There Is No California Comeback


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
While Gov. Brown and the liberals beat their chests and claim that they bought California from the brink of disaster (without admitting that their policies took it there in the first place), the truth is that a little luck temporarily saved their asses. Looking at the facts, California won't do well in the long run and other states aren't far behind.

If Brown runs for president, he'll say he can do for the country what he did for California. That is true and it would spell disaster for America if he has the chance.

California already has high taxes and too many regulations. They've regulated the businesses to the point that many left the state. Less tax payers and a huge debt with the growing welfare state, public pensions and other expenses. The pensions aren't debts you can get caught up on. They are permanent expenses and they grow each year. With fewer tax payers each year, going bankrupt is a certainty. With other states facing their own problems, where will California get the money to keep up with their big promises to public employees? Some public employees retire with well over a half million in benefits. California is also known for having the best welfare. Poverty is up in California despite their generous welfare simply because everything is more expensive there. Rent has doubled, and even tripled, in some places. Add that to the rising cost of gasoline and food, not too many average people can easily keep their head above water.

They've had a few windfalls, which temporarily helped them, and is now the reason they falsely claim that California is strong again, but they can't count on all the money next year. They have to either find the money or they'll end up like Greece with all the people rioting and demanding their money.

And liberals want to run all states that way. I am thinking that it's a plan that will pave the way for socialism just like the way they are screwing health care up with Obamacare to pave the way for single payer.

There is no California comeback. It's an illusion that will be used to tout the benefits of increased taxes. In the long run, that has never worked.
Everyone wants to live there. California brings nearly double the amount of money to the Federal Government as the next closest State, Texas. Only Texas is a cesspool with neighboring states suing because Texas pollutes every piece of land and water that surrounds it. Worse, Texas has the most uninsured children and they are constantly trying to lure educated and skilled workers from California.


Pollution in Galveston Harbor, Texas. What a dump!
I would rather live in California. It costs more, but you get so much more, it's worth it.
Everyone wants to live there. California brings nearly double the amount of money to the Federal Government as the next closest State, Texas. Only Texas is a cesspool with neighboring states suing because Texas pollutes every piece of land and water that surrounds it. Worse, Texas has the most uninsured children and they are constantly trying to lure educated and skilled workers from California.

Two things.

  1. So why do all of our friends just south of the border continue to send their children to Texas, if it's such a "cesspool", Sherlock?
  2. There are more silicon-industry jobs in Texas than anywhere in the country right now, holmes. It's why the price of real estate in places like Dallas and Irving is skyrocketing literally as we write. California real estate value? Eh, not so much.

rdean said:
Pollution in Galveston Harbor, Texas. What a dump!

I would rather live in California. It costs more, but you get so much more, it's worth it.

The state of Texas accordingly thanks you for staying there.

Keep all the idiots in one place. :thup:
Everyone wants to live there. California brings nearly double the amount of money to the Federal Government as the next closest State, Texas. Only Texas is a cesspool with neighboring states suing because Texas pollutes every piece of land and water that surrounds it. Worse, Texas has the most uninsured children and they are constantly trying to lure educated and skilled workers from California.

Two things.

  1. So why do all of our friends just south of the border continue to send their children to Texas, if it's such a "cesspool", Sherlock?
  2. There are more silicon-industry jobs in Texas than anywhere in the country right now, holmes. It's why the price of real estate in places like Dallas and Irving is skyrocketing literally as we write. California real estate value? Eh, not so much.

rdean said:
Pollution in Galveston Harbor, Texas. What a dump!

I would rather live in California. It costs more, but you get so much more, it's worth it.

The state of Texas accordingly thanks you for staying there.

Keep all the idiots in one place. :thup:

Report Examines How Budget Cuts Affected Texas Schools The Texas Tribune

It Texas was doing so well, it seems they would have the money to invest in schools for their citizens.

Instead, business wants to bring in more immigrant workers with degrees and Perry is trying to lure skilled workers from California and New York. You are being fucked by your state because your leaders think you are too stupid to educate. Course, you do vote Republican. Kind of proves a point.
Texas has the most uninsured children and they are constantly trying to lure educated and skilled workers from California.

The problem is that those educated and skilled workers in California weren't educated in California. Look at how Texas beats California in every single education category.


Does it really matter where they were trained? Texas is still trying to lure them to Texas.
Everyone wants to live there. California brings nearly double the amount of money to the Federal Government as the next closest State, Texas. Only Texas is a cesspool with neighboring states suing because Texas pollutes every piece of land and water that surrounds it. Worse, Texas has the most uninsured children and they are constantly trying to lure educated and skilled workers from California.


