The U.S., for the first time, uses the MOAB bomb....So what?

how can they be certain 36 dead were ISIS ?

must have had on their ISIS tshirts and caps.
Other than that collective progressive pants-soiling, I think that this sends a clear message that our military is calling the strategy shots with the Presidents blessing.
Somewhere, Curtis Lemay smiles.

Trump’s MOAB Drop Triggered a Tweet You Need to Read.

“Excessive American caution has cost American lives and American limbs, and it has left families and friends of the victims with deep psychological wounds. Those wounds would be grievous enough in the best circumstances, but they’re compounded by the fact that many of the decisions not to shoot, not to use artillery, or not to drop bombs were based on a combination of rules of engagement and military misjudgments that were transparently foolish at the time. . . . Soldiers tend not to respect timidity, and they generally have little patience for commanders who seem to place public or political perceptions over their lives and limbs. Watch this Trump statement carefully: He doesn’t say he authorized the use of the bomb itself. He says he authorizes the military. This is a key, wise, statement — one that hopefully empowers the military to act from a proper position of legal, moral, and political strength. Obama was notorious for not only implementing strict rules of engagement but for vacuuming an enormous amount of military decision-making authority straight to the White House. It’s hard to think of a more disempowering practice. It’s hard to think of a practice better calculated to lead to timidity in the field. Trump seems to be bringing a change, and it’s a change that’s long overdue.”
So apparently they killed 36 ISIS fighters with the biggest bomb ever.

That might indeed make it the biggest bomb ever, in the way a movie might be so described.
What did it do to their hiding place?

How many troops would have died going into those tunnels after them?

How does the Afghan President feel about it?

"Afghan President Ashraf Ghani said he approved of the strike and that it was designed to support Afghan forces and US forces conducting clearance operations in the region."

Afghanistan: US defends dropping 'mother of all bombs' -
It's probably worth noting that Afghanistan is not among ISIS' centers of power. The primary objective, right now, with regard to defeating ISIS is to prevent it from destabilizing and taking hold of the nations where is has a notable "footprint" or stronghold. Right now, that's Syria and Iraq, not Afghanistan. Dropping that bomb on ISIS positions in Iraq or Syria would have made more tactical sense in terms of achieving the goal of attenuating ISIS' effectiveness and ability to expand their holdings.

One can certainly argue the preemptive case for using the MOAB in A-stand; however, one could as well argue that the MOAB, more so than "taking out" essential ISIS-assets, merely preempted the need for Afghans or ISIS to clear and grade the land using non-military means.

That's silliness on your part and no doubt straight out of the pentagons bs dept.

Yep, that 16 million dollar bomb took a whopping 36 ISIS out.

$444,444.44 EACH.

The tunnel system was used to hide in after an attack. A Green Beret was just killed and the killer disappeared into that tunnels. It was too dangerous to have our military clean it out.

The admission of 36 dead is nonsense. We don't know what that means. Did they find 36 bodies and there was no one in the TWO MILES of tunnels that were collapsed? There were caves within those tunnels used as living quarters. Leave counting the dead to future archeologists.
It's coming over the news that the U.S. forces for the first time, so we're told, dropped the Mother of All Bombs (MOAB) on one (several?) ISIS positions in Afghanistan. So what? Why does anyone need to know that? The whole world knows that the U.S. is actively fighting ISIS in Iraq and Afghanistan. It should not come as a surprise that the U.S. drops bombs there, big ones, little ones, and in-between ones.

Do you really give a damn what specific munitions the U.S. uses? Do you just care that U.S. forces have and use the appropriate munition for the situation they face? The latter is all I care about. I don't care what type of conventional weapons U.S. forces use in combat.

I'm wondering why the hell we'd advertise that we've dropped the most destructive/powerful bomb in our inventory. If there were any doubt in our opponents' mind about the force limit of our bombs, well, now they need no longer wonder. The problem with that is that now that we've told everyone that we used the MOAB, anyone to whom it matters knows what they must do to protect themselves from it. Better, IMO, to have just dropped the thing and discussed the results it achieved. There's no need to disclose that we dropped the "biggest, baddest" bomb we have.
Massive Ordinance Air Blast is what it stands for.

Mo Of All Bombs is what the snuffies/airmen call it.
Trump left it on the XO's to make the decision to use the bomb. He didnt want any part of it, so naturally NOW he's taking credit for it.

