There's no value to a fetus...or a baby..we should kill both with impunity...


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
"The editor of the Journal of Medical Ethics today defended his decision to publish an article in which two ethicists advocated “after-birth abortion.”
"The Blaze outlines the article’s original arguments:
The authors go on to state that the moral status of a newborn is equivalent to a fetus in that it cannot be considered a person in the “morally relevant sense.” On this point, the authors write:
“Both a fetus and a newborn certainly are human beings and potential persons, but neither is a ‘person’ in the sense of ‘subject of a moral right to life’. We take ‘person’ to mean an individual who is capable of attributing to her own existence some (at least) basic value such that being deprived of this existence represents a loss to her."

"Once upon a time, abortion advocates would accuse pro-lifers of “slippery slope logic” when those pro-lifers suggested it was only a matter of time before someone would use the abortion advocates’ arguments to defend infanticide. According to Savulescu, that began to happen a long time ago — and it continues to happen today. Turns out, it is a slippery slope, after all. If humans don’t have a right to life from the moment of conception, when does the right to life kick in? The moment a human becomes a person? When is that? Who determines when? The standard becomes movable — and, consequently, impossible to uphold."

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101 USES FOR A DEAD (or live) BABY by Olga Fairfax, Ph.D

Warning: This file contains frank and explicit language and is not intended to be read by children.

When I saw the first ad on TV advertising collagen-enriched cosmetics I was speechless. We'll be apologizing to Hitler, I thought; at least he didn't kill for money!

Collagen is the gelatinous substance found in connective tissue, bone and cartilage. Nick Thimmesch's syndicated column, "Our Grisly Human Fetal Industry" documents that amniotic fluid and collagen can come from fetal material, since the Food and Drug Administration does not require pretesting or the identification of cosmetic ingredients.

101 Uses for a Dead (or live) Baby
No, it's not a joke, Luissa. And abortion is always Hitler-ish. Because it's just a tool for getting rid of unwanted populations.
LOL........There's something a whole lot worse to worry about.
[ame=]The Georgia Guidestones - YouTube[/ame]
Ok..i'll bite just to mess with you KG


Sure they have a value....... stem cells.
And skin cream.

But that's only after they've been killed. They have no value ALIVE I guess I should have said...
No, I agree that the pro-death movement sees the value of DEAD babies. They make a LOT of money off them...
No, I agree that the pro-death movement sees the value of DEAD babies. They make a LOT of money off them...

You said a fetus had no"value" The answer is yes they do.... Stem cells.

The problem is harvesting stem cells from aborted fetus is not allowed. So no money is made KG.
Sorry, should have said "live fetus". I thought it was implied, since in the same sentence I said "so we should be able to kill"...

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