There are no words..

Kinda like Catholic priests?

Or public school educators.

Let's go there
Pedophile tally, public school educators versus the Catholic Church? Oh please do. Do you have the data?

Study done by US Dept of Education

Forgotten Study: Abuse in School 100 Times Worse than by Priests | News | LifeSite

You may sit now.

When you give in and provide a link to a liberal you only encourage the sophistry.

But you are if course correct. And I think the Catholic Church has learned it’s lesson about homosexual priests.

So when someone asks for data, a "family values" website claiming "but your public schools are more pedophile than our religioso schools so there" is what counts for an extensive study of the issue?

Isn't it odd that a religion had to learn that the homosexual buggereing kids is not cool while they load up buses with teenage boys to "protest" the rights of women.

Listen up asshole...the study linked was done by the US Dept of Education.

Address that and lose source crap you idiot
Why are so many transgenders wanting to read at libraries.

Libraries seem to be losing their appeal, with the advent of all the digital ways to get books, music and magazines. I haven’t been to my library in at least three years, I get all my material online.
Or public school educators.

Let's go there
Pedophile tally, public school educators versus the Catholic Church? Oh please do. Do you have the data?

Study done by US Dept of Education

Forgotten Study: Abuse in School 100 Times Worse than by Priests | News | LifeSite

You may sit now.

When you give in and provide a link to a liberal you only encourage the sophistry.

But you are if course correct. And I think the Catholic Church has learned it’s lesson about homosexual priests.

So when someone asks for data, a "family values" website claiming "but your public schools are more pedophile than our religioso schools so there" is what counts for an extensive study of the issue?

Isn't it odd that a religion had to learn that the homosexual buggereing kids is not cool while they load up buses with teenage boys to "protest" the rights of women.

Listen up asshole...the study linked was done by the US Dept of Education.

Address that and lose source crap you idiot

Here we are again, where everything in america lands eventually. "Your side has more pedophiles than my side, so there!". We are quite comfortable with buggering children in this society; for some. Epstein was conveniently laid to rest to save our aristocracy the embarrassment and still no one is going after Ghislaine Maxwell. America is about as interested in its children and future as it is in world peace.
Why are so many transgenders wanting to read at libraries.

Libraries seem to be losing their appeal, with the advent of all the digital ways to get books, music and magazines. I haven’t been to my library in at least three years, I get all my material online.

Libraries are hunting grounds
Link provided. Sit down

Not sure that a link from a source with a dog in the hunt will suffice.

The study was done by US Dept Of Education you befuddled asshole

You need to get past we're going to take your left loon opinions as fact. You're woefully short on providing facts
Isn't it sickening that the loony libtards on here seem to be OK with a drag queen flashing his private parts to children? It's unbelievable how depraved Dim Dems and Loony Libs have become.

Perhaps they feel you've got the hissyfitting covered?
Bo, you really know Diddley-Squat about politics. You prove this EVERY time you post your idiotic responses.

He resents people who don't vote for the party that hates America as much as he does.
Not sure that a link from a source with a dog in the hunt will suffice.

The study was done by US Dept Of Education you befuddled asshole

You need to get past we're going to take your left loon opinions as fact. You're woefully short on providing facts
Isn't it sickening that the loony libtards on here seem to be OK with a drag queen flashing his private parts to children? It's unbelievable how depraved Dim Dems and Loony Libs have become.

Perhaps they feel you've got the hissyfitting covered?
Bo, you really know Diddley-Squat about politics. You prove this EVERY time you post your idiotic responses.

He resents people who don't vote for the party that hates America as much as he does.
Actually, I think anyone who votes for either party is willfully blind, deaf, dumb, ignorant and has decided to spend a life repeating the same behaviors while rabidly expecting a different outcome.
Why are so many transgenders wanting to read at libraries.

Libraries seem to be losing their appeal, with the advent of all the digital ways to get books, music and magazines. I haven’t been to my library in at least three years, I get all my material online.

Libraries are hunting grounds
Bwa ha ha ha, but not the internet, right.

Of course it is. Your lame point?

You're struggling...find a diff thread to troll
Sure. Absolutely.

