The War on Donald Trump

This thread is all the proof you need to show just how intellectually bankrupt the conservative echo chamber is at this point.

How so? The corrupt MSM is viciously attacking him daily. The numbers don't lie.

Sir, the media doesn't have to attack him, he's setting himself up. All they are doing is holding a mic and a camera in front of him.
I'm not going to give you the laundry list, instead why don't you provide us with the "attacks" that are causing Mr. Trump to be misrepresented.
Hillary can hide and let the media do her bidding
It's amazing that conservatives still try this BS and actually seem to believe it.

The media has been way tougher on Hillary than Trump, under any imaginable yardstick.
Are you kidding me? :lol: Come on Synth you are not being realistic here. By the way its OK and expected that she is getting preferential treatment. I wouldn't expect Drudge or Breitbart (if they were cable news) to go hard on Trump. It is what it is and its not a bad thing. That's what the media does, but lets not pretend that the media goes hard on Clinton :lol: Come on dude, you are not that stupid.
All I've heard for the past year, when the media talks about Hillary, is either BENGHAZI!!1!! or her emails/private server/classified documents.

Which one is the favorable coverage again?

You are correct...and supported by Harvard.

Harvard Study Says Media Coverage Built Up Trump, Tore Down Clinton

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Their candidate is so bad, they cannot promote her, all they have is to try to make Trump look worse.

you have that butt backwards.

but thanks for proving once again how delusional trumpsters are.
It is astounding. And when Trump loses badly, or quits before November, none of them will take a look in the mirror and wonder when and where they veered so far from American values.

Lol, a liberal taking about American Values. What a disgusting piece of shit you are.
Their candidate is so bad, they cannot promote her, all they have is to try to make Trump look worse.

you have that butt backwards.

but thanks for proving once again how delusional trumpsters are.
It is astounding. And when Trump loses badly, or quits before November, none of them will take a look in the mirror and wonder when and where they veered so far from American values.

Very good point, Mr. Synthaholic. Who will they blame? Certainly not themselves for being the dupes that they are. I suppose they will rally around Mr. Trump's inevitable cry of foul play and that the "election is rigged" as he is already starting to feed into his playground bully narrative.

Why would we blame ourselves? The idiots of this country now outnumber the sane and educated. The evidence of that is the twice election of 0bama. We didn't blame ourselves for those losses, we had no reason to, and we would have no reason to if Trump loses this time.
Hillary can hide and let the media do her bidding
It's amazing that conservatives still try this BS and actually seem to believe it.

The media has been way tougher on Hillary than Trump, under any imaginable yardstick.
Are you kidding me? :lol: Come on Synth you are not being realistic here. By the way its OK and expected that she is getting preferential treatment. I wouldn't expect Drudge or Breitbart (if they were cable news) to go hard on Trump. It is what it is and its not a bad thing. That's what the media does, but lets not pretend that the media goes hard on Clinton :lol: Come on dude, you are not that stupid.
All I've heard for the past year, when the media talks about Hillary, is either BENGHAZI!!1!! or her emails/private server/classified documents.

Which one is the favorable coverage again?

You are correct...and supported by Harvard.

Harvard Study Says Media Coverage Built Up Trump, Tore Down Clinton

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I don't know about all that, but Trump said he was the greatest communicator and master of television and reality, so I find the OP sadly ironic in complaining how he's been so sorely mistreated. I mean he has the biggest audience and the best words ..... what could be the problem? LOL
This thread is all the proof you need to show just how intellectually bankrupt the conservative echo chamber is at this point.

How so? The corrupt MSM is viciously attacking him daily. The numbers don't lie.
They aren't attacking him, they are using his own stupid fucking words. Stop saying dumb shit and it all goes away.

Can't go away. They have an agenda. There is no credible American Journalism anymore. The numbers don't lie. The negative stuff on Trump is rampant. That's not the case with Clinton.
Clinton is laying low. She's letting Trump dig his own grave. He can't go an hour without saying something beyond the pale for a Presidential candidate.

