The Worst Thing You Did as a Kid (Original)

Neighbor bully hit my older brother, gave him a black eye, and I wasn't big enough to kick his ass. So I tipped over their lawn mower and filled a quart jar with gas out of the tank, went down the hill to their club house, doused it with gas and torched the mother fucker. I was 8 years old.

Fuck with my family...
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I almost killed my brother, and still to this day don't feel bad about it.


*grin* I won at a bible scripture contest, he got jealous and accused me of cheating. I don't lie, even though my mother taught us how to so well, and I don't cheat. So, I smacked him, he smacked me back and pinned me, thinking he was all that. I pulled out a knife and jabbed him faster than he could even see. Of course I never like the little punk anyway, holier than thou people always piss me off.
Neighbor bully hit my older brother, gave him a black eye, and I wasn't big enough to kick his ass. So I tipped over their lawn mower and filled a quart jar with gas out of the tank, went down the hill to their club house, doused it with gas and torched the mother fucker. I was 8 years old.

Fuck with my family...

Was it difficult to adjust after getting out of juvie?
*grin* I won at a bible scripture contest, he got jealous and accused me of cheating. I don't lie, even though my mother taught us how to so well, and I don't cheat. So, I smacked him, he smacked me back and pinned me, thinking he was all that. I pulled out a knife and jabbed him faster than he could even see. Of course I never like the little punk anyway, holier than thou people always piss me off.

I like the irony that you won at a bible scripture contest, yet you get pissed off by holier than thou people.
*grin* I won at a bible scripture contest, he got jealous and accused me of cheating. I don't lie, even though my mother taught us how to so well, and I don't cheat. So, I smacked him, he smacked me back and pinned me, thinking he was all that. I pulled out a knife and jabbed him faster than he could even see. Of course I never like the little punk anyway, holier than thou people always piss me off.

I like the irony that you won at a bible scripture contest, yet you get pissed off by holier than thou people.

Meh, I was forced to memorize it, he thought he was "too good to have lost" ... at least to me. So yeah, just because I don't believe the book doesn't mean I didn't know it inside and out.
*grin* I won at a bible scripture contest, he got jealous and accused me of cheating. I don't lie, even though my mother taught us how to so well, and I don't cheat. So, I smacked him, he smacked me back and pinned me, thinking he was all that. I pulled out a knife and jabbed him faster than he could even see. Of course I never like the little punk anyway, holier than thou people always piss me off.

I like the irony that you won at a bible scripture contest, yet you get pissed off by holier than thou people.

Meh, I was forced to memorize it, he thought he was "too good to have lost" ... at least to me. So yeah, just because I don't believe the book doesn't mean I didn't know it inside and out.

You are just a better memorizer than him.

Anyone who knows the bible is a good memorizer.
I like the irony that you won at a bible scripture contest, yet you get pissed off by holier than thou people.

Meh, I was forced to memorize it, he thought he was "too good to have lost" ... at least to me. So yeah, just because I don't believe the book doesn't mean I didn't know it inside and out.

You are just a better memorizer than him.

Anyone who knows the bible is a good memorizer.

Purtty much, but he wouldn't even concede to that. I was 13 and he was 12, not that it makes much of a difference. It just pissed me off, I had done something, I won a contest, and he just couldn't accept that. It wasn't the first or last time he did that shit, it was just the one time that he truly regretted it. :cool:

I have done so many things in the past, I was kind of the leader of the pack ... odd to, but fun times. We had this little game with the local cops, we'd be out past curfew all the time. They'd try to find us and we'd evade them by ducking into the wooded areas. They never arrested us, just shined the light when they knew where we were.
LOL .. I didn't start havoc until 7th grade. But one late night, about midnight, we went to a ladies house who had all those *shudder* garden gnomes. Managed to put them all on her roof without waking her up.
yeah I tore up one the teachers at our school hard lights, who knew if you pull up one it pulls up the whole line. I also egged a girl's house once but she egged my car with my friends and I in it first. Then there was the time I helped cause a girl to break her arm in the second grade, I felt bad then but later on not so much because the girl turned out to be a total bitch.
When you grow up in suburbia it is every man for themselves.:lol:
My neighbor growing up was my age, and a real douche bag. It didnt help that he had a lisp, and his name was Christopher, so it always came out Cwitopha. Anyways, when the movie "3 Ninjas" (I'm dating myself here I suppose) came out, he kept insisting that he knew Karate cause he watched it. To prove his point he karate chopped me on the neck when I wasnt looking while we were in my back yard, so I whopped the snot out of him. About 2 minutes into his beating I was stunned to be thrown off of him by his dad and grandfather. I didnt know til then, but his whole family was in their backyard and saw him get beat. I wouldnt feel bad if his family didnt see it though.

Until my lil sister came along, I was the youngest of 6, 4 boys my sister and myself. I foget what the occassion was, but one winter when I was young we were left at the house without adult supervision for awhile. My mother came home to find me outside, with snow on the ground, completely naked. Thank God she showed up when she did, I'd only been out there for about 10-15 minutes.

Another quick one: My oldest brother is 17 years older than I. When his friend was training to be a cop I was still very young. His friend came over one day with his police handcuffs. At that point I was promptly handcuffed to the leg of our large oak dining table while they made the 45 minute round trip to the next city for lunch. Longest 2 and a half hours of my life.

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My brother "let" me drive on his new mini bike (but he had to sit on the back). I gunned it going up a hill and when we were free falling, he fell off the back. Broke his arm. I felt really bad, but he never held it against me. Just let me ride by myself.....
My brother "let" me drive on his new mini bike (but he had to sit on the back). I gunned it going up a hill and when we were free falling, he fell off the back. Broke his arm. I felt really bad, but he never held it against me. Just let me ride by myself.....

Oh come on.

We went a story with "malice" and "intent"

You can do better :tongue:
I did kick Matt W. in the balls at the movie theatre....:redface: He then hit me and gave me a bloody nose.

We sat together at the lunch table Monday at school.

Ah yeah.. That's back when life was good as long as one girl had a jump rope. Fights in the morning before school, double dutch at recess (which I was Queen of, thankyouverymuch)..
Those were the days.

How about the guy that had a crush on you that gave you his shop project a little metal hammer. You stick it in your purse. Later that day he tries to pin you back to kiss you and you hit him in the head with it....
nothing bad ever happened to me as a little kid...I pretty much had a charmed life...
oh, I take that dad went off to Vietnam, to fight in the war........THAT WAS HORRIBLE, I thought I would never see him again, that he would die....felt this for the whole year he was gone, I was miserable.
I was kidnapped by a band of white supremists and held as a sex slave between the ages of 8 and 12. Then the Catholic priests got ahold of me and preyed me back to normal. It still gives me nightmares but my future career path (Capital Hill callgirl) was very lucrative.

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