There is a direct link from the democrat party policies and gun crime in the U.S.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
I know this is the CDZ and they don't like conflict here......but I thought I would try to take this debate to this forum....

There is a direct link between the gun crime rates in our large, democrat party controlled cities and democrat party policies.

We do not have a gun crime problem in the United States because we have guns. We have a gun crime problem, in tiny areas of our large cities because the democrat party policies that allow repeat gun offenders out of jail on bond, and out of prison on short sentences.

If you look at these cities....D.C. St. Louis, Chicago, New York (again), Baltimore, New Orleans........ you will find stories that relate time and time again criminals with multiple gun convictions being released on bond, often now no cash bond, and out of prison on short sentences. Then, after being released, they use new illegal guns for crime and murder.

They are the ones driving the gun crime rate in these tiny areas of our cities.....not John and Jane citizen who own guns primarily for self defense, but also for hunting, sport and recreation.....

They are not the ones using the guns they own for crime and murder.....and targeting them with gun control laws will not effect the gun crime we already know and see.....

I put this in the CDZ for honest debate.........I think this is an accurate statement about our gun crime issue.
Would be better if you linked to a credible source about the "soft on prosecution" stats and examples...


I will....I was waiting to see if this topic would be approved for the CDZ.......

Chicago's grim murder trend blamed on light sentencing, misguided reforms
Lamar Harris had seven felony convictions and 43 arrests when he shot three Chicago police officers. The same week, Samuel Harviley, who had just been paroled after serving less than half of his sentence for armed carjacking, shot yet another of the Windy City’s finest.

California Democrats hate the gun, not the gunman – Orange County Register
California Democrats hate the gun, not the gunman – Orange County Register
the state Senate voted to loosen sentencing guidelines for criminals convicted of gun crimes.

Study: Chicago homicides spiked due to ACLU police decree

In Delaware, 71% of gun charges are dropped

Arrests in Baltimore for illegal guns often lead to dropped charges or little jail time

Since California Won't Put Those Convicted of Gun Crimes Away Long Enough, The Federal Government Is Doing it For Them - The Truth About Guns

Police have arrested this felon four times in the last four months. Each time, he’s been carrying guns, charges say. – Twin CitiesPolice have arrested this felon four times in the last four months. Each time, he’s been carrying guns, charges say. – Twin Cities

Woman facing robbery, gun charges after Uptown hold-up; Cops eye connection with second case

VA Dems Make It Clear: It's About Guns, Not Crime

Court records reveal even more men charged with murder, shootings while free on "affordable bail"

Horowitz: NY crime skyrockets, shootings up 60%, following prison reduction agenda

Gun violence killing increasing number of teens in Colorado

Another Reason (If You Needed One) to Carry a Gun: Bail 'Reform' - The Truth About Guns

Dori: Durkan's failures, political correctness caused downtown Seattle shooting

Virginia Dems Kill Bill That Targeted Criminals Who Use Guns

New York’s Thickening Cloud of Violent Crime

Chief judge says there have been no "horrible incidents" under his affordable bail program. These people might disagree, if they only they were still alive.Chief judge says there have been no "horrible incidents" under his affordable bail program. These people might disagree, if they only they were still alive.

Gunday: A look at how the courts are handling some recent weapons charges in Chicago Some goals, like ending mass incarceration, will take time. But others, like doing away with gang enhancements and ending money bail, will begin on day one, he said.

Brockton man arrested a third time in 15 months on gun charges, more than 85 percent of the people involved in non-fatal shootings had at least one prior arrest. And there’s a strong indication, though not complete numbers, that most people involved in the non-fatal shootings had at least several prior arrests.

Shoplifting soars as prosecutors back off

California’s tough gun laws aren’t tough enough, it turns out — and guess who’s stepping in

DC Poised to Triple Down on Early Release of Violent Criminals
Democrats frown on targeting gang databases with 'red flag' lawsthen why did they kill an attempt to use compiled lists of known gang members, which many police departments and law enforcement agencies possess? Why did they kill a measure to red flag gang members?

Man fatally shot one victim, wounded another while free on recognizance bond and electronic monitoring, prosecutors say |
Man fatally shot one victim, wounded another while free on recognizance bond and electronic monitoring, prosecutors say

In Delaware, 71% of gun charges are dropped
From 2012 to 2014, more than 11,700 felony weapon charges were filed in Delaware, and in most cases, the weapon was a gun. Yet, 71 percent of those charges disappeared before trials began.

Top cop laments violence as 66 shot, 5 fatally, over long Fourth of July weekend
Between last Wednesday and Friday, 42 people were charged with felony gun-related offenses, he said, but only 15 remain in custody.

CWB Chicago: You Be The Judge: We give you the case details. You try to guess their bail amount.

Under DA Krasner, more gun-possession cases get court diversionary program

Officials Address 'Vicious Cycle' Of I-Bond Violations After Violent Weekend

Man connected to Whitney Young High School carjacking is on probation for gun violation, has juvenile robbery record, more |
Man connected to Whitney Young High School carjacking is on probation for gun violation, has juvenile robbery record, more

Cook County, IL: 14-Year-Old Charged With Shooting Two, Freed Without Supervision - The Truth About Guns

Case Of 16-Year-Old Accused Of Shooting Up Bronx Street Prompts Criticism Of NY’s Raise The Age Law
Dart sees 'alarming' rise in gun defendants freed on electronic monitoring

Case Of 16-Year-Old Accused Of Shooting Up Bronx Street Prompts Criticism Of NY’s Raise The Age Law

DC Won’t Allow Concealed Carry, But Takes It Easy On Armed, Violent Criminals

John Boch: Lock Them Up! - The Truth About Guns

Soros-Funded St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner Refuses to Charge Killer of 7-Year-Old Child Despite Suspect's Confession

Rise in Murders Has St. Louis Debating WhyJennifer M. Joyce, the city’s circuit attorney, or prosecutor, an elected position, complains that in St. Louis, the illegal possession of a gun is too often “a crime without a consequence,” making it difficult to stop confrontation from turning lethal.

Violence down in St. Louis but homicides hold steady. Are tougher penalties for gun crimes the answer?But many challenges remain, official said. The department is still down more than 130 officers. Witnesses to crimes remain reluctant to come forward for fear of retaliation, making it difficult to close cases. And a lack of state laws to deter gun crimes has forced the police to turn to federal courts to indict some suspects.

