The Truth Comes Out?


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012

State teachers' organization formally disdains Capitalism.

It has long been known that the lowest average SAT scores in any college (that offers an "Education" major) are the Education students.

While it is astounding that anyone living in the Western World would make such a counter-factual claim, one wonders if those teachers could provide an example of a Socialist country that has ever thrived (by any measure). The Soviet Union? Venezuela? North Korea? East Germany? Cuba? Anywhere? And try telling a Scandanavian that their country is "socialist." Then stand back.

I agree with the editorial writer. The Feds technically have no role in Education, but the movement to bring Public Education under control must come at a national level. Parents should get $15k or thereabouts in the form of a voucher, to be used to educate their kids as they see fit - possibly excepting home schooling. I guarantee that there will be public school districts that see the light and start EDUCATING kids.
So they condemned a theory?

(Unable to read actual article)
Spoken like someone who doesn't spend much time in their children's classrooms ...

Children listen to their parents ... if the parents aren't providing the guidance needed, then the children WILL turn to their teachers ... you're demanding the teachers reject the under-parented child ... what?, let the prison system deal with the unwanted children? ... then build more prisons ...

When's the last time you attended a school board meeting? ... I quit going after serving on the budget committee for a season ... the schools are doing a damn good job with the pitance of tax money they're given ...

We need better parents ...
After the Berlin Wall came down, I hoped that that would the end of Marxism.
But it seems to be taking root here in America.
The Neo Marxist have infiltrated our education system.
They are taking control of the Corrupt Democrat Cult.
The Cultural Marxist are in the News everyday preaching their outrageous hate and racism.

State teachers' organization formally disdains Capitalism.

It has long been known that the lowest average SAT scores in any college (that offers an "Education" major) are the Education students.

While it is astounding that anyone living in the Western World would make such a counter-factual claim, one wonders if those teachers could provide an example of a Socialist country that has ever thrived (by any measure). The Soviet Union? Venezuela? North Korea? East Germany? Cuba? Anywhere? And try telling a Scandanavian that their country is "socialist." Then stand back.

I agree with the editorial writer. The Feds technically have no role in Education, but the movement to bring Public Education under control must come at a national level. Parents should get $15k or thereabouts in the form of a voucher, to be used to educate their kids as they see fit - possibly excepting home schooling. I guarantee that there will be public school districts that see the light and start EDUCATING kids.
the left loves the CCP model of governance .
Does Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations have anything to do with Capitalism?
It has been in Project Gutenberg since 2001.
Smith used the word 'education' Eighty Times.
If you search it for "and account" you will find that he wrote "read, write and account" multiple times.

When have you heard the worshippers of Capitalism advocate mandatory accounting/finance in the schools? The Socialists and the Capitalists do not want children "educated" they just want the future "workers" brainwashed to believe different shit.

A "socialist" told me that the math in accounting would make Capitalism seem logical to the students. He claimed that he was a high school teacher.

Of course if you search Das Kapital for 'depreciation' you will find that Karl Marx used it 35 times. He wrote about the depreciation of Machinery, Money and Morals. But consumers did not buy automobiles and air conditioners back then.

Where do modern economists tally the depreciation of durable consumer goods or suggest mandatory accounting in the schools?

Capitalism is a Joke and socialists are Morons.
Does Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations have anything to do with Capitalism?
It has been in Project Gutenberg since 2001.
Smith used the word 'education' Eighty Times.
If you search it for "and account" you will find that he wrote "read, write and account" multiple times.

When have you heard the worshippers of Capitalism advocate mandatory accounting/finance in the schools? The Socialists and the Capitalists do not want children "educated" they just want the future "workers" brainwashed to believe different shit.

A "socialist" told me that the math in accounting would make Capitalism seem logical to the students. He claimed that he was a high school teacher.

Of course if you search Das Kapital for 'depreciation' you will find that Karl Marx used it 35 times. He wrote about the depreciation of Machinery, Money and Morals. But consumers did not buy automobiles and air conditioners back then.

Where do modern economists tally the depreciation of durable consumer goods or suggest mandatory accounting in the schools?

Capitalism is a Joke and socialists are Morons.

Just a historical note .. depreciation came to us from ancient Egypt ... some would say the all of human written communication is based on accounting for depreciation ... at least early on, only depreciation records were kept because that's all we have from these times ... how many sheep died before they were sold ...

We tax earnings ... 15th Amendment to our Constitution ... which means we allow tax deductions for business expenses ... the electricity bill to your business showroom is a direct deduction, that comes off your AGI in the year you incur the bill ... the showroom itself isn't deducted entirely in the year purchased, that showroom will last 30 years before you have to buy a new one ... so you only get to deduct 1/30th the cost per year for the next 30 years ... it's completely tax deductable, just we have to spread out that tax savings over the life of the asset ... we "depreciate" the asset over time, rather than deducting the cost all at once ...

I was 22-years-old when I opened my first business ... and kept all my capital assets under the name of whatever business I was running at the time ... the main rule about depreciation is the use has to be for the business ... my house is in my business' name, but I'm using it to live in, most definately personal use, so no tax deductions ... not until I move elsewhere and rent this place out, only then I can depreciate the building ...

I was brainwashed and indoctrinated for 14 solid years by my parents before I met my first high school teacher ... they were Eisenhower Republicans ... the teachers were McGovernik Comrades ... and I wound up a Dead Head ... go figure ...

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