The War on Donald Trump

Piers Morgan just pointed out that TODAYS New York Times has six (6) negative news stories, five (5) negative letters, and two (2) negative opinion pieces.

I think the ONLY news outlets (TV, Cable, Online) that covers him positively is Breitbart and Drudge. Maybe Rush? (I don't listen to Rush)

If Trump pulls this off in November it will be unprecedented. No where in the history (that I'm aware of) has a candidate come under such massive fire from literally every direction on the globe and lived to talk about it.

Not to mention the millions Clinton is spending in battleground states on negative ads.

This is like watching a mob of tens of thousands gang up on ONE guy :lol: :lol: :lol:

It's really a glorious time to be alive to witness this. This will go down in history and if he wins.....fuggeta bout it. I think the left and his opposition will suffer strokes from disbelief :lol:

Before pushing away from the keyboard I have to say one thing about the Outraged-by-Trump Industry. It's bordering on absurdity at this point, but goddamn if it isn't entertaining.

Seriously, Mr. Cereal, the media doesn't have to make any of this up. Mr. Trump is doing their work for them. Mr. Trump is a dumpster-fire releasing toxic chemicals into the environment and poisoning us all, both left and right and in between. Your entertainment is going to come at a very high cost if Mr. Trump is elected.
No cost would be too high to watch liberals turn purple, foam over and convulse for four years. It would be orgasmic.

Clinton up by 6 in Florida Other States - Suffolk University
Clinton 47 Trump 32 in New Hampshire. Kelly Ayotte down by 10 WBUR Poll: After Conventions, Clinton Up 15 Points Over Trump In New Hampshire
Clinton leads by 9.4 in Michigan Clinton leads Trump by 9.4% in Michigan
Clinton leads Trump 45 to 42 in Pennsylvania Clinton has narrow lead in Pennsylvania

The lead grows stronger every day because Trump cannot control himself or his message. No one should win this easily and Republicans have 90 days or so to straighten it out. Will they? I doubt it, half of them are happy with Trump and can't see the man the rest of the population does.
Can't go away. They have an agenda. There is no credible American Journalism anymore. The numbers don't lie. The negative stuff on Trump is rampant. That's not the case with Clinton.

If Clinton spewed the same racist banter and other hate and nuke-them nonsense designed to attract the media, she would receive just as much negative attention as Trump. He is playing the haters and racists that comprise a large portion of the Republican constituency and exposing them for what they really are as he does so.

Clinton just needs to set back and watch, as Trump, by contrast along, serves as the best campaign manager she could ever hope for.

This could actually be his agenda - for all any of us know.
What racist nuke em stuff? Is that what's on the left wing comedy shows?
All those muslims are potential terrorists, so dropping on Tripoli would maybe be OK (sarcasm)
You aren't even going to try?
LOL. With you and Trump it's pretty much a softball.
Can't go away. They have an agenda. There is no credible American Journalism anymore. The numbers don't lie. The negative stuff on Trump is rampant. That's not the case with Clinton.

If Clinton spewed the same racist banter and other hate and nuke-them nonsense designed to attract the media, she would receive just as much negative attention as Trump. He is playing the haters and racists that comprise a large portion of the Republican constituency and exposing them for what they really are as he does so.

Clinton just needs to set back and watch, as Trump, by contrast along, serves as the best campaign manager she could ever hope for.

This could actually be his agenda - for all any of us know.
What racist nuke em stuff? Is that what's on the left wing comedy shows?
All those muslims are potential terrorists, so dropping on Tripoli would maybe be OK (sarcasm)
You aren't even going to try?
LOL. With you and Trump it's pretty much a softball.
The softball is between your ears.
What racist nuke em stuff?

If you are truly not knowledgeable enough of the topic to know, you need to do your own homework. My name is not Google.

If you do know and are just pretending otherwise for the purpose of obfuscation, I will not waste my time on you. At least, no more than I already have.
Piers Morgan just pointed out that TODAYS New York Times has six (6) negative news stories, five (5) negative letters, and two (2) negative opinion pieces.

I think the ONLY news outlets (TV, Cable, Online) that covers him positively is Breitbart and Drudge. Maybe Rush? (I don't listen to Rush)

If Trump pulls this off in November it will be unprecedented. No where in the history (that I'm aware of) has a candidate come under such massive fire from literally every direction on the globe and lived to talk about it.

Not to mention the millions Clinton is spending in battleground states on negative ads.