Pollution in Galveston Harbor, Texas. What a dump!
I would rather live in California. It costs more, but you get so much more, it's worth it.

rdean is a stupid fuck as usual and a liar. California is much more polluted than Texas.
marina del ray beaches

Texas on the Brink We Can Do Better

How’s Texas doing? Not so great: The state ranks 50th in high school graduation rate, first in amount of carbon emissions, first in hazardous waste produced, last in voter turnout, first in percentage of people without health insurance, and second in percentage of uninsured kids.

Texas ranks third in the nation for overall birth rate, but it also ranks fourth highest for teenage birth rate.

The specifics are worse. Texas ranks the lowest in the nation for women with health insurance, and is the second lowest in the nation for percent of pregnant women receiving prenatal care in the first trimester. Texas also ranks the fourth highest in the nation for percentage of women living in poverty.

“Texas’ investment per student is 27 percent less than the national average.

“The state of Texas gets an ‘F’ on the environmental comprehensive issues, but what that really means is, it gets an F in healthcare. Not just because we don’t insure our kids, but because we create an environment that is unhealthy for our kids and every other person who breathes in this state. It’s a crisis,” Burnam said. “Across the board, Texas fails its children, in particular, and the general public on environmental and healthcare issues.”


The bottom line is that Texas is a shithole. Republicans will make sure it stays a shithole as long as they control the state. They want to do for the Rest of the country for what they have done for Texas.
While Gov. Brown and the liberals beat their chests and claim that they bought California from the brink of disaster (without admitting that their policies took it there in the first place), the truth is that a little luck temporarily saved their asses. Looking at the facts, California won't do well in the long run and other states aren't far behind.

If Brown runs for president, he'll say he can do for the country what he did for California. That is true and it would spell disaster for America if he has the chance.

California already has high taxes and too many regulations. They've regulated the businesses to the point that many left the state. Less tax payers and a huge debt with the growing welfare state, public pensions and other expenses. The pensions aren't debts you can get caught up on. They are permanent expenses and they grow each year. With fewer tax payers each year, going bankrupt is a certainty. With other states facing their own problems, where will California get the money to keep up with their big promises to public employees? Some public employees retire with well over a half million in benefits. California is also known for having the best welfare. Poverty is up in California despite their generous welfare simply because everything is more expensive there. Rent has doubled, and even tripled, in some places. Add that to the rising cost of gasoline and food, not too many average people can easily keep their head above water.

They've had a few windfalls, which temporarily helped them, and is now the reason they falsely claim that California is strong again, but they can't count on all the money next year. They have to either find the money or they'll end up like Greece with all the people rioting and demanding their money.

And liberals want to run all states that way. I am thinking that it's a plan that will pave the way for socialism just like the way they are screwing health care up with Obamacare to pave the way for single payer.

There is no California comeback. It's an illusion that will be used to tout the benefits of increased taxes. In the long run, that has never worked.

This must be why most of this nation's investment capital goes to new companies in California.
While Gov. Brown and the liberals beat their chests and claim that they bought California from the brink of disaster (without admitting that their policies took it there in the first place), the truth is that a little luck temporarily saved their asses. Looking at the facts, California won't do well in the long run and other states aren't far behind.

If Brown runs for president, he'll say he can do for the country what he did for California. That is true and it would spell disaster for America if he has the chance.

California already has high taxes and too many regulations. They've regulated the businesses to the point that many left the state. Less tax payers and a huge debt with the growing welfare state, public pensions and other expenses. The pensions aren't debts you can get caught up on. They are permanent expenses and they grow each year. With fewer tax payers each year, going bankrupt is a certainty. With other states facing their own problems, where will California get the money to keep up with their big promises to public employees? Some public employees retire with well over a half million in benefits. California is also known for having the best welfare. Poverty is up in California despite their generous welfare simply because everything is more expensive there. Rent has doubled, and even tripled, in some places. Add that to the rising cost of gasoline and food, not too many average people can easily keep their head above water.

They've had a few windfalls, which temporarily helped them, and is now the reason they falsely claim that California is strong again, but they can't count on all the money next year. They have to either find the money or they'll end up like Greece with all the people rioting and demanding their money.

And liberals want to run all states that way. I am thinking that it's a plan that will pave the way for socialism just like the way they are screwing health care up with Obamacare to pave the way for single payer.

There is no California comeback. It's an illusion that will be used to tout the benefits of increased taxes. In the long run, that has never worked.
its come back in certain things has gone from the 10 biggest economy in the world back to no 8,what they reported on the news a few days ago.....and UE has dropped 4-5 points State wise....but there are still 30 Counties higher than the State avg and something like 15 are still over 10%.....basically the rich Counties are doing great.....the others....not so well....
Everyone wants to live there. California brings nearly double the amount of money to the Federal Government as the next closest State, Texas. Only Texas is a cesspool with neighboring states suing because Texas pollutes every piece of land and water that surrounds it. Worse, Texas has the most uninsured children and they are constantly trying to lure educated and skilled workers from California.

