The Working Poor finally getting some

Anyone over the age of 15, excluding active-duty military personnel, institutionalized individuals, agricultural workers and federal government employees.


Of course not.

So, if Trump's deportations were having a serious impact, in tightening the labor market, that would not be reflected?

Not in the labor participation rate. Do you have any evidence Trump is deporting large numbers of illegals already working?

Currently there are more than a million more open positions than people looking for a job. If companies cannot grow, wages will again stagnate

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How do they define civilian labor force?

Anyone over the age of 15, excluding active-duty military personnel, institutionalized individuals, agricultural workers and federal government employees.


Of course not.

So, if Trump's deportations were having a serious impact, in tightening the labor market, that would not be reflected?

Not in the labor participation rate. Do you have any evidence Trump is deporting large numbers of illegals already working?

Currently there are more than a million more open positions than people looking for a job. If companies cannot grow, wages will again stagnate

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Proof? No. But I've been hearing a lot of whining from employers, and something is causing the long delayed rise.

And we have seen AMPLY demonstrated, that macro economic growth, does NOT lead to rising wages, not if the supply of labor keeps growing faster.
Just pointing out the reasoning in your link

What percentage of the rise was from increased min wage?
Thanks left wingers!

Over 5 million workers will have higher pay on January 1 thanks to state minimum wage increases
On January 1, 2019, 19 states will raise their minimum wages, lifting pay for 5.2 million workers across the country.1 The increases, which range from a $0.05 inflation adjustment in Alaska to a $2.00 per hour increase in New York City, will give affected workers approximately $5.3 billion in increased wages over the course of 2019. Affected workers who work year-round will see their annual pay go up between $90 and $1,300, on average, depending on the size of the minimum wage change in their state.

Which could only be done because workers are in demand right now. Notice they couldn't do it until the economy kicked into high gear. Thanks, Trump.
Blue States have a fifteen dollar an hour goal.

And when the lowest skilled labor is worth that much, they can set it that high.
a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage is a simple cost of living adjustment.
According to your link:

The faster growth at the bottom is probably being fueled in part by recent minimum-wage increases in cities and states across the country.

Here is the actual quote, in context.

"The faster growth at the bottom is probably being fueled in part by recent minimum-wage increases in cities and states across the country. Research from the Economic Policy Institute, a liberal-leaning think tank, found that over the past five years, wages for low-wage workers rose 13 percent in states that raised their minimum wages, compared with 8.4 percent in states that did not.

estimates that the minimum-wage increases account for a quarter to a third of low-wage workers’ gains over the past three years. The rest is most likely a result of a tightening labor market that is forcing employers to raise pay even for workers at the bottom of the earnings ladder."

So, the vast majority of this rise is NOT from the min wage increases that you want to focus on.

Would you rather give power to the workers or to government?
higher wages lead to higher rates of (labor) market participation which can "tighten" the market.

No. Make jobs worth more than the labor costs and wages rise. Make jobs cost more than the labor is worth and wages stagnate or jobs are lost. You can't beat math.
easier said than done. Henry Ford doubled autoworker wages not minimum wages. Not all capitalists are that Good.

I've schooled you on that already. Go back and read what you should have already learned.
in right wing fantasy, You are always right.
Good article examining why wage growth had been lagging and is finally starting to take off,

AND, especially important, imo, the long ignored working poor are finally, getting the most benefit.

I consider this a wonderful thing, and think we need to do more of what led to these good numbers.


Why Wages Are Finally Rising, 10 Years After the Recession

"Average hourly earnings in April were 3.2 percent higher than a year earlier, the ninth straight month in which growth topped 3 percent, the Labor Department reported Friday.

Other measures diverge on the exact timing and rate of increase, but not on the basic trend: Wage growth, long stuck in neutral, has at last found a higher gear.

“We’ve spent several years going, ‘Where is the wage growth? Where is the wage growth?’” said Martha Gimbel, an economist for the job-search site Indeed. “And it turns out we just had to wait a few years for the labor market to get tighter....”

...The recent gains are going to those who need it most. Over the past year, low-wage workers have experienced the fastest pay increases, a shift from earlier in the recovery, when wage growth was concentrated at the top."
If illegals are shown the door, the wages will rise even faster.
Emoyers have never had such a productive hard working talented pool of entry level workers to choose from. The market is flooded with them.
What percentage of the rise was from increased min wage?
Thanks left wingers!

Over 5 million workers will have higher pay on January 1 thanks to state minimum wage increases
On January 1, 2019, 19 states will raise their minimum wages, lifting pay for 5.2 million workers across the country.1 The increases, which range from a $0.05 inflation adjustment in Alaska to a $2.00 per hour increase in New York City, will give affected workers approximately $5.3 billion in increased wages over the course of 2019. Affected workers who work year-round will see their annual pay go up between $90 and $1,300, on average, depending on the size of the minimum wage change in their state.

Which could only be done because workers are in demand right now. Notice they couldn't do it until the economy kicked into high gear. Thanks, Trump.
Blue States have a fifteen dollar an hour goal.

And when the lowest skilled labor is worth that much, they can set it that high.
a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage is a simple cost of living adjustment.

And when the labor value is greater than the labor cost, business will buy the labor. If it is not, business will not. Do you at least understand that, or are you just going to send out another pre-canned and already failed reply?
How do they define civilian labor force?

Anyone over the age of 15, excluding active-duty military personnel, institutionalized individuals, agricultural workers and federal government employees.