Last edited:
Would be better if you linked to a credible source about the "soft on prosecution" stats and examples...


I will....I was waiting to see if this topic would be approved for the CDZ.......

Chicago's grim murder trend blamed on light sentencing, misguided reforms
Lamar Harris had seven felony convictions and 43 arrests when he shot three Chicago police officers. The same week, Samuel Harviley, who had just been paroled after serving less than half of his sentence for armed carjacking, shot yet another of the Windy City’s finest.

California Democrats hate the gun, not the gunman – Orange County Register
California Democrats hate the gun, not the gunman – Orange County Register
the state Senate voted to loosen sentencing guidelines for criminals convicted of gun crimes.

Study: Chicago homicides spiked due to ACLU police decree

Since California Won't Put Those Convicted of Gun Crimes Away Long Enough, The Federal Government Is Doing it For Them - The Truth About Guns

Police have arrested this felon four times in the last four months. Each time, he’s been carrying guns, charges say. – Twin CitiesPolice have arrested this felon four times in the last four months. Each time, he’s been carrying guns, charges say. – Twin Cities

Woman facing robbery, gun charges after Uptown hold-up; Cops eye connection with second case

In Delaware, 71% of gun charges are dropped

Arrests in Baltimore for illegal guns often lead to dropped charges or little jail time

VA Dems Make It Clear: It's About Guns, Not Crime

Court records reveal even more men charged with murder, shootings while free on "affordable bail"

Horowitz: NY crime skyrockets, shootings up 60%, following prison reduction agenda

Gun violence killing increasing number of teens in Colorado

Another Reason (If You Needed One) to Carry a Gun: Bail 'Reform' - The Truth About Guns

Dori: Durkan's failures, political correctness caused downtown Seattle shooting

Virginia Dems Kill Bill That Targeted Criminals Who Use Guns

New York’s Thickening Cloud of Violent Crime

Chief judge says there have been no "horrible incidents" under his affordable bail program. These people might disagree, if they only they were still alive.Chief judge says there have been no "horrible incidents" under his affordable bail program. These people might disagree, if they only they were still alive.

Gunday: A look at how the courts are handling some recent weapons charges in Chicago Some goals, like ending mass incarceration, will take time. But others, like doing away with gang enhancements and ending money bail, will begin on day one, he said.

Brockton man arrested a third time in 15 months on gun charges, more than 85 percent of the people involved in non-fatal shootings had at least one prior arrest. And there’s a strong indication, though not complete numbers, that most people involved in the non-fatal shootings had at least several prior arrests.

Shoplifting soars as prosecutors back off

California’s tough gun laws aren’t tough enough, it turns out — and guess who’s stepping in

DC Poised to Triple Down on Early Release of Violent Criminals
Democrats frown on targeting gang databases with 'red flag' lawsthen why did they kill an attempt to use compiled lists of known gang members, which many police departments and law enforcement agencies possess? Why did they kill a measure to red flag gang members?

Man fatally shot one victim, wounded another while free on recognizance bond and electronic monitoring, prosecutors say |
Man fatally shot one victim, wounded another while free on recognizance bond and electronic monitoring, prosecutors say

In Delaware, 71% of gun charges are dropped
From 2012 to 2014, more than 11,700 felony weapon charges were filed in Delaware, and in most cases, the weapon was a gun. Yet, 71 percent of those charges disappeared before trials began.

Top cop laments violence as 66 shot, 5 fatally, over long Fourth of July weekend
Between last Wednesday and Friday, 42 people were charged with felony gun-related offenses, he said, but only 15 remain in custody.

CWB Chicago: You Be The Judge: We give you the case details. You try to guess their bail amount.

Under DA Krasner, more gun-possession cases get court diversionary program

Officials Address 'Vicious Cycle' Of I-Bond Violations After Violent Weekend

Man connected to Whitney Young High School carjacking is on probation for gun violation, has juvenile robbery record, more |
Man connected to Whitney Young High School carjacking is on probation for gun violation, has juvenile robbery record, more

Cook County, IL: 14-Year-Old Charged With Shooting Two, Freed Without Supervision - The Truth About Guns

Case Of 16-Year-Old Accused Of Shooting Up Bronx Street Prompts Criticism Of NY’s Raise The Age Law
Dart sees 'alarming' rise in gun defendants freed on electronic monitoring

Case Of 16-Year-Old Accused Of Shooting Up Bronx Street Prompts Criticism Of NY’s Raise The Age Law

DC Won’t Allow Concealed Carry, But Takes It Easy On Armed, Violent Criminals

John Boch: Lock Them Up! - The Truth About Guns

Now THAT'S linking it up. Nice work!
How do you reduce gun crime? You target and arrest actual gun criminals...

2018 violent crime in New Orleans plummets to levels not seen since the 1970s

Harrison said TIGER has since applied its approach to shootings, with a focus on people who are suspected of repeat offenses.
“When we catch (and jail suspects) with high-definition video evidence, we’re incapacitating them, and they can’t commit further serious crimes,” Harrison said. “It’s been a blessing for this department.”
Harrison said he doesn’t oppose state and city officials’ efforts in recent years to emphasize incarcerating only the most serious offenders.
And the truth...a very tiny number of people actually commit the gun crimes in these them, not gun owners...

New Orleans Searches For The Truth

“If you don’t know the people in the network and you’re not hanging out with them and you’re not engaging in exchanges with them, then you’re probably not at very high risk,” said Tracey Meares, a Yale professor who has studied gun violence.

Some of the most important work on the spread of violence comes from Meares’s Yale colleague Andrew Papachristos, a sociologist who began studying the issue as a graduate student in Chicago in 2001. At the time, researchers were looking mostly for risk factors that predicted criminal activity such as poverty, low levels of education or an unstable family life. The problem was that such factors applied to a majority of residents in huge swaths of Chicago’s low-income neighborhoods, yet relatively few people ever shot anyone.

Papachristos instead looked at the structure of violence — how were incidents, and the people involved in them, connected? He found that a small group of people, nearly all already known to law enforcement, was responsible for an outsize share of shootings. By starting with the victim and tracing his connections through police records, he was able to describe for the first time the networks of violence in Chicago and later other cities.