Link provided. Sit down

Not sure that a link from a source with a dog in the hunt will suffice.

The study was done by US Dept Of Education you befuddled asshole

You need to get past we're going to take your left loon opinions as fact. You're woefully short on providing facts

"About taking the church down".......

I'm a Christian and want nothing of the sort. What the Catholic Church did is unexcusable.

I'm Catholic and back to educators abusing children 100 times more often

I'm onto you.

You're letting politics get in the way of your so called morals.

I never defended teachers. I agreed that could be used as an example also. You jumped to conclusions without reading what I said.
The one mother I think described it the BEST...

We quit doing black face in entertainment decades ago for obvious reasons, why then is it acceptable for men to do "woman face" - creating a parody of woman hood, oversexualized, overly made up creating caricatures of women just like black face did with black people...and doing it IN FRONT OF CHILDREN.
Link provided. Sit down

Not sure that a link from a source with a dog in the hunt will suffice.

The study was done by US Dept Of Education you befuddled asshole

You need to get past we're going to take your left loon opinions as fact. You're woefully short on providing facts

"About taking the church down".......

I'm a Christian and want nothing of the sort. What the Catholic Church did is unexcusable.

I'm Catholic and back to educators abusing children 100 times more often

I'm onto you.

You're letting politics get in the way of your so called morals.

I never defended teachers. I agreed that could be used as an example also. You jumped to conclusions without reading what I said.

You went down the sorry road of source.

I'm making you look foolish.

Heads-up our adopted daughter was sexually abused. I have zero tolerance for it.

I don't care who did it...but you do. Why?
Or public school educators.

Let's go there
Pedophile tally, public school educators versus the Catholic Church? Oh please do. Do you have the data?

Study done by US Dept of Education

Forgotten Study: Abuse in School 100 Times Worse than by Priests | News | LifeSite

You may sit now.

When you give in and provide a link to a liberal you only encourage the sophistry.

But you are if course correct. And I think the Catholic Church has learned it’s lesson about homosexual priests.

So when someone asks for data, a "family values" website claiming "but your public schools are more pedophile than our religioso schools so there" is what counts for an extensive study of the issue?

Isn't it odd that a religion had to learn that the homosexual buggereing kids is not cool while they load up buses with teenage boys to "protest" the rights of women.

Listen up asshole...the study linked was done by the US Dept of Education.

Address that and lose source crap you idiot

I didn't disagree that teachers couldn't be used as another example.

I have no idea what you are arguing.
Not sure that a link from a source with a dog in the hunt will suffice.

The study was done by US Dept Of Education you befuddled asshole

You need to get past we're going to take your left loon opinions as fact. You're woefully short on providing facts

"About taking the church down".......

I'm a Christian and want nothing of the sort. What the Catholic Church did is unexcusable.

I'm Catholic and back to educators abusing children 100 times more often

I'm onto you.

You're letting politics get in the way of your so called morals.

I never defended teachers. I agreed that could be used as an example also. You jumped to conclusions without reading what I said.

You went down the sorry road of source.

I'm making you look foolish.
You're making someone look foolish, yes. Your side's more pedophile than my side so there. You're on fire today girl.
Pedophile tally, public school educators versus the Catholic Church? Oh please do. Do you have the data?

Study done by US Dept of Education

Forgotten Study: Abuse in School 100 Times Worse than by Priests | News | LifeSite

You may sit now.

When you give in and provide a link to a liberal you only encourage the sophistry.

But you are if course correct. And I think the Catholic Church has learned it’s lesson about homosexual priests.

So when someone asks for data, a "family values" website claiming "but your public schools are more pedophile than our religioso schools so there" is what counts for an extensive study of the issue?

Isn't it odd that a religion had to learn that the homosexual buggereing kids is not cool while they load up buses with teenage boys to "protest" the rights of women.

Listen up asshole...the study linked was done by the US Dept of Education.

Address that and lose source crap you idiot

I didn't disagree that teachers couldn't be used as another example.

I have no idea what you are arguing.

You're the one squeaking about Priests then got your tail feathers in a ruff when it was pointed out educators do it far more often

Now you're backtracking

Leave the children alone

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