This is like watching a mob of tens of thousands gang up on ONE guy :lol: :lol: :lol:

It's really a glorious time to be alive to witness this. This will go down in history and if he wins.....fuggeta bout it. I think the left and his opposition will suffer strokes from disbelief :lol:

Before pushing away from the keyboard I have to say one thing about the Outraged-by-Trump Industry. It's bordering on absurdity at this point, but goddamn if it isn't entertaining.

Seriously, Mr. Cereal, the media doesn't have to make any of this up. Mr. Trump is doing their work for them. Mr. Trump is a dumpster-fire releasing toxic chemicals into the environment and poisoning us all, both left and right and in between. Your entertainment is going to come at a very high cost if Mr. Trump is elected.
No cost would be too high to watch liberals turn purple, foam over and convulse for four years. It would be orgasmic.

Clinton up by 6 in Florida Other States - Suffolk University
Clinton 47 Trump 32 in New Hampshire. Kelly Ayotte down by 10 WBUR Poll: After Conventions, Clinton Up 15 Points Over Trump In New Hampshire
Clinton leads by 9.4 in Michigan Clinton leads Trump by 9.4% in Michigan
Clinton leads Trump 45 to 42 in Pennsylvania Clinton has narrow lead in Pennsylvania

The lead grows stronger every day because Trump cannot control himself or his message. No one should win this easily and Republicans have 90 days or so to straighten it out. Will they? I doubt it, half of them are happy with Trump and can't see the man the rest of the population does.

Yep, that's what I'll be saying on November 9th.
What racist nuke em stuff?

If you are truly not knowledgeable enough of the topic to know, you need to do your own homework. My name is not Google.

If you do know and are just pretending otherwise for the purpose of obfuscation, I will not waste my time on you. At least, no more than I already have.
Your name is dumbfuck. You threw smears out that you can't back up.
Piers Morgan just pointed out that TODAYS New York Times has six (6) negative news stories, five (5) negative letters, and two (2) negative opinion pieces.

I think the ONLY news outlets (TV, Cable, Online) that covers him positively is Breitbart and Drudge. Maybe Rush? (I don't listen to Rush)

If Trump pulls this off in November it will be unprecedented. No where in the history (that I'm aware of) has a candidate come under such massive fire from literally every direction on the globe and lived to talk about it.

Not to mention the millions Clinton is spending in battleground states on negative ads.

This is like watching a mob of tens of thousands gang up on ONE guy :lol: :lol: :lol:

It's really a glorious time to be alive to witness this. This will go down in history and if he wins.....fuggeta bout it. I think the left and his opposition will suffer strokes from disbelief :lol:

Before pushing away from the keyboard I have to say one thing about the Outraged-by-Trump Industry. It's bordering on absurdity at this point, but goddamn if it isn't entertaining.

Seriously, Mr. Cereal, the media doesn't have to make any of this up. Mr. Trump is doing their work for them. Mr. Trump is a dumpster-fire releasing toxic chemicals into the environment and poisoning us all, both left and right and in between. Your entertainment is going to come at a very high cost if Mr. Trump is elected.
No cost would be too high to watch liberals turn purple, foam over and convulse for four years. It would be orgasmic.

Clinton up by 6 in Florida Other States - Suffolk University
Clinton 47 Trump 32 in New Hampshire. Kelly Ayotte down by 10 WBUR Poll: After Conventions, Clinton Up 15 Points Over Trump In New Hampshire
Clinton leads by 9.4 in Michigan Clinton leads Trump by 9.4% in Michigan
Clinton leads Trump 45 to 42 in Pennsylvania Clinton has narrow lead in Pennsylvania

The lead grows stronger every day because Trump cannot control himself or his message. No one should win this easily and Republicans have 90 days or so to straighten it out. Will they? I doubt it, half of them are happy with Trump and can't see the man the rest of the population does.

Yep, that's what I'll be saying on November 9th.
wake me up when you're done.
Seriously, Mr. Cereal, the media doesn't have to make any of this up. Mr. Trump is doing their work for them. Mr. Trump is a dumpster-fire releasing toxic chemicals into the environment and poisoning us all, both left and right and in between. Your entertainment is going to come at a very high cost if Mr. Trump is elected.
No cost would be too high to watch liberals turn purple, foam over and convulse for four years. It would be orgasmic.

Clinton up by 6 in Florida Other States - Suffolk University
Clinton 47 Trump 32 in New Hampshire. Kelly Ayotte down by 10 WBUR Poll: After Conventions, Clinton Up 15 Points Over Trump In New Hampshire
Clinton leads by 9.4 in Michigan Clinton leads Trump by 9.4% in Michigan
Clinton leads Trump 45 to 42 in Pennsylvania Clinton has narrow lead in Pennsylvania

The lead grows stronger every day because Trump cannot control himself or his message. No one should win this easily and Republicans have 90 days or so to straighten it out. Will they? I doubt it, half of them are happy with Trump and can't see the man the rest of the population does.