The numbers are breathtaking. In Chicago, the overall rate of non-fatal shootings was about 62 per 100,000 people.Papachristos said he studied non-fatal shootings in Chicago because they are far more common than fatal shootings but rarely studied.
But in the networks that Papachristos identified, rates were about 12 times as high. In city after city that Papachristos has examined, 3 percent to 7 percent of the population is responsible for 50 percent to 60 percent of the shootings.

Papachristos’s work relies on a key insight that experts have long known but was rarely discussed publicly: The victims and perpetrators of violence are largely the same people. Reducing gun violence, then, requires focusing on exactly the murders that rarely get attention — murders like Damond Peters’s.

“If you want to shift the discussion about gun violence and if you want a lower homicide rate, that means you need to save the lives of the people getting shot,” Papachristos said. “If you want to drive the rate down, you’ve got to save the lives of young men with felony convictions.

The call-in strategy was first developed by David Kennedy, a criminologist credited with helping to lead Boston’s dramatic drop in crime in the 1990s.

His approach predates Papachristos’s work in Chicago, but the philosophy behind it is much the same: Law enforcement should focus its efforts on the small group of people responsible for an outsize share of violent crime.

For the strategy to work, there must be both a carrot and a stick: real opportunities for people who swear off violence, but also real consequences for those who don’t — no more pleading out to short sentences.
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And this points out why gun control laws targeting normal gun owners fail to reduce gun crime...

But many experts, both inside and outside New Orleans, are skeptical. The implications of Papachristos’s network analysis go beyond law enforcement: If only a tiny percentage of people are responsible for a large percentage of violence, then interventions must be similarly narrowly tailored.

“The gap [in risk] between the average citizen and the guys in my network are so exponential that you’re not going to shift it by affecting the rate of people whose risk is already zero,” Papachristos said.
Would be better if you linked to a credible source about the "soft on prosecution" stats and examples...


And another example....from democrat party controlled Chicago...

Prosecutors: Boy fatally shot by man who was on "affordable bail" for gun charge

An Englewood man is charged with fatally shooting a 15-year-old boy while free on a recognizance bond and electronic monitoring as he awaited trial for allegedly possessing a stolen handgun.

And police say he was carrying another handgun when they arrested him last week.

It’s the latest in a string of violent crimes identified by CWBChicago that were allegedly committed by people who were on affordable bail while awaiting trial for gun crimes and other serious felonies.

Last July, prosecutors charged Coleman with felony unlawful use of a weapon after police allegedly found a loaded handgun near his seat during a traffic stop on the 1900 block of West 57th Street. The gun, which had an extended ammunition magazine, had been reported stolen in Lafayette, Indiana, police said.

Judge John Lyke released Coleman on a recognizance bond with electronic monitoring the next day, according to court records.

In October, police executed a search warrant at Coleman’s home and allegedly found suspected narcotics packaging, a digital scale, and a 9-millimeter bullet.

Prosecutors charged him with possessing ammunition without a valid Firearm Owner’s ID card and Judge Susana Ortiz ordered him held without bail for violating the terms of his July bail bond.

But, the ammunition charge was dropped on Nov. 17 and Coleman went free again.

Would be better if you linked to a credible source about the "soft on prosecution" stats and examples...


I will....I was waiting to see if this topic would be approved for the CDZ.......

Chicago's grim murder trend blamed on light sentencing, misguided reforms
Lamar Harris had seven felony convictions and 43 arrests when he shot three Chicago police officers. The same week, Samuel Harviley, who had just been paroled after serving less than half of his sentence for armed carjacking, shot yet another of the Windy City’s finest.

California Democrats hate the gun, not the gunman – Orange County Register
California Democrats hate the gun, not the gunman – Orange County Register
the state Senate voted to loosen sentencing guidelines for criminals convicted of gun crimes.

Study: Chicago homicides spiked due to ACLU police decree

In Delaware, 71% of gun charges are dropped

Arrests in Baltimore for illegal guns often lead to dropped charges or little jail time

Since California Won't Put Those Convicted of Gun Crimes Away Long Enough, The Federal Government Is Doing it For Them - The Truth About Guns

Police have arrested this felon four times in the last four months. Each time, he’s been carrying guns, charges say. – Twin CitiesPolice have arrested this felon four times in the last four months. Each time, he’s been carrying guns, charges say. – Twin Cities

Woman facing robbery, gun charges after Uptown hold-up; Cops eye connection with second case

VA Dems Make It Clear: It's About Guns, Not Crime

Court records reveal even more men charged with murder, shootings while free on "affordable bail"

Horowitz: NY crime skyrockets, shootings up 60%, following prison reduction agenda

Gun violence killing increasing number of teens in Colorado

Another Reason (If You Needed One) to Carry a Gun: Bail 'Reform' - The Truth About Guns

Dori: Durkan's failures, political correctness caused downtown Seattle shooting

Virginia Dems Kill Bill That Targeted Criminals Who Use Guns

New York’s Thickening Cloud of Violent Crime

Chief judge says there have been no "horrible incidents" under his affordable bail program. These people might disagree, if they only they were still alive.Chief judge says there have been no "horrible incidents" under his affordable bail program. These people might disagree, if they only they were still alive.

Gunday: A look at how the courts are handling some recent weapons charges in Chicago Some goals, like ending mass incarceration, will take time. But others, like doing away with gang enhancements and ending money bail, will begin on day one, he said.

Brockton man arrested a third time in 15 months on gun charges, more than 85 percent of the people involved in non-fatal shootings had at least one prior arrest. And there’s a strong indication, though not complete numbers, that most people involved in the non-fatal shootings had at least several prior arrests.

Shoplifting soars as prosecutors back off

California’s tough gun laws aren’t tough enough, it turns out — and guess who’s stepping in

DC Poised to Triple Down on Early Release of Violent Criminals
Democrats frown on targeting gang databases with 'red flag' lawsthen why did they kill an attempt to use compiled lists of known gang members, which many police departments and law enforcement agencies possess? Why did they kill a measure to red flag gang members?

Man fatally shot one victim, wounded another while free on recognizance bond and electronic monitoring, prosecutors say |
Man fatally shot one victim, wounded another while free on recognizance bond and electronic monitoring, prosecutors say

In Delaware, 71% of gun charges are dropped
From 2012 to 2014, more than 11,700 felony weapon charges were filed in Delaware, and in most cases, the weapon was a gun. Yet, 71 percent of those charges disappeared before trials began.

