There is a god

God with a small "G", typical of left wing disrespect. You really gotta wonder why the radical left loves Colbert who doesn't even pretend to be a news analyst. Maybe the pop-culture educated left doesn't know the difference between stand up comedy and real news.
Colbert's show isn't a news program. You should watch it, he's brilliant, and puts down O'Reilly beautifully.
I don't watch late night shows but I will miss his show on the comedy channel. I should think he'll be very successful.

Then there's John Oliver. He is SO funny and his humor is just as smart as Colbert's and Stewart's.

Stephen Colbert's exit will leave huge gap at Comedy Central -

Comedy Central now has a late-night problem.

CBS' announcement that Stephen Colbert would take over "The Late Show" next year when David Letterman retires leaves a huge gap in Comedy Central's marquee lineup.

For nearly a decade, "The Colbert Report" has been a trusty follow-up to "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart" and the pair delivered a formidable one-two punch that became one of the main sources of turmoil for rivals in the late-night TV race.

The Comedy Central duo -- Stewart as the quick-witted liberal and Colbert with his faux persona as a conservative gasbag -- seemed so locked in that there was no room for John Oliver, a correspondent who emerged as host material himself when he filled in for Stewart on "The Daily Show" last summer.

But with no openings on Comedy Central, Oliver departed the Viacom-owned network last year to headline a new program at HBO, which is owned by Time Warner Inc. Oliver's new weekly satire show on HBO, "Last Week Tonight With John Oliver," debuts April 27.

Stephen Colbert's exit will leave huge gap at Comedy Central -

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