" very, very successful "

yo Chump, stfu.
It's coming over the news that the U.S. forces for the first time, so we're told, dropped the Mother of All Bombs (MOAB) on one (several?) ISIS positions in Afghanistan. So what? Why does anyone need to know that? The whole world knows that the U.S. is actively fighting ISIS in Iraq and Afghanistan. It should not come as a surprise that the U.S. drops bombs there, big ones, little ones, and in-between ones.

Do you really give a damn what specific munitions the U.S. uses? Do you just care that U.S. forces have and use the appropriate munition for the situation they face? The latter is all I care about. I don't care what type of conventional weapons U.S. forces use in combat.

I'm wondering why the hell we'd advertise that we've dropped the most destructive/powerful bomb in our inventory. If there were any doubt in our opponents' mind about the force limit of our bombs, well, now they need no longer wonder. The problem with that is that now that we've told everyone that we used the MOAB, anyone to whom it matters knows what they must do to protect themselves from it. Better, IMO, to have just dropped the thing and discussed the results it achieved. There's no need to disclose that we dropped the "biggest, baddest" bomb we have.
Well it used to be that 1000 lb bombs dropped from a B-52 were the most powerful.

But the USA and Russia have now topped that with the 10,000 lb MOAB's.

Bad news for anyone on the ground.

The MOAB is being used like a bunker buster for caves.

Just means that the tunnel rats are no longer safe in their rat holes.

I suspect everyone is afraid to employ a tactical nuke -- although one of these would work ever better -- forming a huge glowing crater where a mountain used to be.
So that's what, $500,000 per isis killed ?
Still simple-minded I see.

What else might this have done?

Seems like "overkill " so to speak . The Afghan government is not happy about it either.

The attitude that we have to use these weapons , just because they exist, is a dangerous and expensive one.
We have to use these weapons because tunnel rats with turbans are digging deeper into their rat holes -- is why.
So that's what, $500,000 per isis killed ?
Still simple-minded I see.

What else might this have done?

Seems like "overkill " so to speak . The Afghan government is not happy about it either.

The attitude that we have to use these weapons , just because they exist, is a dangerous and expensive one.
The Afghan government is not happy about it either.

according to who?

Afghanistan: US defends dropping 'mother of all bombs' -

"Afghan President Ashraf Ghani said he approved of the strike and that it was designed to support Afghan forces and US forces conducting clearance operations in the region."
look on the bright side ... for $16 mil Donnieboi can add Spelunker to his resume'.

So apparently they killed 36 ISIS fighters with the biggest bomb ever.

That might indeed make it the biggest bomb ever, in the way a movie might be so described.
What did it do to their hiding place?

How many troops would have died going into those tunnels after them?

How does the Afghan President feel about it?

"Afghan President Ashraf Ghani said he approved of the strike and that it was designed to support Afghan forces and US forces conducting clearance operations in the region."

Afghanistan: US defends dropping 'mother of all bombs' -
We'll hafta wait and see ... what the bda (bomb damage assessment) turns out to tell us.
So that's what, $500,000 per isis killed ?
Still simple-minded I see.

What else might this have done?

Seems like "overkill " so to speak . The Afghan government is not happy about it either.

The attitude that we have to use these weapons , just because they exist, is a dangerous and expensive one.
The Afghan government is not happy about it either.

according to who?

Afghanistan: US defends dropping 'mother of all bombs' -

"Afghan President Ashraf Ghani said he approved of the strike and that it was designed to support Afghan forces and US forces conducting clearance operations in the region."

I literally heard the opposite story on the radio this morning.

I'll look for a link .
Here's "what":

So that's what, $500,000 per isis killed ?
Still simple-minded I see.

What else might this have done?

Seems like "overkill " so to speak . The Afghan government is not happy about it either.

The attitude that we have to use these weapons , just because they exist, is a dangerous and expensive one.
We have to use these weapons because tunnel rats with turbans are digging deeper into their rat holes -- is why.

So we are told .

Just how complex are these tunnels ?! I don't imagine terrorists groups have high end rock burrowing equipment.
Seems like you boy trump goes back and forth with the love from China to Russia.

Thank God for that! Unlike petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama who knew he was always the smartest person in the room, President Donald Trump actually LISTENS AND ASKS QUESTIONS of his advisors. Provided with reliable intelligence and face to face meetings, he is willing to make changes.
Driving you nuts that the free world and even some Democrats are giving standing ovations to Donald Trump and our military, isn' it!

In time you'll get accustomed to SUCCESS!

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