Top cop laments violence as 66 shot, 5 fatally, over long Fourth of July weekend
Between last Wednesday and Friday, 42 people were charged with felony gun-related offenses, he said, but only 15 remain in custody.

CWB Chicago: You Be The Judge: We give you the case details. You try to guess their bail amount.

Under DA Krasner, more gun-possession cases get court diversionary program

Officials Address 'Vicious Cycle' Of I-Bond Violations After Violent Weekend

Man connected to Whitney Young High School carjacking is on probation for gun violation, has juvenile robbery record, more |
Man connected to Whitney Young High School carjacking is on probation for gun violation, has juvenile robbery record, more

Cook County, IL: 14-Year-Old Charged With Shooting Two, Freed Without Supervision - The Truth About Guns

Case Of 16-Year-Old Accused Of Shooting Up Bronx Street Prompts Criticism Of NY’s Raise The Age Law
Dart sees 'alarming' rise in gun defendants freed on electronic monitoring

Case Of 16-Year-Old Accused Of Shooting Up Bronx Street Prompts Criticism Of NY’s Raise The Age Law

DC Won’t Allow Concealed Carry, But Takes It Easy On Armed, Violent Criminals

John Boch: Lock Them Up! - The Truth About Guns

Soros-Funded St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner Refuses to Charge Killer of 7-Year-Old Child Despite Suspect's Confession

Rise in Murders Has St. Louis Debating WhyJennifer M. Joyce, the city’s circuit attorney, or prosecutor, an elected position, complains that in St. Louis, the illegal possession of a gun is too often “a crime without a consequence,” making it difficult to stop confrontation from turning lethal.

Violence down in St. Louis but homicides hold steady. Are tougher penalties for gun crimes the answer?But many challenges remain, official said. The department is still down more than 130 officers. Witnesses to crimes remain reluctant to come forward for fear of retaliation, making it difficult to close cases. And a lack of state laws to deter gun crimes has forced the police to turn to federal courts to indict some suspects.

I was gonna just play the other side here and suggest the link to Dem cities and their leadership was weak.. Because most IMPORTANT gun penalties are defined by the states... And that's really the way it SHOULD BE... But if localities are not prosecuting under the state statutes, or (in the case of your last link here) state statutes DONT EXIST -- there will be DIFFERENT people to blame for all this...

Gun orgs OUGHT to be pushing the states to take the discretion AWAY from the cities in places where the STATE laws on gun crime are weak or non-existent..
In fact, the emphasis on STATE leadership should have been a marching slogan for that group that just protested the "plans" of the Virginia legislature.. Instead of just protesting the OVER-REACH that that gun grabbing body was trying to achieve -- those folks should have embarrassed the hell of them for the LAWS THEY DONT HAVE on enforcing GUN CRIMES and violence..

That's an angle I think is very important if you want to point fingers at "who's to blame"..... Mayors and city halls are just pandering to public opinion. And their "solutions" have more to do with restricting LEGAL uses of firearms than they do with stopping crime...
I know this is the CDZ and they don't like conflict here......but I thought I would try to take this debate to this forum....

There is a direct link between the gun crime rates in our large, democrat party controlled cities and democrat party policies.

We do not have a gun crime problem in the United States because we have guns. We have a gun crime problem, in tiny areas of our large cities because the democrat party policies that allow repeat gun offenders out of jail on bond, and out of prison on short sentences.

If you look at these cities....D.C. St. Louis, Chicago, New York (again), Baltimore, New Orleans........ you will find stories that relate time and time again criminals with multiple gun convictions being released on bond, often now no cash bond, and out of prison on short sentences. Then, after being released, they use new illegal guns for crime and murder.

They are the ones driving the gun crime rate in these tiny areas of our cities.....not John and Jane citizen who own guns primarily for self defense, but also for hunting, sport and recreation.....

They are not the ones using the guns they own for crime and murder.....and targeting them with gun control laws will not effect the gun crime we already know and see.....

I put this in the CDZ for honest debate.........I think this is an accurate statement about our gun crime issue.

Causation vs Correlation – What’s the difference

Causality is an area that is frequently misunderstood and it can be notoriously difficult to infer causation between two variables without doing a randomized controlled experience. Furthermore, correlation can be a useful measure but has limitations as it is usually associated with measuring a linear relationship. But understanding that correlation does not imply causation and knowing the difference is a good place to start.

'link' is not the same thing as causality. Basic statistics.

Have any studies showing a causality of gun violence due to Democratic Party policies?
I know this is the CDZ and they don't like conflict here......but I thought I would try to take this debate to this forum....

There is a direct link between the gun crime rates in our large, democrat party controlled cities and democrat party policies.

We do not have a gun crime problem in the United States because we have guns. We have a gun crime problem, in tiny areas of our large cities because the democrat party policies that allow repeat gun offenders out of jail on bond, and out of prison on short sentences.

If you look at these cities....D.C. St. Louis, Chicago, New York (again), Baltimore, New Orleans........ you will find stories that relate time and time again criminals with multiple gun convictions being released on bond, often now no cash bond, and out of prison on short sentences. Then, after being released, they use new illegal guns for crime and murder.

They are the ones driving the gun crime rate in these tiny areas of our cities.....not John and Jane citizen who own guns primarily for self defense, but also for hunting, sport and recreation.....

They are not the ones using the guns they own for crime and murder.....and targeting them with gun control laws will not effect the gun crime we already know and see.....

I put this in the CDZ for honest debate.........I think this is an accurate statement about our gun crime issue.

Causation vs Correlation – What’s the difference

Causality is an area that is frequently misunderstood and it can be notoriously difficult to infer causation between two variables without doing a randomized controlled experience. Furthermore, correlation can be a useful measure but has limitations as it is usually associated with measuring a linear relationship. But understanding that correlation does not imply causation and knowing the difference is a good place to start.

'link' is not the same thing as causality. Basic statistics.

Have any studies showing a causality of gun violence due to Democratic Party policies?

You were just given 10 links by the OP citing the CAUSATION.. It's when cities take the LEAD role in prosecuting gun crimes and refuse to jail folks for committing crime/violence. That causation DOES LINK to the cities with the "toughest gun laws" but the weakest will to "lock them up"... And it's those mostly large blue cities that have the morgues filled every weekend with fresh victims...
I know this is the CDZ and they don't like conflict here......but I thought I would try to take this debate to this forum....