Yep, that's what I'll be saying on November 9th.
wake me up when you're done.

Bah, you're as useful as an ashtray on a motorcycle.
Piers Morgan just pointed out that TODAYS New York Times has six (6) negative news stories, five (5) negative letters, and two (2) negative opinion pieces.

I think the ONLY news outlets (TV, Cable, Online) that covers him positively is Breitbart and Drudge. Maybe Rush? (I don't listen to Rush)

If Trump pulls this off in November it will be unprecedented. No where in the history (that I'm aware of) has a candidate come under such massive fire from literally every direction on the globe and lived to talk about it.

Not to mention the millions Clinton is spending in battleground states on negative ads.

This is like watching a mob of tens of thousands gang up on ONE guy :lol: :lol: :lol:

It's really a glorious time to be alive to witness this. This will go down in history and if he wins.....fuggeta bout it. I think the left and his opposition will suffer strokes from disbelief :lol:

Before pushing away from the keyboard I have to say one thing about the Outraged-by-Trump Industry. It's bordering on absurdity at this point, but goddamn if it isn't entertaining.

I hear ya. And I can't dismiss the comic justice of it all. But Trump is a con man. And if we fall for it, we are dupes.
This election would be hilarious if we might not end up with Clunton being named president. The alleged "leaders" of both parties have simply underestimated the knowledge and mood of the People and may pay a heavy price for their foolishness and rightly so.
Can't go away. They have an agenda. There is no credible American Journalism anymore. The numbers don't lie. The negative stuff on Trump is rampant. That's not the case with Clinton.

If Clinton spewed the same racist banter and other hate and nuke-them nonsense designed to attract the media, she would receive just as much negative attention as Trump. He is playing the haters and racists that comprise a large portion of the Republican constituency and exposing them for what they really are as he does so.

Clinton just needs to set back and watch, as Trump, by contrast along, serves as the best campaign manager she could ever hope for.

This could actually be his agenda - for all any of us know.
What racist nuke em stuff? Is that what's on the left wing comedy shows?
All those muslims are potential terrorists, so dropping on Tripoli would maybe be OK (sarcasm)
You aren't even going to try?
LOL. With you and Trump it's pretty much a softball.
in the news daily, no need to spend money on advertisement. genius.
This is easily the funniest post I've ever seen.

1. The war on the Clintons has cost billions over the last quarter century. The Republicans have created a Clinton-Scandal-Industry which provides massive financial incentives to anyone who will lie about the Clintons. Trump hasn't seen a thousandth of this, and he never will. It was never funnier than when a bunch of Republican pedophiles and adulterers spent 77 million dollars of the taxpayers money hunting Bill Clinton over a land deal that morphed into perjury trap over a blow job. If Trump ever faced such attacks he would drop a nuke on the DNC and tweet until his cry-baby man-diaper exploded.

2. When you attack minorities and war heroes and women, and when you lie about nearly everything and use the tabloids as an information resource, than yes, people are going to criticize you.

When are Trump and his puppets on the Right going to stop crying about the media? When are they going to do more than just bitch and moan? When are they going to lay out their vision for this Great Nation? Obama has been attacked more than any president in history. Trump devoted 8 years to publicly defaming Obama on a daily basis. Obama didn't bitch or tweet or cry. He just simply did his job and turned around the Bush nightmare-economy which got tangled in its own web.

The OP should be a comedian.
Piers Morgan just pointed out that TODAYS New York Times has six (6) negative news stories, five (5) negative letters, and two (2) negative opinion pieces.

I think the ONLY news outlets (TV, Cable, Online) that covers him positively is Breitbart and Drudge. Maybe Rush? (I don't listen to Rush)

If Trump pulls this off in November it will be unprecedented. No where in the history (that I'm aware of) has a candidate come under such massive fire from literally every direction on the globe and lived to talk about it.

Not to mention the millions Clinton is spending in battleground states on negative ads.

This is like watching a mob of tens of thousands gang up on ONE guy :lol: :lol: :lol:

It's really a glorious time to be alive to witness this. This will go down in history and if he wins.....fuggeta bout it. I think the left and his opposition will suffer strokes from disbelief :lol:

Before pushing away from the keyboard I have to say one thing about the Outraged-by-Trump Industry. It's bordering on absurdity at this point, but goddamn if it isn't entertaining.
You should read about the 1948 presidential election. The media hated Harry Truman but the crowds loved him and nearly every media pundit predicted he would lose to Dewey in a landslide. They were so sure he would lose that some of the papers printed headlines claiming Dewey had won before all the results were in. There is a famous picture of a grinning Truman holding the Chicago Tribune with the headline "Dewey Defeats Truman" after he won the election.
The Clintons have been treated poorly because they are corrupt as Hell and both probably deserve to rot in a cell for a very very long time.
Hillary can hide and let the media do her bidding
It's amazing that conservatives still try this BS and actually seem to believe it.

