There needs to be a separate forum on antisemitism, just as there is for racism

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Diamond Member
Oct 12, 2021
Given the absolute TORRENT of vile, threatening comments about Jews throughout the world - ”Kill the Jews!…..”Gas the Jews!”……. - in an anti-Jew atmosphere not seen since the Nazi Holocaust, we need to have a dedicated forum. It should not have to be placed in the racism forum, where blacks object to attention to their cause being diverted, nor should it be hidden under the broad Religion forum.

This is alarming stuff for many Jews as the hate toward them is being increasingly revealed.

It can be placed in Zone 1, just as the racism forum is. But to allow a dedicated forum for blacks to discuss events of a century or two ago, and not have a similarly dedicated forum for Jews to discuss current events would show a liberal bias right there.
Then is should be renamed Bigotry and Prejudice. As it stands, I have been admonished not to being up antisemitism in a forum dedicated to issues of racism. (Jews are not a race.)
Not according to whoopie and her Prog freinds.

For them, the Holocaus was just a white thing

Jews are a race?

To some Jews they are, they consider themselves the only human race, in fact, but the racist Jews don't want that pointed out, especially by the sub-humans. Rest assured that will never be tolerated in a 'Jewish' forum. Chabad Lubavitch is one of the hottest cults in Judaism these days. This is in fact part of what feeds the Arab 'street's' hatred of Jews, and they make it easy to believe.
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Given the absolute TORRENT of vile, threatening comments about Jews throughout the world - ”Kill the Jews!…..”Gas the Jews!”……. - in an anti-Jew atmosphere not seen since the Nazi Holocaust, we need to have a dedicated forum. It should not have to be placed in the racism forum, where blacks object to attention to their cause being diverted, nor should it be hidden under the broad Religion forum.

This is alarming stuff for many Jews as the hate toward them is being increasingly revealed.

It can be placed in Zone 1, just as the racism forum is. But to allow a dedicated forum for blacks to discuss events of a century or two ago, and not have a similarly dedicated forum for Jews to discuss current events would show a liberal bias right there.

Blacks in the racism section don't just discuss racism that happened one or two centuries ago. It's happening to them now. Do you deny it?

You can start a thread in the racism section called antisemitism. Your thread will have nothing to do with blacks of course. This is unnecessary.
You should call it

'Annudah Shoah'...cause mean words are like being thrown on a train to a mental camp of anguish and pain.

My eyes won't stop schpritzin!
Blacks in the racism section don't just discuss racism that happened one or two centuries ago. It's happening to them now. Do you deny it?

You can start a thread in the racism section called antisemitism. Your thread will have nothing to do with blacks of course. This is unnecessary.

Nah, they just peddle the scam of Whitey Owes Us Lots Of Free Stuff, is all. They could care less about anything else.

I sympathize with your plea for an exclusive discussion area, but it is not going to do what it is you think it is supposed to do; otherwise, this website would be one of the top social media companies competing with Zuckerberg, Musk, and the guys at Reddit and so forth.

We have not figured out how to do that, yet.

Given the absolute TORRENT of vile, threatening comments about Jews throughout the world - ”Kill the Jews!…..”Gas the Jews!”……. - in an anti-Jew atmosphere not seen since the Nazi Holocaust, we need to have a dedicated forum. It should not have to be placed in the racism forum, where blacks object to attention to their cause being diverted, nor should it be hidden under the broad Religion forum.

This is alarming stuff for many Jews as the hate toward them is being increasingly revealed.

It can be placed in Zone 1, just as the racism forum is. But to allow a dedicated forum for blacks to discuss events of a century or two ago, and not have a similarly dedicated forum for Jews to discuss current events would show a liberal bias right there.

bringing victimhood to a whole new level.
Nah, they just peddle the scam of Whitey Owes Us Lots Of Free Stuff, is all. They could care less about anything else.
This is why I love the recent revelation that shows us of all Americans, it's specifically uneducated whites who are living in a sea of despair. With all those high paying union jobs gone, they're all working for $15 hr jobs. Same jobs Trump wants to bring back.