Of course not.

So, if Trump's deportations were having a serious impact, in tightening the labor market, that would not be reflected?

Not in the labor participation rate. Do you have any evidence Trump is deporting large numbers of illegals already working?

Currently there are more than a million more open positions than people looking for a job. If companies cannot grow, wages will again stagnate

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That doesn't even make sense, if more jobs available then workers, wages should go up

It's not hard finding cheap, hard working highly productive labor. How else do corporations make their money?
Anyone over the age of 15, excluding active-duty military personnel, institutionalized individuals, agricultural workers and federal government employees.


Of course not.

So, if Trump's deportations were having a serious impact, in tightening the labor market, that would not be reflected?

Not in the labor participation rate. Do you have any evidence Trump is deporting large numbers of illegals already working?

Currently there are more than a million more open positions than people looking for a job. If companies cannot grow, wages will again stagnate

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That doesn't even make sense, if more jobs available then workers, wages should go up


Only up to a certain point. After a while a lack of workers keeps companies from growing, which will hurt them in the long run. Much of what is going on now is companies poaching from each other, which is not growth.
Good article examining why wage growth had been lagging and is finally starting to take off,

AND, especially important, imo, the long ignored working poor are finally, getting the most benefit.

I consider this a wonderful thing, and think we need to do more of what led to these good numbers.


Why Wages Are Finally Rising, 10 Years After the Recession

"Average hourly earnings in April were 3.2 percent higher than a year earlier, the ninth straight month in which growth topped 3 percent, the Labor Department reported Friday.

Other measures diverge on the exact timing and rate of increase, but not on the basic trend: Wage growth, long stuck in neutral, has at last found a higher gear.

“We’ve spent several years going, ‘Where is the wage growth? Where is the wage growth?’” said Martha Gimbel, an economist for the job-search site Indeed. “And it turns out we just had to wait a few years for the labor market to get tighter....”

...The recent gains are going to those who need it most. Over the past year, low-wage workers have experienced the fastest pay increases, a shift from earlier in the recovery, when wage growth was concentrated at the top."
If illegals are shown the door, the wages will rise even faster.

And if LEGALS also have the door shut in their faces, wages will rise EVEN MORE FASTER.

We have GENERATIONS of stagnation to make up for.
Anyone over the age of 15, excluding active-duty military personnel, institutionalized individuals, agricultural workers and federal government employees.


Of course not.

So, if Trump's deportations were having a serious impact, in tightening the labor market, that would not be reflected?

Not in the labor participation rate. Do you have any evidence Trump is deporting large numbers of illegals already working?

Currently there are more than a million more open positions than people looking for a job. If companies cannot grow, wages will again stagnate

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That doesn't even make sense, if more jobs available then workers, wages should go up


People are emotionally committed to the idea of America losing. THe idea that a good policy can turn it around for US, at some odd level, produces a negative emotional reaction, and their attempt to rationalize it, produces some very odd "thinking".
Wage growth is very bad news for the investment class, time for a recession.

It has been time for a recession for 2 can only be held off so long. They are a built in part of our system
/——-/ Ummmm that’s not what Slick Willie and Al Bore said when they were running against GHWB during a mild recession.
And if LEGALS also have the door shut in their faces, wages will rise EVEN MORE FASTER.

We have GENERATIONS of stagnation to make up for.

Once again, we have over a million more open jobs than we have people that want a job. While that does help the wage rates go up for a short time, it will also lead to stagnation of the economy because there can be no growth without a fresh supply of workers.

This also highly favors the larger corporations as they can afford to absorb the higher salaries far easier than a smaller company.

Your plan is like not eating for a week straight to loose weight...yeah I will work but it causes lots of other problems.
Wage growth is very bad news for the investment class, time for a recession.

It has been time for a recession for 2 can only be held off so long. They are a built in part of our system
/——-/ Ummmm that’s not what Slick Willie and Al Bore said when they were running against GHWB during a mild recession.

Why do you or I care what politicians say? Do you normally believe what Bill or Al tell you?

Have you read this book? If not I would suggest it.

So, if Trump's deportations were having a serious impact, in tightening the labor market, that would not be reflected?

Not in the labor participation rate. Do you have any evidence Trump is deporting large numbers of illegals already working?

Currently there are more than a million more open positions than people looking for a job. If companies cannot grow, wages will again stagnate

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That doesn't even make sense, if more jobs available then workers, wages should go up


People are emotionally committed to the idea of America losing. THe idea that a good policy can turn it around for US, at some odd level, produces a negative emotional reaction, and their attempt to rationalize it, produces some very odd "thinking".

This is one of the dumbest things you have ever posted.

A UE rate of less than 4% is not losing.

119 months straight of economic growth is not losing.

104 consecutive months of positive job growth is not losing.

The stock market hitting record highs (till the trade war started) was not losing.
Perhaps employers have it too easy finding highly qualified highly productive workers. Waaaassy to easy.
Perhaps employers have it too easy finding highly qualified highly productive workers. Waaaassy to easy.

Not right now they are not.

But there is a hell of a lot of poaching going on.

I have gotten more emails from recruiters in the last few months than I normally get in a year, as have most everyone I know.
Well if they can't find employees in this new generation of young adults that's ALL on the employers. Something is awry with what they are offering.
Well if they can't find employees in this new generation of young adults that's ALL on the employers. Something is awry with what they are offering.

there are currently more than a million more open positions than people looking for a job...according to the government. That includes this new generation of young adults

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