The media has been way tougher on Hillary than Trump, under any imaginable yardstick.
Are you kidding me? :lol: Come on Synth you are not being realistic here. By the way its OK and expected that she is getting preferential treatment. I wouldn't expect Drudge or Breitbart (if they were cable news) to go hard on Trump. It is what it is and its not a bad thing. That's what the media does, but lets not pretend that the media goes hard on Clinton :lol: Come on dude, you are not that stupid.
All I've heard for the past year, when the media talks about Hillary, is either BENGHAZI!!1!! or her emails/private server/classified documents.

Which one is the favorable coverage again?
turn off Faux News then
manufactured controversies aka lies aka deception.

Hey man I'm all good with it. Really. The majority of people (not the opposition) see through the manufactured controversies. This was to be expected and Reagan cam under pretty heavy fire just as well (not to this extent but close). Goes with the territory. Trump's baptism of fire is in full swing and its not going to let up until he's out of office in 2024.
How are any of them 'manufactured controversies'? The media is reporting what he says and does.

What I bolded says it all. Again, manufactured controversies and.....AND.....lies
How is reporting the same as manufacturing?

Are the media not supposed to report that Trump wants Japan, Korea, and Saudi Arabia to have nuclear weapons?

How are they manufacturing that controversy?
If you can't acknowledge it now, you'll never acknowledge it. Carry wayward son
Oh, c'mon - don't do that now!

You were answering questions so conversationally, until I asked you for a specific. Then you clam up! :)
takes too long to type up and it leads no where :lol:

We can go on for 200 pages and get no where. I'm not trying to change your mind. Sanders people had an idea it was going on with them but they were dismissed just the same. The world saw how that turned out. I saw it and wasn't even a Sanders supporter. The guy is a dope, but he was being railroaded the whole time. It was obvious. Either you see it or you don't brother.
The world saw how that turned out. I saw it and wasn't even a Sanders supporter. The guy is a dope, but he was being railroaded the whole time. It was obvious. Either you see it or you don't brother.

Even though the deck was stacked against him, I am certain Sanders accomplished more than he thought he would, knowing the latter to true, and more than you care to admit.
Their candidate is so bad, they cannot promote her, all they have is to try to make Trump look worse.

you have that butt backwards.

but thanks for proving once again how delusional trumpsters are.
It is astounding. And when Trump loses badly, or quits before November, none of them will take a look in the mirror and wonder when and where they veered so far from American values.

Very good point, Mr. Synthaholic. Who will they blame? Certainly not themselves for being the dupes that they are. I suppose they will rally around Mr. Trump's inevitable cry of foul play and that the "election is rigged" as he is already starting to feed into his playground bully narrative.

that actually terrifies me even more than Donald...... he seems to have this desire to turn us into a banana republic
It's apparent that you can't accept the fact that some people who are "locked" into position as you say have to "jerk" to gain movement. Donald Trump is likely guilty as hell of mocking a disabled person and you are actually defending that. That makes you worse than being just disingenuous, it makes you a person that represents the worst of America.

Then go find the video showing the reporter doing just that.

Until then, you've been proven wrong.
I wouldn't have watched 29 minutes of video and put up something that demonstrated me wrong. You most likely didn't even watch it.

I did watch the vid you put up. No spazzing arms. You lose.

You don't know what you're talking about. Any condition that affects the joints will affect the muscles and mobility is affected.

You're an idiot. Seriously.

There is no video of the reporter jerking the way that Trump was. Why? Because the disease the reporter has does not cause jerking movements, it does the opposite, it locks his joints up, mobility is limited, there is no spazzing of the arms. Trump was mocking him ... because Trump thinks the reporter is stupid. He mocked Cruz with the exact same arm movements. So tell me, does Cruz have some kind of muscle spazzing arm disease?? NO. Trump was jerking his arms around inferring that Cruz is a stupid nitwit. Same with the reporter. You want to read more into it, believe the lie that the media is putting out? Go ahead. You want to be a blockhead, go ahead.

ftr, I don't even support Trump and it's plain to see the media is spinning half of what's out there as lies. Trump doesn't do himself any favors, he needs to shut the hell up about the small stuff. Whatever. I'm done.

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