They Come Back

you feel that way about the NY Times? Rolling Stone? CBS?

R.S. took a big hit with their UVA rape story. I never looked to them for news other than Matt Taibbi and he is gone.

I don't read the Times as I can not access their stories. CBS? I dont know. Maybe.
R.S. took a big hit with their UVA rape story. I never looked to them for news other than Matt Taibbi and he is gone.

I don't read the Times as I can not access their stories. CBS? I dont know. Maybe.
so you don’t really feel that that…just news agencies that have acknowledged a retract in their past, and report stories you don’t like today

American Thinker has admitted to lying to push an agenda so if you want to make an argument here, you have to find a better source.

So you're saying they are a lot more honest than you and Democrats? We already know that.
The only one I am familiar with lying was RS and I condemned them. You making a claim isn't the same as something happened.
every outlet i mentioned has lied. They literally made up stories…and frankly it was highly published when they did. I might also add the Washington Post to that list

frankly i don’t believe you, you just got caught in a lie…and once a liar, always a liar
every outlet i mentioned has lied. They literally made up stories…and frankly it was highly published when they did. I might also add the Washington Post to that list

When the Washington Post was sued and lost big time I said they deserved to lose.

frankly i don’t believe you, you just got caught in a lie…and once a liar, always a liar

Frankly you are going to say that because I shot down A.T. credibility and backed what I said.

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