The Untold Abuse Of Black Male Slaves By White Women


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Mar 11, 2015
White girls were given slaves as gifts and were trained in the structure of slave control, and the slave business. White women would force black men to have sex with them. This video documents the role of a particular segment of white women during slavery. So while white women had no rights compared to white men, the exercised their lack of power by abusing slaves in almost every way.

What does this have to do with America? Because it has been pointed out that those whites were enslaved by other Europeans. This thread is about slavery in America and if you want to compare this outside of America, 12 million blacks were enslaved in the Transatlantic slave trade.
What does this have to do with America? Because it has been pointed out that those whites were enslaved by other Europeans. This thread is about slavery in America and if you want to compare this outside of America, 12 million blacks were enslaved in the Transatlantic slave trade.
The vast majority of slaves in America are white girls enslaved by black pimps. The traffickers prefer to enslave white girls because they can pimp them out for double the price of black girls.

And historicallly, the vast majority of slaves in America were white men enslaved by a Democrat president via military conscription.

Why do you support the Democratic party of slavery?
White girls were given slaves as gifts and were trained in the structure of slave control, and the slave business. White women would force black men to have sex with them. This video documents the role of a particular segment of white women during slavery. So while white women had no rights compared to white men, the exercised their lack of power by abusing slaves in almost every way.

:eek: :eek: I knew it, I knew it - Hillary Clinton forced Obama to have sex with him.

Any other stories from the past centuries, coming up from you? I guess no one really cares.
Who were first enslaved and sold off as slaves by… guessed it….Africans.

Those Africans did not make whites buy slaves, but there were many instances where blacks were forced to sell slaves. And blacks did not make slavery legal in America. If disingenuous did not exist, neither would you.
Who were first enslaved and sold off as slaves by… guessed it….Africans.
This argument always bothers me. If I'm busted buying drugs the fact that somebody sold them to me doesn't make me any more innocent. I'm only facilitating their selling drugs. If not for my business the trade would never exist.
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This argument always bothers me. If I'm busted buying drugs the fact that somebody sold them to me doesn't make me any more innocent. I'm only facilitating their selling drugs. If not for my business the trade would never exist.

In the case of slaves, those who couldn't be sold were simply killed. Does that bother you? We know what the homicidal sociopath Shaka Zulu did with his war captives.], for instance, and the same with other African warlords, especially in the mid-continent tribes.
In the case of slaves, those who couldn't be sold were simply killed. Does that bother you? We know what the homicidal sociopath Shaka Zulu did with his war captives.], for instance, and the same with other African warlords, especially in the mid-continent tribes.
What did American slave traders do to slaves they felt couldn't be sold?
Did the African slave traders give them away for charity?

Are you stupid? Apparently you don't have anything. Slaves they didn't buy were left in Africa, obviously. The African traders merely let them die or killed them to save expenses for feeding them.
White girls were given slaves as gifts and were trained in the structure of slave control, and the slave business. White women would force black men to have sex with them. This video documents the role of a particular segment of white women during slavery. So while white women had no rights compared to white men, the exercised their lack of power by abusing slaves in almost every way.

LOL, yeah, racist husbands and fathers gave white women black slaves to have sex with. That makes sense, especially during the days when blacks were literally considered animals. Where do you find this shit? :laugh:
Importing slaves to the U.S. was banned in 1803, less than 14 years after we became a country. The slave trade was almost entirely internal after that, so what is your point?
You made my point. For about 83 years we had full control over how our slave trade was regulated.
In the case of slaves, those who couldn't be sold were simply killed. Does that bother you? We know what the homicidal sociopath Shaka Zulu did with his war captives.], for instance, and the same with other African warlords, especially in the mid-continent tribes.
No, that's not the case. In Africa slavery was used primarily as a form of incarceration. So African captives and criminals could actually earn freedom and there is at least one case where a slave ended up as a King, Jaja of Opobo.

WE don't know squat about Shaka Zulu. WE are told stories by Europeans about him.

Aaron has it right. There is no excuse. Your claim is like the crackhead saying he bought the crack because if he didn't the drug dealer was only going to sell it to someone else.
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Importing slaves to the U.S. was banned in 1803, less than 14 years after we became a country. The slave trade was almost entirely internal after that, so what is your point?
America had every chance not to implement slavery. We are told how the so-called founders of this country created the way to end slavery when they wrote the constitution. Many will cite the fact they made the importation of slaves illegal by 1808 as evidence. But refusing to stop importing slaves did not end the slaving business in the United States. What it produced was an original American industry-slave breeding.

“During the fifty-three years from the prohibition of the African slave trade by federal law in 1808 to the debacle of the Confederate States of America in 1861, the Southern economy depended on the functioning of a slave-breeding industry, of which Virginia was the number-one supplier.”

Ned & Constance Sublette, The American Slave Coast: A History of the Slave-Breeding Industry, Chicago, Lawrence Hill Books, 2016

If America had continued to import slaves, it would have diluted the market, thereby driving down the price of slaves. Slave sellers could not have this. So instead of the truth, we are told that “our nearer to God than thee” founders, in all their benevolent glory, looked towards a future whereby slavery would be no more. According to some, the so-called founders had a dream whereby little black boys and little black girls would no longer be enslaved because of the color of their skin. This is the story we are supposed to believe. However, reality does not show that.

“In fact, most American slaves were not kidnapped on another continent. Though over 12.7 million Africans were forced onto ships to the Western hemisphere, estimates only have 400,000-500,000 landing in present-day America. How then to account for the four million black slaves who were tilling fields in 1860? “The South,” the Sublettes write, “did not only produce tobacco, rice, sugar, and cotton as commodities for sale; it produced people.” Slavers called slave-breeding “natural increase,” but there was nothing natural about producing slaves; it took scientific management. Thomas Jefferson bragged to George Washington that the birth of black children was increasing Virginia’s capital stock by four percent annually.”

Ned & Constance Sublette, The American Slave Coast: A History of the Slave-Breeding Industry, Chicago, Lawrence Hill Books, 2016

“According to database-backed estimates by David Eltis and David Richardson, only about 389,000 kidnapped Africans were disembarked in the ports of the present-day United States, the majority of them before independence.” “By 1860, those few hundred thousand Africans had given way to four million African Americans.”

Ned & Constance Sublette, The American Slave Coast: A History of the Slave -Breeding Industry

According to this information , 389,000 slaves landed on the shores of what is now America. By 1860, there were four million slaves living here. The importation of slaves was made illegal in 1808. So from 1808 until 1860, the number of slaves increased by at least one thousand percent. If we allow for the Africans selling each other, Africans would be responsible for approximately 389 thousand slaves. What about the 3.1-4 million additional slaves? Africans did not create them.

The white controlled slave breeding "industry" IN AMERICA created 10 times more blacks than the number that came from Africans who "sold other Africans".

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