There is No Race Problem in America

Since I ran across this. I see a lot people he is talking about. Like Sharpton, the Obama's etc
and most all liberals on the left. If they can't USE people for their agendas they HAVE NOTHING
The OP is both blind and delusional. Vile crude racism is seen on this site everyday via avatars and comments. They get plenty of support from those claiming to be conservatives here.

There are racist blacks, racist whites, racist asians, and racist hispanics. Racism is sadly a factor in almost all societies. We do not cure it by stirring it up like obama, sharpton, jackson, the KKK, skinheads, et al have been doing especially recently.

the race baiters of all colors should be damned by society. But race baiting has become a very profitable industry, and that is the real problem that needs to be addressed.
It helped build the Tea Party. The country was closing the gap on racism when it elected Obama. The response of the T's by allowing people who dressed up like African tribesmen with bones in their noses and carrying vile racist signs to permeate their rallies is part of what has caused the divide. The Tea Party not aggressively rejecting the racist element and the Republicans not rejecting the Tea Party unless they did so is what has caused the racist divide to widen and become more open and acceptable.

You're right about one thing. Racial animosity was going down as evidenced by the election of a black president. Who promptly turned around and gave the finger to the white voters who put him in office.
The deplorable condition of race relations in this country lies squarely on the back of obama and his cronies.
And I fully expect it to get worse. Congrats...
The OP is both blind and delusional. Vile crude racism is seen on this site everyday via avatars and comments. They get plenty of support from those claiming to be conservatives here.

There are racist blacks, racist whites, racist asians, and racist hispanics. Racism is sadly a factor in almost all societies. We do not cure it by stirring it up like obama, sharpton, jackson, the KKK, skinheads, et al have been doing especially recently.

the race baiters of all colors should be damned by society. But race baiting has become a very profitable industry, and that is the real problem that needs to be addressed.
It helped build the Tea Party. The country was closing the gap on racism when it elected Obama. The response of the T's by allowing people who dressed up like African tribesmen with bones in their noses and carrying vile racist signs to permeate their rallies is part of what has caused the divide. The Tea Party not aggressively rejecting the racist element and the Republicans not rejecting the Tea Party unless they did so is what has caused the racist divide to widen and become more open and acceptable.

You're right about one thing. Racial animosity was going down as evidenced by the election of a black president. Who promptly turned around and gave the finger to the white voters who put him in office.
The deplorable condition of race relations in this country lies squarely on the back of obama and his cronies.
And I fully expect it to get worse. Congrats...
You guys are doing a great job making my point. Thanks.
The OP is both blind and delusional. Vile crude racism is seen on this site everyday via avatars and comments. They get plenty of support from those claiming to be conservatives here.

There are racist blacks, racist whites, racist asians, and racist hispanics. Racism is sadly a factor in almost all societies. We do not cure it by stirring it up like obama, sharpton, jackson, the KKK, skinheads, et al have been doing especially recently.

the race baiters of all colors should be damned by society. But race baiting has become a very profitable industry, and that is the real problem that needs to be addressed.
It helped build the Tea Party. The country was closing the gap on racism when it elected Obama. The response of the T's by allowing people who dressed up like African tribesmen with bones in their noses and carrying vile racist signs to permeate their rallies is part of what has caused the divide. The Tea Party not aggressively rejecting the racist element and the Republicans not rejecting the Tea Party unless they did so is what has caused the racist divide to widen and become more open and acceptable.

You're right about one thing. Racial animosity was going down as evidenced by the election of a black president. Who promptly turned around and gave the finger to the white voters who put him in office.
The deplorable condition of race relations in this country lies squarely on the back of obama and his cronies.
And I fully expect it to get worse. Congrats...
You guys are doing a great job making my point. Thanks.

If your point is obama is a racist prick than yes.
The OP is both blind and delusional. Vile crude racism is seen on this site everyday via avatars and comments. They get plenty of support from those claiming to be conservatives here.

There are racist blacks, racist whites, racist asians, and racist hispanics. Racism is sadly a factor in almost all societies. We do not cure it by stirring it up like obama, sharpton, jackson, the KKK, skinheads, et al have been doing especially recently.

the race baiters of all colors should be damned by society. But race baiting has become a very profitable industry, and that is the real problem that needs to be addressed.
It helped build the Tea Party. The country was closing the gap on racism when it elected Obama. The response of the T's by allowing people who dressed up like African tribesmen with bones in their noses and carrying vile racist signs to permeate their rallies is part of what has caused the divide. The Tea Party not aggressively rejecting the racist element and the Republicans not rejecting the Tea Party unless they did so is what has caused the racist divide to widen and become more open and acceptable.

