The U.S., for the first time, uses the MOAB bomb....So what?

It's probably worth noting that Afghanistan is not among ISIS' centers of power. The primary objective, right now, with regard to defeating ISIS is to prevent it from destabilizing and taking hold of the nations where is has a notable "footprint" or stronghold. Right now, that's Syria and Iraq, not Afghanistan. Dropping that bomb on ISIS positions in Iraq or Syria would have made more tactical sense in terms of achieving the goal of attenuating ISIS' effectiveness and ability to expand their holdings.

One can certainly argue the preemptive case for using the MOAB in A-stand; however, one could as well argue that the MOAB, more so than "taking out" essential ISIS-assets, merely preempted the need for Afghans or ISIS to clear and grade the land using non-military means.
Fastest way to let Russia, N Korea, China, etc find out.

No sense making them wait til their spies pass the information to them.
That bomb has existed in the U.S. munitions inventory for some decade or more. Perhaps, however, the connections the Russians have with the new Administration were (have?) allowed them to obtain the device's performance specs. If so, then, yes, I suppose disclosing the information to all obviates the need for the spies in question to bother obtaining it, thus freeing them up to do other things.

Not exactly it wasn't built until 2003 at Eglin AFB in Florida.

Not exactly it wasn't built until 2003 at Eglin AFB in Florida.

??? Do you have a different definition of "decade" than the one found in the dictionary? 2003 to 2017 is a span of more than a decade and less than 15 years, thus the MOAB "has existed in the U.S. munitions inventory for some decade or more." Can you clarify what you mean by your most recent remark above, please?

Oh shit I thought you said decades. Give me a break I just wanted to be the same age as I was in 2003. I take credit for the fuck up. I'm lost in time.
Okay. NP. TY for the clarification.

I too would like to be the same age I was in 2003. LOL
One more smoking hole in the ground over there won't make a difference. None whatsoever

Who knows? Perhaps Trump or his kids will build a hotel or golf resort there one day. If so, dropping the MOAB has dramatically reduced the cost of leveling a mountain so he/they can. IIRC, Afghanistan doesn't have a Trump property, and there's no place for that country's fortunes to go but up. That makes it something of a "diamond in the rough" as go development and economic potential.
It's probably worth noting that Afghanistan is not among ISIS' centers of power. The primary objective, right now, with regard to defeating ISIS is to prevent it from destabilizing and taking hold of the nations where is has a notable "footprint" or stronghold. Right now, that's Syria and Iraq, not Afghanistan. Dropping that bomb on ISIS positions in Iraq or Syria would have made more tactical sense in terms of achieving the goal of attenuating ISIS' effectiveness and ability to expand their holdings.

One can certainly argue the preemptive case for using the MOAB in A-stand; however, one could as well argue that the MOAB, more so than "taking out" essential ISIS-assets, merely preempted the need for Afghans or ISIS to clear and grade the land using non-military means.

That's silliness on your part and no doubt straight out of the pentagons bs dept.
It's probably worth noting that Afghanistan is not among ISIS' centers of power. The primary objective, right now, with regard to defeating ISIS is to prevent it from destabilizing and taking hold of the nations where is has a notable "footprint" or stronghold. Right now, that's Syria and Iraq, not Afghanistan. Dropping that bomb on ISIS positions in Iraq or Syria would have made more tactical sense in terms of achieving the goal of attenuating ISIS' effectiveness and ability to expand their holdings.

One can certainly argue the preemptive case for using the MOAB in A-stand; however, one could as well argue that the MOAB, more so than "taking out" essential ISIS-assets, merely preempted the need for Afghans or ISIS to clear and grade the land using non-military means.

That's silliness on your part and no doubt straight out of the pentagons bs dept.
The parts of it that allude to notions of "driving nails with sledgehammers" is not silliness at all; however, the rest of it is unquestioningly sarcastic.
Someone else may have already said this but I'm thinking these bombs, and most of the munitions expended are a great way to pump up the MIC (Military Industrial Complex)

Between the 59 Tomahawk Cruise missiles, the MOAB(s) detonated and whatever else might be coming....all these have to be replaced and you and I foot the bill to the tune of blllions much of which makes it into a relatively few VERY powerful and well connected hands. The same ones controlling your deposits and when you have to report them.

Could be similar to the network of shill "Green" energy companies and the Stimulus expenditures that Obama's administration allowed to disappear into thin air.
There is much to celebrate always in the elitist echelon of which you and I are not privy....and never will be.

SOMEONE is making out like bandits....literally and the American people are none the wiser with each pilferage.

Just an opinion.
Wow! This is one far left Progressive thread showing their utter and complete desperation. Their panties are in such a twist that they can't make a decent argument, only whine and cry that President Donald Trump is doing what he promised to do. They're in shock, they've never seen such a thing and it is scary!

Keep up the good work Progressives. Your whining and desperation are most amusing!
I wasn't too impressed by the bomb. I saw a video of it being tested and it was a big explosion, but nothing crazy.

