The world is growing tired of the Left


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
Here is the deal

1. We are tired of justifying violence in the name of social justice. Burning down cities in the US and killing people over supposed racial injustice and engaging in mass murder in Israel for the sake of supposed social justice, is not social justice as you have just become worse than what you are fighting.

2. And the site of wild-eyed college kids indoctrinated with hate and violence as they cheer such atrocities is a bad look. You are beginning to stick out like a sore thumb and its butt ugly.

3. People now understand that the Left will slit anyone's throat to accomplish a said political objective.

This is not Nazi Germany, at least, not yet.
Here is the deal

1. We are tired of justifying violence in the name of social justice. Burning down cities in the US and killing people over supposed racial injustice and engaging in mass murder in Israel for the sake of supposed social justice, is not social justice as you have just become worse than what you are fighting.

2. And the site of wild-eyed college kids indoctrinated with hate and violence as they cheer such atrocities is a bad look. You are beginning to stick out like a sore thumb and its butt ugly.

This is not Nazi Germany, at least, not yet.
Feel better now?
Feel better now?

I feel the same way I felt when Leftists gave out the address of SCOTUS after the Roe vs Wade ruling, and gave out information as to where their kids went to school, etc. And you had Chuck U Schumer openly threatening them.

Then, as sure as the sun rising, a loon shows up to assassinate one of them.

Not a word from Joe Biden or any other democrat to condemn the attempted violence, just like how some now refuse to condemn the violence of Hamas.

I honestly never thought I would see the day that a major political party was behind pushing open assassinations of their opposition.

But at least some are condemning the violence, in Israel, unlike how they tried to murder those on SCOTUS.
I'd like to believe the world is tired of it, but I'm not seeing enough evidence of it to truly believe it.

Sure there are snippets here and there or pockets of people around but I don't see enough unified support and push back yet to make me believe we're reaching a point where we can tip the scales back

Feel better now?

And what was to be gained by posting that?
I'd like to believe the world is tired of it, but I'm not seeing enough evidence of it to truly believe it.

Sure there are snippets here and there or pockets of people around but I don't see enough unified support and push back yet to make me believe we're reaching a point where we can tip the scales back

And what was to be gained by posting that?
They literally have nothing.


Here is the deal, when January 6th came around I heard Trump tell his supporters to be peaceful, and I heard him condemn the violence afterwards.

I even heard Trump condemn the violence in Charlotteville.

But the Left pretends otherwise.

I have not even heard people on these boards defend the violence of either.

But on the Left, it is a much different story. You have loons on both sides of the isle, nothing can ever change that, but what of the leadership of a major political party? When they refuse to condemn such violence, as they say at NASA,

Normal Liberals and Conservatives are growing tried of the extremes both left and right.
Actually, Conservatives are crippling countries around the world

Look at UK

Things cannot go on like they have been. The entire planet has over-spent on your pipe dreams now teetering on collapse. $33T debt from ”your ways”. Fix it right away or fix it thru bloodshed or worse. Warnings are issued.
Here is the deal

1. We are tired of justifying violence in the name of social justice. Burning down cities in the US and killing people over supposed racial injustice and engaging in mass murder in Israel for the sake of supposed social justice, is not social justice as you have just become worse than what you are fighting.

2. And the site of wild-eyed college kids indoctrinated with hate and violence as they cheer such atrocities is a bad look. You are beginning to stick out like a sore thumb and its butt ugly.

3. People now understand that the Left will slit anyone's throat to accomplish a said political objective.

This is not Nazi Germany, at least, not yet.
Says a right winger.
Actually, Conservatives are crippling countries around the world

Look at UK
We need both parties to condemn violence and murder, yes or no?

Currently, we only have one party doing it.
Things cannot go on like they have been. The entire planet has over-spent on your pipe dreams now teetering on collapse. $33T debt from ”your ways”. Fix it right away or fix it thru bloodshed or worse. Warnings are issued.

Tax Cuts Do Not Pay For Themselves

Both the Bush and Trump administrations argued that “tax cuts pay for themselves” as each passed significant tax cuts soon after taking office. The data suggests that this logic is faulty, as tax rates in the U.S. aren’t high enough to produce significant behavioral changes when they are reduced, and typical reductions aren’t large enough to have immediate impacts. Instead of spurring economic growth and thus more revenues, tax cuts simply increase budget deficits."

Democrats and Republicans are liberal tax and spend politicians. The only way to reel them in is by a Balance Budget Amendment, imo.
Here is the deal

1. We are tired of justifying violence in the name of social justice. Burning down cities in the US and killing people over supposed racial injustice and engaging in mass murder in Israel for the sake of supposed social justice, is not social justice as you have just become worse than what you are fighting.

2. And the site of wild-eyed college kids indoctrinated with hate and violence as they cheer such atrocities is a bad look. You are beginning to stick out like a sore thumb and its butt ugly.

3. People now understand that the Left will slit anyone's throat to accomplish a said political objective.

This is not Nazi Germany, at least, not yet.

You know what we should do?
Things cannot go on like they have been. The entire planet has over-spent on your pipe dreams now teetering on collapse. $33T debt from ”your ways”. Fix it right away or fix it thru bloodshed or worse. Warnings are issued.
You won't let rich people and corporations pay down the debt even though they suck off the government tit worse than poor people do. So how do you want to pay down the debt? By cutting or ending social security and medicare? You must. You must be angling for that.

Which means hurting middle class and poor Americans. Republican wet dream.
You know what we should do?
View attachment 842348
I have no advocated breaking into the Captial, nor has anyone on these boards last I checked, and all Republicans have condemned it.

Why can't just one democrat condemn the attempted assassination of SCOTUS and all democrats be united to condemn the attack by Hamas?

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