There is a direct link between the gun crime rates in our large, democrat party controlled cities and democrat party policies.

We do not have a gun crime problem in the United States because we have guns. We have a gun crime problem, in tiny areas of our large cities because the democrat party policies that allow repeat gun offenders out of jail on bond, and out of prison on short sentences.

If you look at these cities....D.C. St. Louis, Chicago, New York (again), Baltimore, New Orleans........ you will find stories that relate time and time again criminals with multiple gun convictions being released on bond, often now no cash bond, and out of prison on short sentences. Then, after being released, they use new illegal guns for crime and murder.

They are the ones driving the gun crime rate in these tiny areas of our cities.....not John and Jane citizen who own guns primarily for self defense, but also for hunting, sport and recreation.....

They are not the ones using the guns they own for crime and murder.....and targeting them with gun control laws will not effect the gun crime we already know and see.....

I put this in the CDZ for honest debate.........I think this is an accurate statement about our gun crime issue.

Causation vs Correlation – What’s the difference

Causality is an area that is frequently misunderstood and it can be notoriously difficult to infer causation between two variables without doing a randomized controlled experience. Furthermore, correlation can be a useful measure but has limitations as it is usually associated with measuring a linear relationship. But understanding that correlation does not imply causation and knowing the difference is a good place to start.

'link' is not the same thing as causality. Basic statistics.

Have any studies showing a causality of gun violence due to Democratic Party policies?

You were just given 10 links by the OP citing the CAUSATION.. It's when cities take the LEAD role in prosecuting gun crimes and refuse to jail folks for committing crime/violence. That causation DOES LINK to the cities with the "toughest gun laws" but the weakest will to "lock them up"... And it's those mostly large blue cities that have the morgues filled every weekend with fresh victims...

Okay I went back and did a quick review of links- I didn't see any studies showing a causality of gun violence due to Democratic Party policies. Everything I saw was anecdotal.

I get it- you want to blame Democrats for gun violence and don't want anyone to even consider that guns might be part of the problem. But all of the links I looked at were anecdotal accounts of violence that people claim are a result of policies.

Where is the evidence?

One of the issues I have frankly with both sides of the gun debates is the appeal to emotion rather than facts. I am in favor of gun laws- if there is evidence that the gun laws will reduce gun violence. I am in favor of tougher enforcement of laws- if there is evidence that will reduce gun violence.
I know this is the CDZ and they don't like conflict here......but I thought I would try to take this debate to this forum....

There is a direct link between the gun crime rates in our large, democrat party controlled cities and democrat party policies.

We do not have a gun crime problem in the United States because we have guns. We have a gun crime problem, in tiny areas of our large cities because the democrat party policies that allow repeat gun offenders out of jail on bond, and out of prison on short sentences.

If you look at these cities....D.C. St. Louis, Chicago, New York (again), Baltimore, New Orleans........ you will find stories that relate time and time again criminals with multiple gun convictions being released on bond, often now no cash bond, and out of prison on short sentences. Then, after being released, they use new illegal guns for crime and murder.

They are the ones driving the gun crime rate in these tiny areas of our cities.....not John and Jane citizen who own guns primarily for self defense, but also for hunting, sport and recreation.....

They are not the ones using the guns they own for crime and murder.....and targeting them with gun control laws will not effect the gun crime we already know and see.....

I put this in the CDZ for honest debate.........I think this is an accurate statement about our gun crime issue.

Causation vs Correlation – What’s the difference

Causality is an area that is frequently misunderstood and it can be notoriously difficult to infer causation between two variables without doing a randomized controlled experience. Furthermore, correlation can be a useful measure but has limitations as it is usually associated with measuring a linear relationship. But understanding that correlation does not imply causation and knowing the difference is a good place to start.

'link' is not the same thing as causality. Basic statistics.

Have any studies showing a causality of gun violence due to Democratic Party policies?

You were just given 10 links by the OP citing the CAUSATION.. It's when cities take the LEAD role in prosecuting gun crimes and refuse to jail folks for committing crime/violence. That causation DOES LINK to the cities with the "toughest gun laws" but the weakest will to "lock them up"... And it's those mostly large blue cities that have the morgues filled every weekend with fresh victims...

Okay I went back and did a quick review of links- I didn't see any studies showing a causality of gun violence due to Democratic Party policies. Everything I saw was anecdotal.

I get it- you want to blame Democrats for gun violence and don't want anyone to even consider that guns might be part of the problem. But all of the links I looked at were anecdotal accounts of violence that people claim are a result of policies.

Where is the evidence?

One of the issues I have frankly with both sides of the gun debates is the appeal to emotion rather than facts. I am in favor of gun laws- if there is evidence that the gun laws will reduce gun violence. I am in favor of tougher enforcement of laws- if there is evidence that will reduce gun violence.

More truth....Baltimore...

The democrats are fighting to put longer sentences on gun criminals......and you don't think this allows gun crime to run rampant in these cities?

That’s a disingenuous argument, however, because the new law only applied in certain parts of the city and provided only one year in jail for illegal possession of a firearm. That was an improvement over the previous average of six months (!) but it’s still a laughably short stretch for most of the hardened gang members.

Baltimore Democrats don't want Larry Hogan to rein in gun violence

Citing their opposition to mandatory minimum sentences, Democrats in the Maryland General Assembly say they are unlikely to pass Gov. Larry Hogan’s top priority this session ― the Violent Firearms Offender Act ― infuriating the governor who alleges lawmakers aren’t taking shootings in Baltimore seriously.

In an interview with The Baltimore Sun on Wednesday, Hogan argued that lawmakers who don’t support his legislation are out of touch with the views of most Marylanders and should step down from their leadership posts. On a table in his office at the State House, he spread out his internal polling results that show residents overwhelmingly want “tougher sentences for violent offenders who commit crimes with guns.”

Democrats in the Assembly are saying that bill won’t even make it out of the Judicial Proceedings Committee, so there won’t be a chance of a full floor vote or debate. Their objections are based on the removal of judicial discretion for a number of gun crimes in favor of mandatory minimum sentences. But judicial discretion is a large part of the reason the city is dealing with a murder rate that’s worse than you would find in some war zones.

The Democrats are also arguing that the city of Baltimore already passed tougher gun laws two years ago, but they’ve done nothing to stem the violence.