Clinton's been allowed to slide on everything. She's a corrupt criminal. But she's an untouchable NWO Globalist Elite Candidate. She represents the agenda. I hope Trump wins. He's the best hope for thwarting the NWO Globalist agenda. He wants to put Americans first again. It's an audacious agenda i fully support.

HRC is a Criminal?!! Please post the crime(s) committed, the dates of each conviction and the disposition(s). Every voter needs to know these particulars and as someone who claims to know these facts, you have a duty to provide them.

Or, admit you are a liar who parrots the lies of D. Trump and other right wing hacks!
Piers Morgan just pointed out that TODAYS New York Times has six (6) negative news stories, five (5) negative letters, and two (2) negative opinion pieces.

I think the ONLY news outlets (TV, Cable, Online) that covers him positively is Breitbart and Drudge. Maybe Rush? (I don't listen to Rush)

If Trump pulls this off in November it will be unprecedented. No where in the history (that I'm aware of) has a candidate come under such massive fire from literally every direction on the globe and lived to talk about it.

Not to mention the millions Clinton is spending in battleground states on negative ads.

This is like watching a mob of tens of thousands gang up on ONE guy :lol: :lol: :lol:

It's really a glorious time to be alive to witness this. This will go down in history and if he wins.....fuggeta bout it. I think the left and his opposition will suffer strokes from disbelief :lol:

Before pushing away from the keyboard I have to say one thing about the Outraged-by-Trump Industry. It's bordering on absurdity at this point, but goddamn if it isn't entertaining.

Yea, the guy cant sneeze without it being reported and the same idiots bury negative Hillary stories. It is amazing that the liberal media has made it their priority to attack Trump and pump up Hillary and yet she is still struggling in the polls. You'd think she'd be way ahead considering the unfair advantage she has gotten.

It just makes me realize how worried her supporters are when they know in order to help her, they have to play every dirty trick in the book. If the coverage was fair, things would look quite different. I wonder if some of her supporters even know about the scandals involving the Clinton Foundation and where Hillary has gotten some huge contributions.
Piers Morgan just pointed out that TODAYS New York Times has six (6) negative news stories, five (5) negative letters, and two (2) negative opinion pieces.

I think the ONLY news outlets (TV, Cable, Online) that covers him positively is Breitbart and Drudge. Maybe Rush? (I don't listen to Rush)

If Trump pulls this off in November it will be unprecedented. No where in the history (that I'm aware of) has a candidate come under such massive fire from literally every direction on the globe and lived to talk about it.

Not to mention the millions Clinton is spending in battleground states on negative ads.

This is like watching a mob of tens of thousands gang up on ONE guy :lol: :lol: :lol:

It's really a glorious time to be alive to witness this. This will go down in history and if he wins.....fuggeta bout it. I think the left and his opposition will suffer strokes from disbelief :lol:

Before pushing away from the keyboard I have to say one thing about the Outraged-by-Trump Industry. It's bordering on absurdity at this point, but goddamn if it isn't entertaining.

Yea, the guy cant sneeze without it being reported and the same idiots bury negative Hillary stories. It is amazing that the liberal media has made it their priority to attack Trump and pump up Hillary and yet she is still struggling in the polls. You'd think she'd be way ahead considering the unfair advantage she has gotten.

It just makes me realize how worried her supporters are when they know in order to help her, they have to play every dirty trick in the book. If the coverage was fair, things would look quite different. I wonder if some of her supporters even know about the scandals involving the Clinton Foundation and where Hillary has gotten some huge contributions.

You haven't seen the latest polls; HRC is cruising!!!
another? He's one of the original dopey #nevertrumpers.

This is news why?

Cuz we haven't seen anyone of note repudiating Clinton from her own party like this.
Course not she's a part of the establishment. Haven't you figured this whole thing out yet?

This isn't an election of Dems vs Republicans, this is an election of the American people vs Washington

Look out your front door, there's a political revolution going on and the media, and the establishment, isn't going to serve you this truth any time soon

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