Blacks gradually doing better and better. Hispanics are gradually living longer too. It's only uneducated whites who are dying younger. Opiods. Heroin. Suicide. Alcohol related deaths. Maybe this is why whites don't want to compete on a even playing field with minorities. They lose.

They blame the jews, blacks, mexicans, arabs for ruining America. It's all white male politicians up until recently. 98% of CEO's are still white dudes. The richest Americans are mostly white Christians right? Who is ruining America for uneducated whites? Us liberals gave you Obamacare, Social Security, Higher Wages, Medicare, Sick Days, Vacation Days, Labor Laws, Unions. Collective bargaining.
Us liberals try very hard to take care of these ignorant whites who vote for Trump. Did you see what Deniro wrote?

Donald Trump does not. He’s a wannabe tough guy with no morals or ethics. No sense of right or wrong. No regard for anyone but himself—not the people he was supposed to lead and protect, not the people he does business with, not the people who follow him, blindly and loyally, not even the people who consider themselves his “friends.” He has contempt for all of them.

we must not condemn them for making a stupid choice. Our future doesn’t just depend on us. It depends on them.

Let’s reach out to Trump’s followers with respect.
Blacks in the racism section don't just discuss racism that happened one or two centuries ago. It's happening to them now. Do you deny it?
They are not enduring any more racism than any other racial group in America. Nobody is free from racism in AmeriKKKa.

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Relevant listening...

Former Israeli Government Minister Shulamit Aloni confesses that "it's a trick" for Israel to use false antisemitism accusations in accordance with its interests...

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To some Jews they are, they consider themselves the only human race, in fact, but the racist Jews don't want that pointed out, especially by the sub-humans. Rest assured that will never be tolerated in a 'Jewish' forum. Chabad Lubavitch is one of the hottest cults in Judaism these days. This is in fact part of what feeds the Arab 'street's' hatred of Jews, and they make it easy to believe.
The only human race belief goes under the curse of fundamentalism. like Hamas Isis etc...
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They are not enduring any more racism than any other racial group in America.
I disagree from my view. Maybe not the state your in but that may be denial. In MI we purposely put the Arabs between us and the blacks. When a black moved in, all the whites moved out. You don't do that to any other group in America. This may not still happen today but white flight and politics cut blacks off from economic opportunities.

And Detroit now, IMO, doesn't do enough to give more opportunities to black people. There are like 7 major companies who own 90% of Detroit and they hire mostly whites from the Suburbs.

Things are getting better but still 70% of Detroit is a wasteland. The smart people left those communities. The ones who are left, probably 90% of them are just poor people who work. Hustle. Some sell drugs yes but that happens in white communities too. Look how we hooked on fentynol and Oxy and Heroin now. No coincidence these blue collar people are in despair with the lack of economic opportunities. And now college out of reach?

Detroit is tearing down neighborhoods, gentrifying, doing better but still a long way to go. Whites are actually moving back to Detroit. I rode my Ebike downtown Detroit you'd be surprised how fixed up it is. Just don't go 5 blocks down. Then it gets dangerous.
Given the absolute TORRENT of vile, threatening comments about Jews throughout the world - ”Kill the Jews!…..”Gas the Jews!”……. - in an anti-Jew atmosphere not seen since the Nazi Holocaust, we need to have a dedicated forum. It should not have to be placed in the racism forum, where blacks object to attention to their cause being diverted, nor should it be hidden under the broad Religion forum.

This is alarming stuff for many Jews as the hate toward them is being increasingly revealed.

It can be placed in Zone 1, just as the racism forum is. But to allow a dedicated forum for blacks to discuss events of a century or two ago, and not have a similarly dedicated forum for Jews to discuss current events would show a liberal bias right there.

You spend a lot of time in the Race Forum exposing your bigotry.

You can post your offense about being Jewish on the same forum
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