That’s a disingenuous argument, however, because the new law only applied in certain parts of the city and provided only one year in jail for illegal possession of a firearm. That was an improvement over the previous average of six months (!) but it’s still a laughably short stretch for most of the hardened gang members.

The same Democrats are arguing that what Baltimore really needs is better enforcement of existing laws. They note that police only made 20,000 arrests in 2019 compared to an annual average of 100,000 when Martin O’Malley was the mayor. Also, the homicide clearance rate has fallen to just 32%. But why not do both?

The Baltimore PD released data showing that the average homicide suspect arrested in Baltimore has eight previous arrests.

They don’t have the resources to closely monitor all of the violent criminals who are out on parole, so the same shooters wind up being arrested over and over again.

They believe that fewer than 100 gang members are responsible for the lion’s share of the murders in the city, but they can’t keep them off the streets.
I know this is the CDZ and they don't like conflict here......but I thought I would try to take this debate to this forum....

There is a direct link between the gun crime rates in our large, democrat party controlled cities and democrat party policies.

We do not have a gun crime problem in the United States because we have guns. We have a gun crime problem, in tiny areas of our large cities because the democrat party policies that allow repeat gun offenders out of jail on bond, and out of prison on short sentences.

If you look at these cities....D.C. St. Louis, Chicago, New York (again), Baltimore, New Orleans........ you will find stories that relate time and time again criminals with multiple gun convictions being released on bond, often now no cash bond, and out of prison on short sentences. Then, after being released, they use new illegal guns for crime and murder.

They are the ones driving the gun crime rate in these tiny areas of our cities.....not John and Jane citizen who own guns primarily for self defense, but also for hunting, sport and recreation.....

They are not the ones using the guns they own for crime and murder.....and targeting them with gun control laws will not effect the gun crime we already know and see.....

I put this in the CDZ for honest debate.........I think this is an accurate statement about our gun crime issue.

Causation vs Correlation – What’s the difference

Causality is an area that is frequently misunderstood and it can be notoriously difficult to infer causation between two variables without doing a randomized controlled experience. Furthermore, correlation can be a useful measure but has limitations as it is usually associated with measuring a linear relationship. But understanding that correlation does not imply causation and knowing the difference is a good place to start.

'link' is not the same thing as causality. Basic statistics.

Have any studies showing a causality of gun violence due to Democratic Party policies?

You were just given 10 links by the OP citing the CAUSATION.. It's when cities take the LEAD role in prosecuting gun crimes and refuse to jail folks for committing crime/violence. That causation DOES LINK to the cities with the "toughest gun laws" but the weakest will to "lock them up"... And it's those mostly large blue cities that have the morgues filled every weekend with fresh victims...

Okay I went back and did a quick review of links- I didn't see any studies showing a causality of gun violence due to Democratic Party policies. Everything I saw was anecdotal.

I get it- you want to blame Democrats for gun violence and don't want anyone to even consider that guns might be part of the problem. But all of the links I looked at were anecdotal accounts of violence that people claim are a result of policies.

Where is the evidence?

One of the issues I have frankly with both sides of the gun debates is the appeal to emotion rather than facts. I am in favor of gun laws- if there is evidence that the gun laws will reduce gun violence. I am in favor of tougher enforcement of laws- if there is evidence that will reduce gun violence.

More truth....Baltimore...

The democrats are fighting to put longer sentences on gun criminals......and you don't think this allows gun crime to run rampant in these cities?

That’s a disingenuous argument, however, because the new law only applied in certain parts of the city and provided only one year in jail for illegal possession of a firearm. That was an improvement over the previous average of six months (!) but it’s still a laughably short stretch for most of the hardened gang members.

Baltimore Democrats don't want Larry Hogan to rein in gun violence

Citing their opposition to mandatory minimum sentences, Democrats in the Maryland General Assembly say they are unlikely to pass Gov. Larry Hogan’s top priority this session ― the Violent Firearms Offender Act ― infuriating the governor who alleges lawmakers aren’t taking shootings in Baltimore seriously.

In an interview with The Baltimore Sun on Wednesday, Hogan argued that lawmakers who don’t support his legislation are out of touch with the views of most Marylanders and should step down from their leadership posts. On a table in his office at the State House, he spread out his internal polling results that show residents overwhelmingly want “tougher sentences for violent offenders who commit crimes with guns.”

Democrats in the Assembly are saying that bill won’t even make it out of the Judicial Proceedings Committee, so there won’t be a chance of a full floor vote or debate. Their objections are based on the removal of judicial discretion for a number of gun crimes in favor of mandatory minimum sentences. But judicial discretion is a large part of the reason the city is dealing with a murder rate that’s worse than you would find in some war zones.

The Democrats are also arguing that the city of Baltimore already passed tougher gun laws two years ago, but they’ve done nothing to stem the violence.

That’s a disingenuous argument, however, because the new law only applied in certain parts of the city and provided only one year in jail for illegal possession of a firearm. That was an improvement over the previous average of six months (!) but it’s still a laughably short stretch for most of the hardened gang members.

The same Democrats are arguing that what Baltimore really needs is better enforcement of existing laws. They note that police only made 20,000 arrests in 2019 compared to an annual average of 100,000 when Martin O’Malley was the mayor. Also, the homicide clearance rate has fallen to just 32%. But why not do both?

The Baltimore PD released data showing that the average homicide suspect arrested in Baltimore has eight previous arrests.

They don’t have the resources to closely monitor all of the violent criminals who are out on parole, so the same shooters wind up being arrested over and over again.

They believe that fewer than 100 gang members are responsible for the lion’s share of the murders in the city, but they can’t keep them off the streets.

Amber Guyger killed a man in his own home with a gun. Surely you think she should spend the rest of her life in jail for her gun crime; right?
I know this is the CDZ and they don't like conflict here......but I thought I would try to take this debate to this forum....

There is a direct link between the gun crime rates in our large, democrat party controlled cities and democrat party policies.

We do not have a gun crime problem in the United States because we have guns. We have a gun crime problem, in tiny areas of our large cities because the democrat party policies that allow repeat gun offenders out of jail on bond, and out of prison on short sentences.

If you look at these cities....D.C. St. Louis, Chicago, New York (again), Baltimore, New Orleans........ you will find stories that relate time and time again criminals with multiple gun convictions being released on bond, often now no cash bond, and out of prison on short sentences. Then, after being released, they use new illegal guns for crime and murder.

