The Wrong Type of Black Person


American Mutt
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2008
Your Imagination
According to renowned author, Shelby Steele,

"...the reason why we would not elect Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton president is because they are the wrong type of person, the wrong type of Black person.

They are what he calls, "challengers."

On the other hand, the reason so many of us are enthralled by Obama is because he is a different type of Negro.

He is what is known as a "bargainer" and he has made an unspoken bargain with the white voters of America to give them racial absolution."

Isn't this the definition of being non-racist?

Obama is the perfect Black Man for America.
Just like I'm the perfect Native American - we're both half white.

Just like most of the decedents of the people who survived the European conquest of this planet and ended up here in America. Most of us are at least part one thing and part something else. Few of us can trace our roots back too far without finding some genetic surprises or relatives who embarrass us. All of us are in the family of Man.

Maybe Obama is the first politician to appeal to lots of different types people because he accepts the fact that he is both black and white. How many of us can truly say that we have come to grips with the skeletons in our own genetic closet.

I saw a program today that says the spread of Mankind across the globe is only 2,000 generations old - and we're all related to a family group that split up in Africa 50,000 years ago. Said that they can prove it through DNA.

We must be related... nobody seems to have trouble having babies with anyone else - at least on a species level. And if the internet is to be believed some are trying outside our species and yet no babies result - in spite of what you read on the internet...

People spread out of Africa across this planet over the course of the last 2,000 generations - proven genetically if you believe the PBS program. We're all African the pale faced geneticist told me...

When are we going to put the sins of our brothers, especially here in America, where the blender is running at full speed trying to make genetic sense out of the American Experiment, behind us and build a society capable not only of thriving on this planet but dares to look for other planets to explore?

I don't understand. Please expound on your thoughts...


That's Obama's church of 20 years. Read about it, then tell me how perfect he is for America.

He also said once that he wanted to remove his white blood.

And he called his grandmother a "typical white person."
It's a big thing. I'm not electing someone who hates me because of the color of my skin. Just as I wouldn't expect blacks to elect a Klan member.

These are lies....

Obama is half black and half white.

Which part of himself is he racist against?
That's Obama's church of 20 years. Read about it, then tell me how perfect he is for America.

I don't care about his pastor I care about his stated vision for America.

He also said once that he wanted to remove his white blood.

As have I at times. Sometimes out of shame, sometimes guilt, sometimes pride. I've reconciled. Sounds to me like Obama has too.

And he called his grandmother a "typical white person."

So, what? So was mine.

I don't care about his pastor I care about his stated vision for America.

As have I at times. Sometimes out of shame, sometimes guilt, sometimes pride. I've reconciled. Sounds to me like Obama has too.

So, what? So was mine.


So, you don't care that Obama spent 20 years hating white people.

I do.

So, you don't care that Obama spent 20 years hating white people.

I do.


The man sounds sincere to me now. He is the first politician who hasn't asked me to be afraid about a neighbor of some sort in a very long time, and I find that better, if not perfect.

I don't care about his pastor I care about his stated vision for America.

As have I at times. Sometimes out of shame, sometimes guilt, sometimes pride. I've reconciled. Sounds to me like Obama has too.

So, what? So was mine.


He also knows the comment about "removing his white blood" is a lie... but that hasn't stopped him..l

I keep wondering how much rove pays people like him ...
i'm still waiting for one of you 0bama nuts to answer me this question. if i went to a church for 20 years and my pastor preached white supremacy would that make me a racist?
I was unaware that being both black and white is a skeleton. Is he and every other half black/half white person somehow bad? Because that certainly sounds like what's being stated here. I don't see how sharing ethnic backgrounds is a bad thing. I don't see it as something that has to be overcome. Because I dont define myself by my ethnicity or race. I am who I am.

As for Obama offering Absolution. I don't want it. I didn't do anything. I would like an apologize for implying that I have. I would like an apology for being told that there is something wrong with me for having faith in God and for respecting the constitution's right to self defense. I would like an apology for being treated like I'm a stupid idiot who has no clue what's good for my own life simply because I don't want the government in every single solitary aspect of my life.
The man sounds sincere to me now. He is the first politician who hasn't asked me to be afraid about a neighbor of some sort in a very long time, and I find that better, if not perfect.


Funny, I listened to his speech the other night and he was asking everyone to be afraid of their neighbor for a large portion of his speech. He just wasnt doing it on racial lines. Which isnt a surprise since that hasnt been done in decades.
i'm still waiting for one of you 0bama nuts to answer me this question. if i went to a church for 20 years and my pastor preached white supremacy would that make me a racist?

No. Judgement is something humans have been privileged to do in the privacy of their own minds since the beginning.

Change to ones judgement is also a privilege to all who don't let their own pride get in the way.

Funny, I listened to his speech the other night and he was asking everyone to be afraid of their neighbor for a large portion of his speech. He just wasnt doing it on racial lines. Which isnt a surprise since that hasnt been done in decades.

Whom, pray tell, did he say to be afraid of? I would like to see that backed up by an in-context quote from the speech...

It's a big thing. I'm not electing someone who hates me because of the color of my skin.

Fortunately, the only people who believe your statement are those who already made up their mindlessness.

I bet he has a plan to enslave us all.

Keep up the racist shit. It fits your posts.
The man sounds sincere to me now. He is the first politician who hasn't asked me to be afraid about a neighbor of some sort in a very long time, and I find that better, if not perfect.


Yet his supports ARE telling you to be afraid. Afraid of McCain, afraid of Palin, AFRAID of the dumb republicans that vote for them. The democrats are ALL about fear. It is one of their best tactics, scaring people into voting for them. The other one is BUYING votes. Obama does them both.

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