The USA is the greatest country in the history of the world !

The Soviet Union is an historical fact. The threat from them was enough to unify the vast majority of the rest of Europe under American leadership for 50 years.

That alone, is reason enough to consider that factor valid.

The Soviet Union no longer exist, you might as well argue we are keeping them safe from the Roman Empire.

Except that their current society is still pretty derivative of that time frame.

Do you believe the people of Norway feel threatened?
they're starting to from the increase in crime from foreign immigrants .
Migrants are not inherently good. Accepting bad migrants is not a plus. Counting acceptance of itt as a metric of "greatness" is stupid.

You find my reasoning simplistic? Take a second to compare it to yours. Or your complete lack there of.
Acceptance of migrants is a component of national happiness. A sad country cannot be great. Your sentiments are a clue as to why the US does not score highly in areas such as national happiness, perception of corruption, quality of life, etc., etc..
we accept more legal immigrants than any country in the world ! its the illegal people jumping the line we have a problem with ! globalists like you cannot see the difference between legal and illegal immigrants .
THe US is still the greatest nation, despite all the criminal dems.
If great is decided by gdp, prison population, military strength. The US doesn't do so well in categories like quality of life, national happiness, perceived corruption, migrant acceptance, etc., etc..
none of those countries have done more to advance freedom and liberty than the USA ! and many of those countries would not be free today if it weren't for the USA !

Not true. You had a civil war over slavery. The UK stopped slavery without a shot being fired.
NZ was the first country to give women the vote.
what country do you live in ??
YOur insane historical revisionism is noted and laughed at.

Try telling it to the dead in Korea, and Vietnam, and Greece.
Where the US supported untold death and destruction. They already know. Two million odd in Vietnam wasn't it?
if im not mistaken it was the communist north Vietnamese that killed over a million people after we left .
I've read your assertions. You've made no points regarding the acceptance of migrants that would require a supporting link. All you have done, is assert it.
See, I knew it wouldn't work without pictures. I provided evidence and links to it but to no avail. Oh well.
how many of those countries has fed as many people as the US ? how many have improved the lives of mankind with the innovative breakthroughs and inventions as the US ?
1. THe pirates were certainly there, for a long time. That the nation of Norway, did not have to face it along, and they saved large sums of money and the time and energy of large numbers of their people, which they spent elsewhere, is a real factor.

2. And is still a factor. They prosper in the world made by our force of arms. That is relevant.

3, And it is not the only factor, but if you won't admit the Soviet Union was a real threat, I'm not sure why discussing any other factors would be relevant.

1. Yes, they were there for a long time and they have been gone a longer time. But you will be like that guy and go "have any pirates attacked?" "see, I am keeping us all safe".

2. Did they ask for us to spend more than the next 8 countries combined?

3. Yes, the USSR was a problem, it has been gone for 30 years...move on dude
The US? Interesting. So, in your world, the US just randomly decided to attack those nations?

The US has no right being there. Period.

We are discussing history, so, you are using the wrong tense. I guess you could be talking about South Korea.

You want to pull out of South Korea? Me too. THough we have every right to be there, as we are allied with the democratic Government of South Korea.
they want us there !
It is indeed the greatest nation ever risen on earth
What is the metric?
Rome is the metric.

We win. (Modern science and tech.)

Rome declined drastically when the Republic was overthrown, and eventually fell. Same thing will happen to us if the leftists take over.
You haven't even invaded and conquered Britain, nor built roads through Europe.
when i say the US is the greatest country im talking about its accomplishments as a nation that have benefited the entire world .
Well front up with some of its contributions and compare them with the contributions of other nations. Most countries bombed since WW2? Agreed, you win. Most wars fought since WW2? Don't know without checking, highly likely. Demonstrated the effects of nukes on undamaged cities? Winner.
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how many of those countries has fed as many people as the US ? how many have improved the lives of mankind with the innovative breakthroughs and inventions as the US ?
Who can say? Certainly you provide no data to back your implications.
the United States has freed ,fed,defended and offered more aid and cured more disease's than any other country on earth ! no matter what the left says the USA has done more for man kind than any other nation in history !
That's odd. Just a few years ago it was the right insisting America wasn't great.
the United States has freed ,fed,defended and offered more aid and cured more disease's than any other country on earth ! no matter what the left says the USA has done more for man kind than any other nation in history !
That's odd. Just a few years ago it was the right insisting America wasn't great.
Thank you for that wonderful thought.
2. You think without our power, the world would be as civilized and peaceful as it is?

To anyone with any knowledge of history, the idea that Peace just happens, is hilarious.

We have been in a state of war for more than 2 decades.

True. But there is a big difference between war in other people's countries, and war, where you have to run away because an army is coming down the street and you don't have food or heat because the sea lanes are not safe for shipping.

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