Two things.

  1. So why do all of our friends just south of the border continue to send their children to Texas, if it's such a "cesspool", Sherlock?
  2. There are more silicon-industry jobs in Texas than anywhere in the country right now, holmes. It's why the price of real estate in places like Dallas and Irving is skyrocketing literally as we write. California real estate value? Eh, not so much.

rdean said:
Pollution in Galveston Harbor, Texas. What a dump!

I would rather live in California. It costs more, but you get so much more, it's worth it.

The state of Texas accordingly thanks you for staying there.

Keep all the idiots in one place. :thup:

Report Examines How Budget Cuts Affected Texas Schools The Texas Tribune

It Texas was doing so well, it seems they would have the money to invest in schools for their citizens.

Instead, business wants to bring in more immigrant workers with degrees and Perry is trying to lure skilled workers from California and New York. You are being fucked by your state because your leaders think you are too stupid to educate. Course, you do vote Republican. Kind of proves a point.

Ah yes, New York, the State (my state) that thinks people are too dumb to own fireworks, that only the government should possess firearms, and has a city where the mayor tried to ban big sugary drinks....

And you say republicans like to keep people stupid??????
Everyone wants to live there. California brings nearly double the amount of money to the Federal Government as the next closest State, Texas. Only Texas is a cesspool with neighboring states suing because Texas pollutes every piece of land and water that surrounds it. Worse, Texas has the most uninsured children and they are constantly trying to lure educated and skilled workers from California.


Pollution in Galveston Harbor, Texas. What a dump!
I would rather live in California. It costs more, but you get so much more, it's worth it.

rdean is a stupid fuck as usual and a liar. California is much more polluted than Texas.
marina del ray beaches

NLT.....that beach dont look like are showing a photo from 2010 after a storm washed up all that highlighted how much shit is in the oceans,especially plastic.........but that beach was cleaned up days after the storm....their Bay is considered polluted because everything flows in and stays there.....they are working on away to clean that up ....
Businesses are relocating to Texas from California as fast as Texas can build office space and warehouses. Toyota just move there. California is very up front about wanting business out of the state. That's the difference. Texas wants business. California doesn't. California has a completely democrat legislature. To them businesses are exploiters and polluters.
Businesses are relocating to Texas from California as fast as Texas can build office space and warehouses. Toyota just move there. California is very up front about wanting business out of the state. That's the difference. Texas wants business. California doesn't. California has a completely democrat legislature. To them businesses are exploiters and polluters.

.....says the forum economist.
Businesses are relocating to Texas from California as fast as Texas can build office space and warehouses. Toyota just move there. California is very up front about wanting business out of the state. That's the difference. Texas wants business. California doesn't. California has a completely democrat legislature. To them businesses are exploiters and polluters.

.....says the forum economist.

Why business is leaving California for Texas - Yahoo Finance
Everyone wants to live there. California brings nearly double the amount of money to the Federal Government as the next closest State, Texas. Only Texas is a cesspool with neighboring states suing because Texas pollutes every piece of land and water that surrounds it. Worse, Texas has the most uninsured children and they are constantly trying to lure educated and skilled workers from California.


Pollution in Galveston Harbor, Texas. What a dump!
I would rather live in California. It costs more, but you get so much more, it's worth it.

rdean is a stupid fuck as usual and a liar. California is much more polluted than Texas.
marina del ray beaches

NLT.....that beach dont look like are showing a photo from 2010 after a storm washed up all that highlighted how much shit is in the oceans,especially plastic.........but that beach was cleaned up days after the storm....their Bay is considered polluted because everything flows in and stays there.....they are working on away to clean that up ....
I blame google images
Everyone wants to live there. California brings nearly double the amount of money to the Federal Government as the next closest State, Texas. Only Texas is a cesspool with neighboring states suing because Texas pollutes every piece of land and water that surrounds it. Worse, Texas has the most uninsured children and they are constantly trying to lure educated and skilled workers from California.


Pollution in Galveston Harbor, Texas. What a dump!
I would rather live in California. It costs more, but you get so much more, it's worth it.

rdean is a stupid fuck as usual and a liar. California is much more polluted than Texas.
marina del ray beaches

NLT.....that beach dont look like are showing a photo from 2010 after a storm washed up all that highlighted how much shit is in the oceans,especially plastic.........but that beach was cleaned up days after the storm....their Bay is considered polluted because everything flows in and stays there.....they are working on away to clean that up ....
I blame google images

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