The Unavoidable Comparison


Sep 23, 2010
[ame=]Isham Jones, Frank Sylvano vocal - Feeling That Way (1929) - YouTube[/ame]​

Sarah makes me feel that way politically. Yesterday she rocked the house. I love watching her because she’s not a phoney. She naturally hones her delivery for effect as all effective public speakers must do, but there is nothing phoney about her or what she says. She could be your neighbor cracking up everybody at a cookout.

[ame=]Gov. Sarah Palin's FULL CPAC 2014 speech - YouTube[/ame]​

If you watched the video, I’ll wager that you compared Sarah to Hillary Clinton. It’s inevitable although I’ve yet to hear the media make a fair comparison. The result of the taste test is just as inevitable. You know what you’re getting with Sarah, while one cannot watch Clinton without wondering what she is really like. Hillary Clinton hides so much her personal life and public ineptitude have become a cottage industry for opponents. There’s enough there to keep everybody busy.

The few talking heads that covered Sarah at CPAC chastised her for taking on establishment Republicans without offering an alternate agenda for RINO. I’m pretty sure that talking heads already know the agenda Sarah advocates. Their demand for more tells me they don’t get it all. The conservative order of business must begin by undoing the specific damage done by Barack Taqiyya & Company. There is no better way than by attacking the Left’s disasters. Naming names doesn’t hurt either. Mercifully, Sarah did not speak the names of RINO who were complicit in the disasters. She did get the message out by naming conservative like Mike Lee, Ted Cruz, et al. That’s the part the media hates.
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I’ve been reading a few comments about Sarah’s speech. Every article seems to reference Sarah’s joke about running in 2016. Frankly, I doubt she will run.

I’d like to see Sarah get a cabinet post like Secretary of Education in order to shutdown the Department of Education; long a goal of conservatives including Ronald Reagan.

Or she could head up one of the bureaucracies that do so much damage. Imagine Sarah getting her hands on the EPA! And how about the FCC where she could hoist the lame-stream media on its own petard.

I get heart palpitations thinking about Sarah in charge of the IRS. She could give congressional committees enough documents to clean out that Democrat party’s nest of liberal activists.

If nothing else Sarah could be given the National Endowment for the Arts. Imagine the fun she’d have with that pack of parasites.

On top of everything else when Democrats complain Sarah would be backed up by executive orders. How’s that for poetic justice? The good vibes are endless.

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