They are the ones driving the gun crime rate in these tiny areas of our cities.....not John and Jane citizen who own guns primarily for self defense, but also for hunting, sport and recreation.....

They are not the ones using the guns they own for crime and murder.....and targeting them with gun control laws will not effect the gun crime we already know and see.....

I put this in the CDZ for honest debate.........I think this is an accurate statement about our gun crime issue.

Causation vs Correlation – What’s the difference

Causality is an area that is frequently misunderstood and it can be notoriously difficult to infer causation between two variables without doing a randomized controlled experience. Furthermore, correlation can be a useful measure but has limitations as it is usually associated with measuring a linear relationship. But understanding that correlation does not imply causation and knowing the difference is a good place to start.

'link' is not the same thing as causality. Basic statistics.

Have any studies showing a causality of gun violence due to Democratic Party policies?

You were just given 10 links by the OP citing the CAUSATION.. It's when cities take the LEAD role in prosecuting gun crimes and refuse to jail folks for committing crime/violence. That causation DOES LINK to the cities with the "toughest gun laws" but the weakest will to "lock them up"... And it's those mostly large blue cities that have the morgues filled every weekend with fresh victims...

Okay I went back and did a quick review of links- I didn't see any studies showing a causality of gun violence due to Democratic Party policies. Everything I saw was anecdotal.

I get it- you want to blame Democrats for gun violence and don't want anyone to even consider that guns might be part of the problem. But all of the links I looked at were anecdotal accounts of violence that people claim are a result of policies.

Where is the evidence?

One of the issues I have frankly with both sides of the gun debates is the appeal to emotion rather than facts. I am in favor of gun laws- if there is evidence that the gun laws will reduce gun violence. I am in favor of tougher enforcement of laws- if there is evidence that will reduce gun violence.

I feel that if you commit a crime while using a gun, you go away for life.
I know this is the CDZ and they don't like conflict here......but I thought I would try to take this debate to this forum....

There is a direct link between the gun crime rates in our large, democrat party controlled cities and democrat party policies.

We do not have a gun crime problem in the United States because we have guns. We have a gun crime problem, in tiny areas of our large cities because the democrat party policies that allow repeat gun offenders out of jail on bond, and out of prison on short sentences.

If you look at these cities....D.C. St. Louis, Chicago, New York (again), Baltimore, New Orleans........ you will find stories that relate time and time again criminals with multiple gun convictions being released on bond, often now no cash bond, and out of prison on short sentences. Then, after being released, they use new illegal guns for crime and murder.

They are the ones driving the gun crime rate in these tiny areas of our cities.....not John and Jane citizen who own guns primarily for self defense, but also for hunting, sport and recreation.....

They are not the ones using the guns they own for crime and murder.....and targeting them with gun control laws will not effect the gun crime we already know and see.....

I put this in the CDZ for honest debate.........I think this is an accurate statement about our gun crime issue.

There is a direct link between the gun crime rates in our large, democrat party controlled cities and democrat party policies.

More people mean more problems

What are those policies. Are you saying demos who prefer stricter gun control prefer to release inmates over the stricter release of inmates by the repubs

per 100,000 people gun violence rates are higher in most southern states


California which has stronger gun laws has few gun death per 100,000 people as compared to States with the higher rates such as

Maryland and Illinois rates are high but when compared to the F states with the weakest gun control where gun deaths are significantly higher
which are predominantly Republican states

Guns laws are mostly regulated by the State and not so much by the cities

release of criminals who repeat crimes is a problem but is not a political one

Trump likes to release Republicans, military people convicted of a gun crime, and like to see Kim and can't say no to her

I know this is the CDZ and they don't like conflict here......but I thought I would try to take this debate to this forum....

There is a direct link between the gun crime rates in our large, democrat party controlled cities and democrat party policies.

We do not have a gun crime problem in the United States because we have guns. We have a gun crime problem, in tiny areas of our large cities because the democrat party policies that allow repeat gun offenders out of jail on bond, and out of prison on short sentences.

If you look at these cities....D.C. St. Louis, Chicago, New York (again), Baltimore, New Orleans........ you will find stories that relate time and time again criminals with multiple gun convictions being released on bond, often now no cash bond, and out of prison on short sentences. Then, after being released, they use new illegal guns for crime and murder.

They are the ones driving the gun crime rate in these tiny areas of our cities.....not John and Jane citizen who own guns primarily for self defense, but also for hunting, sport and recreation.....

They are not the ones using the guns they own for crime and murder.....and targeting them with gun control laws will not effect the gun crime we already know and see.....

I put this in the CDZ for honest debate.........I think this is an accurate statement about our gun crime issue.

Causation vs Correlation – What’s the difference

Causality is an area that is frequently misunderstood and it can be notoriously difficult to infer causation between two variables without doing a randomized controlled experience. Furthermore, correlation can be a useful measure but has limitations as it is usually associated with measuring a linear relationship. But understanding that correlation does not imply causation and knowing the difference is a good place to start.

'link' is not the same thing as causality. Basic statistics.

Have any studies showing a causality of gun violence due to Democratic Party policies?

You were just given 10 links by the OP citing the CAUSATION.. It's when cities take the LEAD role in prosecuting gun crimes and refuse to jail folks for committing crime/violence. That causation DOES LINK to the cities with the "toughest gun laws" but the weakest will to "lock them up"... And it's those mostly large blue cities that have the morgues filled every weekend with fresh victims...

Okay I went back and did a quick review of links- I didn't see any studies showing a causality of gun violence due to Democratic Party policies. Everything I saw was anecdotal.

I get it- you want to blame Democrats for gun violence and don't want anyone to even consider that guns might be part of the problem. But all of the links I looked at were anecdotal accounts of violence that people claim are a result of policies.

Where is the evidence?

One of the issues I have frankly with both sides of the gun debates is the appeal to emotion rather than facts. I am in favor of gun laws- if there is evidence that the gun laws will reduce gun violence. I am in favor of tougher enforcement of laws- if there is evidence that will reduce gun violence.

I feel that if you commit a crime while using a gun, you go away for life.

Great position to take.. Go tell that to all the states and cities that DO NOT ENFORCE existing laws to that effect.. EVEN the NRA lobbies all these entities for tougher enforcement of gun crimes and violence.. We should ALL agree on that..