You're right about one thing. Racial animosity was going down as evidenced by the election of a black president. Who promptly turned around and gave the finger to the white voters who put him in office.
The deplorable condition of race relations in this country lies squarely on the back of obama and his cronies.
And I fully expect it to get worse. Congrats...
You guys are doing a great job making my point. Thanks.

If your point is obama is a racist prick than yes.
Lame try. Not to witty. The responses from racist are clear and consistent. Even yours. Anyone outside your bubble can see it. You can't hide the stink.
Since I ran across this. I see a lot people he is talking about. Like Sharpton, the Obama's etc
and most all liberals on the left. If they can't USE people for their agendas they HAVE NOTHING
Where is the one for the other class of white folk that make a living off misery?
People have not "gotten along fine for decades" . We have always had many racist terrorist groups in the US. Instead of fighting foreign terrorists, we need to wipe out the ones in our own country. Let Saudi Arabia make war on ISIS. We have our own ISIS, al Qeada, Taliban right here in the US.

Our country would be better off if every single white supremacist, kkk, Westboro, aryan slime, gangs of all colors, white motorcycle thug gangs were all wiped out.

Why can't stupid posters like the OP manage to find any other forum besides Politics?

But the Crips,Bloods and MS13 are just fine....:blahblah:

Of course they are. they aren't that dreaded WHITE skin.
I like how idiotic your statement is. Blame the victims. Good one.
Or better yet, go along and pretend this didn't happen. What a simple statement from a simple mind

The kid already admitted he wanted to to start a race war...Looks like he made you a liar...

yes, that was his goal, and obama and the liberal media are helping him achieve it.

WTF are you talking about, nothing I said is blaming the victims. are you totally crazy?

Yes, it happened, Yes, that racist asshole should be executed, and he should be executed next week.

My point is that you, obama, hillary, sharpton are stirring up the hatred that causes assholes like this to murder innocents. MLK's neice had it right the other night, the rhetoric coming from the national media and the dems is harming everything that MLK fought for. and you are too stupid to understand it.
Since I ran across this. I see a lot people he is talking about. Like Sharpton, the Obama's etc
and most all liberals on the left. If they can't USE people for their agendas they HAVE NOTHING
Where is the one for the other class of white folk that make a living off misery?

does one excuse the other?
Not yet, just wanted to know where that fair and balanced FOX news integrity was wearing off onto the viewer...
Since I ran across this. I see a lot people he is talking about. Like Sharpton, the Obama's etc
and most all liberals on the left. If they can't USE people for their agendas they HAVE NOTHING
Where is the one for the other class of white folk that make a living off misery?

does one excuse the other?
Not yet, just wanted to know where that fair and balanced FOX news integrity was wearing off onto the viewer...

We understand why you hate and demonize Fox. The liberal ideology cannot survive when both sides are given equal time. Liberalism requires indoctrination by a government controlled media in order to survive. Fox and talk radio are destroying liberalism and you don't know what to do about it. Maybe you should listen with an open mind, you might learn something.
Since I ran across this. I see a lot people he is talking about. Like Sharpton, the Obama's etc
and most all liberals on the left. If they can't USE people for their agendas they HAVE NOTHING
Where is the one for the other class of white folk that make a living off misery?

does one excuse the other?
Not yet, just wanted to know where that fair and balanced FOX news integrity was wearing off onto the viewer...

We understand why you hate and demonize Fox. The liberal ideology cannot survive when both sides are given equal time. Liberalism requires indoctrination by a government controlled media in order to survive. Fox and talk radio are destroying liberalism and you don't know what to do about it. Maybe you should listen with an open mind, you might learn something.
So you agree that she was not influenced to be fair and balanced like FOX?
Since I ran across this. I see a lot people he is talking about. Like Sharpton, the Obama's etc
and most all liberals on the left. If they can't USE people for their agendas they HAVE NOTHING
Where is the one for the other class of white folk that make a living off misery?

does one excuse the other?
Not yet, just wanted to know where that fair and balanced FOX news integrity was wearing off onto the viewer...

