“They asked me to LIE about President Trump in order to indict him, Enrique Tells All

And your point? Is it illegally to do that?
StoneCold read a story by the WaPo that stated Trump hired law firms that 'found nothing.' There's a long story there with the disclaimer "quoting the lawyer.' 'The Post said.' TDSers are suckers for fake 'Orange Man Bad' stories.
I know damn well you did not see all the video on (Jan 6) that day because NOBODY did and, if it was up to the J6 committee, we'd have seen none of the overwhelmingly PEACEFUL demonstrating.
You are basing your entire diatribe towards me on the word "video"? How damned ignorant can you be when I've told you I watched the entire J6 events from the speeches at the WH until the Congress was adjourned early the next morning! I saw most of the violence trump asskissers such as yourself inflicted on the Capital Police, outside security, and then, only after trump told them to leave, did you and your fellow idiots stroll calmly out. Yes, I saw that. No you didn't because you have to get your marching orders from Tucker and NewsMax! (Remember, dumbass, fox did not broadcast the violence!) So, shut the fuck up about what YOU think you know about me! Ask Tucker, or your team leader( because You're too stupid and ignorant to be a leader) for new instructions on how to respond to me!
StoneCold read a story by the WaPo that stated Trump hired law firms that 'found nothing.' There's a long story there with the disclaimer "quoting the lawyer.' 'The Post said.' TDSers are suckers for fake 'Orange Man Bad' stories.
See, there you are again lying about me. Damn, you stupid sunovabitch, can you not respond without lying? Prove I said I read a story from WaPo! Fucking liar!
Now invent more shit about me so I can continue to show the board how stupid and ignorant you are!
You are basing your entire diatribe towards me on the word "video"? How damned ignorant can you be when I've told you I watched the entire J6 events from the speeches at the WH until the Congress was adjourned early the next morning! I saw most of the violence trump asskissers such as yourself inflicted on the Capital Police, outside security, and then, only after trump told them to leave, did you and your fellow idiots stroll calmly out. Yes, I saw that. No you didn't because you have to get your marching orders from Tucker and NewsMax! (Remember, dumbass, fox did not broadcast the violence!) So, shut the fuck up about what YOU think you know about me! Ask Tucker, or your team leader( because You're too stupid and ignorant to be a leader) for new instructions on how to respond to me!
The videos of the peaceful demonstrators were not released until weeks later, idiot. You said you watched is live. That video was not available that day as I have already told you. All you saw were the few that clashed with security and you lie and say you saw it all. You're full of shit. Fox certainly DID broadcast the event and the initial break in but you wouldn't know because you only apparently watch Democrat controlled media. Tucker got the video your media did not want you to see.
Liar! Where did I say I got the story from WaPo?
Ask your supervisor for new talking points!
Well, that's is where the story is that you recited verbatim. Give a link, asshole. Any of your Democrat controlled MSM will do because they parrot each other anyway just like you parroted that story.
The videos of the peaceful demonstrators were not released until weeks later, idiot. You said you watched is live. That video was not available that day as I have already told you. All you saw were the few that clashed with security and you lie and say you saw it all. You're full of shit. Fox certainly DID broadcast the event and the initial break in but you wouldn't know because you only apparently watch Democrat controlled media. Tucker got the video your media did not want you to see.
More lies! You are still claiming I didn't see what I watched for hours! You dumb fuck, read this slowly. I know Tucker released the edited tapes earlier this year, not weeks after J6. The committee had the tapes, then McCarthy gave them to Tucker to edit after he became speaker. Get your timeline correct and quit your incessant lying!
Well, that's is where the story is that you recited verbatim. Give a link, asshole. Any of your Democrat controlled MSM will do because they parrot each other anyway just like you parroted that story.
I "quoted" nothing verbatim! And I asked your stupid cohort a question, which, for some reason you insist on deflecting from! Now, are you gonna continue to run interference for the other asshole?
I "quoted" nothing verbatim! And I asked your stupid cohort a question, which, for some reason you insist on deflecting from! Now, are you gonna continue to run interference for the other asshole?
And you refuse to give a link. Go away.
More lies! You are still claiming I didn't see what I watched for hours! You dumb fuck, read this slowly. I know Tucker released the edited tapes earlier this year, not weeks after J6. The committee had the tapes, then McCarthy gave them to Tucker to edit after he became speaker. Get your timeline correct and quit your incessant lying!
Prove the videos were edited you POS.

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