But once you reach the Amber Guyger example and the crime is MURDER -- does it REALLY matter if the penalties are enhanced? The number of PROSECUTED murders are small compared to the number of "drive-bys" that IF they get apprehended -- don't face ENOUGH severe penalties for misuse of a firearm..

And in the big Blue cities, the "solution rate" to those crimes is embarrassingly small.. All the more REASON to "throw the book" at them...
I know this is the CDZ and they don't like conflict here......but I thought I would try to take this debate to this forum....

There is a direct link between the gun crime rates in our large, democrat party controlled cities and democrat party policies.

We do not have a gun crime problem in the United States because we have guns. We have a gun crime problem, in tiny areas of our large cities because the democrat party policies that allow repeat gun offenders out of jail on bond, and out of prison on short sentences.

If you look at these cities....D.C. St. Louis, Chicago, New York (again), Baltimore, New Orleans........ you will find stories that relate time and time again criminals with multiple gun convictions being released on bond, often now no cash bond, and out of prison on short sentences. Then, after being released, they use new illegal guns for crime and murder.

They are the ones driving the gun crime rate in these tiny areas of our cities.....not John and Jane citizen who own guns primarily for self defense, but also for hunting, sport and recreation.....

They are not the ones using the guns they own for crime and murder.....and targeting them with gun control laws will not effect the gun crime we already know and see.....

I put this in the CDZ for honest debate.........I think this is an accurate statement about our gun crime issue.

Causation vs Correlation – What’s the difference

Causality is an area that is frequently misunderstood and it can be notoriously difficult to infer causation between two variables without doing a randomized controlled experience. Furthermore, correlation can be a useful measure but has limitations as it is usually associated with measuring a linear relationship. But understanding that correlation does not imply causation and knowing the difference is a good place to start.

'link' is not the same thing as causality. Basic statistics.

Have any studies showing a causality of gun violence due to Democratic Party policies?

You were just given 10 links by the OP citing the CAUSATION.. It's when cities take the LEAD role in prosecuting gun crimes and refuse to jail folks for committing crime/violence. That causation DOES LINK to the cities with the "toughest gun laws" but the weakest will to "lock them up"... And it's those mostly large blue cities that have the morgues filled every weekend with fresh victims...

Okay I went back and did a quick review of links- I didn't see any studies showing a causality of gun violence due to Democratic Party policies. Everything I saw was anecdotal.

I get it- you want to blame Democrats for gun violence and don't want anyone to even consider that guns might be part of the problem. But all of the links I looked at were anecdotal accounts of violence that people claim are a result of policies.

Where is the evidence?

One of the issues I have frankly with both sides of the gun debates is the appeal to emotion rather than facts. I am in favor of gun laws- if there is evidence that the gun laws will reduce gun violence. I am in favor of tougher enforcement of laws- if there is evidence that will reduce gun violence.

Far as I can tell -- the only evidence you're missing is KNOWLEDGE of which cities and who runs them.. Maybe purposely,... The links have the examples you're looking for...
I know this is the CDZ and they don't like conflict here......but I thought I would try to take this debate to this forum....

There is a direct link between the gun crime rates in our large, democrat party controlled cities and democrat party policies.

We do not have a gun crime problem in the United States because we have guns. We have a gun crime problem, in tiny areas of our large cities because the democrat party policies that allow repeat gun offenders out of jail on bond, and out of prison on short sentences.

If you look at these cities....D.C. St. Louis, Chicago, New York (again), Baltimore, New Orleans........ you will find stories that relate time and time again criminals with multiple gun convictions being released on bond, often now no cash bond, and out of prison on short sentences. Then, after being released, they use new illegal guns for crime and murder.

They are the ones driving the gun crime rate in these tiny areas of our cities.....not John and Jane citizen who own guns primarily for self defense, but also for hunting, sport and recreation.....

They are not the ones using the guns they own for crime and murder.....and targeting them with gun control laws will not effect the gun crime we already know and see.....

I put this in the CDZ for honest debate.........I think this is an accurate statement about our gun crime issue.

Causation vs Correlation – What’s the difference

Causality is an area that is frequently misunderstood and it can be notoriously difficult to infer causation between two variables without doing a randomized controlled experience. Furthermore, correlation can be a useful measure but has limitations as it is usually associated with measuring a linear relationship. But understanding that correlation does not imply causation and knowing the difference is a good place to start.

'link' is not the same thing as causality. Basic statistics.

Have any studies showing a causality of gun violence due to Democratic Party policies?

You were just given 10 links by the OP citing the CAUSATION.. It's when cities take the LEAD role in prosecuting gun crimes and refuse to jail folks for committing crime/violence. That causation DOES LINK to the cities with the "toughest gun laws" but the weakest will to "lock them up"... And it's those mostly large blue cities that have the morgues filled every weekend with fresh victims...

Okay I went back and did a quick review of links- I didn't see any studies showing a causality of gun violence due to Democratic Party policies. Everything I saw was anecdotal.

I get it- you want to blame Democrats for gun violence and don't want anyone to even consider that guns might be part of the problem. But all of the links I looked at were anecdotal accounts of violence that people claim are a result of policies.

Where is the evidence?

One of the issues I have frankly with both sides of the gun debates is the appeal to emotion rather than facts. I am in favor of gun laws- if there is evidence that the gun laws will reduce gun violence. I am in favor of tougher enforcement of laws- if there is evidence that will reduce gun violence.

I feel that if you commit a crime while using a gun, you go away for life.

Great position to take.. Go tell that to all the states and cities that DO NOT ENFORCE existing laws to that effect.. EVEN the NRA lobbies all these entities for tougher enforcement of gun crimes and violence.. We should ALL agree on that..

But once you reach the Amber Guyger example and the crime is MURDER -- does it REALLY matter if the penalties are enhanced? The number of PROSECUTED murders are small compared to the number of "drive-bys" that IF they get apprehended -- don't face ENOUGH severe penalties for misuse of a firearm..

And in the big Blue cities, the "solution rate" to those crimes is embarrassingly small.. All the more REASON to "throw the book" at them...

Sentences for violent crimes are way too lenient across the board.

Not sure why you guys are fixated on the cities; most often serious crimes are prosecuted by the counties; the cities have little to do with the county criminal courts.

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