We understand why you hate and demonize Fox. The liberal ideology cannot survive when both sides are given equal time. Liberalism requires indoctrination by a government controlled media in order to survive. Fox and talk radio are destroying liberalism and you don't know what to do about it. Maybe you should listen with an open mind, you might learn something.
So you agree that she was not influenced to be fair and balanced like FOX?

she was responding to a specific post, you brought Fox into it. nice spin attempt, but FAIL
There are racist blacks, racist whites, racist asians, and racist hispanics. Racism is sadly a factor in almost all societies. We do not cure it by stirring it up like obama, sharpton, jackson, the KKK, skinheads, et al have been doing especially recently.

the race baiters of all colors should be damned by society. But race baiting has become a very profitable industry, and that is the real problem that needs to be addressed.
It helped build the Tea Party. The country was closing the gap on racism when it elected Obama. The response of the T's by allowing people who dressed up like African tribesmen with bones in their noses and carrying vile racist signs to permeate their rallies is part of what has caused the divide. The Tea Party not aggressively rejecting the racist element and the Republicans not rejecting the Tea Party unless they did so is what has caused the racist divide to widen and become more open and acceptable.

You're right about one thing. Racial animosity was going down as evidenced by the election of a black president. Who promptly turned around and gave the finger to the white voters who put him in office.
The deplorable condition of race relations in this country lies squarely on the back of obama and his cronies.
And I fully expect it to get worse. Congrats...
You guys are doing a great job making my point. Thanks.

If your point is obama is a racist prick than yes.
Lame try. Not to witty. The responses from racist are clear and consistent. Even yours. Anyone outside your bubble can see it. You can't hide the stink.

Obama has made racist comments on many occasions as has holder.
Wishing it weren't true makes you look like an idiot.
If Roof wanted to foment a race war why didn't he attack the thugs in least they would have fought back. Roof is a cowardly, confused racist punk with no balls. Libs are trying to make him into threat to the American community. He is just a piece of shit.
Blaming the victims because you don't want people to know the hatred behind it. You can color it anyway you wish but that is your hidden intention.

I like how idiotic your statement is. Blame the victims. Good one.
Or better yet, go along and pretend this didn't happen. What a simple statement from a simple mind

The kid already admitted he wanted to to start a race war...Looks like he made you a liar...

yes, that was his goal, and obama and the liberal media are helping him achieve it.

WTF are you talking about, nothing I said is blaming the victims. are you totally crazy?

Yes, it happened, Yes, that racist asshole should be executed, and he should be executed next week.

My point is that you, obama, hillary, sharpton are stirring up the hatred that causes assholes like this to murder innocents. MLK's neice had it right the other night, the rhetoric coming from the national media and the dems is harming everything that MLK fought for. and you are too stupid to understand it.
The OP is both blind and delusional. Vile crude racism is seen on this site everyday via avatars and comments. They get plenty of support from those claiming to be conservatives here.
Most of it is directed at whiners like you to cause you to wet your pants. Now go change...and stop whining.
Telling the truth is whining? Facts are not on your side. Anyone who visits these pages can see my comment is 100% accurate. Sounds more like you are the whiner.
Your "truth" is viewed through the prism of a left wing media, and most likely the leftist education you received in college. Open up your mind. The United States of America is the greatest nation on earth, but we have so many people that do not contribute, sponge tax dollars, and cry wolf over race, law enforcement, income inequality (whatever the f**k that is...people EARN their $$$), and the U.S. military. We are a socialist nation when you break it all down. Look at the safety net provided by fed, state, and local government in the United States? You want to criticize? Get in a time machine for a moment and go back to 1900 and be an Italian immigrant who came here legally through Ellis Island. Now go find a welfare check...go find public housing...go find legal representation...go find union protection...go find free medical help...go find a student can't because it's every man for himself. Flash forward to 2015...what the hell are you bitching about?
The OP is both blind and delusional. Vile crude racism is seen on this site everyday via avatars and comments. They get plenty of support from those claiming to be conservatives here.

There are racist blacks, racist whites, racist asians, and racist hispanics. Racism is sadly a factor in almost all societies. We do not cure it by stirring it up like obama, sharpton, jackson, the KKK, skinheads, et al have been doing especially recently.

the race baiters of all colors should be damned by society. But race baiting has become a very profitable industry, and that is the real problem that needs to be addressed.
It helped build the Tea Party. The country was closing the gap on racism when it elected Obama. The response of the T's by allowing people who dressed up like African tribesmen with bones in their noses and carrying vile racist signs to permeate their rallies is part of what has caused the divide. The Tea Party not aggressively rejecting the racist element and the Republicans not rejecting the Tea Party unless they did so is what has caused the racist divide to widen and become more open and acceptable.

What a huge load of horseshit. I think I've seen one poster on the internet portraying what you describe. I doubt you can even legitimately attribute it to the TEA party. On the other hand, Obama and the Dims have been shouting "racism!" in unison any time anyone objects to the latest their scheme to loot us or strip us of our freedoms.

Obama and the Dims are responsible for the racial disharmony in this country since his election. Your post is just another attempt to use race to divide people and promote your anti-American agenda.

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