There were no WMD's in IRAQ Period

Let'see all you arm chair left wing strategists, Bill Clinton said Saddam was developing WMD's and the CIA didn't contradict him at the time. George Bush gave Saddam about a year to comply with UN sanctions or face the consequences. Iran didn't have a WMD program until the US invaded Iraq. The CIA probably can't figure out the connection but it ain't hard for normal people.
Everyone, democrats, republicans, world leaders, ALL thought he did.

Btw, this topic called, and it wants you to hang up.
Feinstein, Clinton(both), Al Gore, Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Joe Lieberman Jesus Christ, I could go on forever about the BI_PARTISAN support that was for this. Sure, Bush was in power, but to solely blame him is irresponsible and ignorant as fuck
Feinstein, Clinton(both), Al Gore, Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Joe Lieberman Jesus Christ, I could go on forever about the BI_PARTISAN support that was for this. Sure, Bush was in power, but to solely blame him is irresponsible and ignorant as fuck

There were no WMD's in IRAQ Period.

So those Al Samoud II missiles we saw nightly on the News were just a figment of everyone's imagination? :lol:
To quote the grand old lady of the democrat establishment "what freaking difference does it make"? Are we going to see posts about the Iraq war for the next four years while the freaking Country falls apart under an A-hole who would not lift a finger to save the life of a US Ambassador?
AND Everyone of those people were around when the 1991 CEASE FIRE was signed!
A "CEASE FIRE" meaning no more firing right?
So if someone starts firing AND AS SADDAM did over as 19 separate UN resolutions over a period of 12 years argued...
Resolution 1441 gave CLEAR permission for military action against him and ending the CEASE FIRE!

But people unlike YOU don't seem to know that!
You're a fuckin' liar!

1441 did not authorize military action.

The resolution ended with the UNSC term "we remained siezed on this matter". Do you have any fuckin' clue what that means? It's not military action.

And if you're going to use the argument, "Well, he violated a lot of resolutions..."

Then I have to say, "Israel is in violation of over 200 UN resolutions, why haven't we invaded them?"
Please, some one provide proof of full scale WMD's in IRAQ. Note the MD part means MASS Destruction...Not simple little canisters found here in there. I'm talking things that could be used against other countries in kill people on a mass scale. There were none..PERIOD!!! Have a great labor day.

"If the Americans go in and overthrow Saddam Hussein and it's clean, he has nothing, I will apologize to the nation, and I will not trust the Bush administration again, all right?"


Anyone heard anything from him.....yet??

They were moved into Syria, before our troops got there, according to George Sada who was Hussein's 2nd in command of their Air Force.

The Second In Command Of Saddam's Air Force Says WMD's Were Moved To Syria : Diggers Realm

Thats what I dont understand. Why didnt he tell them where they were?!?!?

He was afraid of the Baathists who ran Iraq and still run Syria.
He waited till he got to the U.S.A. and after Hussein was locked up.
Shit,I said that before we even invaded Iraq. I was against the war then and am against to this day. Bush should be brought up on war crimes,course so should Clinton,Bush 1,etc etc..

And ALL the democrats that agreed to the war and said we needed to take Sadaam out....

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