They Were Just in the Way | Indian Removal


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Mar 11, 2015

They Were Just in the Way | Indian Removal​

The Indian Removal Policy ranks right up the in the annals of historical events such as the holocaust. Exceot that the Native American holocaust continues today. And no, blacks did not create the policies that have resulted in this continuing human rights violation.

Just those that were not able to adapt to the changing environment and resisted it. Mine saw the foreigners and their goods unloading along the St. Johns River and all the lumber and other goods being shipped out, opened a warehouse business just south of Jacksonville. They never saw Reservations. That was back in the 1600s.
Just those that were not able to adapt to the changing environment and resisted it. Mine saw the foreigners and their goods unloading along the St. Johns River and all the lumber and other goods being shipped out, opened a warehouse business just south of Jacksonville. They never saw Reservations. That was back in the 1600s.
BS. And they never should have had to adapt. Whites should have been the ones to adapt and assimilate.
History is chock full of dumb savages being displaced/enslaved by more technically evolved societies. Adapt or die.
Whites were the dumb savages. Their behavior indicates that. The only technical advantage they had was the possession and use of weapons of mass destruction. This is the indication of savage behavior.
The endless flow of anti American crap from the feeble mind of the lowlife racist, IM2, leads me to wonder if that shitbag would move to another country if he could? He really seems to hate this one.

But if his position is “oh, hells no” then I also wonder what would lead a shitbag like him to want to stay? Would he maybe want to (like Obumbler wanted) “fundamentally” change America? Into what? And how?
BS. And they never should have had to adapt. Whites should have been the ones to adapt and assimilate.
Couple of things. Assimilation is not what they wanted. What they wanted was extermination. They took our children out of our homes by force and put them in boarding schools to turn us into what they wanted us to be. What happened in these schools was unforgivable.
They told us if we signed treaties we would no longer have to live off the land. The government would provide for us. Most of these treaties were broken, usually as a punishment.
The goal was to eliminate every aspect of our culture.
Couple of things. Assimilation is not what they wanted. What they wanted was extermination. They took our children out of our homes by force and put them in boarding schools to turn us into what they wanted us to be. What happened in these schools was unforgivable.
They told us if we signed treaties we would no longer have to live off the land. The government would provide for us. Most of these treaties were broken, usually as a punishment.
The goal was to eliminate every aspect of our culture.


Speak the truth brother. It needs to be spoken.
BS. And they never should have had to adapt. Whites should have been the ones to adapt and assimilate.

Not a single advanced civilization has ever turned backward voluntarily.
You expect that those European settlers should have returned to living in huts and tents, and hunt with bow and flint-stone or bone-head arrows? Burned their ships and replace them with canoes? Throw away their specs and wander half blind through their life's? Burn all newspapers and printing machines and replace them with drums and smoke signals?

Only an African could indeed utter such nonsense.
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BS. And they never should have had to adapt. Whites should have been the ones to adapt and assimilate.
It just goes to show you can't always go by books and movies when it comes to the study of history. A good example is one of the largest plantations here in Florida was owned and run by an African-Black woman and its main function was the breeding and training and selling of slaves. It is open to the public if you are ever down this way it's called Kingsley Plantation. It is a sad experience but normal for its time in history.
Chinese exclusion Act
Whites should have become stone age nomadic hunter-gatherers?

Whites had their turn at that thousands of years previously. They outgrew it.

Not everyone on Earth did.
Actually everyone did. There has always been urban and rural populations. There were cities in the great Indigenous civilizations on this side of the globe before whites got here.


Tenochtitlán- Capital of the Aztec Empire. Started in the 1300's and it rivals and even surpasses the European cities of its time relative to architecture an planning.​

It just goes to show you can't always go by books and movies when it comes to the study of history. A good example is one of the largest plantations here in Florida was owned and run by an African-Black woman and its main function was the breeding and training and selling of slaves. It is open to the public if you are ever down this way it's called Kingsley Plantation. It is a sad experience but normal for its time in history.
Yes that is true and when you study the entire situation instead of producing a tidbit in order to use as a whataboutism, you find that, the problem with that story is that such instances were very rare.

Very few blacks owned slaves because less than 20 percent of all blacks were free. That is not to excuse sellouts, because black sellouts have always existed, but blacks had a very small role in any part of the administration of slavery.

And blacks did not create and pass the Indian Removal Act. So again, it's time a certain type of white person stopped trying to point fingers at everybody else and face what they have done.
History is chock full of dumb savages being displaced/enslaved by more technically evolved societies. Adapt or die.
Well a western evolved savage Hitler had the same mind set, it's sad that in this day and age there are still morons who believe in the Master race and ubermench mentality and will kill anyone who gets in their way.

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