I also read it was only 1/1000th of the Hiroshima bomb, which makes it the FOAB (fetus of all bombs).

Now this is a scary bomb...

It's probably worth noting that Afghanistan is not among ISIS' centers of power. The primary objective, right now, with regard to defeating ISIS is to prevent it from destabilizing and taking hold of the nations where is has a notable "footprint" or stronghold. Right now, that's Syria and Iraq, not Afghanistan. Dropping that bomb on ISIS positions in Iraq or Syria would have made more tactical sense in terms of achieving the goal of attenuating ISIS' effectiveness and ability to expand their holdings.

One can certainly argue the preemptive case for using the MOAB in A-stand; however, one could as well argue that the MOAB, more so than "taking out" essential ISIS-assets, merely preempted the need for Afghans or ISIS to clear and grade the land using non-military means.

That's silliness on your part and no doubt straight out of the pentagons bs dept.

Yep, that 16 million dollar bomb took a whopping 36 ISIS out.
Maybe so....Various governments have various approaches to accomplishing that end, quite commonly military parades, which Trump has suggested doing with the U.S. military in much the same way Russia/USSR has done each May since the 1960s.

Good for you, coming out of the closet! Expressing your love and affection for mother Russia and communist China. About time!

Seems like you boy trump goes back and forth with the love from China to Russia.
It's probably worth noting that Afghanistan is not among ISIS' centers of power. The primary objective, right now, with regard to defeating ISIS is to prevent it from destabilizing and taking hold of the nations where is has a notable "footprint" or stronghold. Right now, that's Syria and Iraq, not Afghanistan. Dropping that bomb on ISIS positions in Iraq or Syria would have made more tactical sense in terms of achieving the goal of attenuating ISIS' effectiveness and ability to expand their holdings.

One can certainly argue the preemptive case for using the MOAB in A-stand; however, one could as well argue that the MOAB, more so than "taking out" essential ISIS-assets, merely preempted the need for Afghans or ISIS to clear and grade the land using non-military means.

That's silliness on your part and no doubt straight out of the pentagons bs dept.

Yep, that 16 million dollar bomb took a whopping 36 ISIS out.

Plus the cost of shipping & handling.
Then again, it could be our 3 biggest bomb, and we are keeping the other 2 secret. That's what I'd do.
KABOOM, fooled ya!

That is plausible and a sound thing to do. Now whether or not that is so is a different matter and one of which I'm not sure whether it's so or isn't. Were the POTUS one who only speaks with "portfolio," I'd lean toward your comment being more plausible than less, but we have Trump as POTUS, and that man will say, and/or have others say, damn near anything without regard to the facts of the situation in question. Sadly, the man simply has not earned the benefit of the doubt.
MOAB, the most expensive bomb to take out a single family dwelling with one floor..

This dichotomy cannot be overlooked.

Here the most technological entity on Earth dropped a $300 million dollar bomb to kill people in a cave. I'm thinking you could have retrained the entire coal mining work force with that much money and put them all in good paying jobs. Ah but we bounced some rocks around.

All the billionaires in drumpf's cabinet of lepers have no clue about Economy of Scale. Like him. They are The Hollow Men.
How else do you destroy an extensive underground tunnel and cave system being used by the enemy as a base of operations to carry out their regime of obscene terror? These are bad guys, dammit, who have invaded our peace and the peace of most of the Western world. Do you really not want them gone? Is criticizing every decision made under the Trump administration more important to you than getting rid of ISIS/terrorism?
I am sure he didn't "decide" on the MOAB. Johnson did; Trump's military top brass felt it was appropriate and they no doubt ran it by Trump, who said do what you gotta do. Johnson has wanted to use it for a long time. Obama wouldn't let him. Now Obama is not in charge. This was not a publicity stunt by Trump. Yes, it cost $$$, but it's way past time to debate that now--we're in the swamp up to our eyeballs and it's about how to get out. We can't have a guns or butter debate at this point. We have to war our way out of it. Trump didn't start it, neither did Obama, but we have to start actually fighting in order to win.
We've been told how difficult it is to fight the enemy because they are hiding in caves, blah blah blah. So, it turns out we have a bomb that will destroy them and their hidey holes. I'm left wondering why this bomb wasn't used years ago.
Because the fucking pussy coward Obama had 'politicised' every part of the government including the US military.
No one in the command chain could authorise a single combat patrol without Obama's (Valeries) permission. Just like what the NK pervert demands BTW.
President Trump told his top commanders to do what they needed to do within the rules of the Geneva Convention to 'geterdone'!
The Commander who made the decision to use a MOAB did so on his own authority.
I wasn't too impressed by the bomb. I saw a video of it being tested and it was a big explosion, but nothing crazy.

I also read it was only 1/1000th of the Hiroshima bomb, which makes it the FOAB (fetus of all bombs).

Now this is a scary bomb...

even dropping those bombs in Vietnam, may not have prevented the Tet offensive.
So apparently they killed 36 ISIS fighters with the biggest bomb ever.

That might indeed make it the biggest bomb ever, in the way a movie might be so described.

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