The Visuals Have Changed


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Sun, Sand And Palm Trees
I'm going to explain to you democrats in a very nice way why the Clinton run IS done. Its about the visuals that you democrats seem to rely WAY to heavy on. The Clinton's are simply no longer the power couple.

Bill is no longer the "Bubba" in American politics. His bike riding and jogging days are LONG over. He has Parkinson's now and he is just a shaky old man with no power left in his voice. Democrats in REAL life no longer talk about his politics, they talk about his shake. The visual he gave off a DECADE ago is simply no longer there.

Hillary is no longer the "mom in tennis shoes" she is the granny in support hose. And she has never had the vocals needed to be a good speaker let alone a great one. All she really is anymore going by visuals is an old mean spirited foul mouthed "got to get even" grandma.

The liberal press has tried HARD to present them as the "Power Couple" from decades PAST. But the camera catches the shaking and the bathroom breaks.
Democrats visual of a power couple is simply no longer selling to America because what America sees is an aging geriatric couple.

What American's see democrats is Bill walking AND shaking through the White House still groping or grabbing young women. And Hillary unable to attend a two hour meeting WITHOUT a pee break.

YOU could see the visuals IF you took your blinders off.

Never post Hillary and visuals together again. Thanking you in advance.

What has been seen cannot be unseen.


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