The way society treats HIV


Gold Member
Dec 5, 2011
It's a deadly, but entirely preventable illness, so I wonder why if someone gets HIV, society tends to treat them as some kind of hero, but if you get the clap, you're a perv.

Why is this so? And is there an agenda behind it?
It's rare that you hear people arguing that there should be more of a stigma attached to AIDS.

Maybe if there were more of a stigma people might actually behave responsibly so so much money isn't wasted on treating it that could be used on non entirely preventable illnesses?
It's rare that you hear people arguing that there should be more of a stigma attached to AIDS.

Maybe if there were more of a stigma people might actually behave responsibly so so much money isn't wasted on treating it that could be used on non entirely preventable illnesses?

Considering I've had posters on here argue that you can only get HIV if you're gay or a junkie, I'd say what's needed is education.
It's rare that you hear people arguing that there should be more of a stigma attached to AIDS.

Maybe if there were more of a stigma people might actually behave responsibly so so much money isn't wasted on treating it that could be used on non entirely preventable illnesses?

Considering I've had posters on here argue that you can only get HIV if you're gay or a junkie, I'd say what's needed is education.
In the uk, gay men are maybe 2 percent of the population but over 50 of the HIV infections, and the rates are increasing
The perverts used a young boy who contracted the illness through a blood transfusion as the image for AIDS awareness when they knew the typical AIDS victim was an active male homosexual or I.V. drug user. The "A" in AIDS stands for "acquired". You don't get AIDS from sitting on the toilet unless you are shooting dope with a dirty needle or you are engaged in sodomy with a stranger. When the epidemic first broke out in (wouldn't you know) San Fran the homosexual activists fought to keep the sewers they called "bathhouses" open and the A-Holes (no pun intended) are still acquiring the disease and blaming their suffering on society.
The perverts used a young boy who contracted the illness through a blood transfusion as the image for AIDS awareness when they knew the typical AIDS victim was an active male homosexual or I.V. drug user. The "A" in AIDS stands for "acquired". You don't get AIDS from sitting on the toilet unless you are shooting dope with a dirty needle or you are engaged in sodomy with a stranger. When the epidemic first broke out in (wouldn't you know) San Fran the homosexual activists fought to keep the sewers they called "bathhouses" open and the A-Holes (no pun intended) are still acquiring the disease and blaming their suffering on society.

And the OP thought there was a lack of stigma :lmao:
Hey libtards: how desperate are you to deny reality?

Someone's wittle feewings might get hurt. Despite al lthe sex education, gay men are now getting infected in record numbers, and tons of money is being wasted on this ENTIRELY preventable illness because it targets liberal darling groups.

So let me know about your feel good moment tonight as billions are spent to treat some asshole who fucked without condoms while kids are dying from malaria. Tell that kid that some flit being expected to use condoms or not have sex isn't good e nough and the kid needs to die so ass fucking can continue.

Do it you liberal freaks.

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