. stop empowering drug cartels to have their way and do whatever they want.
But we have politicians who are detatched from reality.
And why not go to a port of entry? Why do they need coyotes? just run to a border guard and ask for asylum...

They are also preyed upon by the Cartels.. for various reasons. They have to pay something or they can also be forced to be mules for drugs, some of them can be kidnapped and the others have to send payment back. Its now a billion dollar business for cartels. Biden and Harris seem to be quite oblivious or just dont CARE
Agreed. The most aggregious thing to me is the sheer numbers. There is no physical way to process that many people , know who they are, and then make a decision one way or the other... meanwhile by next month another 150 K will have shown up.... so they are just allowed in.. hoping that they might show up at some hearing. Something that no one will ever follow up on, because there arent enough people to follow anything up.

it all make Legal immigration, seem so sensible. Let people understand the border is closed until they have the proper paperwork.. stop empowering drug cartels to have their way and do whatever they want.
But we have politicians who are detatched from reality.

It's called a vacumn in leadership.

Meanwhile, America is quickly unraveling, one thread at a time.
For conservatives that ‘concern’ is the product of nativist racism, bigotry, and hate, of white grievance politics and racist replacement theory.

That an immigrant is undocumented doesn’t mean he’s ‘illegal.’

What conservatives wrongly attack as ‘illegal’ is in fact consistent with immigration law: migrants, refugees, and asylum seekers lawfully pursuing applications for refugee status.
jones shut the fuck up.....
Illegal immigration has been a concern for the U.S. for decades.

Migrants, in desperate need of work to feed their families, keep coming to America to be hired for the jobs Americans offer to them.

Obviously, Congress must to fulfill its responsibility to institute a coherent immigration policy to satisfy the requirements of the nation, funding Social Security just one of multiple economic and societal needs.

America’s birth rate has largely been below replacement level since the 1970s, and in steep decline for the past 15 years.
Once, the country was brimming with an up-and-coming workforce. In 1960, there were six working adults for every person over 65. In 2030, we’ll hit 2.8 working adults for every person over 65.
The number of working adults is slated to keep shrinking in proportion to older Americans.
[W]e’re actually facing an immigrant deficit. Trump-era policies excluded 1.5 million to 2 million people who would normally have immigrated to the US between 2017 and 2021...
Trump’s clampdown on refugees costs the economy more than $9 billion a year.

But good luck trying to convince Americans we need more immigrants. Nearly 70 percent feel that present immigration levels are sufficient or should be decreased...
“[L]etting immigrants into America is a long-term revenue generator. Immigrants are people. Immigrants are consumers. Immigrants are inventors. Immigrants are founders of businesses, and they are overrepresented as founders of businesses relative to natives.”
"Immigration can temporarily depress wages for those at the lowest end of the wage spectrum. “But in general,” he says, “it creates jobs for Americans.”
Strict limits on immigration, though, stifle immigrants’ economic contributions to the US.

I say we follow Hungarys model and pay our CORE PEOPLE to make babies…seems like a no-brainer….pay legit real core Americans who know, love and respect our constitution, history, traditions, values and morals to make babies or pay the filth of the world to invade and drop their litters of silver tooth filth in the laps of American taxpayers….hmmm?


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