There is ABSOLUTELY no doubt in my mind that Joe Biden and the Democrats are intentionally destroying the United States

Status quo looks good to me....

View attachment 791364
Some asshole leftist went and photoshopped Biden's diaper out of the picture.

Helping Biden up.jpg
Progressivism isn't really the correct word....they are regressives.....they want to take us back to a time of a ruling class of lords, and serfs......with limited food, healthcare, energy......where our life options are limited and strictly controlled by isn't progressive, it is regressive....
Little do they know they will be the serfs too.
There is ABSOLUTELY no doubt in my mind that Joe Biden and the Democrats are intentionally destroying the United States. Republicans control the purse strings and should have FORCED Biden to close the border, and to keep his BLABBERING mouth zipped over Gun Control, upgrade the military in preparation for any possibility of a war with China, etc. This is as serious as it gets - they should have shut down this Progressive Government until Biden caved.

Border crossings have dropped 50% since Title. 42 ended dimwit. The border is only a thing to dimwits, and nobody else.

Military spending has only increased every budget cycle since WW1. It was just increased again above what was even asked for.

God Damn you rightards are dumbest mother fuckers on the planet.

The overwhelming majority of America. As in NOT EVEN FUCKING CLOSE wants gun control laws passed.

Do the country a favor and shoot yourself.

Biden just saved the country from becoming my destroyed by the true enemy of America. Republicans.

The economy just added another 339,000 jobs in may, twice what was expected. GDP is humming along at 4%. Consumer spending is up. Manufacturing is up. Exports are up. Wages are up, and nflation is coming down to prepandemic levels, and energy prices are stable.

The only downside are greedy companies keeping prices inflated. All Republican donors by the way. And traitorous conservatives trying to destroy the Constitution, and billionaires paying 3% in taxes.

But don’t worry numb nuts, we’re working to fix those problems to.
That’s it?
More Conservative drivel

Too many brown people at the border
Most Americans support more gun control measures
We have the strongest military in the world right now, it does not need to get bigger
polly want a cracker?
you are a fucking idiot ----the sack of shit in the white house will sign surrender papers b4 war starts

Border crossings have dropped 50% since Title. 42 ended dimwit. The border is only a thing to dimwits, and nobody else.

Military spending has only increased every budget cycle since WW1. It was just increased again above what was even asked for.

God Damn you rightards are dumbest mother fuckers on the planet.

The overwhelming majority of America. As in NOT EVEN FUCKING CLOSE wants gun control laws passed.

Do the country a favor and shoot yourself.

Biden just saved the country from becoming my destroyed by the true enemy of America. Republicans.

The economy just added another 339,000 jobs in may, twice what was expected. GDP is humming along at 4%. Consumer spending is up. Manufacturing is up. Exports are up. Wages are up, and nflation is coming down to prepandemic levels, and energy prices are stable.

The only downside are greedy companies keeping prices inflated. All Republican donors by the way. And traitorous conservatives trying to destroy the Constitution, and billionaires paying 3% in taxes.

But don’t worry numb nuts, we’re working to fix those problems to.
Do the country a favor and shoot yourself.

There is ABSOLUTELY no doubt in my mind that Joe Biden and the Democrats are intentionally destroying the United States. Republicans control the purse strings and should have FORCED Biden to close the border, and to keep his BLABBERING mouth zipped over Gun Control, upgrade the military in preparation for any possibility of a war with China, etc. This is as serious as it gets - they should have shut down this Progressive Government until Biden caved.
You must be on the same drugs the guy who thinks he won the election is on And just think, Biden wins again in 2024
Little do they know they will be the serfs too.

actually.....the "progressives," who lead the destruction are the first group to go to the gulags and death camps...since the guys in charge don't want those idiots to over throw them as well.....
You're reactionary. Do something proactive. Fine employers like Trump who hire illegals. It's been done very successfully in other countries. Fine employers and 90% of illegals will self-deport within 6 months.
All you doing here is giving Pissant Biden a pass and assigning the burden to someone else, expecting them to fix his mess. You and your ilk are as guilty as Biden.
Too many brown people at the border
Most Americans support more gun control measures
We have the strongest military in the world right now, it does not need to get bigger
Left wing diversions blah blah blah. Illegal immigrants are coming from 150 different countries, it's not about skin color. Our military is essentially a race car being driven by a 5 year old. Gun control Puleeez.
Our military is essentially a race car being driven by a 5 year old.

When Russia invaded Ukraine, our President resisted the temptation to deploy our military to solve another nations problems. Something past President failed to do in Vietnam, Kuwait, Afghanistan and Iraq.

Our military is in good hands

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